Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For Bus and Taxis, Cutters and PI Sion Tor Griving parties. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 108 Wellington st. Fhone 256. TO LET RIDEAU STREET----{rame, seven rooms, electric light. $16.00 pe~ month. GENERAL INSURANCE Pire, Plate Glass, Liability, Auto, Burglary, Baggage. Agent Great West Life Assvrance Companys R. H. Waddell -- w Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIAN OARTAGHE and TO! srowaE or A VERY bist Transfer Co aren ENINGE 2231. PHONE 71. BENING 86 Broek Street | Ont. Do You Cough, Cough, All Night Long ? Terribly distressing and wearing on the system is' the cough that comes on at night and you cough; cough all night long and can't get to sleep. ? Dr. Wood's » Norway Pine Syrup Will Give You Relief Mrs. John Lyman, Enterprise, Ont., writes--""After having had whoop- ing cough I eontracted bronchitis, and for days and nights I coughed continually, and could get no rest or sleep, but after taking one bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 1 found great relief, and after having taken several bottles I was relieved of my trouble." This valuable cold and cough rem- edy has been on the market for the past 356 years; you don't experiment when you buy it; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Jorge Geo. A. Wright & Son] MACHINE W onus Oxy-Acetylene Welding. DR.J. CW. BROOM Dental Surgeon 199 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST Princess Street. 'Phone 1550 Gag for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT FATES Fo 'When want the best in Cut - Flowers, Plants or design work call WALTS', 1768 stove, 1137 residence. 'Sole member of Florist Tele- Seiiher 9 3) Kingston _ the itching, swell- and irritation of fe lains. Prompt healing Jollows the first few applications. DATE & Mttle queer to t up-to-date in coal b because coal i morta of Eades at ail sorta £ all 80 we have to keep Our Coal has been classed the highest grade of Scranton His our Virginia Coal and you will never burn any other, as it contains no clinkers or bone. Aylsworth Bros. "Phone U. R. Knight 1705w. Df THOMAS' ECLECTRIC Ol News From 'District Places GANANOQUE CHURCH 10 BE RENOVATED St. Andrew's Presbyterians Are Active -- Dempsey-Orser Wedding In Montreal. Gananoque, Feb. 19.--A wedding of much interest to Gananogueans wae solemnized in Montreal on the 17th instant when Epsie OUrser, daughter of Parker Orser, became the bride of Thomas Dempster. Rev. Dr. Robert Smith performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Dempster arrived in Gananoque yesterday and will reside at the lovely Dempster home on King street west. They have the best wishes of a very large circle of friends. At a splendid Medfing of St. An- drew's Presbyterian church held on Wednesday evening tne following were re-elected to ofiice: Finance committee, A. W. Taylor, Robt. Tul- loch and David Darling; pew com- mittee, D. A. Mitchell, Edward Park- er, J. A. Bell, W. D. Cotton, H. J. Reid; board of management, D. Darling, D. A. Mitchell, W. B, Mudie, W. J. Wilson, A. W. Taylor; secre- tary, D. A. Mitchell; Weasurer, D. W Bews; envelope secretary, W, Bates; auditors, Lyon Campbell and George Gibson. 'The church is to be renov- ated, and already $1,700 has been subscribed in this connection. A general canvas of the congregation will be made to increase this amount. it was one of the most enthusiastic meetings in years, and with improve- ments as contemplated St. Andrew's will be one of the finest churches be- tween Toronto and Montreal. Harold McCarney, sectetary-treas- urer and 8. A. McKenzie, vice-presi- dent of the local Hockey League at- tended the meeting of the County Hockey League in Brockville last night. Garfield Hood left yesterday for Montreal. George Scott received word yes- terday that his mother who has been quite seriously ill was considerably improved. Friends of Eddie Scott will be glad to know that his condition shows considerable improvement. Edward Delaney and Miss Margar- et Taylor, students at Queen's, are home for a few days, On Wednesday night on the occa- sion of the full dress rehearsal of the minstrels they admitted all the children free, Needless to say they had a packed house and appreciative audience. ; WOLFE ISLAND NEWS, A Bee Drawing Baled Hay to Kings sion. Wolfe Isinad, Feb. 17.--The con cert held in the C.M.B.A. hall on Friday evening, was well attended. Mrs. Raneous is visiting her son, William Raneous, Marysville, George McDonald had a hee on Monday haul- ing pressed hay to Kingston, Mrs. R. Halliday left on Saturday to visit friends in Pittsburg. The dance held at James Kehoe's on Monday evehing was* well attend- ed. George Woodman lost a valu- able horse last week. William Faw- cett has gone to Kingston to visit his daughter, Mrs. Robert Bustard. R. Horne left on Tuesday to attend the funeral of his sister in Water- town, N.Y. Adrian Grant is spending a few days with his parents. Miss Lillie Woodman, Marysville, is visiting her brother, George Woodman, « Fernleigh Tidings. Fernleigh, Feb. 16.--The recent rains have left the roads in a had condition. Snow is needed for men working in the woods. Arthur Bauder made a flying trip to Har- lowe on Friday. Edward Thompson is busy building an addition to his house. He intends turning his farm- h into a sunimer resort this com- SAT TT WITH FLOWERS We can deliver flower gifts short notice to any town or tia on | anywhere, Simply call us ahd te tell us your wants, we will do the rest and satisfaction is tet by towing Ven srnas anak Pot Roast . Oven Ronst ing . Mr. and Mrs. William Head were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Salmond, on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. F, Lyons at R. Bauder"s; D. Thompson at C. Mills'; Mrs. R. Bauder and son, Arthur, at R. Hicks'; C. Mills and son, Hugh, attended 'the sale and dance at Northbrook. Well Attended Gatherings. Moscow, Fet. 1 --The WMS. which was held at the home of Mrs. W. Potter on Wednesday was well attended. Misses Muriel Bell and Doris Asselstine visited their sisters in Peterboro over the week-end. The cheese meeting, held in the schoolhouse, on Saturday, was wall attended. Miss Hill is at her home in Newburgh for a few days. Mrs. Ottis Huffman ; TO WORK IN A MILL. Death of Two Ladies Are Recorded. --Ompah Notes Ompah, Feb. 18.--A very enjay- able time was spent Monday even- ing, at the surprise party at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke's. The evening was spent in dancing and cand play- ing and all had a fine time, Mrs. Edward Weateon left yesterday on a business trip to Kingston. John Emery is spending some time with his " daughter Mrs. Charles Davis, Canonfo, Fred Stewart and Clayton Cox spent Sunday evening at Charles Dunham's. Everton Flake made a flying trip through here on Monday. Many of the boys who were working at Wilbur are at home on account of the soft weather which broke up the hauling early. Mr. and Mrs, Russel Thomas and little daughter spent Sunday at WwW. Thomas'. Charles Dunham left yes- terday for Clarendon; he is going to run the emgine for David McManus in the saw mill. Sad news was received of the deaths of Miss Ester Gorr, of The Mountain, who passed away very suddenly on Monday evening, Fed. 9th, and Mrs. Charles Ohimann, Plevna, who also died suddenly at her home gn Tuesday, Feb. 10th. They will both be missed vemy much by many friends and relatives. Mrs. W. J. Cox and Clayton made a busi- ness trip to Cox Vale on Thursday. CONSECON IMPROVED Residence Is Looking Quite 8pick and Span These , Days. Consecon, 'Feb. 17.--The C.N.R. Passenger platform at the station is being rebuilt ander the superintend- ency of F. W. Toppings, Deseronto. The Epworth League are now prac- tising Tor an entertainment. Mr. Harrold, Deseronto, represenfative of the British Whig was making calls in the village to-day in the interests of the paper. R. J. Young, storekeeper is hav- ing loads of ice hauled from the Bay to-day and stored for summer use. A. Ward, secrelary-treasurer of the Sunday school, was again at his post on Sunday. His absence was noted the Sunday before as he is such a faithful attendant. F. Ward, superintendent had double duties to perform. Miss C. Fox and niece, Mies Do- reen Fox, were recent callers at Mrs. Herman Alyea's. The house next the school, long owned by Miss Cudlip, looks proved by ius new coat of lu r. Puffer, the new section foreman, is now living there, while Mr. Clarke lives in the house forrmerly occupied by Mrs. Giles ahd family. MURVALE OOMMUNITY CLUB. J. M. Purdy Elected Prepiden Team of Driving Horses Sold. Murvale, Feb. 19.--The Commun- ity Club held its regular meeting on Monday evening, The following of- ficers were elected: J. M. Purdy, president; F. C. Van Luven, vice- president; Mrs. F. C. Van Luven, sec- retary-treasurer, The following ladies were appointed at a commit- tee; Mrs. B. Quinn, Mrs. William Fitzgerald, 'Mrs. Edward Grant and Mrs. J. M. Purdy. Progressive euchre was the order of the evening. Mrs. D. J. Murton, Sr., won the ladies' prize and John Young the gentle- men's. Afterwards refreshments were served. Purdy Bros. have returned home from Montreal where they attended |. the fur sale and report prices were good. \ Mrs. A. B. Henderson and Mrs. A, Cowdy are on the sick list. Bert Purdy disposed of his téam of driving horsel to Robert Harpell on Saturday last. J. W. Ferguson is returning to his farm accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Donald Vrooman, of Odessa. Mrs. Ross Swerbrick is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H Campsell, Westbrook. The Dramatic Club gave its play, "Sunshine," at Sharbot Lake, on Monday evening. . Lorne Irwin has purchased a horse from John Wood. Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin, Bigin- burg, visited at George Irwin's. Mr. C. Quinn, Godfrey, at B. Quinn's. Mrs. Emma Hamilton is at her bro- ther's, Harry Coe. TWO CHURCH EVENTS. At Poole's Resort--Teacher Is Back on Duty. § Poole's Resort, Feb. 18.--The NEW WAY AT WOODPILE The Fuel Is Ready for the Stove, But Very High in ' Price. Yarker, Feb. 18.--Yarker Dra- matic Club is giving a play in Har- rowemith. Tracy Smith has a new wood sawing outfit in operation here. The old way of selling wood has gone forever. Sawing outfits move from farm to farm and wood for sale is sold ready for the stove and at four times its value, of a few years ago. Mrs. George Lee entertained a number of her friends Tuesday aight, also Miss L. Babcock on Wed- nesday night. The Orangemen gave an entertainment in Benjamin's Halll 'here, Thureday, 19th. A couple trom Harrowsmith were married here, Monday night, by our resi- dent minister. Archie Carscallen, Tamworth, was a visitor here. The Colebrook en- tertainment was called off owing to the weather, Moscow patrons held a meeting to buy and equip a Farm- ers' Co-operative cheese factory. Fred Garrison is overhauling the factory preparing for a start In the spring. Some of our Yarker vesidents are right into house clean- ing. Special services are being held in the Standard church here. Rev. Mr. McKenzie has been away attending the funeral of his sister who died in the States. She was a trained nurse. Madaline Fosper has returned to Toronto. She was home for a few weeks on sick leave. Activities in Church. Sandhill, Feb. 19.--Quite a num- ber are suffering from la grippe. A large crowd attended the sale at Frank Mundell"s on Tuesday last. The Ladies' Ald and W.M.S. of Sand- hill Presbyterian church met in the basement of the church on Tuesday afternoon. A paper entitled "A Thanksgiving Box' was read by Mrs. James D. Greenless. We are sorry to hear of the mis- fortune of Mrs. D, Brown and Mrs. T. Bell, that of breaking their &rms. We hope that both may have a speedy re- covery. Everyone is sorry to hear that Walter Woods is sick. The Four Square Club held their semi-monthly meeting in, the church Friday even- ing. The pdéstman was kept busy de- livering valentines after which a val- entine contest was distributed. Rev. Mr. Lancaster and Miss Eva Mundell won the prizes. Plevna Notes. Plevna, Feb. 17.--The wolves are very plentiful at Sand Lake, When Herbert Lemke. was going to the barn he saw a wolf leaving the yard enroute for the woods. The wolves were heard howling in this vicinity. Mr; and Mrs. Julius Lemke sent the week-end at The Mountain. Mrs. Andy Simpson is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Frank ' Zorr. Many friends 'weng sorry ¢o hear of the death of Mrs. Cahlamn and Miss Esther Gorr. Deseronto Conservatives. The Conservatives of Deseronto chose these officers: President, BE. C, Metcalfe; secretary, W. J. McMick- ing; treasurer, A. W. McCullough. The town of Deseronto is now a part of the new riding of South Hastings, Appointed as Alderman. Robert Gowdy has been selected as alderman of Belleville in the place of ex-Alderman A. E. Loroche, who resigned when appointed a member of the Suburban Area Commission. British women who marry alious| will retain nationality. : OUT OUR WAY, C'MON! SHAKE HANS WITH nN SWFPY. HES BACK. A v1 Price $10.50 ton. Pure Scranton Coal in Chestnut, Stove and Egg sizes. This is splendid coal of good heating quality. Also Domestic Soft Nut, S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lamber Yards, Coal Bina, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Telephone: Privaie Branch Exchange, Ne. 1571. TWEDDELL'S FOR THE BEST VALUES IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS SALE Winter Overcoats $22, $25, $27 See Our Indigo Blue Serge Suits $28.50 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess Street someone 31 IN 5 mm 257 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. Telephone 1288m. OPPOSITE THE STRAND THEATRE Spring Coats and Suits Shown in a nice selection of styles, materials and colors Popularly priced. FLANNEL DRESSES In half and long slecves; Peter Pan and V neck styles. 16 to. 44 .... GINGHAM HOUSE DRESSES GINGHAM WORK APRONS , we lame LUSTRE SILK STOCKINGS Orchid brand----heavy heel, sole and toe--Cotton top with wide hem; first quality, Colors: Black, White, Brown, Oriental Pearl, Pearl Grey, Suede, Log Cabin, Airedale, \ Camel, new Nude, Shell, Dawn. Sizes 834, 9, 93, 10 . Beige, . 49c. MERCERIZED LISLE STOCKINGS | Black, White, Grey and Polo , PRINCESS SLIPS ,,. 0.0... + 80e. Passes Gift for a Lady. At a recent event in the Roman Catholic parish hall, Napanee, Father O'Connor made & presenta- tion to Mrs. Harold McGuire, form- erly "Miss Frances Killoran, Napa- nee, and who now resides in Flint, Mich., of half a dozen 1847 Rogers "Ambassador" knives and forks. The board of license commission of Ontario have notified the Napanee council that the lientenant-governor has remitted a fine of $200 imposed on Maxwell Macdonald. Lanark's Road Budget. One hundred amd forty thou dollars has been set apart for 19: to be spent on road work in Lanas] county, Last year $187,967 spent. Work on the provincial h way in the county will be conf to a surface treatment of the wh twenty-eight miles of highway. is proposed to use $75,000 on coun and county provincial roads, $35,00 will be spent for two miles 3 sub urban road between Smith's and Franktown, and $30, he general maflitenancs.