| 0 KIN'S LIVERY For Bus and Taxis, Cutters and Flat Sleighs for driving parties. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington st. TOLET RIDEAU STREET--frame, seven 'rooms, electric light. $16.00 per month. 5 Fhone 206. GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liability, Auto, Burglary, Baggage. Agent Great West Life Assvrance R. H. Waddell Phones 320, 506. 88 Brock Siree URNITURE, SAFES FREIGHT, VV . PIAN CARTAGE and STORAGE UF OS VERY DESCRIPTION i Transfer Co Kingston er Co. HOM he KVENINGS 2231. » A SV ELLINGTON STREET DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 879. Evenings by appointment. IS THE CAUSE OF PIMPLES AND BOILS What you need when the blood gets out of order is a good tonic to tone and build up the system and put the blood into. proper shape, For this purpose there is nothing to equal - BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr. L. A. Deibert, Allan, Sask troubled with boils and pimples. tried many treatments, but could get I then took Burdock Blood Bitters and became free of my no results, trouble. It is the only medicine ever took that did me any geod." B.B.B. has been on the market for the past 46 years; put up only by hat, Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, ni FLOUR We have in stock all the best brands of Flour. Our First Patent for family use at : $56.25 A BAG Makes a beautiful loaf, W. F. McBroom 25 Brock St. Phone 1688 writes: --"For several years I was - Re | News rom District Places A MASQUERADE. DANCE A Decidedly Fine Event Was Held at Odessa on Friday Night. Odessa, Feb. 9.>-The dance and progressive euchre held in the town hall, Friday night, was a wonderful success. The excellent music, fur- nished by the Odessa three piece or- 1| chestra, was well worthy of praise. The prizes for the euchre were won by Mrs. Henry Venton and Herbert Hegadorn., The hall was handsome- | 1¥ decorated and the draped booths added greatly to the general appear- ance of the hall, There were many handsome masquerade suits. 'The prize winners were Miss Allen, dress- ed as Mystery and Walter C. Snider 48 Frog. Among the masqueraders were Mrs. (Dr.) J. E, Mabee, Mar- tha Washington; Mrs, W. C. Snider, Miss Killarney; Mrs. Stanley Holmes, Colonial; Mr. Stanley Holmes, Spanish Toreador; Mrs. Pooke, Lieutenant; Mrs. BE. Wright, Colonial; Mr. BE, Wright, Convict; Miss Mallory, Colonial, 1780; Miss Flossie Clyde, Hiawatha; Mrs, Har- vey Smith, Miss Valentine; Harvey Smith, Eagle Feather; Mrs. Clark Boyce, Priscilla (Quaker); . Clark Boyce, Colonial; Mrs, Elgin Par- rott, Clown; Willle Kilgannon, Clown; Miss Hague, Miss Butterfly; Mr. R. Kaylor, Toreador; Mr. J. Judson, Clown; Cecil Denyes, Clown, Repairing Player Plano Adjusting. Normen H, Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. * BRITISH AMERICAN) HOTEL In Public Service Simcoe 1784. M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR, "KINGSTON. ws WATTS, Flori 283 Wellington Street When you want the best ia Cut or design work call WATTS, 1768 store, 1187 Sole member of Florist Tele. 'Delivery for Kingston Your out-of-tuvwn orders so- licited. 7 DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN "Phone 1850 Painless OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT There were many other handsome costumes, but the crowd was so great that it was impossible to se- cure their names. The proceeds amounted to $100 and are to be used for the Library fund which is badly in need of assistance, Much credit A i it it due the Library Board and the Geo. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS 234-336 Ontario Street. ..'Phons 1364 All kinds of machines and machinery repaired. Prompt and s¥lcient rvice. . ne Oxy-Acetylene Welding. different committees for their un- tiring efforts. in making this event such a success. Harry Laughlin, Portland, Maine, is visiting his father, Alexander Laughlin. Mrs. Shangraw, Cole brook, spent a few days guest of Mrs. Don Vrooman. Mr, and Mrs. Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Cormner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: '314 Barrie Street, PHONE T404J. Evenings by appointment, Taylor Mitchell are guests of Mrs. || Mitchell's aunt, Mrs. D. L. Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Caton, Toronto, have been visiting relatives and H friends. Mr. and Mrs, Philander Rose, Westbrook, were guests of Mrs. Lewis Snider, last Wednesday. Mrs. Don Thompson is visiting her «daughter, Mrs. Jack Long, Osh- Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w, awa. 'Mrs, Stanley Snider left Mon- day to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. White, Shelburne. Mrs, Henry' Allen, Newburgh, is visiting hér sister, Mrs. George Lucas, who has been quite (ll. Her many friends will be pleased to hear that she has recovered nicely. For a Bad Fire ~--call' the Fire Department. For a good, clean, hot fire call for .. Booth & Co's Coal 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards |Dental-Dr. Alex: M. Clark] will continue to conduet practice ot De B.A: Dewars: Joseph Rogers was hurried to the Kingston General hospital, last Tuesday night, for an operation for appendicitis. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. PUT IN A RADIO SET. The Bank of Montreal Staff at Ver. CADILLAC 22 The Master of New Ball Bearing Motor, ex- cisively a Cactill iillae tare, Je oil or grease Lh w when $6.50 per month will buy one, ona Listening In, Verona, Feb. 9.--Quarterly meet- ing was held, yesterday, in the F. M. church. Rev. Mr. Wright, Kingston, preached in the Methodist church, Sunday evening. Ice is being cut, and is of good thickness. Ida Border has moved to South Verona. Percy Irish, Kingston, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Swerbsick Is visiting at Mrs. J. Campbell's. Some from here attended the dance at Harrowsmith on Friday night. Dr. W. Craig is improving nicely at Grav- enhurst Sanitorium, G. W. Lakins is erecting a stone crushing plant here. The Montreal bank have in- stalled a radio here. The sick list includes Mrs. B. Snider, Truman Ball, and James Curl. A. Wells has purchased a knitting machine. = MOTHER! Clean Child's Bowels amd "Califomia Fig Syrup" is LEFT ARM AMPUTATED. Blood Poison Cause; Miss Abbott, Northbrook, the Victim, Northbrook, Feb. $.--The ideal winter weather makes the many win- ter sports very enjoyable and many spena the evenings skiing, toboggan- ing and snowshoeing. The roads have been put in fine shape for cars and they are now running from here to the Ore Chimney Mines. Word has been received by Mrs. Charles Rutten from her sister, Miss L. Abbott, who is spending the win- ter in Berkley, Cali., that blood poison she had to have her eit amm amputated. : Radios have been installed by 8. G. Bootn and P. L. Fox and hae pro- grammes are being enjoyed. J. Both, Denbigh, has purchased the H. Saul property and wusiness and will + be moving soon. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. both and family though regret to part wath Mr. and Mrs. Saul, A 'wee boy came to brighten the oe Of Mr. and Mrs, Aubrey Benn A. B, is all smiles. Miss E. Cronkite spent the week-end with Miss J. Muburn. Mr. and Mrs, James Reid were Saturday callers at Mrs. J. Vogan's. Our stage never missed a trip this winter and is always on time, storm or sunshine. Percy King purchased a fine horse from W. Cassada. There is a great scarcity of pork and beef and our merchants find it necessary to have it shipped in from Toronto. Officers Exley Thompson and Cham- Pagpe were in the locality on busi- ness, Saturday. HAVE VERY BAD ROADS And the Ice On the Lakes Is Not Safe. Desert Lake, Feb. 7.--The sur- prise party at Edmbnd Page's on Tuesday night was well attended and a fine time reported. Music was furnished by Desert Lake Or- chestra. EveFybody is enjoying thus grand spring-like weather, The lakes are not being driven on owing to poor ice. 9. Pomeroy, who has been on the sick list, is able to be out. Miss Laura Deyo has been visit- ing at E, Page's; Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Abrams at Hartington, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bauder at J, N. Abrams'; Mr. and Mrs. R. Freeman at B. Freeman's. Alexander McCance and Russell Storms spent Thursday even- ing at E. Page's; Mr. and Mrs, J. Hamilton at BE. Morey's. Mrs, Frank Clark at George Morey"s; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rose at Alfred Page's. Albert Rose is busy drawing wood to Sydenham and he finds the front roads in very bad condition. Owing to bad ro . our il; man missed his lar trips a Tew. times. VISITORS AT BETHEL. A Funeral Was Held From W. Sals. buary's Home. Bethel, Feb. 7.--We are having ideal weather and everybody is en- joying it. A number from here at- tended the funeral of Jacob Bals- bury, at the home of his son, Wes- ley. Hermon Hinch, Toronto, is visiting his brother, William Hinch. Mrs. Edgar Salsbury and e¢hildren are with her father, Mr, Glancy, for a month at Wesley. F. Dunn and Miss PDalsy Sals- bury and Mr. and Mrs. H. Robinson attended a social evening party at Edward Hamilton's. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis took tea at Garnet Jeffrey's on Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Salsbury took tea with Mr, and Mrs. Ball, Colebrook, Friday evening. Mrs. Myrtie McWilllamg spent the week-end with Mrs. 8. Connely, Yar- ker. A MISSIONARY EVENT Consecon on Friday Consecon, Feb. 7.~~The Trail of Rangers met on Thursday evening with Rev. H. Wolfrain, leader. Dr. Herchey Is teacher of the Tuxis Boys. Misses Phyllis and Doreen Fox, Waldeck, Sask., were visitors at the Mission Band, at the parson- age on Friday afternoon.' Mrs. Woltrain was the leader and there was a Targe number present, and a very interesting meeting was held. There were several dressed forms to give the missionary talk a more objective bearing such as a ot like the Chindse women to enhance their beauty, as wis a visl- Was Held at | PASSED AWAY AT PICTON. ee GANANOQUE Feb. 10.--Miss Margaret Chap- man was taken the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, by Dr. Sinclair and op- erated on at once yesterday Juora- ing for . appendicitis. Her "many friends will be glad to know that the operation was successful and that she Is progressing very favor- ably. Miss Joe Ford left yesterday to visit friends In Ottawa. Miss Hattie Conner was taken to the General Hospital, Kingst on Sunday and underwent a serious operation. At present writing little hope is held out for her recovery, and her many friends in Gananoque and vicinity are very much upset the hosptal in regard to her condi- dion. Mrs. Garfield Hood and Mrs. Bracken are entertaining the golf social club at bridge at the former's home on Wednesday afternoon. This evening Mrs. W. E. Rees is enter- taining at bridge. Mrs. Frank Mooney on Thursday evening and Mrs. Garfield Hood on Friday even- ing. Mrs, John A. Webster, Jr., Mont- turned home, having come up to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. G. A. Robinson, who is in town from Calgary. There will be a Valenitine dance in 13th, which will be the last dance here before Lent. The Rhythm Kinge orchestra will furnish the music. Old time and modern dances. 'The dance will start at 8 and be over at 12, 75 cents per couple, extra lady 35 cents. EUCHRE AND DANCE HELD, Interest Event in Westport on Fri. day---Hockey on Saturday. Westport, Feb. 9.--The euchre and dance held in the C. W. L. hall on Friday evening, was a great suc- cess. Supper was served at midnight. The lucky prise winners were: Lad- fes' prize, Miss Usurla Quigley; Ed- ward White the gentlemen's, Harry Blair left this afternoon for Clayton, N.Y. A number from her attended the hockey match in Newboro, on Wednesday. Miss Mary Ewart spent the week-end with friends in Smith's Falls, Mr. and Mrs. P. Ferguson have returned to Toronto after spending the past two months with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McBwen. Harold Me¢- Guire, attending Albert College, Belleville, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mre. J. F.-MoGuire: » $i 4 " Mrs. H, C. McEwen has returned after spending the past two in Perth the guest of © Mrs. R. W. McDonald. Mrs. Archibald McLennan, Ogdensbusfg, N.Y., is vis- iting friends in town. Born to Mr. and Mrs. 8. Sully, a daughter, on Feb. 3nd. The final hockey match played in Westport, Between Westport and Newboro, on Feb. 7th, ended in a defeat for the home team the score being 2-0 in favor of Newboro, There were about 580 apeoctators, each town rooting for their own team. An Enjoyable "At Home." Fairfield Bast, Feb. 9.--Mr. and Roy Greer attended the Masonic #'At Home", héld at the St. James' Lodge, South Augusta, recently, and reported an enjoyable evening. A social ev- ening was held at Jesse ~Manhard's and many were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barl, Brockville, are spending a few days'in the neighbor- hood. Charles Walker has been re-engag- od as cheesemaker at Pendleton, Ont. Mr. end Mrs. H. BE. Pyke and little son, 'Donald, were visitors in real, with little son Jack, has re- the Lyceum next Friday evening the We can make it. S. w codworking BAY AND WELLIN over reports that reach them from [J LOST A FINE HORSE. A Vennacher Man Was the Unfortun- ate Owner. Vennacher, Feb. 7.--Owing to much sicknees, cold and stormy wea- ther, and bad roads, the school has not had more than one-half of the regular attendemce. But col, old January has passed out of 1925, and February has been very mild as yet. Lloyd Thompson, Slate Falls, has a' contract to draw timber from J. W. Jackson's to Hyde's Creek, for Potenger and Barnet Lumber Co., Renfrew. George Sallans had the misfortune to lose his valuable black horee, Rack. . Asa Conner aid up with a lame back, is able to be around again. Mrs. John Gilmour, Alberta, former ly of this place, passed through here last week en route to visit her daugh- ter-in-law, Mrs. William GHmour, and other friends in Denbigh, Ruby Mines and Bruceton. ---- ."« A New County Clerk. It was with regret, on motion of Reeves McCallum and . MeDiarmid that the Lanark county council ac- cepted the resignation of W. A. Moore , as county clerk and inspec- tor of the House of Industry. R. M. cessor, 'effective April 1st, at a salary of $900 as clerk and $300 as inspector. . Ready For Next . The Lanark County bonspiel play- ers chose the following officers for 'next year's bonspiel: President, W, Baird, Carleton Place; vice-ppesi- dent, 8. B. Code, Smith's Falls; sec- | retary-treasurer, F. C. Donald, Car- leton Place; assistant secretary, 8. H. Lewis, Smith's Falls. Next year's bonspiel will probably be held at Carleton Place. Anderson was appointed his suc-| Manufacturers of Fine Woodwork | A Sun Parlor or Sleeping Porch would | make a valuable addition to add years to your life. your house, and See us for designs. ANGLIN CO, LIMITED Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. FOR THE BEST VALUES IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS SALE Winter Overcoats $22, $25, $27 See Our Indigo Blue Serge Suits $28.50 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess Street 3: GOLDEN WEDDING DAY, Mr. and Mrs. James Jack, Married in Renfrew, Renfrew Mercury. James Jack of of Bagot came to Renfrew om ruary 2nd, 1875, and were. united the bonds of wedlock. They went to reside on a farm in Ross remaining there until /about twel years ago, when they removed to Braeside, where they are still Mw ing in the best of health, Mr. J is seventy-six years of age and Mr Jack seventy-three. Sons number and daughters three. The sons are James, Forresters Falls; John, Ross township; Alex. and Herbert, Ren- frew; Robert, Ramsay and Gordoa, Burnetown. Daughters are Mrs. Bd- ward Beatty, Golden, B.C.; Mrs, Ro- bert Gllmour and: Mrs. Thomas serve the anniversary on Monday of this week, but circumstances arges making it advisable to postpone the celebration until a month hence. ---------------- To Visit In England. James H. Sampson, town clerk, Gananoque, has been granted leave: of absence, later on in the year, to. vieit his former home in England. He will make arrangements satis- factory to Council for a party to take his place during his absence, Gorn A he on A. Scott, a appointed specialist in il er patho- logy, in the province of Saskatohe- wan, started in his new position at{ the beginning of the present month, His work in Saskatchewan will wl conducted from Saskatoon. 3