Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1925, p. 6

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Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY L 2 : or design i | call WATTS', 1768 store, 1187 Sl 1 1 106 Weitington se. Yor Bus and Taxls, Cutters and Hist Sicha for driving ors. Dr. Waugh Phone 256. FO LET re Sse seven po GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, 'Plate Glass, Liability, Auto, Barglary, Baggage. ATs Grost West. Jute Auurance R H. Waddell Phones 326, 506. 86 Broek Strom Moving of RNITURE, SAFES, FREIGHT PIANOS, CATACH ta STORAGE or Transfer Co. Pon aero" SEES DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. "Phone 679. {advised me to try HAD BAD SPELLS | WITH HER HEART Mrs. C. Martin, R.R. No. 2, Orillia, | Ont., writes: --*"I have been troubled with my heart for a long time and very often had bad spells with it. I would take fainting spells, and my husband had to have somebody to stay with me all the time. He got me everything he could think of to see if they would do me any good, but nothing seemed to help me. One day a friend was in to see me and MILBURN"S Heart and Nerve Pills My husband went and got me two boxes, and after the tirst one was finished I felt like a different woman. I cannot recommend them enough to all those who suffer with anything wrong with their heart or nerves." Milburn's H. & N. Pills have been on the market for the past 30 years and are put up only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. "All druggists handle them." FLOUR We have in stock all the best brands of Flour. Our First Patent for family use at $5.26 A BAG Makes a beautiful loaf. W. F. McBroom 25 Brock St. Phone 1686 Gn Writ Son -182 Wellington Street hen you want the best in Cut ; Plants work Sole memoer of Florist Tele Delivery Ycited. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. "Phone 1550 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY . APPOINTMENT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG News From District Places THE ATHENS - ALUMNI Gave a Fine Entertainment-- Late Francis Blancher-- To Make Cheese. Athens, Feb. 20.--A rich treat was furnished by the Athens High School Association on the evening of the 12th inst., when, under that auspices, three artists of rare tal ents appeared here, and, assisted by focal talent, put on & most enjoy- able entertainment, Cowan, a clever {impersonator and entertainer, had visited us in June last, and on this occasion maintained the golden opinfons won previously. This was thé first appearance of Miss Smith, the planist and accordionist, and the captivated all by her mastery of 'her unusual, instrument, her costum- ing adding to the effect. Miss Beryh Davis, soloist, in First Pres- byterian church, Brockville, but re- cently retwrmed from Toronto Coh- servatory of Music, seems like one of our own, being a former high school student. Possessed of a sweet voice of wide range, she delighted all with her vocal numbers. The igh school cadets and "acrobats" contributed their quota in making the evening a memorable one. The funeral of the late Mrs. Scovil Robeson, held on Saturdey afternoon Jast in the Methodist church, was very largely attended ©y relatives and friends. The pas- tor, Rev. H. E. Warren, M.A., BD, took as text, 2 Samuel 20:19, "A mother in Israel," elaborating the $dea of a mother in the home and a mother mn the church, paying a glowing tribute to her consecration and fideMty. The pall-bearers were Messrs. H. H. Arnold, B. R, Brown, W. F. Earl, W. H. Jacob, D. L. Johnston, I. Wiltse. Following nearly throe weeks' illners; Francis Blancher, Isaac street, passed away on the 14th tnst., fn Brockville, whither he had been taken for medical treatment. De. Dental-Dr. Alex. M. Clark will continue to conduct the practice of DF. H. A. Stewart. oma. 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by appointment. Phone 3003 [Dr Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. S413 PAnetiA StheSY Phone 2045w. 0 Dy reliability reputation---a yard that coin you satisfaction, Ton Grove Inn Yards R.B. ish Dr. Si op Our Coal has been the highest grade pr net { | Churchley, Oshawa, jeweller, d had resided here for many years o ng from Lombardy where he had been born nearly sixty-five yoars ago. His twin brother, Franklin, of Smith's Falls, brother Channcey, and sister, Mrs. Ran- som Brown of this place survive, also his widow, formerly Miss Jessie Wright, one eon, Kenmeth, DS., of Morpisburg, and one daughter, Mrs. Ezra Banl, Temperance Lake. The late Mr. Blapcher was a Liberal in politics, and took a keen interest in the events of the day. For many years be received the appointment of village officer, discharging his duties in a conscientious manner wn | Funeral services were conducted in the Holinesd Movement church by the Rev. Mr. Pritchard, Lombardy, assisted by Miss Reynolds, local pastor, and the Rev. Mr. Bradley, Seeley"s Bay, Rev. Upham, pastor of the local Baptist church, and Rev. Mr. Warren, pastor of the local Methodist church. Ths text was chbsen from Job 4:18-19, 'Houses of Clay." The thought of the in- dividual as a trinity was elaborated, body, mind and soul, the last nam- ed being of paramount importance, and whose welfare should be our chief concern. The pall bearers were 8S. A. Coon, A. M. Eaton, J. 8. Eaton, W, H. Jacob, J. Mulvena, F. Scovil. At a milk meeting held Met Sat- unday evening by the proprietor and patrons of the local creamery, it was decided to manufacture cheese dur- ing the coming season. Mr. has opened up in the premises recently vacated by H. R. Knowl ton and son. Mr. and Mrs. BE, F. Neff opened their commbdions Victoria street tesidence to entertain the Young People's Society on Monday even- ing; the occasion being a - "Valen- tine social." Partners were seecur- ed by matching 'broken hearts," and te games and music con- Y [stituted a very pleasant evening. Re- RO Jered xt the eine. Next Monday NE Me to be addressed Rev, re re Boyle, M.A, B.D, BY he subject be- Ing, "The causes and. cure of the for two bundred and fifty dollars, "From the Crawifonds," as he term- ed it. For many years, the Craw- ford family owned the farms now in the possession of Mr. Shaw. The children attended the local public echool, high school, and the eret- while model school, so it is gratity- ing to know that they are express- ing their appreciation in so tang- ible a manner. The handsome dona- tion will materially assist in the equipment of the science room. An intercollegiate debate is be- ing arranged between Athens and Smith's Falls, the subject being, "Resolved that organized labor is a greater detriment to the state than is organized capMal." Sam Holl- ingeworth, Jr., and Riobemt Rahmer are expected to represent the lecal high school, but whether on the af- firmetive or negative side has as yet not been definitely decided. D. Fraser has returned from Brockville, where he has been re- siding for a time, to take up his duties as janitor of the high school. He is domiciled, temporarily in the Henderson house, Mill street, un- til the tenant, W. G. Shackles, va- cates Mr. Fraser's Wellington street property. The heating apparatus at the public school went on strike last Tuesday morning amd, while altera- tions are being made, the pupils are enjoying a few days' holidays. A number of Athenians took in the damce at Ernest Seymour's, Glen Elbe, Tuesday evening. A Frances Willard Memorial pro- gramme was presented at the W. C. T. U. meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. W. Beach. The roll call was answered by quo- tations from Miss Willard, Miss Dora Kleyne read an excellent paper gn the life of this talented temper- ance worker, and Mrs. J. J. Home sang one of her favorite hymns. In addition, Mrs. B. H, Brown gave some 'echoes from the recent Po- {minton W, C. T. U. convention in Toronto. She noted the spirit of friendliness that prevailed, and the business-like mantder in which the sessions: were conducted. She em- phasized the need of leaders get- ting to work educating the children and young people along temperance lines. Mrs. (Rew.) C. J. Curtis had charge of the Seripture - lesson. Miss Eleanor Young contributed an appropriate solo, "Hark! the' fém- perance bells 'are ringing," and the Misses Beatrice Peterson and Olive King contributed a pletsing. plano duet. The hostess served fruit. at the chose. Athens hockey team went down 10 defedt at Néwboré yesterday af- ternoon] losingiby a wore ef 4-1. The return mutch is scheduled for to-morrow on Memorial Park rink. Mrs. C. L. Lamb has been on a visit to Lyndhurst relatives. Miss Hazel Bums was a recent guest at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jemes Burne, Leehy's Corn- ers, and enjoved the birthday party in honor of her sister. Miss Leita. Mrs. Horton. New Dublin, is snend- ng a few days with her - mother, Mrs. Sydney Ducolom, who is indis- posed. Miss Grace Ramvell has gone to Brockville for disunosis, as she ap- pears to bs suffer'ng from ap- pendicitis. Mrs. M. Foxton is re turning to the Brorkville hospital for treatment. following a few Aays st her Isaac street residence. Mrs. James Gordom has been on the dick list for a few days. Members of the Women's Aux- fHary of the Anglican church are mrevaring a bale of clothing which The executive of the local Ban- tist church bex to ammounce thar services will be resumed next Sun- dav. The mastor. Rev. George G. Upham, who hed to wndergo an on- "Rev. D. D. Elliott, Addin, js an- nounced fo occupy the Methodist Several Soolal Events--Rev, Dr. Dyde to Preach In St. Andrew's Sunday. Picton, Feb. 20.--Mr. and Ms. W. I. Clark were surprised by a num- ber of their neighbors apd friends on Monday evening, the occasion be- ing the birthday of the hostess. Mrs, W. Crawford provided a beautiful birthday cake and a most delightful time was spent. Many friends will regret to learn of the illness at her home on Maple avenue of Miss Elizabeth Dunkley, principal of Picton public gchool. The W. C. T. U. will hold a sale of home cooking and afternoon tea at the library on Saturday after- noon from 3 to 6 o'clock. Miss' Ella Welsh is visiting friends at Stirling. Rev. Dr, Dyde will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's Presbyterfin church on Sunday next. William Clark has returned from Lowell, Mass., where he 'went to at- tend the funeral of hig brother, Lew- is Clark, who passed away in hos pital in that city after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. Mr, Clark leaves besides his brother, his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, Ontario street, Picton, and a wife and family of three child- ren in Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Theda Roblyn Matheson, an old Picton girl, will be the Sagution- ist at an entertainment in St. An- drew's Presbyterian church on the 23rd, Mrs. (Dr.) Gerald Allison enter- tained at bridge on Thursday after- noon. Favors were won by Mrs, D. J. Shannon, Mrs. (Dr.) Philp and Mrs. Charles Hart. The hostess was assisted at the tea hour by Mrs. J. W. Allison, Miss Nell Miller, and Miss Hilda Rolston. Miss Bernice Woods has gone to Detroit, Mich., for a few weeks' visit with friends. Miss Marion Grimmon was In Kingston for the Arts and Sclence dance at Queen's University and was the guest of Miss Grace Woods. Mrs. H. 8. Colliver entertained at a dinner party on Thursday last in honor of her mother, Mrs. R. R. Gar- rison. Ernest Wright has received the appointment of assistant at the cus- toms office, as successor to Captain O'Brien who has been superannuat- ed, Miss Charlotte Smith is holidaying in Toronto, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Fargey. LR ibn A VALENTINE SOCIAL. Was a Happy Event at Chaffey's Yocks School. Chaffey's Locks, Féb, 20.--A Val- entine Social was held in the school house last Friday which was well attended and enjoyed. Much credit is due to both teacher and pupils in preparing the programme which wag well rendered. After the enter- tainmept sandwiches, cake and hot cocoa were served, All the pupils were presented with valentines. The last few days of cold weath- er have improved the sleighing and ice which enables the farmers to haul their logs to the mill to he sawed, also to finish the harvesting of ice. A number from here attended the Valentine party held at Elgin. Mrs, A. W. Droyer entertained a number of her neighbors, on Friday last, at progressive euchre. Miss M. Droyer and H. L. Regan were the lucky ones to score the greatest mumber of points. Dainty sandwiches and cakes were served, with hot tea and coffee, after which dancing was enjoyed for a. couple of hours. The evening was thor- oughly enjoyed. Miss M. Hughson, Kingston, is spending a few days with friends here. Dr. T. ¥, Cham- berlain returned from Toromto. HE, Babcock, Trenton is a 'guest of G. Franklin. Mrs. R. Bulger, Kingston, is the "| guest of W. H. Fleming. ' Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Franklin in the death of the form- er's, mother, Mrs. Franklin, Bath. Mrs. W. H, Fleming is on an extend- ed visit to Cleveland and Detroit. T. Davis is spending a few days at Kingston. THE TOWN OF PICTON Pure Scranton Coal in Chestnut, Stove and Egg sizes. This is splendid coal of good heating quality. Also Domestic Soft Nut. § Price $10.50 ton. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lamber Yards, Coal Bins. Genuine Radiotron Tubes: Genuine new ty: ek Peanut gobs Phone, write or Lf 269% PRINCESS STREET. A RADIO STORES 'PHONE 1207. The Radio Headquarters of Eastern Ontario! TWEDDELL'S FOR THE BEST VALUES IN SUITS ' - AND OVERCOATS SALE attendance, most of whom remained Winter Overcoats $22, $25, $27 See Our Indigo Blue Serge Suits TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess Street W. Gourdier; stamter, T, K. Nh: olson. There was a very large crowd in for the dance in Victoria Hall ar- ranged by thé Stella Driving Club. MUMPS AT BETHEL. The School'is Very Small Because of Discase. Bethel, Feb. 19.--Some of our farmers are finishing their wood-cut- ting since some of our snow has dis- appeared making it more gonvenlent fn the woods to travel." Mrs. E. Alkenbrack has returned from visit~ ing friends at Elginburg and Hi lock Stock farm. Mrs. Robert Galbraith retw home, on. Monday, after spen two months with her son and f at Ardbeg. Mr, and Mrs. J. Gi spent pver Sunday with their Russell, and family, at D Mrs. Garnet Jeffrey attended the meeting at, Hartington and her unele, Mr. Moore. She was companied home by her cousin Ethel Moore. Not many at school this week ing to mumps. Miss Dorotha Hi ilton visited her friend, Mrs: CUE ford Hannah, for a few days. 1 ii

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