CHOKERS FOR SPRING MAKE YOUR SELECTION Now, Y.Li ite AY Lim ed Next Week the Event You Have Been Waiting For 2F0R1 SALE WITH HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES ON THE LIST FREE BUY ONE AND You" GET ANOTHER ONE THURS, FRL, SAT, MAR. 12-13-14 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS! Branigan's Drug i, noess Noxt to Strand Theatre MACARONI MARCH 6---14¢th We have all the varieties, including the Shells, Stars, Cuts, ett, Vermicelll. Have a Macaroni dinner--it win do you good. 'We have the old, dry, snappy Cheese to go with it. A "HENDERSON'S on Brock St. ITALIAN WAREHOUSE Established 1868, "HM It's Good We Sell t" 'Phone a7p. Nr. {| also taken to have the amount im- BUY ADVERTISED GOODS They. Must Always Give Full Value sn FOR SERVIC AND COMFORT op Balloons ALL SIZES IN STOCK. | business be placed under govern- YOU Buy WHEN! € exceptional tone appeals to th FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ian Rolls (extra fine) Ib. 3:3c eville Creamery, 1b, . Granulated ble Parlour. g Room, Kifchen. piece Bath, DR. KOS ADDRESS ON OPIUM QUESTION Gave a Splendid Address at Rotary Olub Luncheon : Friday. The members of the Rotary Club bad one of the outstanding young men of China' as thewr speaker at their luncheon on Frioay, in the per- son of Dr. T. Zeung Roo, who spoke on the opium conference he attend- ed in Geneva. Members of the Ki- wanis Club were guests at the lunch- eon. Attired in the Oriental costume, Dr. Koo charmed all who heard him. With a vast knowledge. of "his coun- try, Bie combined a wide vision of world problems. He spoke English | most fluently, and impressed all with his knowledge thereof, and his abil- ity to state concisely what he wihed to say. i The vice-president, Roy Ward, | presided in the absence of President | A. N. Lyster, and in introducing the | Speaker said: 3 "It is my pleasure to-day to intro- | duce to you Dr. Koo. Dr. Koo is ove | of the most vivid ana striking per- | Sonalities in the World to-day, train- | ed entirely in China, a graduate of | Mission College and who has al- ways lived in China. On his way to America he has spent unhurried months in India and in Europe. It | is conservative to say that he has made a profound impression every- where he has gome. It is gathered from several reports that he was a distinct and outstanding figure in the great convention of the British Studént Movement that has Just closed in Manchester." Dr. Koo dealt with the opium and drug question as taken up at the re- cent conference im Geneva. He said that he wished to Present the facts ll | without any comment one way of the | | other, He spoke of the efforts made to il | reduce the production of opium and have it for medicinal purposes. This had been defeated, and so very little advance had been made. Steps were ported into consuming groups reduc- ed tem per cent. each year, which would mean that inside of ten years, the amount consumed would be greatly reducéd. This movement was also defeated. Another move put forward was to have ail the smok- ers of opium registered. Referring to the question of drugs, Dr. Koo stated that the con- ference had endeavored to have legislation put through to curtail the supply for medicinal and scientific purposes; further, that 'the drug ment control, with no private con- cerns. Action was ais6 taken to | check the shipments in and out of the country, and in this way smug- gling has been. reduced. Giving his impressions of the Geneva Conference, Lr. Koo stated that he found the forces in favor ot opium very much stronger organiz- ed than the forces engaged in fight- ing it. . "We as intelligent men in differ- ent countries want to see a better order of society," saia the speaker, in the closing remarks of his splen- did address. "I think we are all thinking about this. Things spring up in different countries. We had the Geneva conference and the Lea- Bue of Nations. All these things are splendid ideas, and do much to pro- mote a better understanding in the world. "And if we are to make this work count we must put into it the right sort of personality. We must do all We possibly cap to nelp' one an- other." ¥ Following the address, Dr. Koo was tendered a hearty vote of thanks on moton of Rotarians Dr. H. RE. Day and Claude Gordon. The speaker way given round after round of ap plause. i -------- NAVY LEAGUE WORK . == OF A SOLID BASIS The Reports Presented at the Annual Meeting Held oh Friday Afternaon. The reports of the chairman and treasurer of the Kingston committee Of the Navy League of Canada, as : : WOMEN'S VESTS, 25¢. Presented at the annual * meeting # . held in the Board of Trade rooms on i : i Pridey atiemoerd of Trade rooms on Odd lines of Women s Summer Vests--no sleeves -- nice, fine work of this patriotic organization quality, regular values up to 50c. each. To clear to-night 25¢. each. is on a solig footing. The unit of the Sea Cadet Corps aaministered by the local ladies and gentlemen is flourishing. Sixty lads are receiving instruction intended to develop al} that is best in young Canadians, the uniform which they wear--that of Royal Navy--being a stimulys, and o-- 3 the gratuitous service of their in- BRASSIERES, 39. Struct is having a marked effect, | , 'olonel J. N. 8. Leslie, the chair. , 3 : : . : . . man, reviewed the work of the or; | Women's fine Brassieres, in Pink, Brocaded or with Satin Stripes year, An effort had. been made to --all sizes--regular 50c, .. : Tonight 39¢. have 2 unit of the Royal C adian Naval Reserve established at this Megs old lake port, and it is hoped that FP . . Kingston will be favored in this re. ANTIES, 29c. WAISTS, 50¢. gobs spect. The camp at Brophey's point, 3 toa' ' NE : : 1 : which was styled "an instructional Babies fine. Rubber Panties in Children 8 strong, durable, Cot- outing," was most successful, and ft Pink or White--medium or large | ton Waists in all sizes, is the intention 10 conduct a lafger : ial * one during the commng July and Speci 29c¢. par Now Aer a] elvis eine . 50e. each August. The lads had proved their ---- > ability in numerous shooting, signa!- \ ling 'and first aid competitions, and Parades had been inspected by Ma- jor-General J. H, Elmsley, G.0.C.. M.D. No. 3, whe has exhibited a keen interest in the corps, and by Major- : General ¥. L. Lessard, the head of : Special ............ . 95¢, yard the Sea Cadet Corps of the province. Bad bet very FerbotSe of citizens NEW OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS though the corps is not yet self-sup- porting, but it is believed that King- Stonians realize, as never before, ' ; " their responsibility in regard to the importan€e of making true and loyal Canadians of the growing generation 4 h in general and our Kingston boys in Ki t = Bi H F h S particular. The lovaliwork of Mrs, ingston s Bi o isha tore Constantine and Mrs. Etherington, A g 8 ' use Turns, Ings in the matter of raising the funds LL required for the successful carrying on of the work, was gratefully ac- of he TODA wade tenth Spring Millinery ||ROBS A POLICEMAN that this favorable impression will Opening of many Ciaeay all the members Parisian Shop OF HIS MILK MONEY in Kingston. Parades to a number 829 BROCK STREET TOE of the local churches were held dur- Thieves Still Busy on Albert ng the year. ----p : Stréet--Police Chase Early he following were reelected Morn row members of the executive: Colonel | NEW PRINCESS STREET ing Prowler. Leslie, Mrs. Constantine, Mrs. Bther- OHUROCH I8 COMING : ington, .Lieut.-Col.. C. P. Constan- You have often seen in the movies tine, Lieut.-Col. H. B. Pense, L. A. A Large Edifice U and read in books of how thieves are Guild, Baq., or ig J. Macdonald and y continually tryiiig to "put it over Dr. L. J. Austin. Colonel A.-Mac-| Needed--An Architect Has the police," but it. takes a Kingston phail and W. H. Herrington, Esq., Boen Engaged. thief to actually rob a policeman. were elected the new members. The "~~. | On Friday morning, Police Constable officers are: Chairman, Colonel Les-| The members of the boards of | Nicholas Timmerman, who resides at He; vice-chairman, Col. Constantine; | princess street * Methodist church | 588 Albert street, upon leaving for i ookary, Col. Pense; treasurer, W. | nave sti hopes that a start will be | dUty, discovered that a thief had H. Herrington; auditor, C. B. Willis. made in the mew church this sum- | Visited his verandah during the night On motion of C. 8. Kirkpatrick mer. And with this in view will again | 80d stolen the money: which had and R. A. East, of the Royal Bank, make a request to the Montrea) | been left in the, milk bottle. the members of the executive were Methodist Conference for the privi.| For some time past citizens living re-elected, and the names of Colonel lege of entering upon a building | In the upper end of the city have Macphail and Mr. Herrington added. scheme. been losing money which they plac- Arthur Raven, the supervisor of Although the boards have not as| ed in milk bottles, for the 'Tilkman the corps, and the following Instrue- yet taken any definite action in the | Who arrives before they. are arowhd tors were thanked for the practical matter, the feeling prevails that o | in the morning. Albert Street houses interest they had taken in the lads: Dew church must be built soon, have been the targets for some time, Sergt-Major Newman ( R.CH.A)), Some time ago it was decided that | 80d three or four people on the one Sergt.-Major = Pugh (R.C.H.A)), | an architéct be secured to make a block have been robbed during the Sergt.-Major - Dryden (R.C.R.), Secrey of the lot, whiéh is the church | Past month. As much as the people Sergt. Phillon (R.C.C.8.), as well 28 | property anda is situated between the | Dave tried to catch the thief, who by all who had assisted in any way in| present church building and the par- | the way visits the verandahs about the work of the corps. sonage, to see if there is room for'a | five o'clock in the morning, they ------ i new church structure. It is wnder.| have Joen unable to do so. . stood that the report of he It is understood that the police |X St. Andrew's Church, op ns pre ih partment have a very good idea as Anpiversary services will be held | Suki io - Ann Nery ary el Jo. lela rect a church, | 10 the identity of the men who have Three Armed Robbers 4 . | Providing it is decided that it is pro. | Deen stealifiz the milk money. At March Shs me, No Norman H. ean. per place fof the new building. an early hour on Friday morning, a Get Away With $17,000 will conduct both morning and even- 2 the present time the trustee Sosident es Jivea in the Soper end of the city, telep the police 'hre EC rp hoi under au (at mas wae prowine: la th | S1ed robber kis down + R. ; tha | Belgbborhood. After visiting" the | PIOYe® anhattan Shirt special music, the founda bullt in the very | 560tion of the city, and coming down $17,000 Devt a ictory, tsk tt we near f | Poli nstal Come to see the famous Laura Se- ti coure and the basement used Thomas Garrity, _-- Glibary abice escaped in a touring car. One of the wd F-- --_---- - ES _------ ssm-- VAUDEVILLE AT GRAND cord Candies mado daily at 138 Prin-| "tl! the remainder of the building noticed 4 young man ear the cops | 116€6d robbers was : . In Toronto, cess street.--Advt. ¢ or of University avenue. They gave |"8ftle When he was Last Time t. by The Grand Opera House offers for the last time tonight. LaClare's vaudeville troupe in a variety of Western stunts, and those who have failed thus far to see the bill of- fered by this company should not miss it. Some of tne tricks are amazingly clever and the audiende on Friday night accorded the pers formers generous applause tor ji years chase, and after golug over a num- frowd of citizens who the foundation bufit during the war | ber of fences, back yards, they land. Jutiued Mm trom the scons of. the years, and the basenyent Was used as °F their man, but released him at. } 1040 up. \ a malty, church auditorium and the oh they hug taken his name and be results were very % ress, ak they had not actually CHURCH SER CES, There is jio doubt har 2 new | Seen him commit the theft, Chalmers church, Vic, Barrie church is urgently needed at once,| The thieves, in gome cases, not land Wari streets--Minister emeritus, \A8 the membership of the church ang | Only take the money but carry SWay the Very Rev. Malcolm MacGillivray, punday pehool is growing very rap. | the milk bottles. whic have been (DD: minister, Rev. Goo Brown, idly. - found in snow banks not far away, M.A, B.D. Public The police department give w that if the young men are caught, an example will certainly be made of them. b : A