® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Jre---- - + READING ALOUD. or our op! i os ; = sss Reading aloud is one of the hap- | which 'we 'fight sb. bi] Chat some exquisite and fanciful tale, and | self-esteeni. Every 'time something more intent on the flowing music of | from outside forces us to Feverse our' : the reader's voice or the study of his gr self-esteem is wounded. And of 9 ? » . - . Men's and Boys Wear--Everything Marked in Plain Figures in a bare hallway and raising a attacks. : | | voice so that the tale will be heard There is. yet another kind of men- HH 2 Ti 2 T ' | through the open doors of both|tal activity known as creative 8 J W. Bet M. Dy Trousers $ \ rousers \ Pooms where ber brood le cosy in | thought, but few are troubled with it --- : Hu their cots. Perhaps it is the father,| It seems established that most Pain in the Kar. { SUITS SUITS "8 home from the day's distractions, thought is idle or ebstinate. But An ear specialist has outlined twoé ® ® 1 : or three suggestions regarding pais | Jil i melting sentiment, while mother least bit more charitable towards ber is, that pain in the ear is al [HH : vioti n Li ] m odels -- mends and the restless yousgsters | other dullards? ways worth a trip to your physician. | Hii : One Trouser Suit T. : Esa) Meiggle about his fest and on the : It the ear itself is painful to the One Trouser Suits. The disappearance of the name of t tro bls in a £ th IH will read their favorite to each 0 trou the outer canal of the othér and to their he heals juniors | Gould from the railway realm haS| ear and is not usually serious. Thé been co-ineidént with the sale of the | opening and cloping of tha mouth Dlést of social occupations. It may | portant to us chiefly B 'DRESS WELL AND SU changeful face than on the matter | it i avoid that hurt that we main- standing undér the lamp and read-| will an appreciation of our own in the edr, that should be helpful to sofa but miss never a word. Or touch, the mere handing of the ana who a 1a unstie 5 reid 4 arorer Lemnb| st. Louls & Southwestern to the] censing pain fa Inesive dus to sans [HN : Delv'® |'Kock Island. That was the Inst of the | ble in the outer ear. If Dressing : : » be two lovers, reading turn about | are the outer 'fortifications of our | Body in band. It may be a mother sitting | tain our opinions in the teeth of all P ing stories of glorious - dariig or boundless fallibility make us the all of us. The Arat thing to remem. |) Herringbone Blue Worsted New fancy Tweeds and Che- | ohfldren who have been encouraged A LOST NAME. oar 'causing pain, it Is usually due mest together intimately, reading Gould family holdings. This event the finger on the hard lump behind aloud can be cultivated. the ear causes pain, it is usually s [Ji L4XS most other §00d habits, read. | Will Tecall the 'tremendous opers- |. UF TN RO TS BANAT) 8 Hl tions carried on for many 'years by 1 ing aloud 1s one that needs a little ear is affected, and thé ear specialist - determination to set it going. In per-| 'B® 1ate Jay Gould, whose exploits | gpguig be at once consulted. Hi - haps the majority of homes it is ne.| WOU De quite impossible under mo-| If pressing the lump -behind the [Hi , Ex ver done, largely because this diffi dern conditions as to railway regula | ear toward the ear Itself causes [J : : tion. In those wild days, pools, mer-| pain then the trouble is likely in the d culty of giauas has wi gers and stock control were the in. middle ear. This inflammation in . \ hot, Rt raps. struments by which the buyers of | the middle ear is seen very often, MN A genuine All-Wool Indigo Blue Serge -- tailored by 'expert tastes m govern here 4s in sportation were made to contri | 80d if the drum is not punctured by |} hands. : z atare af Sosa] eondue. bute to the private fortunes of indi. the physician, it is oftén burst open : » There are families in which the good by the pressure of the inflammitory f ? ] man and wife prefer to sit each un- viduals. It was a.form of legalized process within, This allows drain. oung en S 0 e Ss der a different light and read a air.| D224itry, and called for some of the age, and usually prevents the forma- | Ii : ferent book in their own way. = (JATIg of the highwayman; for thé tiom of mastold trouble. | The Sinton ©. The Varney The Elemont It is something of a compliment t assumption that there has always Anothér cause of pain has been [Ill . D 7 | been hoor among thieves does not | found since the advent of the X-ray. MEN'S CONSERVATIVE MODEL a book if it can be read aloud. if it 1s In form cases | rest on a historical foundation. They In former years of severe ear- II} "THE MILTON" a dull book, or has long areas of ari flway exploiter did not need to ache have taxed the patience and dity, the exercise i¥ merciless to its skill of our best specialists. Thers Sa er lies to A fuar tne ow 0 much - he did the {a ere onaligts, There A truly wonderful value at .........$29.50 2880¢ tpriipn in over antrum, but severe pain || : aang tia 2 The late Jay Gould left behind 9 the ear itself | and in nt ye Jromise you tht tire 11 nothing Detter for. the "ny, only his eyes are following the lines. him other legacies than those whieh |gpeaking. Then, too, there Is a tderable passed to his family. He shared with With the coming of the X-ray it Commodore Vanderbilt. the oppro-{was found that the last molar - 9 J physical effort involved tn reading b t havin ed on "the.| tooth, the wisdom tooth, owing to Try Bibby s For. Your New Hat aloud and the book hm 8 8 operated 0 as Aloud an \ e must be worth public mned" policy. The dis the fact that man's mouth is me : skirts had to go. They were | the breath. A book which is strain. trust 'and hatred which were thus | 108 émaller, did not have sufficient Bnsidered effeminate. ing to be humorous wilts under this a 1 rait a room to develop properiy. and test as quiékly as one that is duil. Sngeadered Sanat a1 a -- pointed upward and inward toward tion-| But the sharing of a good work fl- olly disa '(the ear. y & Mw aight be conatity : : The Goulds and Vanderbilts of the| With the removal of this tooth or gf hx hand yet be idiotic. luni prs 2 th Blea Nt assgels seventies have gone, and an entirely | the one next to it, the pain in tha It new situation. obtains; yet the rails [ear disappeared. that ther, HSS cannot wither ache . : Meer ya ae ways are still suspected by thé unin Many times the specialist has been 2 \ : closer- knit and generally happier formed of making their own rates Sd I ete, he Savers Das gut all a book-keeper gets for| than those in which this co-opera-| *2d being predatory. Semetiing Of | away the bons at the pack of the end faithful service is bent. [tive pleasure is unknown. It may be| tN8t nature was heard within the. has been necessary. 23 that commen reading is an effect ra- | PAs {ow weeks on the floor of Par-| pont take a change on & pain in people are always surprised [ener than ~ the cause, and that in| llément st Ottawa. the ear. It may De serious and early Streams | HONEY 000. 5and 10]b. tins / things didn't turn out worse. attention may prévent a severe jll« joations are that the. north 6 has gone home for the summer, hardest lap on the journey to Teading together the family is find- ing expression for an affinity which already existed. But the probabili- ties point the other way. Such shar ing of cheerful and pleasant books is a strong tie which wards off some of the disintegrating forces that assail THE RIVAL AUTOMOBILE. It has now been demonstrated be- yond all room for cavil that the au- tomobile has cut in heavily on the passenger business of the railways. Every year "since 1920 there has neds, or even loss of lite itself. 15¢. per Ib. HONEY IN COMB each. ...28c. and Soc. Jas. REDDEN & CO. 6 18 thht from Page 7 to Page 1. oa aks Ab. to law: Howling | ami life 80 persistently and dan:| peen a shrinkage, on both sides of "s oo , 4 6 it; accepting it; forgetting it. gerously. the boundary, in the number of per- F March 19. : 4 - | sons using rail service. Tn 1924 the colleges in a settlement of | The acid an "the: LL * water makes the skin chap; WITHIN THE MIND. railways of Canada carried 10,000,- (12,000 people indicate the mental & r makes the meek aw "| For most of the day and possibly | 000 fewer passengers than they did salibeéTof the builders of Maaitods, Fustritie sigars:" Dott doen 30° Leif T. J. Lockhart i Pull throush the night we think of | four years ago. Earmings were, of Manitoba ps Jay hh 1571 ia shied, ents that only give temport=y re. Real Eqtate and Insurance Agent rich men who prefer shabby | nothing but -ourselves. Whatever our | course, proportionately affected. Dr. Bryce, ea and an: sisiet, | Lon. yom path dx. a5ving the sous, §8 BROCK ST., KINGSTON always live in some distant occupation our minds circle about| This is rather a serious matter for ant were the staff, reinforced a year | the intestines : , Phone 333) or 17975. ; : . | and about that Httle world in which | the raflways: yet it was inevitable | 1000r by Dr. Haft from Seotland. acheteas. neut . lise or Syssten Jor each of us stands supreme and alone. | from the day the automobile ap-| bt the population only 1,585 were | hot water and Magnesia and Except when interrupted by some proached its present state of effici- | whites, 4,083 English and Scottish masts wil digest "naturally a but your FORTUNE, IF-- practical issue or more of less labor-| ency and dependability. Not only do | half-breeds, 5,756 Iremch halt Bathing better "than Bis od Magng: lonsly directed and controlied, all| many thousands of people take short | breeds and the remainder Indians. |Sia. to kweeten thought floats about the journeys by motor cars, but they do | There a ready thirty-three f sod Ego. Even in prayer, or argument | not hesitate to cross the continent by Hames de a0 1. opsration. the | per or reasoning the mind is constantly) that means of locomotion. The rail the @ bine salaries averaging § homing to its own personal com-| ways have made specific tests on 81a year. The nearest university or _abiar form. [OTS safe. re cerns. Aristotle is said to have bad, comparative basis, and are now thor-| 1.300 miles away, 50 by 188%" the | tive Aug Bl not at all expensive. bandy legs and small eyes, and oughly satistied as to the extent and University of ! Manitoba was incor- pe g doubtless his most abstruse calétla-| persistence of this new form of com-| porated, founded upon a confeder-| ay tions were invaded by thoughts of | petition. . ation of St. Boniface, dt. John's and |ister was - { Manitoba colleges, representing the these mistortunes. BIStUt Map Tvorsbis condi. | Janitabs SU06, reprebSRCng She Thése spontaneous thoughts fiit| tiods, and in territory where the den: : about so rapidly that we are ordin-| sity of traffic is high, there has al- dpe A i RL would certainly be ashamed to des-| to Whether or not passenger service tions, exerts a great and benefMdient cribe them to others, for they are too could be made to yleld a profit. Be personal, ignobie or trivial, yet other street, near Qu en's niversity-- || FLORIST