MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1928. -- Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For Bus and Taxi Service, Buggies and Saddle Horses. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington st. Phone 256. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE You will soon be using your car, but before doing so have it insured. Let me quote you rates for the fol- $| any better, ------ A BAD CO DEVELOPED INTO BRONCHITIS Mrs. Levi en, Amherst Shore, N.8., writes:--'"My baby girl had a very bad cold which turned to bron- chitis, and she could not sleep at night for the coughing. I gave her everything I could think of to relieve her, but nothing seemed to do her any good, and she was not getting I was advised, by & friend, to.try DR. WOOD'S Norway Pine Syrup I did so, and after giving her a PRO- | few doses | saw good effects so I kept on with it. I gave her two bot- tles, and her cough soon left her, and now she is as well as can be. I can- not praise 'Dr. Wood's' enough; it is certainly a wonderful medicine." This preparation has been on the market for the past 35 years; manu- factured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. NTT ORE, SAFES, FLEA Kingston Transfer Co. DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. Ls Fer PIANOS, AEA EVERY [PLANO TUNING - 188 Wellington Street When you want the best in Cut Flowers, Plants or design work call WALTS', 1768 store, 1187 residence. Sole member of Florist Tele Delivery for Kingston | lcited. ' j | the highest grade of Scranton Coal. Nut, Stove, Egg .......51550 Pea renee «4.81078 Virginia Nut .........51550 Try our Virginia Coal and youn will never burn any other, as it contains no clinkers or bone. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | Wellington, BUYS YOUREX BLOCK in Wellington for Agricultural Business--Wedding of Dr. John J. Broad. Wellington, March 21.--A. Me- Kinnon has purchased the Dr. You- rex block where he wili carry on his |; agricultural business. On March 10th at Toronto, John J. Broad, M.D. was married to Miss Ruth Pirt, Uxbridge. Mrs. Gertrude Trumpour, Ottawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace visited at George Cooper's, West Lake. The ice in thie harbor is very much broken up and the ice banks along the shore of the lake are disappear- ing. daughter, Lethbridge, Alberta, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Smith and her uncle, J. B. Clark. | 0. C. Thomas, formerly of Wel- lington, has been relieving . bank clerk in Montreal, Pembroke, Cob- den, North Bay and Buckingham, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Harold who have been here on a visit have re- turned to their home at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson and daugh- ter and John Tice visited at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plerson's, Pleasant Bay, this week, Mrs. C. F. Garrett, who who spent the winter at Broomfleld, has returned to her home here. Mrs. Cheeseboro, Trenton, was a recent visitor at her brother's. Harold Hubbs and Earl Benson, Toronto, at- tended the funeral of James Pur- telle, Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wel- lington Teskey, Lake Shore Road, moved in with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gray for the year. Mr. Gray has been engaged with the Canadian Canners. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mec- Dermott and son, Edward, and daughter, Mildred, Goderich, visited relatives here last week. No Damage From Storm. Fernleigh, March 19.--Many farm- ers are busy in their sugar bushes preparing for a good run of sap. G. Wood and son have returned home after a lengthy stay here. G. Sal- mond has his well drilled and plenty of water at the depth of forty feet and is 'installing a new pump. KE. Denny is engaged in drilling a well for B. Martin. He seems to be suc- cessful in flinding water. All are sorry to lose Miss D. Lyons as Sunday school teacher as W. Alport was the lucky man. They will reside near the Niagara Falls. Mrs. G. Martin and son, George, also Mr. and Mrs. C. Armstrong spent Sunday at R. Bauder's. H. Mills spent Sunday at H. Thompson's, Lake View. C. Parks passed through here en route to Ardocn. The dwel- lings were shaken through here when the electric storm passed over on Thursday evening, but no damage was done. 3 I -- Lb ------ hn Close Call From Fire. Consecon, March 20.--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sprung, Brighton, have been visiting Mrs. Sprung's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. French. Mrs. Wolfraim accompanied Rev. H. Wol- fraim to Salem, on Sunday morning, for the preaching service. B. Gar- retses is very {ll at his home. He was taken down on Sunday. 8. Chase and Eldon Walt were visitors in the village recently. C. G. Fox was a caller at R. Blakely's on Wednesday. F. Young's were nearly having a bad fire, yes- térday, but prompt assistance saved the situation. R. Maidens, an old resident intends to come here from Toronto and resume residence, ow- ing to his poor state of health, Miss Waldron Trenton was in the village on Wednesday in the interests of LBA Mré. Edna Henderson and News From District Places a LATE MRS. WILSON KNAPP. Sydenham Lady Passes Away at Co- bourg on Thursday. PRODUCE MARKETS There passed away at the home of her son-in-law Dr. W. E. Wilkins, obourg, an old and respected resi- | dent of the district in the person of | Flizabeth Spafford, wife of Wilson Knapp; Sydenham, on Thuzgday, March 19th. \ Deceased was the third daughter of the late Elija Spafford, Spafford- ton, and spent her life mn Loughboro township, residing at Sydenham for the past forty years. She was pre- deceased by an only brother, Moses Spafford, and three sisters, Mrs. A. Vallier, Mrs. H. Counter and Mrs. M. Pixley, who resided in Loughboro all their lives. A fourth sister, Mrs. A. Ackroyd, Inverary, survives. Mrs. Knapp was a lady of strong christian character and sterling qualities, which endeared her to a host of friends, who with the family deeply Wourn hep- gassing. She is survived Ny her fiusband and a¥W only son, C. A. p, Sydennam, and one daughter, Mrs. W. B. Wilkins, Co- bourg, who with her husband, is home for the fufieral which was held from the f#mily residence.on Sun- day, March 22nd, Rev. Mr. Hollings- worth officiated at the service at 2 p.m. Interment will be made in the family plot at Sydenham cemetery later. GAVE A FINE PLAY. The Collin's Bay Dramatic Club Ap- peared at Cataraqui. Cataraqui, March 21.--The flats are covered with water after the re- cent heavy rains. 8. A. Truscott, LLP.S., has paid his semi-annual visit to the public school. The Collin's Bay Dramatic Club, on Tuesday evening, put on a play here under the auspices of the Mis- sion Circle. The "play itself "The Dust of the Earth" is an interesting one, and was much enjoyed while the different actors filled their parts most creditably. Mrs. J. Cooke and Miss Mcllraith spent a few days recently in Ottawa. Miss Ina Caverly has béen visiting relatives in Sydenham. Mrs. Camp- bell, Kingston, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Sprott. Mrs. John Baker went to Desert Lake, this week, and had a short stay there with her daughter, Miss Laura Baker. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sprott, a son. James Mother Called to Belleville. Collin's. Bay, March 21.--The peo- ple who have sugar bushes aré very busy making syrup. Mrs. T. Cou- sins was called to Belleville owing to the illness of her dsughter, Mrs. Alexander. Our Dramatic Club is very busy lately having presented their play, "The Dust of The Earth," at Odessa and Cataraqui and meet- ing with a full house and good suc- cess in both places. George Sim-] mons continues very poorly. One of our young men, Glenn Con- way, gave his friends a surprise by getting married last week. The snow has gone and the ice in the bay is going. We have the robins and blackbirds once more. i Chores Reduce Attendance, While the attendance at the Kemptville Agriculturat School is steadily growing, it is not what fit should be yet," says Principal W. J. Bell. "There are too many wintor chores on the farms of Eastern On- tario for mapy boys to get away for a few months. In the first place the Apples, pk.. Apples, No. Spys, pk.. .. Apples, Tallman Sweets, pk .. ..65 Apples, Russets, pk.. .. Maple syrup, .. Cranberries, 1b.... Tulips, cut bloom, Narcissus, cut bloom, dbz ..$1.50 Roses, but bloom, doz .$2.50-$3.50 Carnations, cut bloom, doz... $1.50 Mudecats, I ... Smelts, No. 1, 1b... +. v0 o0 «4.30 Halibut, ™.. White fish, Id Salmon, ®» .... .. Fillet of Haddie, I pFinnan Haddie, Id Fowl, Id. Chickens, Ib .. .. se.0 +.0e23-28 Chickens, Ib, milk fed .. Napanee Retail Napanee, March 23. «. 40-60 «06-75 sce se ea ve os +80 «.qt. 50c, gal. $2 «+ 25-30 .31.50 es se dos ~.. $1.75. Daffodils, cut bloom, doz ...$1.50 Parsnips, PE. coo wee aoe eesas.20 Beets, pk ... Turnips, DUS ce seve oa o00.80-78 Carrots, pk.. Lettuce, leaf, bunch.... ,. ..10-20 Lettuce, head Cabbage, each.. .. ..... ..06-20 Cauliflower, each. . Celery, bunch. . Onions, domestie, Potatoes, bushel '.. Potatoes, bag .. .... Butter, creamery, Id Butter, dairy, Ib.. .. cove oe +.35 Cheese, new, 1b., we ecee «238-28 Cheese, old, D.. oo oe +.30 Eggs, Lard, Ib.. secee aoe oors ..20-22 Flour, cwt., .. Sugar, granulated, cwt. $7.50-37.75 Shorts, ,e Wheat, western, bus Wheat, local, bus .... Bran, ton.. .. Buckwheat, bus... .. ..$1.25-31.50 Corn, feed, cwt Corn, car lots, cwt .... .. ..$3.75 Hay, Hay, loose, ton .. Oats, western, bus.... Oats, local, bus .. Young pigs, seem oe +230 es eee.15-30 ee sesea.10-26 shee oe se. 15-235 pk ve. 30-40 ..60 se sense ce eo oe. T8 ce oo +.36-38 es 04..30-35 fresh, dos .. ..$5.560-36.00 or +337 es ae 2.3185 ee «2.32.00 wn ol ne vas S434 ton.. .. 33 baled ewt. ...ceieeeeeee Th ee oo 2310-813 ..65-78 ..60-76 ..$7-310 Par eo me Fish: . ee ou wm em +30 case secs oo +.80 te se oo 00..18-22 esse o4.18-20 en se see.d2 Beef: Roast Beef, Id.. ou +0 eevee 15-35 Steak, porterhouse, 1b. sop e-38-26 Steak, round, Ib, ..... . eee.18-20 Stewing cuts, 1b. ..cowmeceaaB-12% Beef, western, cwt, Steak, T-DODE ..ce «0c oo omy .38 Bolling cuts Ib. Beef, Beef, Veal, Veal, Veal, Veal, encesenadl-14 esses mma.d-12 hinds, eWt ....oecoe. 12-17 local, Ib. ..cccecvone.8-12 stewing, ® .. «eo +...10-1% roast, ™ +. <u oo ¢oe.15-26 chops, I .. ,. .. ...18-20 cutlets, ™» .. vees16-28 Pork: Loin roasts, 1b.. v. voce oe «4.37 Hogs, live weight, cut .. .. ..$13 Chops, Ib... eo vo oa oeee .20-28 Side Pork, Ib.. .. Bacon, breakfast, d>.. .. .. .31-45 Bacon, Peamedl.. Roast pork, sliced, 1b... Ham, cooked, Ib.... .... we ..56 Ham, smoked, I .. .... ...85-45 Picnic ham, 1b... .. «... +... 20-35 Hinds, 1b.. Pork sausages, Ib.. Sausage, beef and pork, se eo oe «..22 vee oo 40-50 ee «4.68 ee oo vu. .eee os as19-24 ee so 218-30 I 10-12% Lamb: ; } Carcass, yearlings, ID.. ««.«.30-35 ' Carcass, spring, b., «oc oo «. .23 Hinds, yearlings,)lb.. .. .. .30-25 Hinds, spring; Ib.. .. .. po 28-30 Forequarters, spring, Ib.. .. ...235 Lamb chops.. .. +. «oc ooo 26-30 Mutton, carcass, Ib.. .. . ..15-18 Poultry: - eve pum ses18-28 dairy herds are large, and all pos-/ Ducks, I .... .. .... eo oc 25 sible help is needed at milking time. Work in the woods also attracts a number of boys away from the school, while the maple harvest, rather an important ome down scar way, absorbs a lot of extra winter help." Geese, I ,... Turkeys, wees oo on s.38 Tdvely Fire at Westport. A barn and drive-shed in the rear of Green's hotel in Westport and a nearby barn owned by Edward Mul- ee oo 0.18 to see our stock. suited to your special Before buying Lumber it will pay you We can offer you a wide selection and you can choose the best sizes and quality, needs. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bina BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, Ne. 1871. "How To Get the kU THIS' BOOK IS FREE! Most Out of Your B Battery" Bimply write or call and we'll be glad to give you one, Eveready "B" Batteries New, fresh stock of all sizes just in. See the new 2 Volt A Storage Battery for 1% volt tubes. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8.15 O'CLOCK, . CANADA RADIO STORES 2693 PRINCESS STREET. The Radio Headquarters of Eastern Ontario! 'PHONE 1207. " FOR SPRING SHOWING oy ORE LEISHMAN'S Finest Tailored Clothes MEN TWEDDELL'S DINING CHAIRS AT BUFFET IR group, thus placed, makes the most pleasant combination in the dining- room, cock and family, Cataraqui, " - the week-end at G. Cadott's, Rosy Revelle is suffering from a severe ats tack of quinsy. --, HAVE DARK HAIR Grandmother kept her hair b fully darkened, glossy and W-------------- ville were destroyed by fire on Wed- | the village school who wrote the best Wrote a Fine Essay. A prize offered by Rev, A. B. Smart, Cherry Valley, to the pupil of essay, was won by Master John Mar- tin Kavanagh. ' The subject for the essay was "Purity of Thought And Formation of Character." The win- ner of the prise is doing advanced work at the school, having passed the Entrance Examination last July and competed with several pupils in Mrs. William Jacob Dead. The death occurred on March 6th of one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of Elgin Td the person of Mrs. Jane Jacob, widow of William Jacob. Deceased had been 111 for only two weeks. She was the Qslo, Norway. take nesday morning. The volunteer bri- gade, with the assistance of new ap- paratus, did good wotk in tearing down small buildings, which prevent- ed the flames fron extending to the hotel itself, to the barns of James F. McGuire, the Methodist parsonage occupied by Rev. F. Horton and fam- fly and Wesley Hall, the Methodist Sunday school building. : Interesting Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pennock, Ot- tawa, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, - Mildred Maude, to Jack C. Hoff, Belleville, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hoff, of The wedding . will place on April 22nd. Trospital's Good Work. The Great W: A FAMILY REUNION. A pleasant family reunion took place, about four miles from Lynd- hurst, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 7 Is, i 1 ki j 4p Hi g £ E ; | | i it i ¥ J { : i § ih il | | use, This simple mixture can be ¢ upon to restore beauty to the hair.