T_T ag FOR SERVICE AND COMFORT, Dunlop 'Balloons ¥ ALL SIZES IN STOCK. Attwood & Dine 277 Bagot Street. Phone 902m. CHRISTIE'S BISCUITS A Biscuit for every taste. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT If not in stock we will get it for you. HENDERSON'S on Brock St. : : ITALIAN WAREHOUSE AND SATURDAY Island Roll Butter, (choice), pound hi g Room, Kitchen. - ar-pieee Bath, THE D ROTIRY'S TASK" IS SERVICE T0 OTHERS { . ville; at Rotary Olub's { Luncheon on Friday. "Rotary's Task," was presented to | the members of the Kingston Ro- tary Club by Rev. (Dr.) E. N. Ba- ker, a member of the Belleville Ro- tary Club, In an able address = at Friday's lunchéon. The vice-presi- dent, Roy Ward, was in the chair, and there was a good attendance of the members and a number of guests. Rev. J. de Pencier Wright ssid grace. , The speaker put forth some very beautiful thoughts on Rotary and its work. He declgred that the real task or philosophy of Rotary was in sérvice_to others. Rotary stood for service, the members were called upon to give a practical demonstra- tion of it, and to spread the spirit of service throughout the commu- nity. = "Rotary is to make the teachings of Jesus Christ real. Put the golden rule into our busingss, and I look upon this as the biggest job of this century, and it must pe remember- ed that each ccntury has its job. The battle in this 30th century Is in economics. This is the big bat- tle. \ Rotary says that a new spirit must be brought into business. It is that of the spirit of service. We are ready to accept it and are we ready to carry it further into our national and international life? Ro- tary stands for the helping of others, and I beliave that we are ready to take in these principles in business. We are ready to pay the price to get them in. And we must succeed fin- | ally. Build up and make your per- sopality. There must be that spirit of co-operation between employer , : a 3 a | and employee. ® A scene from Bob Cook's Winter Garden Vanities, who Mtl appear at the Grand Opera House for ten nights, com- heing Wednesday, March 18th, with a matinee Saturday » 0 . Then there is the service to the public. Rotary knows no opposi- tion. In business we say 'Confre- res." Rev. Dr. Baker illustrated his re- marks with many fine selections ot poetry, and his address was a most impressive one for the meémbers, dealing ds it did with Rotary and the work that the members aré called upon to do. Rotarians Dr. Nash and Dr. Huycke expressed the thanks of the members of the club, the mo- tion being tendered to the speaker, the vice-president, Roy Ward. : Guests introduced at the lun- cheon included T. H. Herrington, H. 8. Packer, Elmer Davik, Rev. J. de Pencler Wright, Rotarian B. 0. Strachan of Ely, Minn., son of Ar- chibald Strachan, collector of cus- toms. Rotarian Cecil Wright, who has been on the sick list for some time, was present, and was given a warm Rotarian J. C. Reynolds asked for a full aftétidance at thé bowling als on iy Might, when the Rotarians will take on the Kiwanis ¢ludb in the final game of the sea- son. ¢ INCOME TAX RETURNS. To Be Paid to Inspector of the Tax as Formerly. On Friday, Mr. Archibald Strach- an, local colléctor of customs and ex- cise, received from Mr. R. R. Far- row, deputy minister of the depart- | ment of customs and excise, Ottawa, instructions of date March 13th, con- taining the following paragraph: "As the income tax office in Kingston is not in the same build- ing as the customs ahd excise of- fice, the income tax returns are to be filled and payment made to the in- spector of the incogne tax as forin- erly." : ' of customs and excise, but under the new ruling the returns will be made at the income tax office in the P| Bibby building, Princéss street. Quite & Decrease Shown for the Last ; Year. There was quite a decrease in the number of inmates confined in Ganadian penitentiaries up to the end of the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1924. At the beginning of the year inmates numbered 2.486 and at the end of the year only 2,225. More than one-fifth of the inmates in these institutions are given as total abstainers, 487 were drunk- ards and 1,225 were temperate as regards the drinking of liguor. During 'the year unaer review 1,- 087 prisoners were released on pa- role, and of these only 51, or less than § per cent., failed to report to the police. In the past 25 years, out of 16,862 prisoners released on parole, only 959, or less than 7 per cent. failed to carry out the conditions under which they were released. REV. G. C. PIDGEON, D.D, Pastor of Bloor Street Presbyterian church, Toronto, and anniversary preacher in Sydenham street Methodist church on Sunday. 3 FRENCH PLAY PRESENTED. By L'Alliance Francaise in Convoca- tion Hall Friday Evening. "La Poudre Aux Yeux," a spark- ling comedy in two acts by Labiche, was presented by L'Alliance Fran- caise in Convocation Hall on Friday evening and the spirited perform- ance of the players were with enthusiasm by the large aud- fence. The play is a comedy show- ing how the respective parents of & pair of young lovers attempt to impress each other with their wealth and try to jockey each other into subscribing the large share of the dowry. | The acting was some of the best which amateurs have produded in Kingston. Profesor K. Hicks and Miss Roy as Dr, and Madam Mali- gear, the parents of the very arch Emmeline (Miss May Ball), Mr. M. Sauvant and Mrs. Hannlggton as the parents of the callow ric Rat- inois (Mr. Arthur Roberts), all took their parts brilliantly and fre- 'quently aroused the 'audience to ap- plause by some unexpected turn of phrase or acting. The less exacting parts were all filled with distinction and included Miss Dorothy Wood as Sophie, Miss Ruby Garbatt as Alex- andrine, Mr. A. H. Peacock as a servant, Mr. F. H. Brooks as the bill collector, Robert the matter of fact uncle, Mr. T. C. Shore; Miss Bessie Maclellan as Josephine the maid, Mr. . B. Woolridge as the imposing caterer and the. "petit negre" who maintained a strict incognito. ------------------ Becomes Agency Organizer. The Consecon friends of W. B. Ferguson will be interested to know that after eight years in the Standard Bank, Calgary, that he has been promoted agency organizer to the New York Insurance Co., with headquarters at Lethbridge. ---------------- Read Sydenham Street Church no- tice, special event there on Sunday. Come to see the ramous Laura Becord Candies made daily at 138 Princess street.--Advt. Fi greeted? . ; Women's fine, - While they last Tonight ........ .. Brown, Fawn and Black! "Stee esse terse SETTS, 50c. : Dainty Collar and Cuff sets in Embroidery, Repp and Organ- dy. Values to $1.00. 95¢. HOSE FOR 50c. all-wool Cashmere Hose in Sizes 8} to 10 -- a regular 95c. quality. VESTS, 25c. Women's fine Summer Vests with no sleeves, Values to 50c. To clear To-night . /..... 25¢. To go . After Supper Sale To-night good shades of Grey, NEW WIDE PATENT LEATHER BELTS To-night ....\ 39¢. Babies' pure Rubber 50¢. ... BABY PANTIES, 29c. medium and large sizes. y+ ves... To-night 29¢. Panties, in Regular CHILDREN'S. WAISTS, 50c. Children's strong, well made Cotton' Waists, will give real ser- vice. All sizes. Special . . ..50c. . TOWELS, 29c. A clearing sale of fine Huck Towels--rvalnes to BBB aE aie id, TO-NIGHT 20c. each LINEN TOWELLING, '20c. Pare Linen Towelling, 17 inch, White with red borders . SPECIAL 20c. yard DAINTY, NEW STYLES IN FANCY RUBBER APRONS New Patterns in FLOOR OILCLOTHS ........... 55¢c. sq. yard Opening Parisian Shop ~r THE TOWN WATCHMAN The doctors must continue to be martyrs and issue Ontario booze scripts for "medicinal purposes." The. Watchman is told that some medical men who are supposed not to issue medicinal scripts do so just the same, but the general public is not supposed to know. prices to go up, as people are sup- posed to eat much less flesh during Lent. The demand, therefore, must be great when there is a meat short- age. Prémier Ferguson announces that the main' debate in tne legislature will not be on church union but on beer. h are contentious gques- j tions, but evidently the members would rather talk beer than church. A new history of Kingston is be- ing 'Written in those "Do You Re- member" paragraphs.® : Probably some of the old boys both at home aldermen used to shy ink bottles at each other in the city council ¢ham- ber in the seventies. With lower taxes and five-cent beer, Kingston will surely be a par- adisea for many, though others would prefer the elimination of the beer. ~ The question is asked if there Wil not be some confusion in re- gard to the use of the word "presbhy- tery" By the United Church of Can- ada. This new church 'has decided that the * ---- . It seems a funny time for meat and abroad can remember wheli the |. that helped the jury in coming to the conclusion that he was really normal. A court case In Kingston this week proved that a landlord has at house he owns. The animal kingdom still has it over humans in regard to protection from cruelty. An English couple, husband and wife, were sent to Jail for a month for leaving their dog at home to look after ft- self, while this week a Lon- don, Ont, father was given only the tame sentence for brutally beating & one-year-old child in his home. QUILTY OF SEDUCTION, QOES TO REFORMATORY Harry Euens of Mountain Grove Is Found Quilty by Judge Lavell. Lavell sentenced Harry Buens of Mountain Grove, aged twenty-one, to serve one year in the Ontario refor- matory with an indeterminate sent- ence of another six months on the charge of seducing a girl under the age of twenty-one years. During the morning Euens appeared before and through his solicitor W. H. Her- rington pleaded not guilty, to the charge, but after the evidence was heard he was committed to stand trial before Judge Lavell. At 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon he appeared for trial' and after much evidence had been taken the judge found that he was guilty of the charge. T. J. Rigney, crown attorney, conducted the prosecution. It had been expected that the case might have been settled out of court as the prisoner, who was re- leased on Wednesday on $4,000 batl, was willing to marry the girl but she would not consent. Provincial Police Constable Mac- Lachlan is to be highly compliment- ed on the quick way which he was able to lofate the prisoner, who had left for parts unknown. After trac- ing him at different points in East- ern Ontario the provincial police wers able to get possession of a let- least some rights in regard to the' On Friday afternoon Judge H. A. |} County Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw, | PICTORIAL MAGAZINE for: April--now in! Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE §F. if i Bulldiag lots, Money to loan, Victory Ronds. Fire i £58 41 3 £ i ew i locas i] Es B =E§ 8s & in ih g » a 5 hak i] va Ca