NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS Es AILY BRIT re -- ISH WHIG [ LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Women Page Bxlitor, Phone 2618 Private, Phone SS7W. - Mrs. R. H. Davidson, Clergy Bireet, asked a few people to come 18 at the tea hour on Saturday after- Boon to meet Principat W. L. Grant, 'of Upper Canada College, Toronto. iss Gwendolyn Folger made tea at the table effectively decorated with Jonquils and yellow candles. Prin- cipal Grant is always warmly wel- '©omed in Kingston where his hoy- days were spent. He had come to Kingston to meet Mr. W. H. Coverdale, an old schoolfeliow whom Be had not seen for forty years. re. -. » The Levana Society dinner given Bp Grant Hall on Saturday evening Was entirely successful and greatly Bjoyed by the guests. Roses, car- ons and smilax adorned the able occupied by the guests of ho- and at three other gaily decked bles were seated the girl students of Queen's University. Miss Kath- 1een Dolan, president of Levana, pre- sided and introduced Mrs. Madge 'Macbeth, Ottawa, who gave an ex- _G8edingly clever address on '"'Jour- nalism." . *® . © Mrs. A. E. Ross, who will be in town for the Red Cross linen shower "Sunnyside," will go to Toronto Tuesday to attend the Red Cross ng, and whild there will be the jest of Col. and Mrs. S. Hunter dgilvie and Col. and Mrs. W. Price. . . * Lieut-Col. and Mrs. F. McKelvey oll, New York, formerly of Ottawa, bunce the engagement of thelr onl) daughter, Dorotny, to Robert Campbell, elder son of Mr. and John R. Campbell, Glasgow, otland. ® » . . The marriage took place on Feb. th in St. Luke's church, Winnipeg, Mary Madeliene, daughter of Mr. E ahd Mrs. H. G. Hubbell and Major All Swinton, M.C. The bride is niece. of Mrs. Herbert Robinson, $ street west. * . » . Mrs. Madge Macbeth, who was! the it of Prof. and Mrs. B. K. Sand- I. Bagot street, during her stay fown, returned to Ottawa today. 5. Sandwell asked a few people meet her at the tea hour on Sun- ss { Mrs. W. G. Minnes, C gwood Feet. is entertaining on" Wednes- FERINE TOF Mer gist, 'Miss lh London, Ont., for whom sev- parties are being given. * * Saturd was Tag Day for "Ban RIgh" within the ground of Queen's the University and the members of / for Levana Society collected $160 the new woman's residence. - - - Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald, Healey Falls, are visiting Mrs. Mec- Donald's parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. Burnham of this city. . . LJ Mrs. Stocks, Oshawa, annouTices the engagement of her daughter, Frances, to Mr. Clarence Van De Walker, Kingston. Messrs. W. Dalton and Russell Hall, Queen's University, spent Sun- day in Selby. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Weir, Easton's Corners, are visiting Mrs. R. K. Kil- born, King street. Mr. Richard Cartwright, Toronto, is with his aunts, the Misses Cart- wright, Wellington street. - - - Capt. D. B. Christie, who was visiting his sister, Mrs. T. W. Row- land, Eag! street, has returned to Picton and will leave for Torshito shortly. Mrs. William Valleau, who was in town with her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Pense, Albert street, and of late has been in Napanee, leaves mext week for her home at Moose Range, Sask, stopping in Teronto for a few days. Miss W. Gordon, University ave- nue, returned from Toronto on Sat- urday. Mrs. BE. M. Clarke, University avenue, has returned from Napanee, where she was the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. G. M. Neely. 0 . Miss Evelyn Shepley, Newboro, Spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Bublah Shepley, Queen's Uni- versity. Mr. and Mys. Harry Sutton of Smith's Falls, spent the week-end with Mr. G. A. McDonald, who ig a patient in the General Hospital. Mrs. Chagles Livingston, Barrie street, is spending a few days at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Miss Olive Irwin, Earl Street, and Miss Ada Sharman, University ave- nue, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. J. , Selby. Mr. Norman Wormwith, Toronto, Spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.' W. H. Worm- with, Earl street. -------- How He Knew. "I feel highly flattered to-night to note that you are having refresh- ments in my honor," said the distin guished speaker. | "We have not-announced the re- the refreshment committee. "How do you know?" . "I guess I knew in the same way as the small hoy knew about the fron. He was asked in his class, in rudimentary geology, how fron was first discovered. 'I heard father say they smelt it,' was the naive reply." An Episcopal Shock, A bishop was paying a visit to a certain parish and decided to stay on for the afternoon m order to ad- dress the children of the Suncay school. He had noticed many large bills about, referring to "The Bis- hop's Visitation," and accordingly began his talk by asking the as- sembled children the meaning of the word "Visitation." "Please, sir," re- plied a young 'urchin, "it's a plag; sent by God."---The Morning Post. -------------------- Newman Club Met. A regular meeting of the Newman Club was held on Sunday afternoon at which nominations were received for the April meeting when the eldc- tion of officers will take place. Fol. lowing the nominations, an address was given to the members by A Father ¥. D. Hyland, rector of the cathedral. Miss Mae Millan greatly pleased with two solos. -------- Lake Ontario : Lake Ontario is on the up grade, having risen 0.19 foot since January, according to the lake survey report for February. The lake was 0.78 below the average February stage for the past ten years; 3.26 feet be- low the high stage of February, 1886, and 0.58 foot abové the low stage of February, 1397. Beatrice Lillie, the new, Lady Peel, her husband succeeding to the title on the death of his father, Sir Robert Peel, recently was a passen- . | Ber on the Olympic, for - sailing" Eng A gift of $1,000,000 to the cause of negro education at Tuskegee In- stitute and Hampton Institute has {deen made by John D. Rockefeller, - {hotel 1 , John Og has made the purchase of an hotel pro- Prescott, and will re-enter inthe fort town. freshments," sald thé chairman of Donna Josephine Garibaldi, grand- daughter of the famous Italian lib- erator, has just been married in Paris to Senor Don Manoel Sances de Carmona, a member of one of the oldest families in Spain. Y.M.C.A. CANVASS. The List of Subscribers Up to Fri. day Evening. The board of directors of the Y. M.C.A. gratefully acknowledge the following subscriptions: Previously acknowledged, $3,490.- 50. $40--R. E. Burns. $256--G. A, Bateman, N. W. Har- low. $20--H. W. Newman. $15--Lyman MacCallum, E. W. Skinner. $10--A. B. Cunningham, King- ston Battery Service, W. L. Malcolm, H. E. Richardson, W. H. Craig, J. B. Bunt, J. B. McLeod, Mrs. J. Ww. Campbell, G. W. Mahood, R. N. A McFarlane, John McKelvey, J. B. Walkem, Wm. McCartney, Bowen & Son, H. C. Nickle, Dr. P. H. Huyck, Rev. Dr. D. M. Gordon. $5--Grant Pyke, E. Luckin, Maj.- Gen. R. W. Rutherford, P. duMoulin, W. G. Hamilton, A: N. Lee, J. F Bilder, J. C. Strange, Newlands & Son, E. Blake Thompson, Mrs. Man- ety, James McCulla, 8. C. Calvin, H. F. Norman, Treadgold Sporting Goods Co., R. Bruce, Capt. Fred Reid, 8. W. Robertson, Williamson & Wellwood, R. J. Bushell, Gen. Sir A. Macdonell, W. McCammon, Dr. Boyce, W. M. Nickle, B. E. Web. ster, C. C. Folger, OC. Donoghue, Graves Bros., Colin Drever, Lt.-Col. J. C. Schmidlin, Capt. KE. J. Harvey, J. L. Jackson, F. H. Purdy, Roy Carnegie, R. H. Fair, C. M. Smith, D. Porter, G. M. Stenton; Sunday Morning "Y"" Bible class, C. O. Chamberlain, E. Woodman, B, W. VanLuven, Harry Twedell, Dr. 8. H. Simpson, H. w. Elliott, C. J. Harper, Dr. E. C. D. MacCallum, J, C. Bennett, Mrs. T. D. Minnes, Mrs, B. Peirce, F. M. Graves, W. J. Are niel, A E. Hunt, Grimm's Confece tionery, Under $5--A total of $86. Total--$4,156.50. ein STUDY IN BLACK AND WHITE Major | canned fruit disappeared rapidly and TE TO-MORROW'S MENU. ast. Stewed Dried Peaches Cornmeal Mush Scrambled Eggs Toast Coffee Luncheon. Boiled Stuffed Peppers Wholewheat Bread Jelly Cocoa . Dinner. Tomato Soup Lamb Chops Mashed Potatoes Peas Beet Salad 'a Steamed Fruit Pudding with . Hard Sauce Coffee NEW DISHES THIS WEEK. "Yonkers Boiled Stuffed Peppers: (Contributed by 'A Reader'). Chop two cloves of garlic finely with one peeled onion, and add one tablespoon of salt and, one-half teaspoon of black pepper. Put this into a bowl | with one pound of fresh, lean pork which your butcher has put hrough | his meat grinder, and mix well. Fill six large, washed, green sweet pep- pers with this mixture, after cutting a small cap from the tops of the pep- pers. Put the top-caps back tight- ly, then gently place the stuffed pep- pers in one quart of hot canned to- matoes, strained, and Jet simmer one hour., Remove the cooked pep- pers gently, and thicken the remain. ing tomato juice with one tablespoon of flour which has been rubbed into one tablespoon of melted butter; cook until smooth, then add a little sugar and salt to this sauce before serving it with the hot peppers. 'Mrs. 8. M.' of your column who cipe with mashed Potatoes, pie and coffee. The combination makes a delicious lunch or Hot Yeast Rolls: (By request of "Billy BI"). Dissolve one cake of compressed yeast in one-fourth cup of tepid sweet milk; add to it one and three-fourths cups of extra, tep- id milk, two tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons of SUgar, ope tea- Spoon of salt, and two well-beaten eggs. bread flour and let (about one hour), more cups of flour: out onto a slightly Moured bread board and knead ten minutes, return it to the bowl, and let it rise for three hours, or till double in bulk. Once more turn it out onto the board, shape it into finger rolls, place these in a greased baking pan and let rise again (this time only about 40 min- utes), and bake for about 30 min- utes in a hot even. Pineapple Salad: Cut three slices of Hawaifan sliced pineapple in small dice, and mix these with two sliced bananas. Pile on crisp lettuce and serve with French Dressing. To-morrow----Answered Letters. LI' inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Btficlent Housekeeping" department will be answered in these columns in their turn, | This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired; a stamped snd self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to use YOUR full name, street aum- ber, and the name of your city and state. rise till spongy then stir in four wrote in recently, might try this re- AUNT HET \ 'Pas cold ain't near as bad as he makes out, an' I can't help wonder- in' if he heard me tell Amy about that pint I had hid away," 1 he Editor Heors That at a recent dinner a speaker who has the God-given power of putting fundamental truths into con- crete form said: "Service is the rent you pay for the space you occupy on Mother Earth." ty THat the difference in the price of flowers and potted plafits on the Kingston market is quite remark able. One florist asked only itty cents for just as fine plants as an- other was asking a dollar for. The remark was heard: "Let us go over to Mr. + he is only asking halt the price for his primulde."" ---- That both the scarf and the chok- er collars are seen on new Paris models, 3 That the food sale Meld in the old Bank of Montreal building on Satur- day by the Woman's H was an efitire success. @ delicious homemade cakes, bread, buns and by eleven o'clock everything bad dis- appeared. People will be sure to get down early next Saturday. i ® ke} 2 ~The Editor vide them with both food and flavor. A favorite dinner dish of hers is cabbage stuffed with sausage meat, Remove the leaves from a head 'of cabbage: wash them thoroughly, then line a baking dism with several layers of them; arranging the 'leaves so that they look like a whole head of cabbage. Fill the center with sausage meat, either made into in- dividual cakes or into a roll. Sprinkle the cabbage with salt. Cover and bake in a moderate oven until the cabbage is tender. If laxa- tive material is desired, some all- bran can be mixed with the sausage meat. A sauce may te served with stuff. ed cabbage. If you have cream, whip one-half cup and ° Season ft with grated horse radish. If cream is not available a tomato sauce is good. Even the daintiest chiffon hose, in the most delicate of new colours, can be made to last if you use care in wash- ing them. That meins a bath after every wearing in the mild, b= Lux suds. Not a single thread can be injured--not the most deli- cate odour tone can be faded g 2 25% Stir in two cups of ordinary || rn the mixture ||| Accept No Substitute for the distinctive quality of "SALAD A" a: TE .A \ No other brand is quite so pure, fresh or delicious. Try it. Telephone 452. Res. 1218J. | --_ KIRKPATRICES ART STO; (Established 1874) Any Occasion. 150 PRINCESS STRERT Artistic Designs for -- re EA XJ 87 fal) 7 TT NTEN asezSanborn's sear sravn Coffee Over 2,000 yards of English Ging- ham--full 32 inches wide. (Note the width). Over 20 different patterns Checks and Plaids in the popular col- ors for Spring wear--all at one price. 21c a Yard W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. THE WONDER RADIO SET ; ONE MASTER CONTROL: °° ' Detects immediately stations as recorded on meter charts. No delay in getting what you want when yoy want it. We invite you to a demonstration of this marvellous 819750 . Without &ccessorics. Easy terms arranged.