THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG IS GETTING SCARCER EVERY DAY Yet we are still able to supply that same quality which has * mide a reputation for itself. ' Let us have your order now. ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street. "Phcne 1042. os ri eS ---- 'BUY ADVERTISED GOODS Their Makers Guarantee Them 7 fouse MARTIN -SENOUR 11005 PURE PAINT & VARNISHES Every Purpose - For Every Surface Write to Head Office. Montreal for Free Booklet L HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY SIMMONS BROS. Kingston ETI IFFT Ne UBEROID ROOFINGS he better Roofings that cost INRNIIIY yi aR TORONTO ad RUBERC FOR SALE . SOLID BRICK HOUSE On stone foundation; 2 storeys and attic; 8 rooms; 6 bed- rooms; sun parlor, lights, gas, 8 piece bath, hot water heating, oak floors, oak doors, oak trimmed stairway, fireplace, divided fruit cellar, garage; south side; good. location--§6,000. M. B .TRUMPO 'Phone 704 or 2072w. . - - 270 PRINCESS ST. Syrup oF TAR & [|= Cop Liver ExTRACT =} {STOPS CoucHS ¥ i ol Bottles by all dealers. mg Hh y . the Varnish you've been looking for | 41 4.20 p.m.--""Beauty afd Persona- FRIDAY, MARCH' 27. w------ KDEKA (809.1) Pittsburg, Pa. 9.45 a.m.-- "Stockman" reports of the - Pittsburg livestock markets; general market review and agricul- tural items. 12 m.-- Stockman" reports of the Puttsburg livestock and wholesale produce markets. Weather fore- cast. : 12.20 p.m.--Sunday school les- son, for Maych 29th, James C. Mace, from Y.M.€.A., Pittsburg. 3.30 p.m.--Closing quotations on hay, grain and feed from the "Stockman" studio. $.15 p.m.--Concert by Charlie Gaylord's orchestra from the Fort Pitt, Hotel, Pittsburg. 7.15 p.m.--"Stockman" reports of the primary livestock and wholesale produce markets. 7.30 p.m.--The Radio RNYymster. 5.30 p.m.--State and Federal. ag-| rieultural reports; farm and home market reports; closing quotations of the New York stock exchange; for- eign exchange quotations; Evening Post news. 7 p.m.--Stars Friars frolic. 7.10 p.m.--Bernard Levitow's Ho- tel Commodore dinner concert. 8 p.m.--Wal Jireet Journal " re- view. " 8.10 p.m.--NYU Aid College; "Man's Place in Nature," Prof. Charles L. Bristol. 8.40 p.m.--Robert Imandt, linst with Small Orchestra. 10 p.m.--"Chimes Music," riet Cady. 10.30 p.m.--Beaux Arts Orchestra, direct from Studio Art Club. X vio- Har- WGBS (876) ;New York City. 10.10 a.m.--Lillian Price, prano. . 10.20" a.m.--Patricia" Lee, '"Mod- 80- 7.45 p.m.-- "What the Dollar Earns: Interest," by Alexander Dun- bar, vice president and cashder, The Bank of Pittsburg. 8.15 p.m.-- Health talk: "The Pre- vention and Rellef of Heart Disease" by a member of .thestaff of the school of medicine, of the Univer- sity of Pittsburg, from the Univer- sity of Pittsburg studio. 8.30 p.m,--OIld - fashioned con- cert, given through the courtesy of the Rieck-McJunkin Dairy Company. of Pittsburg--given in costume at the Carnegie lecture hall, Pitts- burg. CNRM (411) Montreal. 1.45 p.m.--Windsor Hotel lun- cheon trio. 4 p.m.--Weather and stock re- ports. . WWJ (852.7) Detroit, Mich. 9.30 a.m.--""Tonight's Dinner," and a special talk by fhe woman's editor. | 9.45 a.m.--Public health service | bulletin and talks on subjects of | general interest. 12.05 p.m.--Jules Statler orchestra. 38 p.m.--The Detrofg "News Or- chestra. 8.55 p.m.--Dinner concert. 8 p.m.--The Detroit "News" or- chestra. 9 p.m, --Jean Goldkette"s Victor Recording orchestra. Klein's Hotel WLS (845) Chicago, IL. 9 a.m. --Livestock market; farm news; daily recipe; weather fore- cast. 11 a.m.-- Livestock, vegetable and fruit, poaliry and egg markets; farm news: Noon to 1 p.m.--Music; programme; weather forecast. 1.30 p.m.--Closing livestock, fruit and vegetable' markets; final grain quotations; farm news, 6 p.m.--Summary markets; farm news; weather forecast. 6.30 p.m. to 10.40 p.m. -- Ralph Emerson at Barton organ; Lullaby time; farm programme; radio dra- ma; Rotary Club programme. farm WQJ (448) Chicago, Ill. 7 to 8 p.m.--Dinner concert. 1 to 2a.m.--The Hotsy Totsy hour with Ralph Williams, the Gin- german, and the Little Skylarks. WRC (469) Washington, D.C. 4.10 p.m.----Piano recital by Elea- nor Glynn. lity' by Elsie Pierce. 4,30 p.m.--Tea music by Meyer Davis' New Witfard Hotel trio broad- cast from the Palm room of the New Willard Hotel. 6 p.m.~--Children's hour by Peggy Albion. 'WEEI (808) Boston, Mass. 2 p.m----Gene Watmore and his Society Orchestra. 6.30 p.m.--Big Brother Club. 7.15 p.m.--Eliot Daniel, pianist. 8 p.m.-- Neapolitan musicale 8.30 p.m.--All Saints Choir of Ashmont, Mass. 9.30 p.m.--Musicale. WJZ (485) New York City." ~10.50 &.m.--\'eanor Gunn's Fash- fon talk. . ,\ 11 a.m.--"Right Job for Your Daughter," Helen Hoerle. . basspdor tea music. | 12.15 p.m.--Friday noon hour of music direct from Brick Church. pel P.m.--Hotél Ambassador Trio; Henry Van Der Zanden, director. 2.30 p.m.--American Orchestral concert direct from Wanamaker Aud- m, . ® 4 p.m.--Dora Herz, soprano. 4.30 p.m.--Hollander's Motel Am- ern Marriage." 10.30 a.m.--Lillian Price, soprano. 10.50 a.m.--Lillian Price, so- prano. 1.30-1.35 P.m.--S8cripture reading. 1.36-2.30 'p.m.--Jack Wheaton and his orchestra. 3.10 p.m.--Ben Hyams, pianist. 3.30 p.m.--Ben Hyams, pianist. 3.50 p.m.--Ben Hyams, pianist. 6.6.30 p.m.--Uncle Geebee. 6.30-7 p.m.--Larry Funk and his orchestra, 7-7.10" p.m.--Herman Bernard, "What's Your Radio Problem?" 7.10-7.30 P.m.~--~Larry Funk and his orchestra. VY -- WMAQ (447.5) Chicago, III. 12.25 P.m.---Y.M.C.A. forum. 4.30 p.m.--Pupils of Bush conser- vatory. 6 p.m.--Organ recital from Chi- cago theatre, 6.30 p.m.--Hotel LaSalle orches- tra. 9.15 p.m.--Musical programme ar- ranged by Roy Long, of Dixon, I11. woo (484) Davenport, Ia. 2 p.m.--Closing quotations on grain, livestock and dairy products. ' ------ WEAF (492) : New York City. 11 a.m.--Pan-American trio. 6 p.m:--Dinner music from the rose room of the Hotel Waldorf-As- toria; "Sir Hobgoblin Takes a Ride," by Blanche Elizageth Wade, story teller for G. R. Kinney Company; Jocelyn Clarke, contralto; "The Hap- piness Candy Boys;" WEAF light opera quartette; Gladys Gavreau or- chestra; - Walter Haefliger, concert pianist; '"'Fireside * Hour;"' Meyer Davis' Lido-Venice orchestra from, Lido-Venice, New York City. WGY (8 ) Sehienectady, N.Y. 2 p.m.--Music; talk, "Health Hints," by Dr. C. W. Woodall, Am- erican Medical Association. 6.30 p.m.--International Sunday school lesson. 7 p.m.--Albany Strand Theatre orchestra, Julius Boxhorn, conduec- tor. 7.30 p.m.-- Health talk. 7.40 p.m.--Remington Typewrifer band, Edwin T. Daniels, director: Elizabeth M. Daniels, soprano, solo- ist. 10.30 p.m.--Remington Typewrit- er band. WJIY (405) New York City. 7.30 p.m.--Remington Typewritert band of Ilion, Schenectady. 9.30 p.m.--Leon Carson, tenor. 10 p.m.--Monte Carlo Virginians. N.Y.; from way, WLW (422:3) Cincinnati, 0. 12.15 p.m.--Programme by "the Ahaus Brunswick Orchestra; William Koch, director. 1.30 p.m.--Business reports and stock quotations. WFI (893) Philadelphia, Pa. 10.15 a.m.--Market and livestock reports: ' 1 p.m.--Bellevue Stratford Hotsl Concert orchestra. 1.50 p.m.--Agricultural report. 3 p.m.--Charlotte Sullivan, =o- prano. Mrs. Edward T. Keech, pian- ist. Talk given by Mrs. W. Ellis Groben. : 3.45 P.m.--Readings by Margaret Mary Kearney. Ruth B. Young, so- prano. Caroline Hoffman, accom- panist. 6.30 p.m.-- Bellevue Stratford Ho- tel Concert orchestra, - 7 p.m.--Bedtime stories. - > WEAR (890) Cleveland, 0. 7 to 8 p.m.--Dinner concert by Austin J. Wylle and his orchestra u | | v Write us for Free Book- { let ** The Roof the Owa- er is Proud Of." | | Earl Construction Co. - A. M. Sweet & Sen - Tallman & Robb . . E. E. Johnston - - Williams Bros, « = ee Ad direct from Golden Pheasant Res- taurant. 8 to 11"p.m.--Programme broad- cast from the studig. Tadmor Shrine Band of Akron, O. Mme. Yolanda Suarez, soloist. 'Tadmor male quar- tette. WAHG (315.6) New York City. 12-1 p.m.--Special programme, Brooklyn Federation of Churches. 8-8.15 p.m.--Edwin Lloyd, violin- ist. 8.15-9.30 p.m.--John J. Kimmel Trio. . 8.30-9 p.m.--M. Lamberti, cello. 919.15 pm.--Mildred Nash Car- rington, soprano. 9.15-9.30 p.m.-- Utopia | Quartette. 9.30-9.45 p.m.--Bdwin Lloyd, vio- linist. 9.45-10 p.m.--Mildred Nash Car- rington, soprano. 10-10.15 p.m.--dohn J. Kimmel Trio. ~~ Brass A STRIKING FROCK add to the a A. CHOWN & CO. -------- x iN \ Shine al ire-quard | VERY Bird's Asphalt in against the They are endorsed and fire underwriters and fire chiefs 'upon your. roof is a sure menace of flying sparks. recommended by everywhere. Bird's TWIN colours--red, green very KY 99 Shingle you lay Shingles are beautiful, too. They ttractiveness of any building. The or. blue-black--are the natural colours of crushed slate, and never fade. Nothing to rot, nothing to rust, nothing greater cost than makers of the famous Bird's to paint--and at no Bird's Asphalt TWIN Shingles are made by the Paroid Roofing which has given satisfaction throughout Canada for over FOR BALE BY OTHER NEARBY DEALERS: = 'Athen W. 8. Bilton = « « Del = Lyndhurst Lansdowne + Newbore C. H. Majbee 10.15-11.30 p.m~Utopia Dance Orchestra. WGR (2319) Buffalo, N.Y. 6.30-7.30 p.m.--Buffalo Trust hour. 8-8.15 p.m.--Address, Education of the Child," Burkhardt. 8.15-8.55 p.m.--Recital by Min- nie Clemons Stem. 10-11 p.m.--Larkin String Orches- tra. "Physical by Carl ¢ Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. M. J. White - KINGSTON Newboro C. W. Hartley & Son . Westport hd May Have New Rink. Peterboro, March 26.--A move ment to give Peterboro an artificial ice rink in time for next season's campaign is on foot in the city, and a representative of the engineering company which built the Stratford Arena has been in consultation with a number of local enthusiasts. There is nothing definite, but an announce- ment is looked for in a shoft time. = Handkerchiefs that have been used by anyone having a sevére cold should be soaked in salt water, boil- ed separately half an hour in water 'and washed well. 3 piece Mohair price $225.00, for Wing Chair--combination bottoms and backs--well made -- covers--webbed regular | coo... $175.00 3 piece Tapestry -- good quality of cover and 2 large Arm Chairs --cane backs, velvet Cushions--35 extra Cush- $200.00, for . -$150.00