. Ing » EW AND CHRISTIAN AS BROTHERS Optimism ManyDevelopments in Canada Point to Improved Conditions. Grows in Last Few Years. Pessimism Shoul Wool Industry Have No Place Here. The prince of man who, already was the ssomable on the seaffold, [spite of that his execution was going | many £0 be a powerful warming to him'of Bgainst committing more murders. Next in distinction probably, is married man of more than five beilef that he can show his wife new 'wrinkles in house-keeping. The optimist is the construetor, £ plisher of adversity, when hard knocks have rendered him all but speechless, he mutters, "It might Be worse", and starts all over again. 'When the rewards of his faith im something ing about the words optimist and . The former is a believer in the latter, and Latin is the lang- 'uage whence they spring. "Optim- us" is the word of origin, and its meaning is given as "best." Optimism is the only known anti- doté of pessimism, and nothing to brag about; never was and never will be. The, very derivation of the word is sufficient to condemn its cult. Com- from the Latin "'pessimus," meaning "the worst," it is true to its parentage. Its philosophy, as gloomy as its propagandists, fined as, "A theory of Sapuol0gy that regards the cosmos, or the world and life, or some -main con- stituent thereof, as essentially frst-hand knowledge of conditions and affairs in other worlds. ¢ The ordinary folk in the world we know of, have maintained a re- nguished Rabbi Writes Plea for the Understanding of Each '+ Religion in a Reverent Friendly Spirit. standing, who still cherishes that anxi A noted anthropelogist need, and most of them use a very small part of what they have." Why worry? Pass the dictionary and get busy on the cross puzzle. Just Think Of It! In France the government i quality of optimism in the pessimists, who are gloom draws a terrible ple ture of a coal-less world, three hun- dred years from now. Who cares! declares the size of the human brain word is so ous about the falling birth rate that it Is proposing to increase the the Jewish Institute of Religion. In HELP FOR TIRED fall all over the pew Chesterfield. On this side of the water an The pessimists who vision these dire happenings to occur in = time gources of the land in which they live, and confident only that it has no future. Most Canadians were shocked to hear that some of these pessimists were writing to English papers In A strain calculated to make John Bull's bair stand on end. It isn't fair to give the old gentleman that kind of shock; he has so many world problems on hand, and such a sublime faith in the ability of the Overseas Dominions to look after their own interests. He is pussied and annoyed when somebody butts in, just as he is putting through ah arrangement with Franee or Italy, and shouts that Canada is falling to pleces and he had better call out the Guards and the Bank of England gold reserve. He knows that there is no substance behind the yowling of the alarmists; but he also knows that it gives delight to those who are envious of the family of nations known 2s the British Empire. Perhaps one reason for the voel- feration of pessimists in Canada, is the inclination to look too closely at "the bigness" of everything in its geographical neighbor, and com - pare it with the attainments of their own country. They appear to re- gard it as a matter for shame that Canada, in a much shorter period, has not accomplished far more than the United States, A better and a fairer way would be to 'spend a vr other, whatever be the types of faith to which they severally ad~ here. « The foregoing statement by Rabb} Wise would be incomplete without a lbok at the man himself. The impact of fiery emergy and unlimited reserve impresses the be- bolder, whether Rabbi Wise is seen on the platform or in social greet- ing. A tall, bulky man, quick on his feet, sharp of eye, dominating of manner, the red bow of the Legion of Honor at /his lapel, he probably is attended Dy as large and varied a congregation as any churchman in America. He founded the Free Synagogue and now is rabbi of the Central and Free Synagogues. He founded the Organization in America and recent. years he has spoken widely on his favorite themes of world peace and the relations between Jews and Christians. He has proved an ambas« sador from his race to all mankind, inspiring confidence and good will. . -- » 3 Found in the Use of Dr. Williams®| Pink Pills. Are you pale and weak, tired of the time, out of breath on exertion? Sf Are you nervous, is your sleep diss turbed 80 that rest does not refresh you? 0 Is your appetite poor, your diges tion weak and do you have pains after It you have any of these symp i yu psa he help cL aveh a reli tonle r. Williams' Pills. Read what Mr. W. W. Hig: il 2-8 £ : iE BEE f g £3 fil my there will be nothing to divide them y i inci tu ern won so | LATE MRS. PATTERSON The Mother of Mrs. George Taplin, Addison--Mission Cirole Meets. Addison, Feb. 19.--The pie social which was to be held tn the church hall, on Thureday evening, cancelled till a later date, owing to the death and funeral of Mrs. Pat- terson. On Sunday morning Feb. 22nd, Rev. H. E. Warren, Athens. will preach in the Methodist church here. The pastor, Rev. D. D. Elliott, will dake Mr. Warren's work end preach in Athens. Mr. and Mrs, J. Moulton are now comfortably settled Mm the house -- world. Cansds has the available exportable wheat on the M. O'Connor Died x Cole Lake, Feb. 20.--8awing wood is the order of the day, A numbers from hers attended the concert in Picadilly, Wednesday evening last. Mrs. J. Wilkins, Verona, is spending t few days with her daughter, Mrs. C. M. Kennedy. Mrs. William Shil- lington spent week-end at John Peters', Wilton. Miss Eliza Judge returned to Crow Lake after spend- ing Sunday with her. parents. Archie Jackson has gone to Ogdensburg, N.Y., for a few days. Mrs. R. Jack- son spent Saturday in town. Mrs. C. Both has returned to her home in Denbigh after a few days visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jack- son. William Judge, Belleville, at James Judge's. Mr. J. Judge who had his arm wrenched in the pully along nicely now. Much sympathy . {Iatives in their sad bereavement of their father, Michael O'Connor, who died suddenly, Tuesday afternoon. of the sawing machine is getting' § is extended to B. O'Connor and re- | tion Bu ie efit have always held them to be money may be made out of sheep. . Want Canadian Sheep sefsy if ig - A Sle Repository For Bonds or Other Valuable Papers A SAFETY Deposit Box in your.nearest branch of * the Standard Bank is the logical place to keep your vahi- ables for security and convenis ence, We shall be pleased to furnish you with space neces- By sary for your requirements at minimum rates. { : fT eT STANDARD BANK [f KINGSTON BRANCH--J, F. Rowland, if x