. i CL THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG H a ------ AMUSEMENTS -------------------------------------- What the Press Agents About Coming, cuts Bay 'SPORT HOCKEY RESULTS. | LiFe Soca SDE. | GRAND 27574 @ PAs, STARTING FEB. 16 "MAE EDWARDS. PLAYERS' . The Supreme Success of Successes, With Mae Edwards Z¥™ "ADAM and EVA" Ohange of Play Nightly One Solid Year at Longacre Theatre, N.Y. Special Added Attraction Smite AT THE GRAND. -- Miss Nora, Miss Catharine and Senior OA. Mae Edwards Players Will Be the |Miss Isabel Minnes, Bagot street, Parkdale 4, Aurs Lee $ Attraction All Next Week. enterjalned St DrIdEe. and, mah! po, top ion 1 Arrangements have been completed | jongg on Friday afternoon. The Kitchener 3. London 2 (20 mins for the appearance at the Grand Op- | rooms were lovely with spring blos- ' . era House, for the week of February | soms. In the tea room Mrs James overume). 3 16th, with a matinee Wednesday end | Minnes and Mrs. Donald MacPhail » Stratford 3, What Does The Name Stand For ? Saturday, of the Mae Bdwards Play- | poured tea and coffee at the effect-| [ViaGara Falls 3, Gait 1. ph ; : JSoteh a E customer knows lots of stock " THE MAE EDWARDS NOVELTY OROHESTRA US, JiSuILIDg NOSIS Of cou: | Ively decorated tan table mage iow Tutercalingiate. A names for foods, household i repertoire. Gey 25-35-50; Mat., Adults 28¢., Children 180 The opening bill, "Adam and Dve," Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mounsey, Bous- (Reglopolis win 5-2 goods, that she has tried, found HEEEREREREEEENEE" (which ren for a solid year at the|tesd avenue, Toronto, entertained Sy 5-2). to her liking and asks for. She knows Longacre Theatre, New York, will] recently a court whist with dancing Girls' Exhind that "Ivory Soap floats," "Old Dutch : provide an entertainment for the pat- | afterwards at the Assembly Rooms, 3 Ah oi HEARD ON THE rons of the Grand that ls well worth | Hyde Park Club, Toronto, Queen's 2, McGill 1. Cleanser chases dirt," and it's "Gold . * * -- Medal Flour--Eventuvally." But how A seeing. in Intermediate O.H.A, Looal Briefs Gathered by Res] and' brillien " tn * Naa y A does she ask for coal--a ton ? porters--What Merch= tn ---- ball to be held on Feb. 18th are Mrs. Win Behind the name Crawford there is ants Are Offering. William Hoors: Jw. B Re Bparin. In « junior Intercollegiate group quality, a meaning that makes it of Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders [is no doubt in the world that Mies hog : - 77 | playoRt game yesterday afternoon, sales value. Orawford Oval is 1 Bdward is one of the most talented (Continued from Page 8.) . . = CRAWFORD'S Reglopolis and K.C.I. played to a much hotter and cleaner; it leaves lit- tle ash that is almost entirely free from clinker, soot and smoke--it brings a quick starting fire easily banked to Jast through the night, a coal that never varies from load fo load--a coal that might have been Made to the householders' specifica- ions. > A trial of Orawford's Ocal indelibly impresses these facts on the buyer. Once Crawford's, it's Always Orawford's , Foot of Quen Street. 13 - 'Phone 8 The Home of Good Ooal - = 3 and popular theatrical artists in Can-| The Badminton teams who are in 39 2 at hg former wan the Mrs. W. Riordan and Miss Irene (ada, and the warm-hearted welcome | Ottawa for the Canadian Badminton 5-3, having 'won the first ore 0 Walton, Tweed, were operated on for and vigorous demonstrations of ap-| tournament will be entertained at There was a good crowd in attend- appendicitis in Kingston. proval accorded her recently at|the Oftawa Golf Club thig evening. ance and fast hockey was served up Kingston had quite a heavy fall | Brockville showed conclusively that| AE Cavanagh, Taugher, Joyce and Prout of stow on Friday and as a result the Brockville audience realized and| Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, King street, were the best for Regiopolia, while snow shovelling was again "the ord- |appreciated her. 'The Mas Bdwands | was the hostess of a small mah Powell, McKelvey, Mike Gibson and er of the day." Novelty Orchestra is a special feal-|jongg party on Friday evening. Lovett were the K.C.I stars. The The Dye and Chemical Company (ure. This orchestra, individually and » LE. toamp: 3 . has vacated the office at 67 Clarenice | collectively, is one of the best movel- Miss Ruth Lyons, Har] street, left K.C.I.--Goal, Powell: ; defence street and removed to the offices at |ty organizations that has been heard | for Montreal to-day to spend the McK elvey. M. Gibson: contre, Low the works on Orchard street. here. They play the latest dance sel- | week-end. ett; wings, F. Gibson, Reid: sub. A most successful missionary | actions in thoroughly pleasing men-| Miss Twining, who was with Mrs. Gamble. 3 . SR birthday Party was held in the Bun- ner, and frequent encores sre de-| Thomas Ritchie, "Blmhurst," has Reglopolis--Goal, Taugher: de- day Schoo! hall of Calvary church [manded. Seven yaudeville acts of | returned to Montreal. fence, Cavanagh 6 olling; con on Friday afernoom. A very #at- nigh calibre, musical comedy num-| Miss Lillian Fair, West street, is Joyce; wings McGrath, Jomen: 156, isfactory sum was realised . which [pers and cabaret novelties which are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Den- Prout, Amodeo. os; subm, will materially assist the local aux- (introduced nightly come in for their | yes, Tweed. Referee: W. P H - flllary to reach its annual appor-|ghare of the applause tendered by the Mrs. Dick Cronyn has returned to : W. P. Hughes, Queen's. tionment. audience. London, Ont. . The funeral of the late Miss e-------- or TL Myrtle Caird, took place from John A PICTURE OF PICTURES, NURSES' ALUMNAE, at Queen's that the Queen's hg Cornelius' undertaking parlors on bask: - » ------ . J Friday , pfternoon to Cataraqui| "Imre Women" With Four Stars|Of the Kingston General Hospital billonin Nae 4 Seimutnd at Londo ant cemetery, Rev. T. W. Savary, Bt. at the Capitol. : Annual Meeting, : y ul AY, ° ry " James' ohurch, conducted the fun-| "Three Women," the production] 'The Annusi meeting of the Nurses oar were away off in their shoot- || ee ---- eral service. The pall bearers were to which Ernst Lubitsch, the well | Alumnae Association- of the King- 8. i i perpen Oarman Caird, Clayton Stokes, Ar-| known director, has again so well | ston General Hospital was held in " VALENTINE SOCIAL EVENING. thur Caird, Delbert Caird, William | apphed his unusual talent, is to be|the Nurses' Residence on Wednes- On Sndaya Sano. : Shaw and Arthur Campbell. presented at the 1 Theatre, | day, Feb, 11th, with the president, account of the short time it Held Under the Ausp of. the Children of are looking forward with more than |and a large number of members | tickets for Monday night's double- customary interest to the appear-| Present) pouger; whic the iy of Havelock ance of another Lubitsch master- Reports from the several commit- | Das ni tated. a result the piece, Friday night at the Frontenac hotel under the auspices of the Children beginning Monday. , Theatre-goers | Miss Evelyn Fréeman, in the chair, | bas been impossible to get out new 4 3 The Valentine social evening held | OBITUARY | 'Late George Bonny. tion is even greater than the one showed substantial increase in the on the tickets originally prepared for knowing that each produc-|tees were redd and adopted, and |ReW prices have been written in ink of Mary was ohe of the greatest sutcesses of the geason and as a re- before. membership during the year. Plans | the game between the Varsity and|gu¢ o large sum has been turned George Bonny, 83 Quebec street, | he story deals with an unusual |for the year were discussed and. it Queen » lagioy teams. This will ad-| over for rellet work under the dir- died Friday at his home. Deceased | sination of three women and one | was decided to hold the usual Violet n A? 0 - Shine, and are on sale| gion of this organization. Over 'was an Anglican In religion and &|yan gar removed from the trite | Tag Day on Easier Saturday. : office of the Athletie Board | tree hundred people attended the member of St. James' church. The | not of the everlasting triangle. The Alymnae has had a busy year, : A ueen's and at Cusick's. The|event and the Frontenac Hotel was funeral will be held on Monday to Mrs, Wilson, awake to the real- [among their activities being refurn- | first game will start sharp at 7.45. converted inta a social home for oc- Cataraqui cemetery, Rev. T. W, ization that she is growing older [ishing and redecorating in the S-- casion and was very tastefully de- Classss and: Individusk , Savary officiating. . end will soon lose her attraction to | Nurses' Residence to the extent of Bowling Results. corated. On the main floor, the din- {| for Aduits and Children. > , decldes to m ain, and [over $500. "The sum of $50 was| By an aggregate score of 2,536 to ing room was converted into dane- For further information apply mea, h oa gaan a |sent to the Grenfell Mission as well | 2,360, the Imperial Tobacco Co. de- ing space and here the younger peo- 3 UNION STREET WEST chooses as her jl : a | 88 a donation to the V. O. N. at |feated Thompson's last night at the ple enjoyed themselves to their ho. ior tha Howes Wher Christmas. Frontenac alleys. The Imperial To- hearts' content to the strains of a Mrs. Witton'e daughter returns from uring the. year all sick nurses bacco Company won two of their|yoluntary orehestra composed of Parade of Girl Guides. : school, Lament transfers his at- | Wore the recipients of flowers and | three games with the Clarence Street Mrs. R. G. Betts and Messrs. Jer-| The 2nd Kingston Compan Plenty of green cabbage, celery aad! les her in-| Were visited by members of the Al-|Garage team last night at the Col- ome, Betts and Shea while on, the | Guides, held their regular and home grown lettuce were for | teutions to her nvelg er in- umnas, +o edd lege Inn Bowling Academy. first floor bridge, five hundred and |°" Wednesday, February sale on the market on Saturday, and In March the Alumnae gave an cuchre were enjoyed by a very laege | St: John's: School House, beets, parsnips and carrots, which enjoyable dance 'in Grant Hall to Justice Knocked Out. sumber, mouth, with full attendance d | San be ued te Such sivantags their many friends. The Graduate| Iu a boxing game at Queen's gym- The prise winners for the bridge | 16% members, A profitable and. the family bill of fare, were to be lects his wife. The climax is reach- | Class of 1924 was entertained at a |nasium yesterday afternoon, Hale were Mre. Saunders and Mr. J. Gar- | JOvable evening was spegt in had for a small price. Veal, pork and ed when Mrs. Wilton shoots Lamont | dinner and dance. knocked out Justice, . diner and for the five hundred, Mrs. | S806 and a few minutes of pe Ne Nias, and In Ee | a, release her{ The Alumnae gave a dinner and . Smith and Mr. Bert Abernethy, | tical First Ald. A lecture was ed foil MATHS: Tuan Of ie Ay Te at ea acquit. | dance in honor of the return of four Ladies" Bonspiel. ile Mrs, J. J, Martin and Mr. F. [0 on "The Alms of the Girl § Poultry, butier and 'eggs. Butter tal, Mrs. 'Wil former graduates, Miss Annie Bail-| - yuee pegs, A Prudhome won the prizes fbr the | Movement" by the Captain; 38 and 40c and eggs 60c. W. | tal, Mrs. 'Wilton is reconciled to be- 8 4 president of the King- Scally, ag ui an o to. le and her assistants, Miss Lillian | goo) 1 agies Curling OI euchre, M. Patterson, "Sunny Acres" dis-| ing just a mother and rejoices in the I a Miss ng Club, announced marriage of her Gaughter with her | Gill, Miss Olivia Wilson. an on Saturday morning that if weather| During the evening a splendid] * layed some. delicious ,. looking ' Mabel Bouter. conditi 1 musical was enjoyed, in which Miss strained honey gtk pure golden hue. | 01d sweetheart. tol. | LoRditions would permit the curling -r The cast of this Classic of the| The officers for 1925 are oe ole bonsplel, which was to have taken |Arbuckie delighted with a violin Rev. Dr. G. H. Pidgeon, paste The Late James Switt. Screen is the ueual combination of lows: 1st Hon, Pres, Miss Emily| pues jp Kingston on February 10th | solo, accompanied by Mrs. Bugse.|pgioor street Presbyterian oh rel The funeral of the late James brilliant stars. Heading the list are | Baker; 2nd Hon. Pres, Miss jouls and 11th, will be commenced on|and Mrs: J. L. Jerome sang in splen- Toronto, has accepted the Invitht Swift took place from his residence | May McAvoy, who takes the part of Be: Vie ren ang Tye vy Tuesday morning, February 17th at| did voice, accompanied by her sims, to preach at'the anniversary ¢ to St. Mary's cathedral on Saturday | the i Marie Prevost the|™™ ee» Mrs. H. Leggett: ten o'clock. The curling will cop-|Mrs: Betts, Mrs. Bugge grea id th Sydenham street Methodist ing at 8.45 o'clock where the | Sweetheart, and Paaline Frederick, |C. Spence; Pres, Mrs. H. 1 .| tinue until Wednesday evening, The | Pleased with a piano solo. Refresh. | = Sunday, March 15th, He or ne sing by Rev, Father Hy-| the mothér, supported by Lew Cody | Secretary, Miss Guen Austin; Assist: | oi of-town rinks will be notified of | ments were served following cards. |. vod 10 remain over and add |1and. Archbishop Spratt was in the | 88 the alluring villain, Plerre Gend. | Ant Secretary, Miss J. Harold; Tres- |) "0 F dates. It is the intention of | Mrs. James Hughes, who 50 kind-| 0 orecational gathering on sanctuary. Ton, Mary Carr and Willard Louis. sures Mm + J. Mallory ; Assist. the local sladies to have a practice |1y opened the Frontenac for this ev- | 40 evening, March 16th, The funeral was very largely at- -- . ' . H, BE. ; at the curling rink on Saturday af-|ent, Was largely respémsible for the tended. The honorary pall bearers| AT THE STRAND Flower Committee, Mrs. George Nlo- fo.) 0 iy a success of the event. The able com- Were T. J. Rigney, Col. Leslie, O. W, LAST TIME TO-MiGHT | 01; Registry Nurse, Miss E. Free- + [mittee tn charge," Misses Bessie Flem Ford Sterling, one of filmdom's | man; Canadian Nurse and Press Re- BADMINTON RESULTS Katte, Corinne Madden and Marie chael tives an hem, 4 Cn The | most famous Somedians, who has | porter. Mire 4 Scedtriend; Vistiing | = - McDonald are to a Vasily Surat: tg i ow De H. Hart, | ences for 8 Sighs tor Hoh Miss Norah Fisher and Miss Gilroy, The Badminton tournament at Ot-| ments made. Mr. J. B. Hutchison Hugh Ryan, E. Swift and. James | cOftical role 'ds the mayor .of a tawa continued yesterday and keen |of the Imperial Tobacco Co. and Mr. Swift, Jr i ay interest was displayed in all the) Jeffries looked after the decorations, : Sames. The doubles were started yesterday and the Kingston results Now That Ladies Vote. Campaign expenses of candidates in Connecticut show they spent about Benson Mixed Doubles. | the same'amount on candy they did gE : and chan 'oron- cigars.--Philadelphia Inquirer. The Sst sor he ArteLevans two. to, defomtell Drei apes Toran. on - sct musical comedy which maine, Kingston, 15-1, 18- 5 part of the College Frolic, has been 51, 184K : announced by E the committees. It is as follows: K. Elliott, Lois! mimgley Harris, Kingston, Osborne and Margaret Taylor, and tested. Racin and Bogart, ore. Messrs. Jack Stark, Bill, Solomon, real, 15-8, 13-15, 15-7, Jack Creegan and Frank Spears, B. Hall The open lecture on the Renais- sance Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock will be given by Prof. W. M. Conach- jer. The subject will be "Renaissance Types, Mary, Queen of Scots and| Others." 3 "you comceive a mother daughter, rivals for the f The Family Market Basket 4 AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Evangelistic Services. . Correspondent. The evangelistic services being By Our Stun conducted by the Beun brothers in . the Sons: of 'England hall are meet- {fig with success, and fntefest fn | Roe thelr message of the: coming of Christ is {ncreasing. They hold ser- | Char vices in the hall on Wednesday ahd Sunday evenings and on other sions when the hall can be had. other evenings they hold i meet- ings 'at the. cornen of Bagot und | Many times you and I use economy to our disadvantage. , : -- will be TH i i 2