- een WHAT SAVINGS ? 118 SUITS IN THIS SALE f Stardy British Tweeds-- bullt for long servico--Lovets, Greys, Checks and fancy mixtures. Bloomers have Belt Loops and Governor Fasteners, in the pop- _ ular style for Boys from eight to eighteen years. 8.95 Two Pair Bloomers ---- dressy and distinctive patterns that Boys show a decided preference for--Tans, lovets, Heathers, Browns and Greys -- carefully tallored and perfect fitting Bloomers with Belt Loops and Governor Fasteners. MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE! Mothers, take advantage of this. LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET. Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" RE vi . 'THE UNITED CHURCH IN CANADA WILL HAVE MEMBERSHIP OF 2918 It Will Include the Cong Street and Princess Street Methodist, of Sw SY danham Su Cooke's and Zion Presbyterian and Calvary Congregational. The total membership of the seven city churches which by the vote of their members have decided to énter the United Church of Canada, is ap- proximately 2,918. Sydenham street Methodist chyrch with a membership of 890, is the largest of the city churches which will enter the United Church. The Sunday school attendance at Syden- ham street is reported to be 547. Rev. Dr. W. T. G. Brown, a former pastor of Sydenham street church, has accepted the call to return to his old charge and will take over his new duties in Juhe, 1925, the same month as the United Church of Canada starts to function. Queen street Methodist church, which reports a membership of 500, is the second largest Kingston church entering the union. The secretary- treasurer of the Sunday school re- ports a membership of 450. Rev. W. H. Raney is just completing his first year in this charge. . Princess street Methodist church, is one of the livest congre- gations in the city, reports that the membership of the church is '425, and the attendance at Sunday school on Sunday last was 258. The mem- bership of the Suuday school has grown by forty during the past fow months, Rev. J. K. Curtis, the pre- sent minister, has been asked to re- main for a third tefm, The Presbyterians. Cooke's Presbyterian church, with a membership of 480, is the largest (numerically) of the Preshyterfin churches entering the union. The Sunday school attendance is about two hundred. Rev. T, J. 8. Fergu- son, the pastor, came to Kingston from Lanark and is a very strong unionist. Chalmers Presbyterian church, of which Rev. George A. Brown is the pastor, reports a membership of 427 and a Sunday school enrolment of 193. 'When the vote was taken at Chal- mers recently on the question of church union fifty-one of the mem- bers voted against while 262 of the membership voted for. Most of the members will remain with Chabmers. Zion Presbyterian church, which has a membership of 89 and a Sun- day school enrolment of 100, decid- ed by a unanimous vote to enter the United Church. When the vote was first taken on the question the mewm- bers voted to enter the United Church. Rev. Edwin Burgess, pas- tor of church asked the vongregation some time ago If it wished the vote to be taken on the question and there was not one request for the second vote which means the church will enter the larger body. The Congregationalists. Calvary Congregational church, of which Rev. Frank Sanders is the pas- tor, is one of the growing churches in the northeastern section of city and has a membership of 107 and Sunday school enrolment of 169. Re- cently the board of the church erect- ed an addition at a cost of $10,000, part of which sum was obtained by the sale of the First Congregational church at the corner of Wellington and Johnson streets. When the question of union was considered by ' Calvary congregation about two years ago the membership by unanimous vote expressed its wish to enter the Unit- ed Church of Canada and it is stated that the members have seen no rea- son to changed their views on the question, The Firs? Congregational people united with Chalmers Presbyterian church three years ago. Bethel Congregational chureh of Kingston is one of three Congrega- tional churches 'in Canada which have decided not to enter the Unit- ed Church, It is stated that the members voted some years ago against union and up until the pre- sent time they have not taken an- other to enter the United Church. St. Andrew's is the only Presby- terian church in Kingston which Mas decided to remain out of the United Church. The vote was decisive anti- union. church | LIFES SOCIAL SIDE. (Continued from Page 8.) Mrs. J. H. Elmsley, King street, has postponed the dance ghe was to give on Saturday evening until Shrove Tuesday. ... .... Mrs. J. C. Ponstord, the Warden's Sliced .....%... 30c. Cssvenes MAIN STORE----Cor. Princess and Division Sts. Mr, Anderson's Office ....,...... Accountant's Office 'Wholesale NDERSON'S (Sugar Cured) 'Whole Ham .... 28c. fesse nseseanan Finest Creamery. Kingston Creamery DULY C.: from solids - bb. 3S¢| pnsyon or 36c. No. 1 Dairy Rolls and Prints 32c. No. 2 Dairy Rolls and Prints 28c. PORK CUTS Shoulder Roasts, Ib. ..... Butt ateis Ib. «os ed Loin m . CHOPS---Leéan, shoulder - sted ensssnn i i If sf Creve seas nae ld Arar zarrase Bie MILK FED VEAL FILLET OF VEAL. LOIN OF VEAL. RACK OF VEAL. Veal Chops--Loin and Rib 25¢. FH BREASTS and Stewing Cuts. ters ese annne GRAPEFRUIT--2 Specials! Residence, Portsmouth, is entertain- ing at bridge this afternoon. . * * Mrs. S. H. Simpsfn, Albert street, was the hostess of a pleasant bridge on Wednesday evening. ® oo 9 Mrs. &. L. Bruce, Bagot street, en- Mrs. Henry Crumley, Earl street, was a bridge Jostess on Thursday. . . Miss Christine McDonald, Ean giveet, is spending a week in Mont- real. : 8 Miss Kate Bermingham, Kingston, visiting Miss Ruth Burpee, Ottawa, returned home. 'Miss Violet Britton, Gananoque, Ontario, is going to Montreal next week to be the guest of her eunt, Mrs. A. F. Duclos, Arlington avenue, Westmount, Miss Buhlah Shepley, Clergy street, will spend the week-end with' her sister, Miss Evelyn Shepley, New- boro. . . se Col. and Mrs. W. P. Bikins, Hali- fax, arrived fn town on Thursday to spend a week with General and Mrs. R. W. Rutherford, King street. Miss Rorbeck, "Avonmore," has leti for Renfrew, to spend the win- Mr. and Mrs. W. P. R. Holdcroft, who were with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fair, left on Thursday for Havelock, to visit the former's paremts, Dr. and Mrs. Holderoft. : Mrs. E. A. Wismer, who has been son, Johnson street, returned to rie to-day. ---------------- Social at St. Lukes. The Women's Guild of St. Luke's church, held a soclel Thursday ning. A large + + 28c, Extra large, reg. 123% c., 10c. 1b, Simm. A 1b. tL tertained at bridge on Th bridge on Thursday, | with her daughter, Mrs. Horace Law- | / 'FLEURELLE" A Knitted Silk Fabric 36 inches wide A} FOREMOST fabric for the Spring sea- son to be used in making Dresses, Over- blouses, Skirts, Slips and Kimonas.- Owing to the failure of a Toronto whole- sale silk firm, we secured this lot - of "Fleurelle" ata ridiculously low price, and on Saturday Morning At 10 o'clock We will pass it on to you at 1-25 44,4 | Regular Value $2.95 yd. Sd aa aes of 0 OCT Ride ied ta db SEL ------ e--