| Cedar Shingles are in big demand yet. We are keeping our stocks up ready for any emergency call. Let's have yours now. Can supply all the best grades of Red and White Cedar. ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street, 'Phone '1042. i] See Us When Need Of We are distributors for Mr. H. Packer, A.T.0O.M. D. Johnson, A.T.C.M. Phone Res. 2829, Mr. H, Bill Special free advantages to pupils. examination, Rates on application. Violin, Junior and Kindergarten Plano . . Voice and Sight Singing . Modern methods. Puplis prepared for SWISH ! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CROSS-WORD PUZZLE Words of from two to seven let- gl | ters make this a model puzzle. It is of average degree so far as solving it goes, so that little difficulty should be encountered. Horizontal, Food for cattle. King's seat. Arranged. Skies. Far down. Bishop's cap. .To help. Pronoun. With legs stretched apart. Ego. Border. Contraction over. To shred. A division of house. A yellow alloy, To chirp. Printer's square type. To feel pain. Small. Point of compass. Go in. Staggers. Indefinite article. Mule's papa. Everyone. Measure of area. Ship. To guide. Otherwise. Location. Rodent. Mensure of medicine. Bone. ERECT] Yes. Jewels. Head of a newspaper. Possessive pronoun. To congregate. . Sun god. Eggs. Beak. Foes. To stick. Treeless land. To step. Advance.- To flow out. Point of compass. To consecrate, To affirm. Possessive pronoun. Fish. To imbibe. Noisy manner. Brute. Inspector of weights. An overcoat. By. Opposite of lies. Morals. Behold. Hasty. Color. The lion. Ostrich. Color. Monkey. Pronoun. Half an em. Answer To Wednesday's Cross- / od [FIEINERS| 7.30 pm.--A story by Uncle Bd. 8 p.m.--Concert by the American Legion. 8.15 p.m. --*"The College Student as Literary Material," by Miss Thyr- 5a°W. Amos, dean from the Univer sity of Pittsburgh studio. 8.30 p.m.--Continuation of con- cert by the American Legion. 9 p.m.--Concert. ---- WEAR (890) Cleveland, O. 7-8 p.m.--Dinner concert by Aus- tin J. Wylle and his orchestra. 8-11 p.. --Programme by Youngs- town Rotary Club, WRC (460) W, , D.C. 4 p.m.--Fashion developments of the moment, by Eleanor Guan. , 4.10 p.m--Pfano recital by Elean- or Glynn. 4.20 p.m.--"Beauty and Personal- ity," by Blsle Pearce. 4.30 pm.--Tea music by Meyer Davis' New Hotel Willard Trio. 6 p.m.--Children's hour, by Peg- gy Albion, -- WPG (200.8) Atlantic City, N.J. 7 p.me--Hotel Traymore dinner music. * 9 p.m.--Ambassador concert or- chestrs, © 10 p.m.--Studio recital, Helen Kennedy, soprano; Ceéile Steines, violinist; Anna Castner Heiss, plan- ist; L. Powell Evans and vocal stud- ents. Alice Warren Sachse, pianist. Followed by dance music. WJZ (455) New York City. 10.20 a.m.--"Books," Grace Iso- bel Colbron. 10.30 a.m.--*"Health and Beauty," {by Mrs. Ruth Champenots. ) "13.18 p.m.--Friday noon hour of | music direct from Brick church. | 1 p.m.--Hotel Ambassador Trio; Henry Van Der Zanden, director. 4 pm.--Julia Bdick, soprano, 4.15 p.m.--Madlyn Goldman, pian- 1st. | 5.30 p.m.--State and Federal ag- ricultural reports; farm and home market reports; closing quotations of the New York Stock Exchange; foreign exchange quotations; "Eve- ning Post" news. 7 p.m.--Bernhard Levitow's Hotel Commodore orchestra. 8 p.m.--Wall Street "Journal" re- view. 8.10 p.m.--N. Y. U. Air College; "Psychology," by Dean James B®. Lough, 8.40 p.m.--Marguerite Warncke, contralto. 10.45 p.m.----Beaux Arts orchestra. WJIY (403) New York City. 7.30 p.m.--Paul Victorine and his Country Club Orchestra, 8.16 p.m.--"Work of New York Assembly," by Julius S. Berg. 8.30 p.m.--The Kendall quartette. 9.45 p.m.--Prince Basile Bwiato- polk Mirski, baritone. ---------- F your body is skinny and run- Irs can't eat or sleep, have fits of nervousness, pimply complexion, need Tanlac to tr i ae J ing you back to health, Tanlac is Nature's great tonic and builder. It is made, after the barks and curative herbs Get a bottle of Fale at your druggist's today. the work at en Youll feel ise right from the first. In a week's time you'll feel like a new person. For Tanlac gess right down to the seat of trouble. It putifies he bl aids digestion, helps the Newt , i Spoon of flesh. illions of men and women who were once Sick] and gr couraged have ifted right back to health and strength by the Tanlac treatment.' Our files con- tain one hundred thousand glowing » testimonials from grateful users. Tanlac will help you just as it has helped millions of others. Buy RUBEROID famous Tanlac formula, of roots, : from the four corners of the globe. - Insist or th Let this great Tonic build you up! Nurse Endorses TANLAC "In my fifteen years' nursing Iac restore dozens of rune down people to health and strength. 1 have recom. mended it time and again with results." Mrs. M. E. Chappelle, Nurse Wauwatosa, Wisconsin a bottle at your drug store today and start the winning fight for prime, vigorous health, TAKE TANLAC VEGETABLE PILLS FOR CONSTIPATION TANLAC FOR YOUR HEALTH OI HE Fo Te ROOFINGS/ ( N N HIRI T ieu's SYRUP oF TAR & Pressed. 1 E ARIANEMONE Conjunction. TRIAL) NIE BE Stir up, CNSCARS] + Garret. ICIRIOINIEINSIL NV] LU ROH DISET ==and a couple of more swishes of good paint with the right brushes will transform ' ance of your home whether 10 p.m.---Monte Carlo Virginians. " 7 --- WAHG. (816) New York City. 8-8.30 p.m.--Violin Ensemble. DER AMIRI IO) » we Don't Put Of --Put It On ~ "FLOGLAZE" FINISHES THAT ENDURE to demolish. = A mark. A small bird. Young boys. To part. Vertical. Liberty. Metal. Gentle knock. ROIMZIOR INT = LL IO! POD] 20 mn RITE] OIAIRIROIUTICIOMI PLEADISIETT x . [tural items. a ---------------------------------- Pittsburgh livestock and FRIDAY, MARCH 6. KDKA (800.1) Pittsburgh, Pa. 9.45 a.m.--"Stockman" reports of the Pittsburgh livédstock markets; general mai get review and agricul- 12 m.--"Stockman" reports of the wholesale produce markets. ; 12.20 p.m.--Sunday School son for March 8th. 3.30 p.m.--Closing quotations on hay, grain and feed from the "'Stock- man" studio. 6.15" p.m.--Concert by Charlie Gaylord's orchestra. 7.15 p.m.--""Stockman" reports of the primary livestock and wholesale produce markets. pe -- Les- 8.30-8.45 p.m.--Helen Krentslin, soprano, 8.45-9 - p.m,--Harris & Evans, Rays of Radio. 9-9.15 p.ms-- Fred Ehrenberg, Musical Saw. 9.15-10 p.m.--Michael Lamberti, cellist. 10-10.15 p.m.--Wm. F. Diehl, ra- dio engineer, Radio Question Box. 10.15-10.30 P.m.--Helen Krentz- lin, soprano. 10.30-10.45 P.m.--Fred Ehrenberg Musical Saw, 10.45-11.80 p.m.--Dance music. WMAQ (447.5) Chicago, 11. 4.30 p.m.--Pupils of Bush conser- vatory, 6 p.m.--Organ rectial from Chica- 80 theatre. f : 6.30 p.m.--Hotel LaSalle orches- ra. 8 p.m.--Weekly Wide Awake Club programme directed by Mys. Fran- ces M, Ford. 8.30 p:m.--Musical geography, Mr. and Mrs. Marx m, Oberndorter. 9.15 p.m.--Musical programme, Mae Graves Atkins. ---- WWI (352.7) Detroit, Mich. 9.30 a.m.--""To-night's Dinner" and a special talk by the woman's editor. 12.06 p.m.--Jules Klein's Statler orchestra. 3.56 p.m.--Market reports. 6 p.m.--Dinner concert. 8 p.m.--Concert. I ---- Hotel h Derabae i Suatructor of French at Colum versity; children's stories; Matilda Du prano. s Cop LiverE> él mauer, contralto; the Happiness Candy Boys; Spear & Co. Home En- tertainers; Elsie May Gordon, im- personator; Jascha Gurewich, saxo- phonist; Eleanor Starkey, soprano; {Meyer Davis' Lido-Venice Orchestra, |direct from the Lido-Venice, New { York City. oh-- Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. Married at Selby. Selby, March 4.--Not many at- tended service on Sunday night on siccount of the storm. The W. M. 8. ladies will meet on Thursday after- noon, E. Robinson and Miss Barn- hart were married, on Tuesday last. They will reside east of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes, Bethel, were Fecent visitors at J. E. Hudgins' We are glad to say Mr. Wilde is doing as well as could be expected after his serious operation at the General Hospital, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mowers, Toronto, are visiting their parents and friends here. Mrs, W. Valleau, for- EecaEld : A gt HL § fx Stors Couch: mes and EUCO, Proper Te Makers also of Mathieu's Neroine for Headaches, Neuralgia Cet Rid of . - Plies =~ Now