Bi nm re CY we DAILY BRITISH WHIG Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For Bus and Taxis, Cutters and News From District Places WOODWORK @ way to get rid | by going right to trouble--the blood-- must be made pure Flat Sleighs for driving parties. DENTIST 106 Wellington st. Fhone 256. Dr. Waugh | cleanses the | way that few medicines will do. "TO LET meas ram month. GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liability, Aute, Baggage. Burglary, Agent Great West Life Assvrance Company. R. H. Waddell seven $16.00 por ferent parts of his body. a very short time." Ont. and removes all the foul matter from the blood in a Mrs. Chas. Rankin, Bulyea, Sask., writes: --*"A few years ago my hus- band had a terrible time with boils. On one arm he had 16 between his elbow and wrist; five on the back of his neck, and several more on dif- He tried everything he could think of, but got no relief until he took Burdock Blood Bitters, and to his surprise it com- pletely relieved him, of his boils, in B.B.B. has been on the market for the past 46 years; be sure you get it when you ask for it; put up only by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Phones 336, 506. 86 Broek § Te STORAGE OF PIANOS, CARTAGK aad King Transfer_Co. ,PHON. 377. |, BY ENIN 153 WELLINGTO Geo. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS 234-236 Ontario Street. ..'Phone 1264 All kinds of machines and machinery repaired. Prompt and efficient service. Oxy-Acetyiene Welding. DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 250 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN ..... DENTIST Princess Street. Phone 1850 Gas for Painless OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT (Dr. R. B. Bishop) DENTIST Offices at the Corner of Princess and Wellington Streets Entrance: 192 Wellington Street Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Cerner of Princess and Barrie Eatrance: 314 Barrie Street. ' PHONE "404J. M Deatal-Dr. Alex "When want the best in Cut Flowers, Plants or design work «call WALTS', 1768 store, 1187 Sole of Florist Tele 1 Tour onteotcown. orders so: licited. Clark DnB A peat OFFICE: 84 BROCK STRERT Evenings by appointment. Phone 2002 Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. FLOUR We have in stock all the best brands of Flour. Our First Patent for family use at $5.25 A BAG Makes a beautiful loaf, W. F. McBroom PICTON PERSONALS. Young People Put On a Play At Wi ellington. > Picton, March 4.--Mr. and Mrs. B. O' Flynn, Centre street, enter- tained at progressive euchre on Fri- day evening. The prizes were captur- ed by Mr. L. Hicks, Mrs. (Capt) Savage, Mr. John .Carson and Mr. Charles Shannon. The hostess was assisted in serving delicious refresh- ments by Mrs. Carson, Misses An- nie Merritt and Pearl Minaker. Master Joseph O'Neil of Toronto is the guest of his aunts, the Misses Doherty, Main street East. Mr. and Mrs. S. Harrison and Mr. Ralph Harrison left last week for Buffalo, N.Y., to make their fut- ure home. Mr. Burford took their household. goods up on Friday by motor truck. Misses Merle and Gladys Hudgin have returned to' their home at South Bay after visiting their sis- ter, Mrs. Dulmage, Burns Avenue. Mrs. Fred Pringle has returned to Picton after spending three weeks with Mr. Pringle at Dartmouth, Har- bor, N.S. Rev. C. L. Cowan preached in St. Andrew's church, Hamilton, while away on his vacation. Miss Nora Melvin of | Winchester is spending some time with her friend, Miss Mariam Grimmon. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McDonald left on Saturday for British Colum- bia where they expect to engage In fruit growing. Wilkie Dorland of Adolphustown is undergoing treatment in Prince Edward county hospital. Although the' weather was inclement on Friday evening 1 the young people of Picton who journeyed to Wellington to put on their comedy, "Red Acre Farm" were greeted by a full house. TO MAKE CHEESE AND BUTTER. W. O. Taylor, Cheese Factory. Charleston, March 2.--The heavy wind last week blew down H. Web- ster"s aerial wire and they are un- able to listen in on their radio un- til it is repaired. Mr. and Mrs. R. Steacy, Warburton, were week-end visitors 'with friends here. The members of the Pentecostal Mission held an all day meeting at J. Kel- sey"s on Sunday. Residents here felt the tremors of an earthquake about nine o'clock on Saturday night. The vibrations lasted about fifteen seconds. W. C. Taylor, gro- cer, Brockville, has purchased Oak Leat cheese factory from J. A. Flood and held a milk meeting on Non- day evening last, which was largely attended, Mr, Taylor was owner and proprietor of the factory for about fourteen years, selling it in 1915. Mr. Taylor proposes eungag- ing a man to make cheese and but ter. : I -------------------------- . Leased a Farm. * Kepler, March 3.--Mr. McKivor, Godfrey, has leased John Wpods' farm and is moving on. Mf. Wood is moving to New York state. William Caverly is moving to Kingston. "Bobbie" Donnell. is recovering from his serious illness. Mrs. H. B. Johnston is also convalescing nice- ly and has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. Cor- dukes, Eiginburg. A. Orser has returned from visit- ing his daughter Mrs. W. Keyes, Wolfe Island. The Ladies' Aid meets tomorrow afternoon at 'Mrs. Fred Potter's. The children of the public At the beginning of the hockey season, Frank McLaren, of the Mec- Laren clothes shop, Perth, offered of a $60 suit of clothes to on the Perth Hockey I g to be the most useful and valuable to the team during the Wednesday the judges, ADOLPHUSTOWN PEOPLE HURT In An Accident on the Joe, Saturday Night. Adolphustown, March 3.--F. By- gott and two younger sons were in- jured on Saturday evening, when their cutter slued on the ice and they were thrown out. Mr. Bygott sustained broken ribs, one boy a broken arm, and the other a cut in the head. Mrs. Bygott, who was al- 80 in the rig, escaped injury. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Roblin re- turned on Saturday after spending the week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Allison were also in the par- ty, but were called. home earlier in the week, owing to the serious illness of his brother. Mr, and Mrs. A. Franklin and fam- ily, have moved to Toronto. The March lon roared quite loudly, but every one was glad to see the snow and the colder weather has stiffen- ed up the ice so it is safe once more. The young people of Hay Bay will present their play, "An Old Fashioned Mother,' 'in the base- ment of the Methodist church Friday evening. Robert Foster, who has been con-| fined to the house by illness, is {m- proving. W. Dorland is in the Prince Edward hospital, but is reported to be progressing favorably. LEAVING FOR CHERRY VALLEY. And the People of Inverary Are Sorry at Loss. Inverary, March 3.--On Friday evening, Feb. 27th, the members of the choir gathered at the home of Mrs. C. H. Arthur and presented Mrs. J. A. Beckwith with a hand- some shopping bag. Mr. and Mrs. Beckwith and family will shortly leave for Cherry Valley where they will be engaged in cheese making for the ensuing year. They will be greatly missed in the social activi- ties of the community as well as in the church and school. On Thursday evening they will be entertained at the home of Dr. A. E. Freeman when the community will make a presentation to Mr, Beckwith. The play "Sunshine" presented in the hall by the Murvale Dramatic Club was voted by the large aud- fence as the best put on here in years. Ford Wills and Arnott Gamble, Morton, are spending a week among friends here. Mrs. Morda -Liverbuck is spending some time at the home of S. A. Imscott, Kingston. ' A large number had a most en- joyable evening at the home of Car- man Drader on the 26th. Miss Fredericka Ferguson 1s spending the week-end in Kingston. The Laa- Anticipate Spring needs, and getin your orders early for made-to-order Window Screens, Porch Work and other kinds of Woodwork about the House. - Remember the early bird (householder) catches the early worm (carpenter). ° S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factery, Lamber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, Ne. 1571. ies' Ald will be held at the home of Mrs. England on' Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Arthur has returned from a week's visit with friends at Lynd- hurst. Mrs. Tina Chrisley is visiting at Howard Keyes' Cataraqui. At Bunker's Hill. Bunker's Hill, March 4.--The weather has been very stormy for a few days with guite a heavy fall of snow. A meeting was held in the Friends' Church on Sunday even- ing. Miss Mae Andison, Smith's Falls, has left for Wetertown, N.Y,, where she will gnter the House of the Good Samaritan as nurse-in-train- fog: An OM Lady's Injuries. An old resident of Cobden, Mrs, Michael Gervais, aged ninety-seven, is suffering in Pembroke General Hospital from a broken left hip, the result of an accidental fall at her home in Cobden. Reports from the hospital, to which she was admitted following 'the accident, state that though her condition is serious she is resting comfortably. Mrs. Gers 'vais is probably the oldest resident of Cobden, and despite her advance ed age, was very active and in en~ joyment of good health at the time of the accident. The young old man is never bo: thered much by the noise of childs ren. orc. = "I can' ¢ believe this beautiful rug cost only $18.00" * And in addition to its beauty and low price. s Congoleum Art-Rug is the most practical rug you can buy. It requires neither dusty sweeping, beating, nor back-breaking scrubbing to keep it looking like new. Dust, grease, tracked-in mud and spilled things cannot harm the smooth, water- proof surface. Nor can sunlight fade the rich, lustrous colorings. An easy going over with a damp mop * bright and is all the cleaning needed to keep it new-looking. ' Sanitary -- Durable form of sanitary design They lie flat without fastening of any kind; never eur Art-Rugsareanimproved 8 ing with a } curl up at the comers or edges. Patterns for Every Room PEYONGT 2 -- Congoleum An-Rag No. 33206 | on the floor-- a beautiful, rich Oriental patiern--the 9 x 12» Joot size costs but $18.00. . N There lsonly : } CS ee ; wR To appreciate Congoleum Art-Rugsyou must see them; for only then can you realize how dec- orative and practical they really are. Your dealer will be glad to show you his stock of patterns. Popular Rug Sizes-- Popular Prices 9x3 f. $450 9x7} fr. $1125 9x4ife 675 9x9 fr. 1350 9x6 fr. 900 9x 10jfe 15.75 9x12 £ $18.00 9x 13% fr. 2025 9x15 fr. 2250 Gold-Seal Congoleum 1 Hall Runner, 90c aq. yd. Frices Winnipeg and points soesd propastionotuly heher te cous fraight Write us for folder; "Modern Rugs for Mod- en H » 1 - } ill t the 1 tie ful rug patterns in full color. Your choice of two bright floral designs with border, which will add a touch of color'to your halls or wherever you can use a ninner. Made A desirable corner estate, = 140- in rolls, 36 inches wide of the same easily leaned, 180, on the south side overlooking | durable material as the rugs. the lake. Convenient to the car lind. There are rich Orientaldesigns, such as the one 40 fruit trees. Good, roomy garage place, one would have to see it. About team, with the best ability as a back '| checker, and equally effective on the gay floral patterns for the bedrooms; and neat, , : N ~ Gold Seal * GONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED 1270 St. Patrick Street, Montreal, Quebec