By a Member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery : 'Ottawa, Feb. 18.--The curtain is Now is the season of the informal inhan tle bohonsiirh gl "Bridge," and, of course, Bridge calls for Tae rn vk Ws iad oe Tallies and Prizes. . The discriminating hostess prefers dainty designs--smart, un- usual conceptions that she finds at Uzlow's. dominant, united arrey with con- structive legislative goals clearly Specially appropriate are our' Bridge Pencils. creasing of the wealth of this coun . 'We believe that the step taken last session hes already in this short are going to introduce during the present session, if it receives the sup- port of this Parliament, will mater- {ally assist us to further the diversi- fied industries of this country--agri- culture, fishing, mining, lumbering and manufacturing; that it will help the whole industrial life of Canada, and by so helping our industrial life will improve the lot and well-being of the men, women and children who inhabit this Dominion from one codist to the other." defined and to be reached with a minimum of talk or time-wasting. In the Conservative corner - Mr. Meighen and his resolute phalanx have essayed the role of Jeremiah, lamenting long and loud the coun- try's economic plights but not spec- ifying very clearly as yet the 1 fic remedies or just what would be meet for repentance. y Forke and his Progressives in the left back centre of the Commons stage have so far rather assumed the role of watchful waiting a bene- volent neutrality so far as the Gov- ernment is concerned with a mild applause for what the Government has done so far and a promise of N Government's Position Strengthened. It has become already evident, from talk in the corridors of Parlia- ment, that the positiom of the Gowv- ernment, especially since the notable (EXCEPTING RUBBERS) Just What is Needed Alarm ii Woo || Clock Kindling and Slabs, Be sure and get one Chas. Bedore & Son that is reliable. $40 NELSON STREET t $1.50 up to $4.50 ===} Kinear & Flstere J -- DELCO-LIGHT ee tos: W. C. CANN ON 164 Barrie St "Phone 1150J. Hard Wood PLEY "THOMAS Carpenter 987|¢ er 4 4 A 4 <4 4 49 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 EWELLERS t 168 PRINCESS Sh Seer sleaning ma. Ahk AARAAAARLRS . gor 'ali kinds of Carpentry ERE our sew JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY, BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING . DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS | a ER el PHONES $3679 --038W, © 400 ALBERT STREWT' 2) "You should buy your { Furs at Gourdier's, | Egg, Stove and Chestnut $16.00 ton, delivered Buckwheat or Split Pea $9.00 ton, delivered Softwood Slabs, cut . ... . . . . . .$3,50 per load support if the good work is continu- ed. Constructive And Practical Legislation. The Government's gemeral pro- gramme of legislative action this session, as dieclosed by the Speech from the Throne, is constructive and practical. It is a sequel to the leg- islation of lapt session designed to reduce the cost of living and Improve both domestic and export trade. The keynote of the Speech was the em- phasis laid upom the urgent neces- sity of lowetng the cost of living, aot so muuch by further reductions in the tariff, as by the more direct 'way of reducing the cost of tramns- portation, on land and sea. It makes plain, too, that along with a lowering of the cost of transponta- tion another big factor is encourage- ment of production, and the most effective way of increasing produe- tion is by strengthening the immi- gration campaign. The outstanding feature is the scheme for curbing the activities of the North Atlantic Steamship Con- ference and reducing Atlantic freight rates by the introduction of the competitive element. That com- petition will be supplied by the en- couragement, trough federal sub- sidy, of Atlantic steamships carry- ing Canadian goods to British and other European ports. By the pro- visions of the formal contract enter- ed into between the Dominion Gov- ernment and the British firm of which Sir Willlam Peterson is the head, & subsidy will be paid to the Peterson fleet of ten vessels and also to 20 ships of the Canadian Government Merchant Marine. There is%good reasoy to eve thet Can- ada will have the support of the British Government and of the gov- ernments of the other overseas Do- minions in this bold attempt to curd the incredsing exactions of the world-wide shipping combine, Combine Perturbed. These plans of the federal admin. istration to bring down the coat of shipping Canadian cattle and other products to Burope are amply war- ranted by the disclosures made in the sensational report of W. T. R. Preston, the commissioner appointed last summer to seek some methods | of removing the existing ocean-rate discrimination against Canada. The remarkable extent to which the North Atlantic Steamship Confer- ence operates as a monopoly for the maintenance of high freight rates is shown in his report, and already the comment emanating from Montreal, the centre of the Canadian end of that Conference, indicates the in- tense opposition to the resolute move re indicated that they are mot only to the ellurements held out' to Dominion by wiping out as far as possible all discriminatory Also, the Progressives are persuad- ed that the Government's factors. party would press for funther tariff reductions. snes Time-Wasting and Expensive Talk. An 'interesting sidelight on the tactics of the Conservative Opposition was presemted on Friday in connec- tion with the restoration of the de- bate after, as & result of an inadvert- ence, the motion terminating the dis- cussion hag. heen declared carried the previous evening by George Deputy Speaker H. Gordon. Mr. Meighen, his followers dn the House anid his press raised 'the old cry of liberty of speech and piatured the Liberals seeking to cuntall that freedom. They wanted an opportunity to prolong' the debate and to manufacture some good cam- paign literature on the assumption that there would be a general elec- tion this year. As a matter of fact two deys previous to this there had 'been a tacit umderstapding between the three parties that the debate would be allowed to end on Friday so that the House could get down to It may be recalled that 20 per cent. After Stock-taking we find that it is better to lower our stock during the next two weeks and offer real good bargains. Some lines reduced to half price--but the least you can save is Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Girls', Boys'&Children's Shoes ALL INCLUDED IN THIS SALE. COME EVERY DAY. To souse your cake in tea or wine. A word of warning though, dear * Nan: It's always wrong to toonk a man! Something to Worry About. Dear Wally: Of the Mystic Mind: Your depth of wisdom few can boast. Pray tell me, if you'll be so kind, 'What noise annoys an oyster MOST Dear Most: How long have you been dead? Or hid in some secluded cloister? For have you never heard it sald A noisy noise annoys an oyster? FROM THE EDITOR'S DRAWER. A Jim Jam Gem! . Jim: "You are quite a humorist. Why don't you send some stuff to THE FWN SHOP!" Jam: "I did, but the Rditor thinks my jokes are too good to be original and won't publish them." ~--Fred D. Brown. A La Prince of Wales. Charles: "What became of my joke about the hat brim." Frederick: "The Editor of FUN SHOP turned it down." --Charles F. Clay. Too Truthfal, ° Nadine: "You will never kiss any other girl, will you darling?" Jerry: "Not so as you'd natice it. --Mrs. J. A. Phillips. ¥ As the Romans Do. Bthel, a little four-year old very friendly of nature, being lonely in a Soandig hous, had contrived to make on all-sides. One day as she was walking along the street 'with her mother, in passing a certain place she caught sight of a gentiéman of her acquaintance, and darted up to IT ABERNETHY SHOE STORE § OE ROO . Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers : Our Big Mid-Winter Furniture Sale Now On | Years oh experience Phone 147 for Service. FREIGHTS PAID talk to him. Her mother objected. "Bthel," she said, "you, mustn't run after the men like that." "But, mamme," said Ethel in sur- prise, 'all the rest of the girls do." ~--A. L, Cheves. No, Gertrude, a fellow may show a decided "leaning" toward the fair sex, and till not be matrimonially "inclined." (Copyright, 1926. Reproduction Forbidden.) Readers are ested to contri. bute. All NW art rams (or LI god Bright a ngs of children, na Hy bi be a for at w from 1.08 0 10.00 per contribution; io theebss = ing to racter and value of the ton, as de ned 5 Balls. o Hospital, A= iig rr - Any breaking out of the skin, ev flery, itching eczema, can be gquiel ngurens dros don acme