THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1025. Phone 316 | GODKIN'S LIVERY For Bus and Taxi Service, Buggies and Saddle Horses. Dr. Waugh 106 a Phone 256. "AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE You will soon be using your car, but before doing so have it Let me quote you rates for the fol- lines: -- OTE, PUBLIC LIABILITY, PRO- PERTY = DAMAGE, COLLISION, THEFT. You require protection BE- FORE not AFTER an accident or Joe ie SAFE way is to insure NOW. R. H. Waddell PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. N ; EVENINGS 2231. FON "WLLINGTON DR_J. CW. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. PIANO TUNING Plano. Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. "PHONE 184. ° 182 Wellington Street 'When want the best in Cut 7 on. Plants or design work s THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG HAD BOILS "ALL OVER HIM There is only one way to get rid of boils and that is by going right to the seat of thé trouble--the blood-- as the bad blood must be made pure before the boils will disappear. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS cleanses the system and removes all the foul matter from the blood in a way that few medicines will do. Mrs. Chas. Rankin, Bulyea, Sask., writes:--"A few years ago my hus- band had a terrible time with boils. On one arm he had 16 between his elbow and wrist; five on the back of his neck, and several more on dif- ferent parts of his body. He tried everything he could think of, but got no relief until he took Burdock Blood Bitters, and to his surprise it com- pletely relieved him, of his boils, in a very short time." ' B.B.B. has beén on the market for the past 46 years; be sure you get it when you ask for it; put up only by The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. Phone 1530 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Geo. A. Wright & Son 224-236 Ontario Street. ..'Phone 1264 All kindh of machines and mach repaired. Prompt and efficient service. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. I Nt, li" ti ------ Dental-Dr. Alex. M. Clark will continue to conduct the practice of Dr, H. A. Stewart. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by appointment. Phone 2002 Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. ll. NIN a ------------ A -------------- oh. Dr. W. O- Vicoman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie 8 te. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. PHONE =404J. Evenings by appointment. i spies. Dr. R.B. Bishop) DENTIST call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1187 residence. \ Sole member of Florist Tele- "Delivery for. Kingston Offices at the Corner of Princess and Wellington Streets Entrance: 192 Wellington \ "Phone 2077, ¥ out-of-t Hcited., you than any Jue tlhe, x We want trade, and If we one wet ie will keep it. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. = Grove Inn Yards We Sell New & Used Lumber At Lowest Prices ' L. Cohen & Co. 207-275 ONTARIO STREET 'PHONES 836 and 887, SEED OATS Just received a car of Seed Oats that weigh 48 pounds to the measured bushel. Call and See us before you order your supply. W. F. McBroom 25 Brock St. Phone 1686 - For April Only To make room for our boat deliv- Ny Coal. and in eS ha ous anticipated labor trou! anthracite coal fleids ia fads are making special price om our CELEBRATED LACKAWANNA COAL. Egg. Stove and Nut at per tom, delivered. Nut and Split Pea Mixed ....312.38 Spot Cask or C.0.D, W. A. Mitchell & Co. Telephone 67. we $2,850--5 Bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 3 piece bath Anew), hot alr furnace (new), barn and gar den. South. » 8 be, fire 885. 45. and somo 5 8 oe § room E. L. MARTIN 287 BAGOT STREET PHONES: Office 220. Res. 1423M or 1131F. || expected... The funeral will be held News From District Places ede cm, WILLIE WILLIS BUDGET OF NEWS GATHERED AT PICTON All The Churches Held Special Services to Mark Easter- tide. Picton, April 15.--Major H. W. Kerfoot was in Picton on Friday and Saturday, renewing old acquain- tances. The major was en route from Toronto, where he had been attending an educational conference, to his home in Ottawa. Mrs. A. Macklin is in Prince Ed- ward county hospital, where she underwent a serious operation. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. The services in all of the churches on Sunday were of an especial cha- racter, suitable to the day. In St. Andrew's church, Rev. C. L. Cowan preached fn the morning on "What Easter Has To Teach Us," and in the evening on "If A Man Die Shall He Live Again?" The soloists were Mr. David Young, Miss Jean Insley, Mr. Robert Young, Miss Florence McStephen, Mr. F. Smith and Miss Doris Arthur. In the Baptist church, Rev. J. K. Holland's subjects were "The First Easter" and "The Empty Tomb." Rev. Mr. Holland was also heard in solos which were most inspiring. In the United Church, Rev. J. J. Mellon preached to crowded houses both morning and evening. In the evening his sub- ject was "The Challenge of the Cross," with the text, "Because I Live, Ye 8hall Live Also." The soloists were Mrs. (Dr.) Currie, Mrs. C. Spencer and Mr. Mallett. Miss Lois Welsman, a very young artist, was heard in a pleasing vio- lin solo. Mrs. A. Welbanks is at the home of her brother, Bruce Minaker, Royal street, where their father, Mr. Albert Minaker passed away at an early hour on Tuesday. Mr. Mina- ker had been in failing health for some time, and the end was not un- (on - "I wish they had made the capi- tals of states in geography as easy to remember as the letters of radio stashuns." Notes From Bob's Lake. Bob's Lake, April 15.--It is ex- pected that sap will run freely now after Saturday's snow storm. Miss Victoria Latour, Ompah, -is a visi- tor at B. C. Atwood's. Miss Helen Carty has left for her home in Westport for Easter week. Miss Hilda Dobney and Miss Doris Mur- ray were visitors at the former's home for the week-end. Frank Kelly was very successful with his sale, which was held on April 7th. Miss Bertha Atwood, : Crosby, is home for Easter week. Mr. Joseph Steele, Sr., has returned to Tich- borne after spending a week at R. C. Atwood's. Mr. B. C. Atwood has been engaged to paint boats for Mrs. F. M. Jones, Webster, and Mr. A. H. Neisner, Rochester, N.Y. Tho- mas Swerbrick"s summer home on Bob's Lake is now completed. Mr. N. A. Shillington is building two new cottages on Green Bay. Mrs. Ted Fitzgerald and Mrs. B. C. At- wood spent Sunday with Mrs. Rob- ert Good. Mr. John Donley, West- port, and James Coulter, Glendower, were visitors at Ted Fitzgerald's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kennedy and little son, Bruce, are visiting at home. The young people of this vicinity have spent enjoyable even- ings at Johnson's shows in Tich- borne Hall. --_------ RAELMATISN A MYSTERY Some diseases give immunity from another ati but rheumatism works just the other way. Every at- tack of rhedmatism invites another; worse than that, it reduces the body's power so that each attack is worse than the one before. If any disease needs attention early it is rheumatism, but there is scarcely any disease more difficult to treat successfully. When a medi- cine does relieve rheumatism there- fore it 18 worthy of special notice. Medical authorities agree that the blood becomes thin with alarming ra- pidity as rheumatism develops. Main- taining the quality of the blood ie therefore a reasonable way of pre- venting and combatting rheumatism from the family home to Glenwood on Thursday. Mr. Frank Minaker is a son. Misses Catherine Tobey and Mar- jorie Calnan, of Windsor, are holi- daying at their respective homes here. Mrs. C. Breakenridge, of Virginia, who was called here owing to the death of Mrs. W. L. Clark, has re- turned to her home in that city. The patronesses for the Easter Ball given by the officers of Hast- ings and Prince Edward County Regiment in the Arniouries, were Mesdames Bedell, Currie, Publow, Healy, Turnbull, Adams and Wright. Miss Helen Kerfoot was much feted before leaving for her home in Ottawa. Among those who enter- tained in her honor were Mrs. Frank Minaker and Miss Hilda Rowlson. Mr. Philip Herrington, Detroit, is holidaying with his mother, Mrs. B. Herrington, Union street. Mr. Slack, Smith's Falls, was a recent visitor with his son, Dr. C. 8S. Slack. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Powers and Miss Aileen are on an extended moter trip through New York State. Mrs Albert Seeds, of Toronto, is visit- ing relatives and friends in town for Keyes, a few days. That it works out in fact is shown by the beneficial effects which follow the treatment of rheumatism, acute, muscular and articular, with that great blood tonic, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. That thousands of people who have taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their rheumatism have been benefit- ed is a fact beyond dispute. That rheumatism does not return as long as the blood is kept rich and red is equally true. If, therefore you are suffering from rheumatism in any form you should lose no time in giv- Ing Dr. Willams' Pink Pills' a fair trial. - You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WORKING ON THE LAND. Farmers Around Joyceville Have Started Their Work. Joyceville, April 15.--Some of the fafmers have started to work on the land. Mrs. Heaney has rented her farm to Mr. James Morris, Kingston. Mrs. Woodstock and family have moved to Kingston. The Ottawa-Kingston motor bus is proving a great conve- nience. A number from here at- tended the dance at Sunbury, on Monday evening. Miss Myrtle Hitchcock is spend- ing the holidays at her home here, also Miss Esther and Norman » Miss Mary Donnelly was the guest of Mrs. P. Joyce. Mr. James Fowler is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Jo- seph Keys. Miss J. Milne, Chelsea, Que., is spending the Easter vaca- tion at home. $ At Findley Station. Findley Station, April 15.--Sun- day school has been reorganized. The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. J. Brenan's. Lunch .was provided by Mrs. W. Bennett and Mrs. W. Cur- tis, Mrs. James Wilson is visiting friends In Kingston. Miss Mets Campsall is spending the holidays with her parents at Mrs. W. Wilson and James spent a week at Lansdowne. Robert Lac- kie entertained & number of friends on Wednesday night. Mrs. James Sutherland is visiting her brother, F. Scott; Mrs. James Greenlees, Jr., is visiting at Mr. Webster's, Gdnanogue. Mr. Steacy, N Hartington. | ON WOLFE ISLAND, Special Eastertide Services Were Heard in Trinity Chwrch. Wolfe Island, April 15.--Good Friday and Easter Day were suitably observed at Trinity church, Wolfe Island, There was morning prayer held at 10 o'clock and a lantor- - vice in the evening, illustrating the | passion and death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A very large congregation assembled and greatly appreciated the secred pictures, and the duet sung by Mrs. R. Bulliss and Miss Hazel Boulton, "Give Me a Sight, O Savious, of Thy Wondrous Love to Me." On Faster Day, the holy communion was celebrated at 10.30 o'clock, an unusually large congregation attending. The church was very suitably decorated with large Easter lilies and several other plants and flowers. The selections rendered by the cholr were particu- larly well sung, viz.: "Christ is Risen," and "Look, Ye Saints," and were very much appreciated by the attentive congregations. Mrs. R. Horne officiated at the organ, at both services, and Mrs. J. Cantrell accom- panied the various hymns and selec- tions with the violin. The rector spoke in the morning from Matthew 28:5-6, "I know that ye seek Jesus, He is not here, for He is risen," and in the evening from St. Luke 24:39, "It is I My- self, handle Me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye &ee Me having." The preacher showed in this latter instance, how that we carry our own personality and our characters into the next world and it will' ever be, "I myself." The offer- tories, which were very liberal, were devoted towards the missionary funds of the church. The services were most inspiring and uplifting and were of a very bright and joyous character. Visitors at Moscow. Moscow, April 14.--Mr. and Mrs. Cramer have moved to Moscow, where Mr. Cramer is engaged to make cheese in the joint stock fac- tory. Mr. M. Davy and mother and Miss Edith Allen, Kingston, spent Monday at R. Asselstine's. Miss Car- meleta Darling, of Vars, is visiting her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Amey and Miss Ida, Napanee, spent Sunday at Beaver Lake. A young son has come to stay at the home of Mr. James Fisher. Mr. W. A. Hoop- er, Kingston, and Miss Gladys Assel- stine, Moscow, were quietly married on March 31st. Their many friends wish them bon voyage. The happy couple will make their home in Kingston. Major and Mrs. Amey and Misses Helen and Hattie Amey spent Easter at Tamworth. Mrs. Alma Alken- brack, B.A., is staying in Toronto for the holidays. Miss Lila Bell and Miss Lottie Asselstine, 'Peterboro normal school, are holidaying at their respective homes. Mr. Joseph Hooper and family spent Easter Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Asselstine. -------- News of Morton. Morton, April 156.--Mr. J. Coon is seriously ill at Morton. His many friends hope to hear of his speedy recovery. George Wing is moving to Fairfield near Brockville this week to his new farm, taking with him two fancy teams he has just pur- chased from Perth. Mr. David Gamble has just arrived home from Kingston where he has been spend- ing some time with his eldest daugh- ter, Mrs. Peggie Bracken. Bert Hudson is clerking for Harry Wykes. Mrs. H. E. Laming has installed a fine new radio, The Standard people have their foundation built for their new church. B. N. Henderson spent Saturday last in Brockville. Visitors of late at Morton were: | Mrs. S. Blanchard at Robert Steacy's; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Coon at Mr. J. Coons; the Misses Pearl and Jefinie York are spending Easter week at their home here; Miss Jennie Hen- derson is spending the week with her parents; Mrs. Harry Wykes has arrived home after spending some time with her parents at Delta. Miss Ella Birch spent one day last week Grippe, Influenza, are eager for work. repairs. pense any longer. oS. Promptly Relieved Vapor Treatment is Bost : Private BUILDING REPAIRS Winter is over, Carpenters and Builders Look over your property. It needs some Material prices are reasonable and steady. It will not pay to postpone the ex- Why not give the order to-day ? ANGLIN CO. LIMITED codworking Factory, Lamber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Telephone Branch Exchange, Ne. 1571. BREAKS UP COUGHS Our Coal has been classed the highest grade of Scranton $1 ] Try our Virginia Coal and you will never burn any other, as it contains no clinkers or bone. Aylsworth Bros. "Phone U. R. Knight 1795w, i? M Wi pays fouse ARTIN-SENOUR | OOD-LAC STAIN] for furniture Floors & 2oodwork 1] : Write to Head Office. Month I HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY SIMMONS BROS. Kingston 5 VALUE ALWAYS ASSURED WITH Tweddell's Clothes Exclusive Fabrics and Correct Styles in new Spring Suits and Topcoats *18.00 b *35.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess Street It's the Cut of Your Clothes That Counts 3 ~------ at Soeley's Bay. Mr. Andrew Gamble was at B. J. Gable's on Tuesday. CAMDEN. EAST BUDGET. Ladies in That District Are Busy House Cleaning. Camden East, April 16,--School closed on Thursday last for the holi- days. W. Gehan has been confined to the house with poisoning on his face. The remains of D. Patterson were laid to rest in St. Luke's ceme- tery on Saturday afternoon. Houfe cleaning seems to be the main 'occu- pation of the ladies. ' + Mrs. 8. Brien returned home m Kingston .on Saturday. We "had quite a number of Easter visitors in- cluding ' the following: Mrs. Alvin Perry and daughter, Brighton, with her mother, Mrs. W. Edgar; Miss Helen. Hinch and brother, Arthur, with their mother, Mrs. G. Hinch; Misses Pearl and Cecelia Oster, ac- companied by their friend, Miss La- veil, Kingston, are spending the holi- days at the former's home here. Miss Marian Riley, Ottawa, also Miss Fraiices Alkenbrack, are spend- ing the holidays with their parents and sisters. J. McGarvey has secur- ed a position at Point Anne, T. Judd spent Easter at his parents in Graf- ton. Mrs. 8. Williams and Edith are spénding this week with their rela- tives at Harrowsmith. A number at- SRE: i Mrs. Pinkerton's parents' Mr. and Mrs. Heath at present. ' Miss Luceil Dowsett, who is attending the nor mal, is at her home here for the bolidays. Mrs. Reginald Dowsett a little son, Bjlley, Toronto, is visTting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dow ; for the holidays, : Lombardy Briefs. y Lombardy, April 15---Mr. ana] Mrs. T. Cauley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reynolds, Frankville. School closed on Thursday, April 9th, and the tea cher, Miss Davidson, left to spend her holidays at her home in Smith's Falls. Miss Luella Duffield, Too, ronto, is home for the Easter vaca- tion. Misses Nora Vaughan and Roe sella O'Meara, Ottawa, came up for the week-end. Mr. E. P. Kelly and family are moving to their farm near here. Miss Myers, Philips ville, spent a few days here last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kelly. Mrs. Dudley Joynt is vi ing her parents at Perth. On Fri day, April 17th, Mrs. John Clark will dispose by auction of her farm stock, ete. ; >