'R. Uglow & Co. Valentines Day | February 14th Valentines for everyone-- full of senti- ment and fun -- kiddies like "em -- grown folks too--just the right ones here for you. Decorations for Valentine Parties, Red Hearts, Gilded Arrows, Paper Napkins, Place Cards, Tally Cards, Table Covers, Stream- ers and Festooms, Seals and Cutouts. Bs Just What is Needed i 4 Alarm a 2 he i B00 Sg fe Clock Be sure and get one -- that is reliable. : $1.50 up to $4.50 Kinnear & d'Esterre N JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST, BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM TN Lo « CONTRACTORS 400 ALBERT STRE®T ¢ 24 _ | You should buy your J Furs at Gourdier's. Split Pea $9.0 d Sivisiaie a ..$4,00 per 50 per load Tt makes me tired when I think How we're controlled by habits; Despite our brains we are, by Jink! Just Hke a lot of rabbita. In many things we do or say We're like a well-trained ichorus. We sing, " "T'was always done that way By those (who 'went before us." We say, "It's good emough for me Because it suited father." The truth is, in reality, To change is too much bother. For instance, why should custom force Us folks, 'when eating dinter, To make desert the final course _ Instead of the beginner? Desert should come first on the bill For, after it was eaten, 'We'd save no apace, but eat our The pian cannot be beaten. In my own home I'd do it, too, If 1 could, but dog mab it! My wife says we'll continue to Stick to the old é#me habit! On File. Toot Specialist: "Before I can fit you with arch supporters, I muet have the impression of one of your feet." Burly Patient: "I think you al- ready have ome. Your office assist- ant called on my daughter last evening." ' { -C. J. Becker. The Oriental Boycott. "1 suppose in China they eat chop suey three time a day, John," sald the American, who struck up a conversation with the Chinese waiter. "No," replied John, mo Hkee Mel'can dishes." Otto H. Freund. in \ * Lh "Chinaman At All Costs. An old maid who dreaded detection Used powder and rouge to perfec- tiono; 'When a bewhiskered beau , 'Tried to kiss, she cried: "No! I must keep that school-girl com- plexion!" ese i =--Loouise Barton. Dangerous Thought. Willis: "it I was to hit that trat- tic cop on the nose would I be ar- Tested?" Nillis: "No, the cop would be ar- rested. Murder ds murder!' --Mrs. Paul Frankel. send something these fine days And my name mid THE FUN SHOP stare 'will blaze. -Lester Nicholson. OUT WHERE THE BUSINESS WORLD BURIES ITS DEAD. Right here lie the bones of Cornelia B. Japer; ¢ Her boss was dictating--she rat- tiled a paper. . . rm good one of - Under this headstone sweet Kitty Smith lies; Her pen sputtered ink in her dear boss's eyes! ® Here, with arms folded, lies Tillle . MoO oy The base cracked a joke. She sald: "I'read that, too." ® » Here lies a stenographer, Margaret Dunn; ] She rolled naughty eyes at ther boss's young son! 3 LB a Here lies what is left of Angela Me- 'Lauter; She lunched with her boss--and the boss's wife caught her! 3 Si. --Alice Lake. "(When he holds up one finger." --Mrs. Frank Bernstein. VERSES AND REVERSES. A Little Dew. "You were as lovely as you could be To bring these beautiful towers to me. And you kept them so fresh! I wonder how? I believe there's a little dew on them now." "Well--y---yes, there is," he stam- mered, "Ahem! But to-morrow I'll finlsh paying for them!" --J. M. Thomas. . * - A Slight Mistake. In describing a high-toned ding, The reporter intended, I think, In fact, I've no doubt about it-- To say "The roses were pink." wed- Whatever happened, I know not, Unless, maylLe , the printer was drunk, when I glanced at the notice, It\read "The roses were punk!" . --HBdith Leominster {Made Not Dent In His Mind. "Did your eon get a diploma from the grammar school?" "No, All he got was his vaccina-. tion scar, Mentally he was so 'healthy that his education wouldn't take." 4 F J. L. M, Molding Process, Margaret; "How are you getting on with your new chaperone?" Mae: "I think I'll like her as soon as I get broken in." --Mrs, Oscar Rentz. Didn't Burn It! Captain: "And we were entirely out of fuel on boar!" Sweet Young Thing: sald you kept the log." --William Sanford. "But you But He Probably Talked To Her, Mrs. Bedford: "I've talked and talked to Junior but {it does no good. Seems like he will only take advice from fools. John, you talk to him once." ~--Mrs, H. R, Sherman. (Copyright, 1925: Reproduction Forbddden). nite Readers are requested to oomtris bute. All humor: ej Cor humorous i.ottoes), dotes, poetry, bur A nd brignt sayings of el original and unpul cepted material will be from $1.00 to $10.00 per contribution; from 260. «+ ~ $1.00 per line for try according to the ¢ ter an ue of the {ontribution, as determin by, the Editor. of ¢ Fun Shop. All manuscripts must be wsitten on de of th only, should to Ful b. 'est 40th butions cannot be returned. BABY'S WELFARE 'DURING FEBRUARY February is one of the hardest months of the year on little ones. It is a month of cold, blustery days that prevent the mothér taking her baby out for the fresh air so necessary to its welfare. Baby - is consequently confined to the home. More often than.not the rooms are overheated and badly ventilated and the little one catches cold or grippe. What is needed to keep the baby well is a gentle laxative that will regulate the stomach and bowels; banish consti-| pation and indigestion and in this way will either prevetit or break up colds and grippe. Such a laxative is Baby's Own Tablets. They are mild but thorough in action; are absolute- ly safe as they are guaranteed to con- tain no opiates or narcotics. They never fail to be of benefit to little ones and may be given to either the newborn babe or the growing child. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26¢. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., placing railway signs at every crossing, a distance of 300 feet from the crossing, the On- ATHENS _ ACTIVITIES --Young People Are Happy. ---- Athens, Feb. 6.--The January meeting of the Women's Institute was held on the 31st uit, with a good attendance. As is usual, the "Institute Carol" was sung es an opening number, after which, under the h of business, group I. Te ported t, as a result of their afternoon tea, ahd sale of home- cooking they had twenty-five dollars to contglbute to the funds of the society. Group IV. will present a "From manager to cross" about Eas- ter. It was carried unanimously that the final indebtedness on Mem- orial Park, about $106+be wiped out, as there are sufficient funds on hand for the purpose. A pretty plano duet Elva Gifford was much enjoyed, after which Mrs. M. G. Scott read a short paper on "Our nerves, and how to manage them." nerve as a part of the human ana tomy, comparing the brain to the dynamo, and the nerves to the wites in an electric wiring system. She de- scribed the kinds of nerves, their functions, and outlined the course by which to keep the nervous system in normal condition. Mrs: H, B. Warren was requested to prepare a paper for the February meeting on "Making the most of life," each mem- ber present being expected to give a "memory gem" in response to the roll-call. The programme of the Young Peo- ple's Society, on Monday evening, was very enjoyable and helpful. The Misses Young and Byrnham gave special musical numbers, Miss Klyne gave a fine reading dealing with Tuxis boys' activities and Mees Ten- nant gave a comprehensive paper on "Missionary movements and mission ary progress," dealing with the in- ception of missionary organizations of different denominations and trac- ing the pregyess of evangelization in India under William Carey and his contemporaries and successors, in China under Robert Morrison and others, in Africa under David Liv- ingston, in the islands of the South Seas under John G, Paton and others, showing a marvellous trans- formation in original conditions. On the 9th inst. views of especial inter- est are to be shown, dealing with "A century of missionary effort." On Wednesday evening in the basement of the Anglican church, a past - Christmas programme was given, when the Sunday school re- peated a part of their entertainment of December 22nd last. Special num- bers were "Santa Claus Worship" with appropriate costuming, while the Irish musical sketches, full of action and color, were well enjoyed. Mrs. Vi. O. Boyle repeated with dra- matic effect that favorite selection, "How the La Rue stakes were lost," and, with other interesting items, an interesting programme was present- ed. \ i The Methodist choir and friends, to the number of about fifty, enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hollingsworth on Wednesday evening last. A musical contest, flower contest, and black-board sketching furnished am t for the company, and many an*unsus- pected artist was discovered as a re- sult of thé gathering, The doors of the Industrial Home were thrown open Wednesday even- ing when a large assembly from village and country-#ide enjoyed the hospitality of the new manager and matron, Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith. The February meeting of the W. M.8, 'was held on the 5th inst., and was under the direction of Mrs. Her- bert Burnham. Mrs. H. BE. Cornell had charge of the Scripture lesson, Mrs. (Rev.) Curtis and Mrs. (B. Moore gave an interesting mission- ary dislogue, Mrs. (Rev.) Warren and Miss Burnham rendered an ap- propriate duet, and Mrs. G. F. Gain ford read an excellent pape' on "Missionary progress,'"' prepared by Miss A. Tennant, of the public It was decided to ob- W.MS8. "Day of Prayer." 7th, the fortieth anniversary of the organization is to be celebrated with or | # special programme for the occas fon. f The Blue-bird Mission Circle met Thursday evening at Mrs. 8. A. Coon's. "China's real revolution" The Women's Institute Meets |} Women's Felt Bedroom Slippers -- Comfy style. Soft, padded soles. s motion picture--a de luxe fAlm-- ig by the Misses Doris Cannerty ahd |W She described the [IN 1.00 Women's Laced Boo Brown and Black--all sizes 3to 7. R. $8.00 to $1 2.00. To-night ies os, ele 1 Heels -- lar 1.00 1.00 LADIES' GREY SPATS 8 Regular $2.00 values. To-night ... $1.00 Black seca nivie (nn 5c SALE OF SHOE POLISH A real good |5¢. Polish -- Brown and 5c .tin ese Seles eds | Pi The Abernethy Shoe Store A appearance, but equally in "Phone 147 for Service. is feared, Rev. Mr. Upham, pastor of the local Baptist church, though still in a weakened condition, was able to attend Sunday school on the 1st inst. Mrs. Lorne Brown, Addison, is attending Mrs. John Eaton, Victoria street, who still remains quite poor- ly. Born, January 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blancher, a daughter. Born, February 4th, to Mr: and Mrs. George Gifford, § daughter. C. C. Slack was called to Smith's Falls, on Saturday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Letitia Slack, widow of the late Philip Slack of this place, De- ceased was well and favorably known here where she resided for many years. Following the death of her husband, she has spent part of her time with her daughter, Mrs. K. C. Berney, Springfield, Ohio, where she passed away following an attack of pneumonia. Funeral services werd conducted at Smith's Falls at the home of her gon, Alden, a native of this place. Interment will be made in the spring in the family plot here. The tea and 'sale of home-cooking put on by group I of the Women's Institute, on Jan. 30th, netted some twenty-five dollars for the funds of the society. On Friday evening, | 80th ult, an informal dance, spon- sored by a committee of local ladies took place in the town hall with Gray's Syncopator's furnishing For the first time this season, the You're r Bilious 1 Take a Laxative! tractive American Walnut Dining Room Sets not alone attr) Athens-Brockville stage falled to Right Prices for the Right Kind of Furniture Pre Every Day at James Reid's - $4 attractive and price, It is a pleasure vir select Furniture at Reid's, as offer you excellent JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. make the through trip on Mop last, owing to the blockade, Wednesday last, local boys ga good account of themselves at winning the hockey match by a score of 6-3 At the hockey match herei on Saturday mext, group IL. of th Women's Institute will serve fr furters, rolls and. coffee. £4) Part of group III. of the Wom Institute intend holding an a in the town hall, on or about 19th lust, . The secretary of the Horticul Society has sent out an anno ment and prize list of the " Flower Exhibit," to be held in the local town hall, at 3.30 p.m, ary 28th. J 3 . Against Assemblyman Jasper Oo Cape Vincent, N.Y., will put up fight of his life to prevent ful progress of the bill at Albany, which would shorten the black season by fifteen days, maki opening on July 1st rather th 16th. Mr. Cornaire is in toueh Assemblyman Walter L. Pratt, sena, chairman of the commit conservation, and later on fill objection to the advancement bill to second reading. * Peter