NEWS AND VIEWS FOR Woman Page Bditor, Phone 2618. Private, Phone S57W. - - - The Cousul-General for the Unite 8d States, and Mrs. J. G. Foster, an official reception on Saturday afternoon, at the Ottawa Country b, in honor of the Consuls and Ir wives, who were in town for opening of Parliament and the wing Room, about one hundred fifty guests being present. The olud rooms were very artistically de- gorated with flowers, palms and and' Mr. and Mrs. Foster re- their guests at the entrance the large reception room, Mrs. wearing a gown of taupe } velvet bordered with mara- it fur, and trimmed with touches 'white. | Mew. Frank Somerville, Ponta Mouth, gave a pleasant party last 'svening for her daughter, Gloria, evening was Jy passed. At the close, refreshments were served. k Somervife, Portsmouth, on Wednesday even- y , for her sister, Mrs. W. BE. Har- = Rochester, N.Y., who is visiting : . 8 Mrs. Hugh Ryan, "Somereby House," will entertain at mah jongg on Thursday afternoos. ® ® Mr. R. H. Davidson, Olergy Birest, entertatmed at mah jongg on * evening for Mrs. Dick Ofonyn, London. Three tables were i8 play and supper was served from a. a table lovely with golden daffodils and yellow candles. . * . Mrs. Alice A. Kellar, "Bayview," Dundas street, Belleville, aunt of Mrs. R. J. McDonald, Montreal street, Kingston, left Belleville on Tuesday to spend the tourist season in the south visiting her brothers in the North and South Carolinas. * . * There will be several social fuse tions in the Parliament Balldings, today, Mrs. Nickle giving a fea. an- other having been arranged by the wife of the new Sergeant-at-Arms, and efll another function to be pre- sided over by Mrs. Ferguson. - » . The Junior Woman's Institute snd the Junior Farmer's Association will give a Valentine damce in the Dafry School on February 12th. " * . * Colonel and Mrs. Austin Gillies, Ottawa, entertained at a supper party on Saturday evening afier the Drawing Room. % Mrs. Dick Cronyn, who has been Visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MWtchell, William street, will return to London, Ont, this weook. Major Mavor, who spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. David. son, Clergy street, returned to To- Tonto on Tuesday. Mrs. H. W. Spelling, Hamilton, who has been in St. Paul, Minn. is visiting Mrs. 4. Hoppin, 212 Stuart street. * ss 0 Mr. 'Jack Starke, Queen's University, at the a student attended There nings, and Trouble $0 gentle in its ards so diffi. cult to eradicate, as skin disease. At the first sign of unpleasant irritation, roughness or seuption, anoint the place with Zam-Buk, js herbal balm will speedily end any incl it trouble. When the kin is Ble with wedding of his sipter in Ottawa, on Baturday. Mrs. 'EB. Warren, Syracuse, N.Y. is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, Gore street. Miss Luly Mullin, formerly of this qity, has returned to New York, After visiting Mrs, Clifford C. Ni- chol, at Hartford, Conn. + 'e * * Mrs. H. A. Panet and Miss Norah Birmingham, Kingston, have lef: for New York City for a few days. Mies Marjorie Rathbun, Deseron- to, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Franklin Jones, Toronto. Miss Kate Bermingham, King- ston, who has been the guest of Mrs. H, A. Panet, Ottawa, for the pas week, will visit Miss Ruth Burpee iz |" Rockliffe before returning home. * * . Mr. and Mre. W. A. Goodwin, whose marriage took place in Cooke's church last week, left on Monday for Toronto whers they will in future reside, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gossell, Kenora, are the guests of Mrs. Gos- oel's sister, Mrs. Fred N. Eimer, 32 Unfon street west. 1 he Editor Heors That a surprisingly large number of people, and perhaps especially wo- Ten, are made miserable by the haunting thought of what their neighbors and friends may say about their perfectly harmless actions. In the first place, there is always the chance of the members of thelr cirele not being sufficiently interested to say anything at all, and in the next place there is the question, "Would It greatly matter if they dtd?" It you are sure you are right in taking the action you do and carry om in the course you mean 10 pursue, you will fifid in the end that your action will be sustained by the public opine ion you dread. People who are con. tinually swayed by the Boo-man "people might say" are always on the horns 6f a dilemma. You cannot please everyone, so please yourself and your family, and some one will be content-xt auy rate, -- That France has awarded its high- est decoration, the Legion of Honor to about 550 women since it was founded in 1802, and five of them have been British--pdith Cavell, Miss Frager (for dispatch riding), / A CONTINENTAL DAREDEVIL Wilhelmie Banky is but nineteen years old, but already has become one of the favorites of the her daredevil stunts in the air. European movie public, for She is an all-around athlete, besides being an expert aviator. "CROSS WORDS" We are growing ¢ross-word cramp fn our little family, Mother's got it very badly, 0 has sister Marjorie, While liad who first objected in his 'wise paternal way, Is fret to grab the papers now the blinking game to play. Aunt Annie, too, has started, dropping in most every night To help us 'with her intellect, and educative might, While even Gran has fallen for the latest orase absurd, And spends her whole day searching for thet darned elusive word. In the kitchen too, it's telling, interfering dreadfully With the duties of the household and our domesticity, The dinndr's often terrible, the cooking's gone----0 well, mu Write for the EDWARDSBURG Recipe Book. ==" SUDA BARON C0, LIMITED, re MONTREAL A Friend of TE Again We Say Supply Your wants in Sheets and Pillow Cases now already aflame Seated. gt polhaned oe ulcerated, ZameBuk is the one external mi ne poweriul ehoug! to get to the root of these troublte and replies unhealthy tissue with new clear skin, 3 The staff are simply staggering. beneath this subtle Spelt. I cannot understand it all, it's spoiled our Bridge, you know, And no one wants to play mah Jongg or tume the radio, While even I, tho' cynical, am often strangely stirred, Miss Edith Pye (for Quaker relief work), , Lady Bathurst and Miss Maud MoCarthy (nurse-in-chief to the army in the war). Best quality Canadian Sheeting-- free from dressing-- fine weave -- for single and double beds Ki Fees ensemble cham Free Class in Plano every Tuesday Pupils prepared for examinee. into a If you like shredded will like Triscuit, the cracker. It is not made of made of perfect whole cooked in steam, shred pin chev . ne better you like ngston Music Studios oyery Tuesday Mr. 'on Wed. +: ++ Miss D. Johnson AT.0M. - 258 KING STREET H. Packer, A.T.0M. ew een 0% somitadion. cracker 'and bak ig it. . mm : wheat biscuit you shredded wheat baked in ness compels thor you chew it the A lot of real food all first class grocers. That in the dad condition of the streets on Monday, peapls had 4 chance 'to 'observe thé truth of ous advice given a week ago on the sub Ject of keeping a tremch at the edge of the walk to carry off the water, In gome places where this was done the 'walks were completely clear early in the day. The caretaker of Chalmers church is to be congratu- lated in the splendid state of the triangle hie has in his 'charge, . --- That the eyes of the continent are on the cave. in the mountains of Kentucky where Floyd Collins is tenaciously holding on to life while his parents and his brother waft to flour--it is ins of wheat ee | form. At To do my best to help them when they're stymied for a word. ---W. 8: lv OIE BED & il see it modern science can extricate. him trom the bowels of the earth. That 8ir Atthur Conan Doyle, cre- ator of Sherlock Holmes, is opening &.book shop in London, England, but lovers of the tamous detective's exploits will not have the oppoftun- ity ot purchasing bound volumes of stories from the author. Situated in the shadow of Westminster Abbey, the new bookshop will handle noth- ing but peychic and spiritualistic works, but the business will-be per- sonally gupervised by Sir Arthur, WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. On Thursday, February bth, a pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilmot, Pittebrirg, when they welcomed to their home the members of the Wo- men's Institute of that locality and their friends. The wmpacious reoms were bright with beautiful potted plants and the large number of guests were received by Mre. Wimot and her daughter, Miss Helen Wilmot. Gashes = were played, progressive euchire for a time, at which Mr. Crossfield and Miss Soott Were the lucky prizewinners, while | PROF. MacFADYEN ON COLOR DIFFERENCES Points Out the DifMouities in India--Feeling * More Embittered. On Mondey night the Young Peo- ple's Society of Chalufers' church heard a most interesting address by Prof. J, F. McFadyen, on India and the differences and difficulties be- tween white men 'and brown in that great. portion of the British' empire, Prof. MacFadyen pointed out the interestiig fact that among the Indians themselves 'there are color differences more acute than those between Indians and whites. The Indian word for caste means color. A Tow-caste mas was primarily oné of a dark color. Endless difficulties arise dver this question between whith and brown. The speaker be- lisved that the Indians did not want thé British to leave India altogether. The Indians weds glad to have the British soldfers there for defence aguinst possible invaders. Nor had Be ever seen anything that convines ed him that the Indians would un- dertake an armed rebellion lke the mutiny of last century. But it seem- ed to him that the differences be- tween the races, which were at the bottom chiefly color were growng steadily more embift- tered : ' at 65¢. and 7S5¢. «Light iveights at 50¢. and 5%. a yard, ~ | ; Pillow Cases, ready to use, from 25¢ each up. Hemmed, hemstitched and em- broidered. | W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. The Waldren Store without & Pianist are exceptional, Eo We invite your cateful consideration of the proposal *e.offer to place one of these in your home on payment of a small deposit. Ri