ALL COUGHS "AND COLDS Quickly yield to Dr. Hickey's Speedy Relief | L.T. Best Druggist SS In order to make room for new stock, we are sorting out quite a number of pieces of - High Grade Silver Plated Holloware And remarking them at Less Than Cost This is am exceptional opportunity to procure a COMPOTE FRUIT BOWL CAKE BASKET BAKE DISH, . Engineers Supplies In our stock we have Valves, Steam Gauges, Steam Traps, Pipe Wrenches of all sizes; all standard pipe and fit- tings from § to 8 inches, Special Boat Fittings, Packings, Studs, Cap and Set Screws. Let us supply your wants. A -------------------- McKelvey & Birch | rRuBB ERS When you leave off your Galoshes you will require Rubbers to keep your feet dry. We can fit you, as we carry all the different shapes. Alyea, | of an ac-| en the passengers were q Shaken up and one of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FORCED FEEDING OF PORTSNOUTH CONVICT Foreigner Who Was Oaught Shopbreaking Has Not Eaten for Over a Year, For over a year he has been on hunger strike and enduring forced feeding the Portsmouth peniten- tiary. He a foreigner who was caught shopbreaking and in making a bolt from the police was shot in the leg. On being examined at the hospital he was found to have about eighty dollars on him which was } taken from him by the authorities. That fact constitutes his grievance. "You may hang me, you may cut my t'roat but you no make me eat," he reiterates day after day. "In this country there is no justice. Police- man he shqot me and then Yob me. For that I no eat." When he first went on hunger strike in February 1924, it was thought that he would soon have enough of that peculiar method of revolt, but when his weight had gone down from 140 to 90 poupds it was seen that something must at once be done and forced feeding was resort- ed to and has been continued with- out interruption ever since. He now weighs 160 pounds. He has been examined by the psy- chiatrist who pronounces him ration- al in every way. Neither reasoning nor confinement mor corporal pun- ishment have the slightest effect in altering his determination. "I am not a gypsy to change my mind," he says proudly. He is con- Y¥inced that an injustice has been done and until it is nfade right he will not yield. CHANGING DESERONTO FIRE ALARM SIREN Reported That Robert Miller, Drygoods Merchant, Intends Moving to Ottawr. Deseronto, March 16.--The fire alarm siren which was placed near the municipal pumping station en trial has not given satisfaction in this position and the Hydro Electric mechanics are now installing it on the fire hall tower near the town hall where it will no doubt give every satisfaction. Mr. Colgate, of Buffalo, N.Y., has been here during last week to inspect the machine on behalf of the manufacturers. A persistent rumor is prevalent here that Robert Miller will shortly close his dry goods and men's furn- ishing business on St. George stret and will probably take up his resi- dence in Ottawa, : A printing press weighing about three and one half tons proved a dif- ficult transportation problem for the Deseronto News Co., when removing its plant last week and Mr. Morden of Shannonville was called in to make the transfer. He did this by raising the base on lifts apd attach- ing wheels to some baseboards. Johnson Wagar of Main street has removed his home to Napanee. The = Deseronto Choral ~Sgclety will give a concert in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, March 17th under the auspices of the Catholic Women's League. Bruce Wagar motored to Kingston on Saturday. William Raven left town to-day to resume his work as trainman on the C.N.R. Mr. Raven has just returned from Simcoe where he had been for & few days to attend the funeral of his brother, James Raven of Wood- stock. Marshall Clause motored to King- ston on Saturday with the intention of bringing Mrs. Betsy Hope back to Deseronto. Mrs. Hope has recently undergone an operation at the King- ston General Hospital. Miss Laura Allore of Montreal, is spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allore, Joseph White of Marysville was a Harry Storey, who has for some years been a valued assistant in Arn- old Collins plumbing business is shortly to transfer his services to the Deseronto Creamery Co., Ltd. J. H. Benn, Napanee, Mr. M. W, Clarke, Napanee, J. B. Jones, Belle- ville and T. DeWolfe of Brantford, were business callers in town on Thursday. What the Meroh= ants Are Offering. "Buy Vicks" at Gibson's. Many parties and \dances have been planned for St. Patrick's day. Don't forget Tea d Sale, Hotel Dieu, March 17th. The civic property committee was called to meet on Monday afternoon. Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 664w. V. A. James has returned to South Porcupine after spending a few days in the city. 3 "Leo, the Royal Cadet," will be staged at the Opera House early in May. Miss Beatrice Lajole, who spent the week-end in the city, has re- turned to her hdme in Belleville. Sunday's delightful weather took many citizens outdoors. The cause- way and the usual King and Barrie streets walks were very popular, / "Vicks Vapo Rub." Gibson's: In a vivid word picture, Prof. Mc- Fadyen, Queen's University, drew scenes of life in India, for the bene- fit of the Women's Canadian Club, Belleville, on Thursday. "Cod Liver Oil Tablets." Gibson's. "Bill" Johnson, active in the burn- ing of the SS. Sir Robert Peel, off Alexandria Bay, N.Y., In 1938, is credited by the Clayton, N.Y., paper with being a former Kingston hotel. keeper. "McCoy's Tablets." Gibson's.' At eleven o'clock on Sunday morn- ing, the firemen were called to 14 and 16 George street where the chimney of a double 'house was giv- ing trouble. There was no damage done. The many friends of Mr. A. C. Givens will learn with pleasure that he has recovered from his recent illness sufficiently to be back at his office at the Canadi Freeman again. "Cod Liver Oil Tablets." Gibson's. On Tuesday night, St. Patrick's day, the Knights of Columbus will hold their annual St. Patrick's day dinner at seven o'clock, in the Ci tholic Assembly hall. The regular meeting of the council is being held after the dinner. It looks as if spring is here at last.. A number of people reported Monday morning, a robin was seen perching on the top of a tree at the corner of Wellington and Gore streets, singing to {ts heart's con- tent. Crows are numerous. Robinson Loses Appeal. London, Hard 10. uvion B. Robinson, forme™ bookmaker, who sued the Midland Bank for £125,- 000 on account of an alleged settle- mend with Rajah Sir Hari Singh, has lost the appeal he took from the judgment of the court finding in favor of the bank. Robinson's effort to upset the judgment was to-day dismissed in the court of appeal. U. 8. Aircraft Contracts. 'Washington, March 16.-- Con- tracts totalling more than $1,000,- 000 for mew types of aircraft de- veloped by the Curtis Company of New York and the Douglass company of California were awarded to-day by the United States army air service. Gives Portrait to Archives. Harmsworth {is presenting to the Brompton's portrait of Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, one time com- mander-in-chief' of the naval fotces at Quebec. * & Rev. James R. Earle, a Canadian Methodist missionary in West China for sixteen years, but who was forced to return to Canada in 1923 on account of illness, died in Toron- tion. < The case brought by Hammil Benn, Napanee, against the C.N.R., arising out of an accident at William street crossing, Cobourg, last spring; | when plaintiff was injured, is post- poned until the autumn sittings. "Nel 's Bricks." Gibson's. Oshawa of Mrs. Ross Morphy, only daughter of Captain Fred P. Ane dress, Brockville, following a long illness. The late Mrs. Morphy was born fn Broc! At Smith's fire of unknown having seen robins on Sunday. On London, March 16.--S8ir Leicester |g to on Saturday, following an opera-| Bm The eath occurred on Friday at | PROBS: --Fair on Tuesday, becoming milder | Canadian Archives a replica of R. |g Piece Goods | Blue, Silver Grey, Arabia, Dune, Lip- ~ Featuring 'KASHENE | FLANNEL n Dresses and Piece Goods Kashene Flannel is the outstanding dress fabric for gen: eral utility and sports wear. At the present moment it is enjoy- ing a wonderful vogue at southern winter resorts. ~ Dresses Priced from *6.95 t0°18.50 Included are the season's most attractive styles from. the "Billie Burke" and "Betty Brown" Flannel Dress Special- ists. A wonderful color range in plain and combination effects awaits your se- lection. We want you to see these beautiful little Dresses -- they are well tailored and finished--not manufactured to meet a price--rather to a standard quality that is a feature of all ready-to-wear on display at this store. E = In plain Kashene Flannels, we specialize on three prices in three dif- ferent qualities-- Sich: | Sdinch | "54 inch 85¢yd.|'1° yd. | *1% yd. Shown in all the new Spring shades, - among which are numbered Powder stick Red, Beige, Cranberry, Loam Green, Navy, Africa Brown, Sunburst ahd Pompadour. 7% 3854 4nd 3874 | SEL Also Pencil Stripes and Plaids in a. broad range of patterns and colorings