Down the Home Stretch- VICTORY hangs in riders plunge forward stake . . More than just a victory A girl's honor--a boy's great love--all can be saved in victory! the balance . . the on steaming mounts is at You'll hang breathlessly on every gripping mo- ment of this wonderful screen entertainment, A romance totouch your heart A drama to thrill your soul! See It! & 8 oh) oid y You'll love it! 7 1 ©) an Attend the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SPORT ---- City League. In the City League, at the Fron- tenac Bowling and Recreation Aca- demy, bowling is very far below par form. A break is soon expected in this bowling .déepression, and it is hoped that average scoring will be making its appearance in the team scores. Tuesday night the Eagles approached the 3,000 mark with a total of 2,800. Two ladies' teams from Belle- ville will visit the Frontenac Bowl- ing and reation Academy to play two t 8 , chosen from the academy régular bowlers, This game will take place on Friday night of April 3rd. The scoring Tuesday night was as follows: | Princess Streets--Spencer, 535; McLeay, 563; Amodeo, 581; Ewart, 400; Donoghue, 542. Rough Riders--Palavos, 526; Knight, 371; Karis, 494; Brown, 5564; Ddyle, 618. Total, 2,463. Eagles--Milne, 630; Tetro, 628; Gollogy, 621; Amodeo, 407; Reid, 548. Total, 2,834. Starr's Club--Cherry, 576; nedy, 603; Thompson, 427; Millan, 493; Jeffries, 573. Total, 2,672. Earls--Hammond, 515; FitzGer- ald, 485; Logue, 455; Downey, 5965; Menard, 155; Logue, 226. Total, Total, 2,611. Ken- Coyle, 414. Total, 2461. Starr's--Cherry, 621; Thompson, 441; Kennedy, 518; Millan, 459; Jeffrey, 724. Total, 2763. Rotary--Kelly, 5567; 643; Collings, 507; Evans, Derry, 721. Total, 2957. Stenton, 619; True Blues' Euchre Party. The L. T. B. held its weekly euchre party and dance ig the Or- ange, Hall Tuesday evening. There were sixteen tables in play at euchre and the prize winners were: Lad- les' first, Mrs. K. Murray; ladies' consolation, Mrs. Grimshaw; zentle- men's first, Mr. K. Murray; gentle- men's consolation, Mr. P. Dee. The ladies' first prize was donated by the Dr. Bell Wonder Co. After the euchre, refreshments were served by the committee, and dancing was held, the music being supplied by Balisbury's orchestra. The com- mittee was composed of Mrs. W. Simpson, Mrs. P. Paynter, Miss N. Oderkirk, Mr. H. T. Patterson, Mr. G. Kirkpatrick, Mr. J. Patterson and Mr. W. Simpson. Concert at Rockwood. The final concert of the season was staged at Rockwood Hospital on Tuesday evening under the-diree- tion of Mr. Albert J. Woodthorp, who' arranged the programme, which was greatly enjoyed by those who were in attendance. Those who took part were the Sid Fox Serenade orchestra, Mr. Harold C. Packer, Mr. A. J. Woodthorp, Miss Violet Jackson, Master Stuart Sals- bury, Miss Viglet Poésselwhite, Mr. T. G. Kelly, Misses Grace and Ma- rion Asselstine, Miss Helen Gardi- ner. Refreshments were served at' the close of the delightful concert. 'EXAMINATION RESULTS. At The Kingston Dairy Schéol For ' Winter Session. Of the fifty-nine students attend- ing the regular cheese and butter makers course? January 2ud ! March 20th, thirty-five wrote on the final examinations for diplomas. The following is a list of .those being successful, ranked ia order of merit: Grade First--75 per cent. and over--J. T. MoCreath, Kingston; J. N. Truelove, Westport; C. H. Cuth-~ bertson, Norwood. . ' Grade Secend, 60 per cent. and over--George Windatt, Beaverton: Jacob Hughes, Leonard; 8S. W. Byers, Ormond; John Laird, Joyce- ville; Joseph Fox, Kingston; Wil- liam Christie, Hilton; William Brooks, Vars; Rodney McDonald, Dalhousie Station, R.R. 2; Hector | Casselman, Cumberland; H. BE. Parks, Madoc, R. R. 3; William Campbell, Easton's Corners; D. Mcintosh, Clayton; G. O. Kelsey, Lansdowne; Rene (Charbonneau, Hammond; Charles R. Kennedy, Kingston; Douglas Turney, Morgan- ston. ,! Pass, 50 per cent. and bver---Roy McLeod, Marsboro, Que.; J. J. Bre- thour, Madoc, R. R. 2; K. L. Reid, Riceville; J. BE. Smith, Colbourn; J. L. Olmstead, Leonard; Thomas Barton, Norwood; D. Berry, St. Eugene; Joseph Chatelain, Planta- genet. Cheese Making Only. {Pass--pP. Brown, Pendleton. Butter Making Only. Grade First--75 per cent. over--R. C. Reid, Napanee. Grade Second, 60 per cent. and over--R. VanOrman, Lansdowne, and + KINGSTON CHORAL SOCIETY | PRESENTS HANDEL'S « "MESSIAH"| GRANT HALL TO-NIGHT CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA OF OVER ONE HUNDRED SOLOISTS FROM THE MENDELSSOHN CHOIR SEATS NOW ON SALE AT UGLOW'S Easter Novelties Rabbits, Chickens, Roosters From 5c. to 60c. Chocolates, Fhese are all our own make--pure and solid Milk Chocolatd, New York Candy Store 814 PRINCESS STREET 'PHONE 1405w. Found Not Guilty. Hamilton, April 1.--A verdict of not guiity was returned by the jury this afternoon in the case against Mrs. Joseph Baytoizae, Mike Rodysh, Panko Shabaha and Yakim Shabaha of being accessories after the fact of the murder of Joseph Baytoizae, accused woman, found on mountain side some months ago. the was husband of whose body The HENDRY will be sold at au mencing THURSDAY, A King Street East, between the goods are sold. MR. T. J. MUNRO, h 3 } Auction Sale effects of .the estate of J. A come 2 the old 8, ore re 3 p.m. at the pangen Brock and Princess Streets. Sale authorise ed by the executors of the estate. Terms, cash, Bale to continue till GNA ts 2,433. St. Lawrence--Lawrence, 489; Norman, 537; Sowards, 465; Potter, 448; Suddard, 530. Total, 2,469. Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Shorey, spending the winter with their sén, - e Dr. Kenneth Shorey, at St. Anne De Repairs to the Eastern Dairy Bellevue, Que., have returned to Na-| School, Kingston, will total $1,000, R. 4. Pass, 50 per cent. and over--R. T. Orser, Westbrooke; R. Burgess, Morrisburg; Douglass Hawley, Matinees "Phone 2121J. Auctioneer, Customs Returns. The customs returns at the port S-T-R-A-N.-D "Christine of Hungry Heart" With FLORENCE VIPOR NOW SHOWING AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions "DIXIE HANDICAP" AN EXCITING FILM Photoplay At Capitol Rates High Among Racing Dramas. For thrills, comedy, beauty, and "mere thrills we recommend '"The Dixie Handicap," at the Capitol Theatre Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday, as ong of the most all- around satisfactory pictures of the year. Rarely have we seen any time, as pleasing to the eye. There are several reasons for both." For excitement there are a num- ber of horse races that surpass aay- thing done before on the screen pic- turing the "Sport of Kings." The earlier ones take place at a county fair, and the climax race is the in- ternational contest between the he Mim and the English champion' (These scenes were taken i © and . their authenticity 3d deal of interest to the Fof beauty you need go no fur- ther thas Claire Windsor, who plays | ihe leading feminine role, that of Virginia, the daughter of Judge Roberts (portrayed by Frank Kcen- an). No such treat for ailing eys has pagsed across the screen in many a day; it is indeed éasy to understand why Miss Windsor has been picked as one of America's most beantiful women. And the backgrounds of the picture offer a very pleasing sight, with their Southern atmosphere and quaint views of the track. Then, of course, there is Frank Keenan as the Judge. Always a colorful sector, Mr. Keenan does | some of his best work in Dixie Handicap," playing his role of the aristocratic jold Southerner who falls into poverty, with rare restraint. - i Lloyd Hughes is delightfully dit-! ferent as the hero. His is a role that ! combings comedy with straight | heroics, an extremely difficult su. | bination that Mr. Hughes conquers with ease. | The rémainder of the competent «ast includes John Salnpolis, Otis Harlan, "Edward Martindel, Otto Hoftman, and Joseph Morrison. Altogether, "The Dixie Handicap" rates high In the racing field. mn --" AT THE STRAND TODAY. Most romantic ' pieture as exciting, or-at the same | No Excursion Boat. Unless the cities of Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Marie are prepared to guarantee that an excursion boat, operated between the two places, | will -not run at a loss this season, there seems little likelihood that | such a service will be established. | The Canada Steamships Line offer- ed the S. 8. Rapids King, on lease at $45,000 for the season. The craft was declared not suitable and the cities had no right to subsidize the line, in the way of guaranteeing that the boat would not be operated at a loss. The company said it had no other boat to offer. r a Da The New Equipped with a splash proof large cypress wood tub -- (the wood eternal that never rots). Economy Electric Washer and Wringer Alerts--Roles, 491; Flanagan, 394; Wilkins, 431; Fleming, 344; Dummy, 123; Dummy, 299. Total, 2,082. A.C.O.'s--Shigley, 512; Wood, 462; Phillips, 299; Ball, 469; Dum- my, 299. Total, 2,041. Sportsmen's League. Bowling games in the Sports- men's League at the College Inn Bowling Academy on Tuesday even- ing resulted as follows: Kiwanis--Booth, 498; Minnes, 467; Cusick, 599; VanHorne, 401; Driver, 446. Total, 2411, Caseys--Barry, 572; Downey, 482; Hyland, 478; Thompson, 515; of Kingston for the month of March were as follows: port duties, Sharbot Lake. $14,770.13; import "taxes, $3,736.- 61; excise taxes, $5,825.61; excise duties, $2,008.91; sundry collec- tions, $13.76; total, $26,354.93. The total returns for the month of March, 1924, were $35,654.48, there being a decrease of $9,199.55. Ea) Agriculture Report Adopted. Toronto, April 1.--The fortunes of the farm and the/Farmer occupied | the Ontario Legislature until an | early hour\this morning. The occas- | fon was the debate upon the resolu- tion of W. D. Black (Conservative, A Gratuity Provided. A gratuity of $1,000 is given to the family of the late Victor Gilbert, Kingston, the victim of an aeroplane accident some months ago. Borrowed style has to be paid back with interest in the long run. » Addington), which urged that the House concur in the report of the agricultural inquiry committee, the principal recommendation of which was for a national export marketing commission to be established by the Federal Government. The motion was finally adopted. panee. VICTORIA CAFE | and is voted by the legislature, RE-OPENS SATURDAY, APRIL 4th After being closed for some time for extensive improvements and re-decorating, we will open SATURDAY with, everything in first class shape to give the public the very best meals along with excel lent service. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 354 King Street. Telephone 762. Unequalled Value Given by J. H. Connor & Son Ltd. Ottawa, Ont. Every Connor Electric Washer backed b Thousands of Hours Drudgery Saved BY THIS MANUFACTURER'S SALE ing Washing Machines. y 50 years' experience in mak- electric motor, All day lon and Easy T Free Gifts. Price $98.00 Only $2.00 Down Can you afford to be a slave to the wash board? Any 4 of These Premiums, Given Away Absolutely Washer Sold During The Sale. < Clothes passet Free Every Home May Now Have A Connot Electric Washer There never was a better opportunity ever given by any manufacturer. g a steady flow of people have taken advantage of the Low Prices firms to secure orfe of our High-Grade Washers with our Four big Free With Each 3 | Washer Drainer Free bh Will send any machine on our floor to your home with our four big » . The Good Housekeeper and Kitchen Table Combined $2.00 Down When through washing lift off the wringer and use It as a kitchen table. The only machine made with glazed porcelain kitchen table top. Easily moved, runs on: ball bearing castors.