EERE 3 ' » « : Walter Cannem . 60 BAGOT 8T.« GRAND-ALL THISWEEK wes: ser. EDWARDS - PLAYERS" Success of Successes, With Mae Edwards " To-night and Wednesday Matinee "THE GUTTER SNIPE" Wednesday Night: "THE BALLOON GIRL" Change of Play Nightly - lal Added Attraction MAE ARDS NOVELTY OROHESTRA MATINEE . Es AY VA 1! \/ (5 II] eo THIEF OF BA ANKs iD GDAD Ja TO-DAY AND WEDNESDAY "3 WOMEN" LEW 0ODY, MAY MoAVOY, MARIE PREVOST, PAULINE FREDERICK S-T-R-A-N-D STOCK MARKETS LAST TIME TO-DAY Teders For Supplies For Home For Aged and Infirm De received by \ day, more or Jess. § quarts i ives per day, more 10 large pounds per aa%. more or approval mn pies. By oot Po gt a ibehdtndi, Pred 080 n WW. W. SANDS," + Secretary. Kingston, Feb. 17th, 1935. 4! Hollinger on] Dmurentide Nk oi drive, Order _ The Third will be conferred LE pm NYS Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing » Automobile Radiators repaired. THE CLEANERS and EXPERT DYERS Our 20 Years' Experience Means Office: 88 Arch St. ."Phone 1225w. mn : ALLIES FAX) SxRvioE "To all parts of the city 25¢i, i included. LARGE CARS THE FLORENCE HUDON PRIVATE SCHOOL DANCING SR---- Er ---------- ¥:| Brompton .. » British Empir 1 Com, .. Street, British Empire Steg 2nd Ped. 1 Ottawa Power Marland OR..., .. iv. Md [July .. Sept. .. 1 Oats (Reported by Johnston. # Ward, 86 Princess street, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Rx- changes.) Montreal. Feb. 171,30 p.m. Abitibi Power Asbestos .. ....... Atlantic Sugar sevens Bell Telephone ..,... . BrasiBam .. .ueeove. is . % 10% Can. Converters S....os0sv 84 Can, 'Cement Com. , 100% Can. Cement Pfd. .......... 111 Can. 8. 8, Com, ... 13 Can. 8. 8. PM. ....<u0. 0.0 AT Cuban Can. Sugar Com. .... Cuban Can. Sugar Pd. ..... Srnccnse 40 Dom, Textile .. Detroit Montreal Power ..... National Breweries Com. ... Nationa! Breweries Ptd. Ogilvie .. Ont. Steel Products .... Penmans Price Bros, Quebéc Power ,... Spanish River Com. ,...... 107 Spanish River Ptd. Smelters Shawinigan cenenne 138% Steel of Canada .......... Twin City ....... Sr Wayagamack ... "arn sees New York. Feb. 17.--1.30 p.m. sve 119 . 168 alana wa IR 96 8% 30% 390% 31 68% bil 26% 14% Marine POd.. .. .. coi o0 43% Mack Motors.. .. Le 132% 42% os we as oes MY avian ss weal 67% 60 69% 69% 8Y 6p 87% California Pete.. vo «4 +o Chandler Motors... «. +s ++ Cora Products. . Cosden Oil.... sa sw se we EL se am se New Haven. . N. XY. Cos Northern Pacific. . Pacific Ol, ..... Pan. Amer. Pete.. .. «a os Pan. Amer. Pete "B".. ... Producers & Refiners.. .. .° se se se "se ss wwe ride a. 0280S 85 20 62. PR Standard Of1 Calit .. . . ERE we Paelffe.. «. +. is * # Shar aw wn seo» ddan EE "17th, 1.30 pam. | Wheat Bee Sets tun mae we Se Nee she ane eve ww HAS AEE er wre aE ae Se wae san EE fh Another classic of the screen fis being presented to the public at the Capitol theatre Tuesday and Wed- nesday. With memories of "The Marriage Circle" still lingering, theatre-goers will look forward to seeing a production equal in merit. They will not be disappointed. First of all, Ernest Lubitsch is the direct- or, and his successful productions are still fresh in our minds. Sec- ondly, a cast which will do justice to this classic of the screen, Marie Prevost, May McAvoy and Pauline Fredrick share the stellar honors, | while the rest of the cast includes Lew Cody, Mary Carr, Plerre Gend- ron and Willard Louis. "Three Wo- men" deals with the love affairs of three women for one man. At first he is in love with a middle-aged wi- dow, Mrs. Wilton, or rather with her money; then he' becomes infatuated with her daughter, whom he mar- ries, Still not content, he has an af- fair with another, to the chagrin of his 'wife and her mother. "THE GAIETY GIRL" AT THE STRAND "The Gaiety Girl," tragic love story laid in a glittering setting of London's hectic night 8ife, the glare of the footlights and the tinsel of e musical comedy, contrasted with the majestic grandeur of the castles of the nobility, is Mary Philbin's latest starring vehicle. Any who have seen this remarkable produc- tion at the Strand theatre, will voice this thought. The cast ie excellent, Including Joseph Dowling of 'Miracle Man" fame, as the stern grendfather, Grace Darmond, famous beauty, convincing as a modern butterfly of the footlights and De Witt Jennings in striking character portrayals. MEETING OF CHAIRMEN OLD BOYS' REUNION Timely Suggestions Offered for the Old Home . Week. Mayor Angrove presided at a meeting of the various chairman of committees appointed to arrange for the old bows' celebration on Mond day night, when matters were ad- vanced another step. Liewt.-Col. Ernest Sparks was appointed to take over the chairmanship of the mili- tary committee. A very interesting discussion took place regarding the programme to be carried out gnd some very helpful suggestions were brought forward. In addition to Mayor Angrove, there were present at the meeting, R. J. Reid, Matthew Hanson, T. M. Asselstine, A. Romey, J. Hanley snd B. J. Metcalfe. | The city clerk is still gathering the names of former Kingstonians with their dddresses. Citizens should send in all the names as speedily as possible. FIRE PROBE OPENED. Investigation Into Recent Blaze At . 's Ltd. Store. Fire Marshall Heaton, of Toronto, 'opened an investigation in the city council chamber at 2 o'clock, on Tuesday afternoon, into circum- ptances surrounding the fire that occurred recently at Robertson's LMd., crockery store. Deputy Fire Marshall Jordan is also in the city in connection with the investiga- tion. It was stated that about twelve 'witnesses in all would give evidence Including employees of the crock- ery firm and members of the fire de- and "reves we LA*s Ses ten sen ale N Er Sai nee Sen anainn BAY Soe vee was and any WORRY vas ads eee - ---- % TAL wes hws mas bE RP Dodgers--Bearance, : . | Downey, 444; Doyle, 402; J. Logue, . | Logue, I SPORT Playing in Toronto To-day, A telegram received on Monday called for the play-off at Toronto on Tuesday for the District Cup. The following teams from the Kingston Curling Club left at midnight to play to-day: H, MoCartney, E. O. Bliter, 4A. E. Treadgold and W. J. Drysdale, skip; R. J. McClelland, J. A. McFar- lane, L. Sleeth, R. N. F. McFarlane, skip. Brockville Won Again, Brockville juniors defeated Peter- boro juniors at Brockville last night by the score of 4-2 in the first game of the O.H.A, playoffs between these teams. The second game is in Pet- erboro on Wednesday night. It was the fastest junior game of the sea- son in Brockville. + Winnipeg Gets Call. Winnipeg will be the scene of the Allan Cup finals this year despite the efforts of Easterners to have them played in Ottawa or Montreal. The decision was made by a telegra- phic vote from C.A.H.A. officials. Leaving for Jack Williams, former pitcher for the Verona baseball team in the county baseball league, and now with Rochester, is in the city at present and he will leave next week for Had- dock, Ga., where the Rochester team goes into training. Williams pitch. ed last year for Quebec, being loaned to that club by Rochester. Williams says he feels fit and fs ready for a big season. HOCKEY GAMES. Played 8-38 Tie. Uxbridge and Brampton played te @ three all tie at Uxbridge last night in the first of the home-and-home games between these two teams in the third round of the O.H.A. finals. This looks as though Brampton should 'win the round, with their sec- ond game on Brampton ice. Kings- ton will meet the winner of the Brampton-Uxbridge Series. Varsity Beat Petes. Varsity defeated Peterboro by 4-1 in a senior O.H.A. game played last night. O.P.R. Hockey. The C.P.R. hockey team returned home this morning after their game with the Dominion Express team at Ottawa, which was played Monday night in Davis' Arena, the home team winning by the close score of 1-0. The game was fast, exceptionally #0 in the first two periods, the Do- minion Express scoring the only goal of the game on a shot from mid-ice. Both teams gave all they had and considering that this was the first time these teams have met, neither knew just what to.expect of their op. ponents, but when the Kingston boys discovered that Nighbor mor Den- nenay were not employees of the Do- minion Express, they went in to win. Mr. H. W. Lennox, Dominion Ex- press agent, Ottawa, and a etawnch supporter of the Dominion Express hockey team and sport in general, wes on the elde lines for the game and remarked at the finish on the good fellowship that existed between the two teams. The Dominion Express hockey manager, Mr. Hogan, and some of his players, met the Kingston boys on the arrival of the team and escorted them to their hotel and at six o'clock both teams sat down to a dinner as guests of the home team. Everything 'was arranged to make the Kin curring KU KLUX KLAN IS ACTIVE IN ONTARIO Granted Registration In To-) ronto--Also Hidden Knights of Midnight Sun. Toronto, Feb. 17.--Acting on be- half of C. Raymond Larson, engineer, and Cariton B. MoGowan, operator, J. R. Code, a local barrister, has ap- plied to the city registry office for has been grented registration of two fraternal societies, one known as the Invisible Bmpire Knights of the Ku Klux Kian of the Dominion of Canada, and the other the Hidden Knights of the Midnight Sun of the Dominion of Canada. Mr. Code received word yesterday that objection to the registration had been made and that it might be ~hecessary to apply for letters of in- corporation, Rumors of Klan activity in On- tario have been circulated for some time, but this is the first definite move made for registration as a so- ciety. ' Hon. Lincoln Goldie, provincial secretary, stated that representatives of the Kian had made formal applica- tion for incorporation through bis department. He stated that the Klan had been asked for further in- formation as to their aims end ob- Jects. A HUGE SWINDLE HAS BEEN UNEARTHED With Regard to Securing of Passports for Foreigners to Enter Canada. Ottawa, Feb, 17.--A searching en- quiry into a huge swindle, believed to have been unearthed by the Roy- al Canadian Mounted Police, in al- leged obtaining of certificates of na- turalization, passports and immigra- tion permits for entry into Canada of relatives or friends of foreigners from Armenia and other countries, by conspiracy, fraud and impersona- tion is being continued here by the police. It is suggested that a new series of charges may be laid. One arrest so far has been made. G. H. Alexander, an Armenian, is now in custody here on a charge of conspir- | acy. He will come up this week in the Ottawa police court for prelimin- ary hearing. ALMOST NEGLIGIBLE. Quebec * Province Will Have Few Non-Concurring Churches, Toronto, Feb. 17.--The winning of St. Luke's church, Montreal, by a big margin, has cheered the un- ionists, and it is declared that ont- side of a few old and wealthy churches in the downtown. district of Montreal, churches that are dwind- ling on account of their location, and a similar church in Quebec city, the nom-conocurring congregations in Quebec province are deemed to be almoet negligible. In Nova Scotia, and Prince Bd- wand Island, say the uniodlists, out- side of the anti-union Pictou Pres- bytery, there are only tem non-comn- congregations that can reach the self-sustaining basis. Battersea Won, In a junior County Hockey Lea- gue game played at the Arena this afternoon, Battersea defeated Cata- raqui by the score of 2-1. He Has Many Ways Of Bothering The Notoried LEAVING A CAR with its wheels deeply imbedded the weather is rapidly growing . often ca soft slush hardens into jce over the tires frozen in and it sometimes proves very difiic pens and the car falls to start, when the clutch is let do not race the engine and jam in th parts unduly--but try reverse and low fce will not let go. Taking hold of the car back and forth sideways sometimes formation. Phd . Freeing The Frosen-In' Car Rather than abuse mechanical parts by forcing a' tar itself, it is better, in extreme cases freezing axe and chip out the ice which is holding been splashing through slush or puddles with the weather getting colder, may cause water has collected on its snd frozen them together, forward and reverse speeds will generally treme instances a long screwdriver, used between the bands and the parts. . Joo In The When an engine persistently to immediately stops and cannot be to to freezing of water in the fuel system. If there in the main laa and Sli noe will drip from x the priming-pin operated, most likely there somewhers. The free use of hot water on the carburetor, tank and fuel piping will generally effect thawing, w should be drained out immediately, but in the absence denatured aloohol Jauted into the carburetor and : I ki i I . i hi that bear on the cylinder walls Te thelr entire circumfer. we understand it, for inner-rings ls provides addi outward pres sure for piston-rings. which have lost thelr spring or have worn small, so that they fall to contact strongly enough with the cylinder fitting of a press should be secured, so that no ad- interest to the motorist M pi gr Be space permitting. IY immediate r. mn, x an desired, enclose self-addressed. stamped envelope. sd PPP POOPOOPRPSPIOIELIIRS He Doubted It, An elderly gentleman who Bld never seen, a football gitme was pa suaded by a young enthusiast to tend one of the minor gridiron com tests. "Now," said the young fellow the game was about to start, * will see more excitement for a ¢ ple of dollars than you ever saw fore." 5 "I have my doubts about that, replied the elderly tl "That's all my marriage license me." 'WITH LUMBER CARGO. Grangemouth, Scotland, Feb. 17.~The rotor ship Buckaun on voyage from Danzig and Kiel to Leith, with a cargo of lumber, regarded as a test of the new type of craft under commercial conditions, arrived at the mouth of the Firth of Forth this morning. PPPPPHPPOT ONO C4294 400000000 + "+ * * * * + * * + * * * * * * * A request for an Inquiry inte past five years of the civic : tration of Québec was granted Th day forenoon by 'Mr. Justice Gerald Babcock, the little boy who 'was scalded some three weeks ago, was able to leave the Hotel Dieu See new Chivrolet cars at Central Garage, Brock and Montreal streets. Hospital Tuesday afternoon well on the road to recovery. lier, "Squibbs Castor Oil," Gibson's. employees' visit most welcome and a pleasure, and to tepay theis a return game is being arranged. - The teams were as follows: ' Ottawa----Landen, Carey, Knott, Tunney, Walroth, Gurrel. Kingston--Tripp, Latimer, Scrut- ton, Woods, Bourdeau, E. Smith, C, Smith, Nicholson, McCann. League. Bears--Barry, 260; Crowley, 445; Daly, 93; J. Downey, 586; Kennedy, $82; H. T. Singleton, 550. total, 2,318. W. 428; Thomson, 507; total, 2,252. ey, 468; Gilbert, 853; jrving, ; Paynter, 420; Saunders, 433; total, 207s. 'Huskies--W. Angrove, 451; Cavin, 343; Derry, 510; Lawrence, 358; Harry Singleton, 350: total, 2012. Pirates--Coy ; Diamond, le, 109; R 338; Hall, 402; Keating, 279; C. we, 350; Wickham, 483; total, it the World Is Doing (As Seen by Popular Mechanics Magazine) Powe of Sun Stod Plants | Reducing Diameter of il id] iit! elf F : i i i i g Ri ii 2 Efis