Cold in the head means a germ at- The membranes become in- , head becomes stuffed. And 's relief demands direct attack germs. Apply Ely"s Cream in the nostrils and breathd it. head clears instantly, inflamma- 1s subdued. The cold disappears. Don't wait for internal effects. Fight the cold where it is--in the ; es. Ask your druggist for e of Ely's Cream Balm. En- this quick relief. 't Sutter Don't let rheumatism, Ilumbago, ® cauge you an hour's dis rt. Do what millions have done 5 years. Apply St. Jacob's Oil its instant relief. You know x upt énd such pains, else it could Rave lived so long. . St. Jacobs Oil ~~ _ Robe Away Ba, PAIN 35 Cente, COAL r Coal has been classed the highest grade of Scranton Coal Virginia Nut 8 Try our Virginia Coal and you will never burn any other, as it contains no clinkers or bone. "Aylsworth Bros. Phone U. R. Knight 1705w. WHIG . "News From District Places NAPANEE CHAUTAUQUA Hockey Game Played at Arena ~=Two Dances on Mon- day Night. Napanee, Feb. 17. ~The last of the Chautauqua series of entertainments given by the Young People of Trin- ity Methodist church, was given in the lecture room last night, before a large and appreciative audience. Each entertainment In the series was of a high order of merit and the pro- gramme rendered at the last one, by the Edith Marshall Clark Company, was well up to the high-class stand- ard. A charming dance was given last night in the rooms of the Masonic Hall, by the Uwana Club, and there was a large attendance. The music was fine, the floor just right, the re- freshments very good and dsintily served, and last but not least evefy- body had a jolly good time. There was another dance on last night, that given by the Local Can- adian Order of Foresters, in thelr hall in the Hurshaw Block. There was a large and happy crowd and everything went off successfully, A fine hockey game was played at the Arena last night by "B" Co'y. Hockey Club versus St. Patrick's Club, the former winning by a scd¥e of 6 to 3. The family of Mr. Waite, manager Dominion Bank, have moved to town and are occupying the Miss Fraser house on Richard street. Mr. Thos, Johnston and his daugh- ter, Miss Florence Johnston, have moved into the house on East street, formerly owned by the late Mr. Myers. I Eugene Richardson, Belleville, was a visitor in town yesterday. Mr. and' Mrs. R. J. Solmes are spending a vacation with friends at Syracuse, N.Y, ---------- Jones' Falls Items. Jones' Falls, Feb. 12.--Owlng to the heavy thaw the roads are in very bad condition. Frederick and Wil- liam Jackson have returned to the west after spending a few weeks with their sister, Mrs. C. Hutchings. The carpenters are engaged putting in gome new gates in the locks, Hilda Burtch is visiting friends in New- boro, The party at J. Johuston's was well attended. OC. Stewart and mother spent Sunday at Burns Simp- son's; Mr. and Mrs. M. Simpson and son, at B. Burtch's; Oliver Simpson at C. Hutchings'; Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Haskins at B. Blackman's; R. Gamble and Ella Baxter at 8. Simp- son's. ------------ High School Closed. Almonte high school had to be closed last week owing to the pre- valence of colds amongst the pupils. Half of the scholars were absent at the beginning of the week and many of those present should have been at home also. DODD'S KIDNEY ~ PILLS . YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to th HEAR FOR YOURSELF . AY C.W, LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess e most aesthetic taste. AND BE CONVINCED, Street | GANANOQUE | Feb. 17.--Miss Marnie Davis is leaving to-day for Montreal to visit her sister, Mrs. J. R. Byers. An old Gananoque boy in the per- son of R. H. White (Bobby), son of the late Thomas White, was in town over the week-end. Mr. White is now proprietor of the R. H. White Radio Company, Hamilton. He was on his way East on business. W. T. Sampson is attending the Canada Foundries and Forgings dir- ectors' meeting in Brockville to- day. Miss Blythe Battams leaves on Wednesday for Montreal where she will be the guest of Mrs. Masters. Mrs. J. P. Binclair is entertaining to-day, ' Misses Margaret Brennan and Miss Rebecca Calow leave on Wednesday for Montreal where they will be the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Joseph Dupuis, for the next couple of weeks. Mrs, W. E. Rees will entertain the Social Golf Club on Wednesday af- ternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Lott and little daughter have returned after spending the week-end with Bélle- ville friends, ENJOYING THE FINE WEATHER. Phillipsville Folks Attended the Weddings at Elgin. Phillipsville, Feb. 16.--A few days thaw has brought down the smow and. there are some places where the fields are all bare. There is lots of good ice for skating and the boys and girls are making good use of it. Some are driving cutters, some buggies, other their autos. A number from the village attend- ed the O'Brien-Timlin wedding, on Monday, in St. Columbanus church, Elgin, while others attended the Murphy-Freeman, on Thursday, of the same week, Miss Audrey Kenny, Lyndhurst, is visiting with Miss Inez Elliott. Miss E. Dwyer, Harlem, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Loretta Wright spent Friday and Saturday in Lyndhurst, the guest of Miss Williamson. Miss Katie Myers ig on special duty in St. Francis' General Hospital, Smith's Falls for some time, Miss Thelma Stevens, Chantry, has a class in the village and comes every Saturday to'give music lessons. Miss Amie Mills spent the week-end at her home in Chantry. Some of the young people from the willage are planning to attend a Valentine dance put on by 'St. Columbafus Club, Elgin. Some from the village were at the Valentine dance Friday evening in Lyndhurst and a]l report a good time. Mrs. C.J. Myers and Marcellas spent Kriday in Elgin, Miss Estella and Minnie Kennedy, who have been ill with grippe, are improving slow- ly. Mrs. Carrie Peer is visiting her son, Stephen, in Syracuse, N.Y., for the past week. Ontario way Burden. Relief of cities from the heavy burden of suburban roads, and legis- lation to lessen responsibilities of all municipalities in matter of liability for accidents on public highways, are recommended by the executive of the Belleville council. The executive also recommends the co-operation of this city with other urban centres in petitioning the Ontario legislature to cease development of provineial highways for a period of five years, or until times warrant resumption 'tof work. On Feb. 1st, at the home of her son, Amie Ppugnet, Algona, Iowa, occurred the dedth of Mrs, Bridget Eliza Fraser, for many years a rési dent of Cape Vincent, N.Y. : The Imperial Biscuit conipany, o Sacket"s Harbor, N.Y... is thinking of moving its plant to Watqrtown, N.Y, The company mahufactures dog and fox biscuits, \ Check Your Nose Cold Relief in 5 Minutes pos NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Culled From the Whig's Many Bright Exchanges--Brief Items Full of Interest. Hockey results: Renfrew, 6, Arn- prior, 0. Perth, 6, Smith's Falls, b. Rev. J. Holt Murray, minister of Augusta circuit, was invited to re- main in charge, for the forthcoming year, Dr. J. E. Murphy was the unani- mous choice for the chairmanship of Ampsior Board of Education for 6. The Lamsrk County Challenge Carleton Place, against rinks from Smith's Falls by 15 shots. Fire in the Plllmore store, Cape Vincent, N.Y., did but little dam- age but caused excitement. A short gitult in the electric wiring caused t. Two of Almonte's best known young people, Matthew Robert Young and Miss Birdie Rita MeCul- loch, were married on Friday at Ottawa, : M. J, Seully, one of o's business men, is at Miami, Florida, to spend the rést of the winter. Mrs, Scully has been wintering in Ot- tawa. « Mrs. T. A. Kilborn, one of the best known 'residents of Clayton, N.Y., has purchased some property at St. Petersburg, Fla., and in the future will pass the winters there. At a social gathering of Orange- men at Carleton Place, T. Hornsey and Willlam Donaldson were pre- sented with past masters' jewels and these were accepted with thanks. Information is sought as to the whereabouts of Henry McDougall, son of Francis McDougall, St. John's, Newfoundland. Henry Me- Dougan resided in Almonte, Ont., in 1872, At Ottawa, on Tuesday, Miss Mary Agnes Miller, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Araprior, was united in marriage to John Mel- bourne McKenuy, son of Mr, William McKenny, Portland, Ont. Miss Mary Kernehan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kernehan, Alexandria Bay, N.Y. was burned on her right arm Wednesday at high school while performing an experi. ment in the chemical laboratory. MARRIAGES AT ELGIN. One Couple to Come to Kingston to Reside. Elgin, Feb. 16.--Two very pretty weddings were celebrated in St. Col- umbanus church during the week. On Feb. Sth, Mary Cecelia Timlin and Andrew J. O'Brien wére quietly married. Marie Fahey, the groom's cousin, assisted the bride, and Am- brose Timlin, brother of the bride, supported the groom. After the luncheon, at the bride's home, the happy couple left for Toronto and on their return will reside in King- ston. On Feb, 11th, Kathleen, eldest daughter of M. J. Freeman, was unit- ed in marriage to George D, Murphy. They were assisted by Matilda Free- man, t's bride's sister, and M. Mur- phy, brother of the groom. A slight improvement is noticed in the condition of James Kenney, fll with pneumonia, The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Methodist church held an apron salé and tea in the towa hall on St. Valentine's day. A. Ferguson spent the week-end, with his son, M. Ferguson. The Tennis Club postponed the dance they were giving on the 11th inst. on account of inclement weather. The condition of Albert Kenney shows no improvement. Recent visi- tors in the village: Mr. and Mrs, Ar- thur Slack, Delta, and Mrs. R. Kear- ney and son, Edmund. . MARRIED ON RESERVE. Tyendinaga Reserve, Feb, 14.-----On w=Guests Entertained. Cup was successfully defended by' Children love Instant Postam Have ST win who cracks at 45. Instant Postum, Are you harassed by that compan of trivial ills-- broken sleep, hea indigestion, lack of energy for work play? Drink Instant Postum. Because Instant the harmful Caffeine and Tannin found in tea and coffee. Be on the safe side. of these irritating poisons. There's safety as well as enjoyment in a steaming, fragrant cup of Instant Postum, instantly made with boiling water at a cost of Jalfa-cent, Di i 5 pe ~time---when- ever a hot drink is des en you'll en. that better health, rest and digestion x Instant Postum has brought For those who prefer it there is Postum Cereal, made by boiling twenty minutes. Ask for Postum at your clu! t the free offer made by Carrie amous food demonstrator and diet expert. Mail the coupon today. . train. Acce Blanchard, Cereal Co., Ltd. East, Toronto, Ont. Fi Canadian Postuym 45 Front St. I want to make a me, without cost or INSTANT POSTUM [J Check which POSTUM CEREAL RONG and HEALTHY Nerves \JERVES on edge? You can restore them to perfect harmony--drink es, or Postum is free from Rid your system at meal to thousands. restaurant or on the test of Postum. Please the first week's supply O vou prefer. sme in pm) { Hq Handled Several Orafts on the St. Lawrence. Captain John Hoadley, Alexandria Bay, aged sixty-eight, one of the old- est boat captains on the river, died Thursday, after a long iliness. Captain Hoadley was born in the village, Nov. 19th, 1887, dnd had 1iv- ed in that vicinity all his life. While a young man he operated a boat shop and for many years built boats. Later he became a pilot and finally built the Iome, a steamship, which he chartered out. He did not run a regular passenger service, depend- ing more on cruises for private par- ties, for his work. His patronage grew to such an ex- tent that he later rebuflt the Yome, providing room for more passengers and he then renamed the vessel the I Wonder. He retired several year ago beause of his age, . Mrs. Hoadley died several years ago. Capt. Hoadley is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Frank Lee and Mrs. Abner Swan, both of Alexan- dria Bay; two sons, Charles, Alex andria Bay, and John, of Canada, He is alse survived by a sister, Mrs. Sophia Wood, Kingston. Rev. C. N. Dewey died at Tilson- burg; Ont., aged 66 years. He was born at Picton. Deceased was a Baptist. At one time lived at Delta. E. and L. Caughey, Picton, have purchaséd the Windsor Hotel in Stratford. sonal Paragraphs, Westport, Feb. 16.--Dr. Barker, who has been on the sick list, is able to be out again. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Adam, Ottawa, have moved into Mr, Sickler"s house, Bedford street. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Couklin are renew- ing acquaintances In town. Miss Estella Woodcock has been visiting friends in Napanee for the past week. Mrs. C, J. Speagle is vigiting friends in Ogdensburg, N.Y. George Coburn, who has been con- fined to his home for a few days, is|® able to be in his store again. T, Mec- Kian has sold his farm to A. W. Pier. Mrs. George Taylor and chil. dren, Newboro, visited friemds here on Saturday. Mrs, Jerome Adam, Watertown, N.Y., is visiting friends in town. " The anniversary ecomcert in the town hall, Saturday and Mohday night, was under the auspices of the Woman's Institute and was a great success. The euchre and dance held in the C. W. L. ball, on Friday evening, was well attended, The prize winners were: Ladies' prize, Mr& J. Mul- ville; gentleman's prize, G. Coborn. A dainty lunch was served at mid- [night. Mrs. Thomas Kane-spent Sun- . Ed day in town, -- ---------- William Rhodes, Brockville, has sold his old-established grocery busi- _|ness to Mr. George B. Board. Ten Million Bottles_ EEX year ten million bottles of Dr. Caldwell's Laxative are bought by people who SR Rf So Sa of "essere sesessves! + ® ¥ CANADA LEADS IN -- * : RAILWAY BUILDING. 2 4 Ottawa, Feb, 16.~The an- & # nual report on railway > ® and the return submitted to the & 4 House of Commons on Canadian & ¢ National Railways construction ¢ ® shows Canada to be still the # 4 world's most important railway & + bullder, which means this coun- ¢ # try is building more raliwdys & # than any other country in the & % world. > * EPP P0000 00009000 ---------- Oppose Shorter Bass Season. The proposed law calling for the extension of the closed season on black bass to July 1st'is before the New k state legislature and thése isa srg movement behind it call- ing forits enactment into law. Thete will be a hearing on the bill on Wed- nesday. Of course the Thousand Is) land Fish and Game club has ene tered its protest against the of any such measure and the sport- ing interests at Cape Vincent asd Alexandria Bay fee! the same way about it, F -- A ---- . Mrs, Jane Felton, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sponial, Prescott, passed away at the Fulford Home for Aged Women, where she, had resided for two years, after lw ing for some time in Prescott.