2 only, Hudson Seal Coats-- Sable Collar and Cuffs, 47" long. Regular $350.00. ...: Sale price $275 | only, Natural Muskrat Coat 47" long. Regular $225. ~ Sale price $175 cKAY, Limited ; HN, Mick oom ho more money than his neighbour, but he saved a great deal more. Acquiring wealth is largely a matter of systeiatic spending saving, Without a definite plan few men get anywhere, Hard work is not ; the fruits of the work must be conserved. Save your money regulary. Open an interest bearing Savings Account. 4 Bank Where Smell Accouns Are Welcome" Established over 100 years Beal Assets in eves of $%00.600.000 Dean of Ontario Places Matter Before tion--S8ir Campbell Stuart, exist $35,000 on the present came oa in the afternoon, apd the edifice of St. George's cathedral was | dean told his hearers of standing at launched on - the main entrance while the sof. ! At a meeting of cathedral | white flakes fell and seeing, gleam- vestry, held on January 19th, a mo- Ing high on the rains of the altar, tion was passed as follows: "In or-| the Sreat brass altar cross, still der to commemorate the centenary | used in the cathedral, a promise of the building of this cathedral surely that future generations church of St. George,. this CONgrega- | should Worship in the building thag tion pledges itself to take immediate | roge from the ashes. To the courage steps to celebrate the occasion by | of Smith is due the Paying off the ding, one of the finest in finest Solesiagtical 'late Principal Grant / versity, used to say. A striking example of the hold the cathedral and its se the founding of the parish of St. George's one - hundred and forty | ean met a wealthy years ago by Rev. John Stuart, who | man from New York at a dinner in with his fafthful wife at his side | Montreal where the centenary was walked all tie way from Albaay to discussed. "I wag in your cathedral Montreal with the United Exupire | ones and thought it a beautiful Loyalists. From Montreal to Yort | church with a reverent and beauti. Frontenac, said by Michael Grass | tu} service and would like to . give who had been imprisoned there dur- {you a subscription of $500." He ing tie French and Indians wars, to gave the dean a cheque for $200 be a beaut'tul and frufifur land, the | ang the remainder will be forth. Loyalists travelled by bateau ana coming later. canoe to carve a home fir them- Sir Campbell Stuart, who also met Selves under the flag of their f8- | the dean in Montreal, will give the thers. As the first act of the Israe- fund publicity in England. Sir Camp- Htes on their return to Jerusalem | per) ig managing director of the Lon Was to set up an altar to their God, | gon Times, and he will also give a 80 one of the first acts of the United subscription to the church his di- Empire Loyalists was to gather to- | peot ancestor. founded. Only his gether in the barracks and form doctor's orders that bhé must make thémseles into a congregation with [no more public speeches while on their faithful missionary as their this continent, prevented him from first rector. This was shortly after speaking at a banquet to launch came to Canada in 1784, and in the campaign, 1791 a Httle church, built of logs The small fnsur which was on and painted blue, was bujit on the, . ance A the building when it was burned market square on the present ajte Io Too A Tett a large sum to be raised for re of the Whig office. Here the prin- storation something in the neighbor- ciples of the U. B. L. were consoli- hood of $100,000. To pay the bhai. dated on July 8th, 1792, when Gov- ance left, $35,000, off is the ernor Simcoe was escorted in state task before the cathedral. A to the little church and surrounded @reat task but not as great as our by his councillors took the oath as . fathers faced in the unbroken for governor of Upper Canada before 2 John St d Chief J est of Canada, sald the dean. the Rev. John Stuart an -- "Other men' labored and we have App of land and 1,500 | ®Rtered into their. labors. Let us Pounds was given by King George | Koop faith Rich tise. who uve on IV and the corner stone of the gar- | tered nig tne ry emple, aot rison church was laid with ceremony a ids, .w by Sir Peregrine Maitland on June " 25th, 1825. The imperfal cost-of. oe i ag an anthem, 0 @rms were presented to the church, un" » ges * and until the building was gutted by fire on New Year's Day, 1899, re- mained on the galleries used by the troops. The dean referred to the blow to the cathedral parish ja the Joss of their beautiful building, to the 'never-to-be-forgotten service held on the first day of 1899 when Dean Buxton B. Smith, with a spirt 'worthy of the Loyalists while the cathedral was still a mass fot Queen's, wilt 3 Fl AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY By Our Student Oorrespondent. Great interest is being manifested in thé newly-organized Laurier Club. Applications for membership are pouring in to the secretary. the motto adopted is "'Constructive Broed-minded Political Thinking," much good may result, i ciple to the one the United States, ex as it Inhabitants of the British Isles." "Bobbie" i | Thompson, 'stas tes t at hid mee a of Mand will make his frat Canddisn pearance on this Ocoasion, Yeo famous meds, '28 hela social ing on Baturday. 1¢ most popular ak 37 TI & i alt 2 E 8 { 1 of smoking ruins. A SNOW storm BB Dresen. § ¥ § § 304656] f g ; i ORDER YOUR TIRES ROW SPRING 1S APPROACHING 30x34 Royal Cord . $11.50 if 30x31 Nobby Cord . $ 9.95 ' 30x34 Dominion Cord $6.95 BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE 206-8 Wellington St. the quality of merchandise we gel] OORE'S OILCLO » 60c. SQ. YD Best quality, heavy, Floor Oilcloths--over terns to choose from, in Block, Fl ings--| to 2} yards wide. PRINTED LINOLEUMS, 95¢. UP . . Heavy Printed Linoleums in all widths from 1 to 4 yards wide, in designs and colorings suitable for every room in the home, cially priced .. ... : thirty pleasing pat- oral and Tiling effects, in all colog- FEES 000s vee : INLAID LIN OLEUMS New English Inlaid Linoleums in pretty Block signs, € pattern goes clear through to the back, most durable and economical floor covering to buy. low prices to offer you. To see is to admire and buy, and Tiling de- making jt the We have special Because it 1s no mere sensi ble to rent another man's houpe Jif than it is to rent his clothes, A Dale Bri th 8 rooms each, furnace, lscthe light, three piece bath: : -- . cation to have iodine pu y {lil fireplace, 'good yarq and side Mayor Thomas Angrove has called | water supply is objectionhble. While drive, J & meeting for to-night, at the city |lodine is beneficial to some, its nee Modern in every respect. buildings, of the chairmen of the [woul be harmful to 5. Some Can be bought at a decid 5 rious would be Jow figure, us : edly. "Pall information. at oftige, HOUSES for rent. . MONEY to 10an. BONDS bought and, sold. Fire, Lit d ta. 1 © and Automobile Programme for the Kingston's Old Home Week. the old home week con be With. It iv the desire to a oy Pp! for each committee, so |the advice and direttion of én can then get down Physicians. This matter the members of oe | theacd by the Board of Health some go, and for the above reason ho recommendstion was made. fe. cEESpey rel i 8s ii 5 s af® 1 SLR E §