Phone 316 G0DKIN'S LIVERY El Be. * Dr. Waugh Wiig hang ne. TO LET RIDEAU STREET--frame, seven electric light. $16.00 per GENERAL INSURANCE _ Fire, Plate Glass, Liability, Auto, | rg' Baggage. pant Grant West Life Assvrance R. H. Weddell ot , WURN SAFES, RE ARTAGK sad SEORAGE OF BEVERY DESCRIPTION ra XN WARTYR 10 CONSTIPATION "Fit" Bagh ry ol Kingston Transfer Go| Er ron PEON 377. EVENINGS 2231. PON a "WELLINGTON STREET DR... CW. BROOM - pe h 182 Wellington Street When want the best in Cut por Plants on design work call WA' residence. We have in stock all the best brands of Flour. Our First Patent for family use at . $5.25 A BAG Makes a beautiful loaf, W. F. McBroom 25 Brock St. Phone 1686 J library was held on Thursday even- DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street, 'Phone 1850 Gas for Painless Extraction * OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT [Geo. A. Wright & Son. DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie » HONE 2494J. Evenings by appointment, Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. Destal-Dr. Alex. I. Clark win inue to conduct the practice ~call the Fire Department. For s good, clean, hot fire call for Sines Booth & Co's Cua * WeSell of Dr. H. A, Stewart. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STRERT a a. FOR SALE 400,008 room brick, 5 bed- 400.008 Tom , Univer sity Avenue. lot. ¥¥ g $5,200.00__ 6 room Brick Bung: 8 bedrooms, 8 p. B., air fur- Oe Hie ites and good garden.' : ero ms, 3 p B. hot air furnace, electric and A 20m frame, 8 beds air furnace, 2 storey ey | and at the same time 50 generally AILY BRITISH News From District Places GANANOQUE PUBLIC - LIBRARY ANNUAL A Jolly Skating Party at the Summer Home of W. T. Sampson. Gananoque, Feb. 7.--A jolly ski- ing party wént to '""The Nest," the summer home of W. T, Sampson, on Thursday evening. Among those in the party were Misses Jill Sampsory, Edna Rough, Grace Rough, Jane Cowan, Helen Rees, Harriet Cowan, Jack Sampson, Keith Taylor, Ross Richardson, Trueman Rodehouse, Dr. Godfrey Bird, Wallie Jones. George Funnell looked after the "eats" in his own inimitable style. Jack Tewsley ,teller of the Bank of Montreal, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Kingston General Hospital, returned to Gananoque yesterday. He is leav- ing for his home in Peterboro, how- ever, for a couple of weeks and until he has fully regained his health again. Mrs. Alex. Chapman Margaret are spending Kingston. Dr. William Gibson, New York City, 1s in town on a visit to his mother, Mrs. John Gibson. . Mrs, Joseph Muchmore, who has been with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Bishop, for the past few weeks, returned to Pontiac yesterday, ac- companied by her Grother, Jack Bishop. The annual meeting of the public and Miss today in ing last when the election of offi- cers and committees took place as follows: President, J. C. Linklater; treasurer, C. J. Wilson; secretary, Mrs. W. F. LaQue; library commit. tee, W.'B. Mudie (chairman), Mrs. J. R. Johnson, Jr., 'L. 8. Barr and Mrs. LaQue; property committee, Miss Heffernan, chairman, Mr. Mu- die and Mrs. LaQue; finance, L. 8. Barr (chairman), Dr. Stedman, Mrs, Johnson, C. J. Wilson, Mr. Linkla- ter to act ex-officio on each commit- tee. Librarians, Miss Mabel Carpenter, Mrs. George Whaley, assistant. The report for the past year's ac- tivities was an excellent one and showed the library to be forging steadily ahead, Every home in the town has one or more members and everybody apparently fig taking an interest in the library. Ome inter- esting item reported by the chairman of the property committee was that of some very fine book racks which had been made by W. Indie. It Was such a fine job in fact that Mr. Mudie almost found it necessary to call in some 6f his brother bar- risters so he could make an afida- vit that the work had actually been done by him. Not every library board can boast of a clever lawyer versatile that when funds are low or carpenters scarce the chairman of the library committee can produce book racks or anything else in that line which are worthy of a first class cabinet maker. High compli- ment wag paid to the excellent work of the lbrarians during the past year, and the thorough satisfaction their service is giving the board and members of the library. Miss Eppie Orser is the guegt of her brother, Robert Orser, Montreal. CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, Frankville, Still on 3 Frankville, Feb, 6.--Celebrating their . golden wedding upon "the homestead to which they came after their union fifty years previously and upon which the bridegroom) was born, Mr. and Mrs, James Mit- chell, of this place; were remembered by many of their relatives and friends on Jan. 20th. Fifty years ago they were married at Perth by the late Rev. Mr. Dwyre and of {heir family of four children but two sur- vive, Kenneth, on the homestead, and Mrs. Garfield Eaton. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell have enjoyed splendid health until recent years when the former suffered an illness. He is the last surviving member of a family of nine children, while Mrs. Mitchell is one of a family of six, all 'of whom are living. They spent gratulations from friends by tele- phone and the post and in the after- Purchased a Farm, Clinton Avery Has a New Place on Provincial Highway, ' Junetown, Feb, 4.--~Charles Glenn leaves tomorrow to spend some weeks in Escott. Clinton Avery has purchased the Daniel Armstrong farm on the pro- vincial highway below Mallorytown. Ross Purvis spent Tuesday in Brockville, Everett Franklin is spending this week at A. BE. Sam- mers', Mallorytown. T. Davis and Mrs. J. Davig visited Wednesday at her parents', Mr. and Mrs, George Green. © Miss Vera Scott has returned bome after spending a few weeks at Roy :Gibson's, Purvis street. Wil- liam Hall was fin Brockville on Thursday. William Puryls, Brock- ville, spent the week-end with his parents here. Richard Ferguson sold a valuable horse recently to B.- J. Ferguson. Benjamin Ferguson, Sr., is quite fll. James Breakenbridgq psade a busi- ness trip to Rockfleld on Saturdaf. Farmers are busy drawing their wood and getting it ready for next season. The township snowplow has done good work making good roads after our severe storms. Mr, and Mrs. James Scott, Cain- town, spent Sunday at G. P. Scott's. Mrs. Willlam Larrigan, Victoria, B. C.. who has been visiting her bro- ther, EB. Avery, leaves tomorrow to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Darling, Lansdowne. Wolfe Island A.Y.P.A. News. The members of the A.Y.P.A. met in their hall, on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd. Eighteen members were present. Af- ter the business part of the meeting, there was a short programme. The first item was a debate: "Is it part of the duty of a church to prowide am- usements?" Rev. Mr. Cantrell and Daniel Watts, afirmative; Mrs, John Weir and Beverly Spence, on the negative side. The negative side won by two points. The judges were Mrs. Cantrell, Miss Morrison and Miss Geen. While the judges were com- paring points, the president called on Misses Bolten and MeDermott for readings. They gave historical read- ings which were very instructive. He them called on Mrs. Weir, and she re- fated the mysteries of a pack of cards, Rev. Cantrell delighted the members by reading the story of Mre. Fogg's baby. A: Masonic At Home. Poole's Resort, Feb. B.--John Burtch and' Miss Myrtle Burtch, Rockfield, were week-end guests at Anson: Andress's, returning home on Tuesday. Thy Pwere: ed by Miss Jessie Andress. Luella Brown is still unable to resume her duties as school teacher, her place being supplied by Miss Mabe! Root, Rockport. 1 A number from here attended the Masonic At Home at Mallorytown on Friday evening last and report a splendid time. Roads are in a bad condition owing to so much snow. Two days last week our mall car- rier was unable to make his regular trips, as the roads were almost im- passable, ' Are Enjoying Hockey. Addison, Feb. 6.--The roads In this section have been very heavy during this last week, on account of the severe storms and high winds. Miss Leora Greenhem, Brockville, spent the week-end with her mother here. Mr. Lawson ds quite dll at the home of his son-in-law, G. Mott. Mrs. Herbert Watts and Alma Mott 'were recent visitors at Redan. Quite a few went to Brockville last Wednes- day to the hockey match. The Ad- dison hockey team went to Toledo on Saturday to play hockey. The game stood 4-0 in favor of Toledo boys. The Greenbush boys play with Addison boys on the rink here to-day. # . ------------------ Desert Lake News. Desert Lake, Feb, 6.--The roads have been in poor condition for the mail to get through but the courier has done his best to make the trips. The lakes are in bad shape and are not fit to travel on. The stork left a baby girl to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. Mrs. Blair is with her George Wilson, the day quietly receiving many con-|is at James Wilson's. Mrs, Page is at J. N. Abram's. Mr, and noon they entertained the members| Al of the Ladies' Ald, servirg tea to nil fil OOVLD SEE HIS SHADOW. Back In the Woods Where He Rumi. nates. Matawachan, Feb. 2.--This morn- ing dawned with a driving snow storm, which later on in the day 'somewhat subsided, and finally end- 6d by the sun shining brightly for some time. Nothing to hinder Old Bruin from getting a good peep at his shadow. J. Kelly, D. Thompson and T. Love, Black Donald Mines, spent Sunday at 'their homes. here. The grippe is very prevalent, and quite a number/in the vicinity are victims. Alexapder McN: Little Wood, Sask., has arrived fof an ex- tended visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. McPher- son, and numerous other relatives here. It is about ten years since his last visit to this district, and we are pleased to welcome him to our midst again. A few from here attended the dance at Black Donald Mine#, Sat- urday evening. Duncan McPher: son spent over Sunday with friends at Griffith. Miss Gladys McPherson and Alexander McNevin were guests Monday evening at E. Troke's. P-------- An Old Postmaster. Trenton, Feb. 6--In the death here, Wednesday night of the late James B. Christie, at the age of" eighty-three years, Trenton has lost one of the oldest and most esteemed citizens, and Canada one of its first postmasters. Mr, Christie was ap- pointed postmaster of Trenton in 1873, after serving as depnty post- master for about twelve years. He retired after over forty years of con- tinuous service. He was born In Scotland, but received his education in Montreal. In Masonic circles Mr. Christie had held the highest office in Trent Lodge, AF. & A.M. He had also served in the town couneil, and on the board of education. He is survived by a daughter and three sons, Drove In To Kingston. Elginburg, Feb. 6.--Last night the young people from here enjoyed a driving party to the home of Miss Nelly Brown, Division street. Mrs. Miles Stover and children are home after spending a 'week in Sydenham. Stuart Smith, son of David Smith, had an operation for appendicitis and will soon be able to come home from the General hospital. Mrs. John Bearance is still in the Hotel Dieu and her condition is not very favor- able. Tolls Bros, are hauling logs to Kingston now. Mrs. Martha Graham has been in poor health for some weeks now. y Dr. J. J. McCann is Chairman. Renfrew, Fgb. 6.--Dr. J. J. Me- Cann, for ten years a member ¢ f Renfrew Board of Education and al- ways one of the most active and use- ful members, was elected as chair- man at the annual meeting. John Manufacturers of Fine Woodwork A Sun Parlor or Sleeping Porch would make a valuable addition to your house, and add years to your life. We can make it. See us for designs. «3. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED 'codworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. y A SLIINGTON STRENIS, EINGETON, ONTARIO, Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. A FOR THE BEST VALUES IN SUITS "AND OVERCOATS SALE Winter Overcoats $22, $25, $27 See Our Indigo Blue Serge Suits Geale was again chosen as secretary- treasurer. An advisory vocational committee was appointed consisting of Dr. McCann, Dr. Hynes, E. E. Wright, 8, T. Chown, J, B. McLaren, M. T. Duggan, Mrs. M. J. Scott and Miss Blanche O'Connor, They Were of Various Kinds And was held yesterday at the home of Mrs. M. I. Huffman. The meeting Tr AT MOUNTAIN GROVE. t A Variety Shower Held in Honor Newly-Weds. Mountain Grove,' Cole Lake Notes. Cole Lake, Feb. General Hoapital. A number B. Dool, Sharbot Lake, = week-end with Mrs. R. Jackson. Fermoy, St. Cobourg, Feb. tion of St. Andrew's the church, © > 6.--~The mild weather is welcomed by everyone af- ter the continued cold. Fanmers are getting up their wood. R. Jackson spent Sunday in Kingston visiting his brother, George, who 4s fll in the from here attenided revival meetings held at Oak Flats. James Doley 48 in the Hotel Dieu receiving treatment, Miss spent the Mr. and Mrs. Silas Martin are visiting in Grafton. : 7.~The congrega- Presbyterian church, Grafton, of which Rev. 8. H. Moyer is minister, by a vote of 49 to 30 declared its intentidn of en- tering' the union of the Methodist, Congregational and = Presbyterian churches. The vote polled only lacked about five of being fully re- presentative 'of the membership of 'was devoted to quilting, them lunch 'was served. The meeting was enjoy- ed by all. Miss Florence Allen is spending some time with relatives at Wesley. A number of the young people from here attended the Com- mencement held in Newburgh last Friday night, also the carnival and madio concert held on Monday night. 'Wilfred Huffman spent a few days with his son in Napanee and attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. John Hambly. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. King are receiving the con- gratulations of their friends on the birth of a son, Miss Idell Ellerbeck, Kingston Business College, spent the week-end under the parental rool. ' An oyster supper was held. in the Orange Hall on Friday night under the auspices of the L.O.L, The an- nual telephone meeting was held on Feb. 5th, Stella People at Wedding. Mrs. Percival Tugwell, Stella, Ont, and Miss Anna McDonald, Kingston, attended the marriage of Miss Bvelyn Porter Morton, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. F, J. Morton, to William Stevenson MacDonald, both of 'Buffalo, N.Y., which was sole: Presbyterian church. The bride wore a gown of rose colored crepe de chine beaded in silver. The attend- ants were Mrs. George Healy, who wore & taupe colored georgette em- broidered, and Mr. George Healy, A small reception followed the cere- oH mony. The bride's table was centred 4 of Cape Vincent, with roses and had covers for eight 'guests. A trip to Washington, D.C., was enjoyed. 5.5 / iu Cape Vincent Man Dies. y # ~ Word has been 'received of the Montana, of George Lennon, s& fa- of Bt. ized on. Tuesday, in the Central death on Jan. 24th, at Columbia, |: Tuesday evening. Hugh Thompsi has been recalled to his work on CP.R. bridge gang. Some of the members of the W. 1. visited the local] school Friday afternoon and treat ed the pupils to a "popoorn festival." A short programme was presented the pupils and a very enjoyable was spent. A variety shower was held in hall on Friday evening for the u weds, Kenneth Loyst and his brid formerly Miss McPherson, of Oso. number of handsome and useful ents were received. A number still on the sick list. Mure. d Smith is spending a few days at ¥ bam. : § A ------ Pulpit to be Supplied, It is understood that it is not intention to extend a call to minister to fill the pulpit of First Presbyterian church, ville, made vacant by the J tion of Rev. R, M. Hamilton, u after the consummation of union the Presbyterian, Methodist and C gregational churches in June In the meantime the pulpit will supplied, N.Y. and for | Lawre: