FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1025. Sn in0-Ckan INT: PLY of pain and spring clean . the dust, are disturbed myriads of tiny disease germs, Their mission is to attack any ex- Joned sore place and set up and blood-poison, ng this, the wise house takes Shae a always keeps a an Sam-+Buk on a handy shelf. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS ¥. wire anywhere, any time. ® ean deliver flower gifts on 9 short notice to any town or city Shy ply call us and tell us your wants--we will do the and satie on is susranteed bp 4 p p bp : KNIGHTS' PHARMACY dak A A a a aa | red new sensations in him. It was not | fore last, just when the Mounties were {iar with people for a year or so long- | you opinion? Eh?" SON OF James Olivér Curwaod A LOVE EPIC OF THE FAR NORTH CHAPTER XXVIIl----Continued. Even at that distance Bares: could see him grinning affably; he saw the outstretched hand, and the voice stir- like Pierrot's voice. He had pever lov. ed Pierrot. Neither was it soft and sweet like the Willow's. He had known only a few men, and all of them he had regarded wjth distrust. But this was a voice that disarmed him. It was lureful in its appeal. He wanted to an- swer ft. He was filled with a desire, all at once, to follow close at the heels of this stranger. For the first time in his life a craving for the friendship of man possessed him. He did not move until Jim Carvel entered the spruce. Then he followed. That night they were camped in a dense shot of cedars and balsams ten miles north of Bush McTaggart's trap-line. For two hours it had snow. ed, and their trail was covered. It was still snowing, but not a flake of the white deluge sifted down through the thick canopy of boughs. Carvel had put up his small silk tent, and had built a fire; their supper was over, and Baree lay on his belly facing the outlaw, al- most within reach of his hand. With his back to a tree. Carvel was smok. ing luxuriously. He had thrown off his cap and his coat, and in the warm fire- glow he looked almost boyishly young But even in that glow his jaws lost none of their squareness, nor his eyes their clear alertness. "I'm a bad one, old chap," he chuck. led. "You haven't got it on me--not 8 bit. Want to know what happened?" He waited a moment, Baree looked at him steadily. Then Carvel went on, as if speaking to a human, "Let's see--it was five years ago, five years this De- cember, just before Christmas time. Had a dad. Fine old chap, my Dad was. No Mother--~just the Dad, an' when you added us up we made just One. Understand? And along came a white-striped skunk named Hardy and shot him ope day because Dad had worked against him in politics, Out an' out murder, An' they didn't hang that skunk! No, sir, they didn't hang him. He had too much money, an' too many friends in politics, an' they let "im off with two years in the peniten- tiary. But he didn't get there. Now "I'm a bad one, old chap," he chuck. bit." s'clp me God, he didn't get therel" Carvel was twisting his hands until his knuckles cracked. . An exuitant smile lighted up his face, and his eyes flashed back the firelight. Baree drew a deep breath--a mere coincidence; but it was a tense moment for all that. "No, he didn't get to the peniten- tiary," went on Carvel, looking straight at Baree again. "Yours truly knew what that meant, old chap. He'd have been pardoned inside a year, An' there was my Dad, the biggest half of me, in his grave. So I just went up to that white.striped skunk right there before the Judge's eyes, an' the law- yers' eyes, an' the eyes of all his dear relatives an' friends."-- and 1 killed him! And I got away, Was out thru a window before they woke up, hit for the bush country, and have been eat- ing up the trails ever since. An' I God was with me, Boy. For He id 8 queer thing to help me out summer be- after me hardest an' it looked pretty black. Man was found drowned down in the Reindeer Country, right where they thought I was cornered; an' the good Lord nmde that man look so much like me that he was buried un- der my mame. So I'm officially dead, old chap. I don't need to be afraid any more so long as I don't get too famil. er, and down inside me I've liked to believe fixed it up in that way to help me out of a bad hole. What's led. "You haven't got it on me--not a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 1f Baree heard him he gave no evi- dence of it. But Carvel, still watching him closely, saw that the hair along his spine had risen like a brush, and then he heard--growing slowly in Ba. ree's throat--a snarl of ferocious hat. red. It was the sort of snarl that had held back the Factor from Lae Bain, and Carvel, opening the breech of his gun to see that all was right, chuckled bry. Barco. may have heard the chuckle. Perhaps tf meant something to him, for be turned his head sudden ly and with flattened ears looked at his companion, The wolves were silent now, Carvel knew what that meant, end he was ten sely alert. In the stillness the click of the safety on his rifle sounded with metallic sharpness. For many minutes they heard nothing but the crack of the fire. | Sud _Baree's muscles seemed to snap. He sprang back, and faced the quarter behind Carvel, his head level with his shoulders, hig inch. long fangs gleaming as he snarled into the black caverns of the forest beyond the rim of firelight, Carvel had turned like a shot. It was almost frightening ~--what he saw. A pair of eyes burn- ing with greenish fire, and then ano. ther pair, and after that so many of them that he could not have counted them. He gave a sudden gasp. They were like cat-eyes, only much larger. Some of them, catching the firelight fully, were red as coals, others flashed blue and green--living things without bodies. With a swift glance he took in the black circle of the forest. They were out there, too; they were on all sides of them, but where he had seen them first they were thickest. In these first few seconds he had forgotten Ba- ree, awed almost to stupefaction by that monster-eyed cordon of death that hemmed them in. There were fif- ty--perhaps a hundred wolves out there, afraid of nothing in all this sav. age world but fire. They had come up without the sound of a padded foot of a broken twig, If it had been later, and they had been asleep, and the fire Otte He shuddered, and for a moment the thought got the better of his nerves, He had not intended to shoot except from necessity, but all at once his rifle eame to his shoulder and he sent a gtream of fire out where the eyes were thickest. Baree knew what the shots meant, and filled with a mad desire to get at the throat of one of his enemies he dashed in their direction, Carvel gave a startled yell as he went. He saw the flash of Barre's body, saw it swal. fowed up in the gloom, and in that same instant heard the deadly clash of fangs and the impact of bodies. A wild thrill shot through him. The dog had charged alone--and the wolves had waited, There could be but one end. His four-footed comrade had gone straight into the jaws of death! (To be continued) To remove rust from needles stick them into a piece of flannel that has been saturated with machine oil, ONESS MILFORD HAVEN King of Belgium, who is in poverty, the richest woman Cousin of sald to be KAZAN Always $ fan re, fhe edge when bu ond look for the Sr any Jos bur lap back, It guarantees years and years of satis- Jaotory wear, Dominion Linoleum and Rugs are made. in Canada " the manufacturers of the famous Dominion ship Linoleum, tle ' - + i Neat as a new pin! That's the way Dominion Linoleum makes your kitchen look. And it takes but little effort to keep it looking so. You'll be proud of your "workshop" with this fine floor and you'll save yourself hours of labor. Dominion Linoleum is waterproof. If you spill surface, simply wipe it up with a damp cloth. grease or dirt. Just a fresh, inviting, sanitary floor, bright, cheery and comfortable. Dominion Linoleum is easy to lay and comes in widths sufficient to cover any ordinary room from us a, an crack, Made in a atterns an you fr room, dining room, bedroom, or prices make Dominion Linoleum floors popular delightful range of the very thing for Years of wear and moderate everywhere. Dominion Linoleum g on ita firm, smooth o stains. No can choose Jan readily ------ ground-in i edges. No worn comfort and i and reduce housework. years. Enjoy them in your home. Dominion Linoleum Rugs Made all in one piece, they lie flat These beautiful Tugs are a t 3 cog aid . of any kind. No curled to buy. They give O A | AT HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENTAL AND GENLCRAL STORES EVERYWHERE AE rt Dominion Linoleums and Oilcloths Sold by NEWMAN & SHAW | Kingston's Big Dry Goods and House F urnishings Store os CPPPP00RPPCPROIPOIOEDS * 4 HUSBAND HAS RIGHT + TO SPANK HIS WIFE ¢ a -- $ Moultrie, Ga., April 16.-- # A man has a right, under cer- 4 tain circumstances, to place # his wife across his lap and # spank her, Judge Ogden Par- # sons ruled in Superior Court # here to-day when he directed a % verdict of not guilty in a case ® of Fred Bannister, a young % % farmer, indicted on a charge # 3 of assault and battery. > * 090000000020 0000 Wilton Easter Services. Wilton Methodist church was beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns for the Easter day ser- vices. The Methodist and Presby- terian choirs presented a beautiful @! ship of Mrs. K. N. Storms. Baster Cantata, "Our Living Lord," y which was exquisitely rendered by the United choirs, under the léader- "Largo" (Handle) was played as the people were entering the church. The solos were sung by Mrs. B. B. Mills, Mrs. Kenneth Martin, Messrs. Reed and Turman, which were effectively ren- dered. All parts were given in a manner leaving nothing to desire. Those who had the pleasure of hear- ing this. beautiful Cantata were charmed, and left all hearts to exuilt in the joys of the resurrection. Two giant human skeletons re- cently were unearthed in a sand quarry in England. Mildred Harris Weds Again. New York, April 16.--""You can just say we're very, very happy," said Mildped Harris, former wife of Charlie Chaplin, commenting to-day on her marriage last week at Green- wich, Conn., to B. Terrence McGov- ern, Florida realtor, Miss Harris said she had been en- gaged to McGovern for two years before she married him in Mexico, on Novémber 29th, 1924. "wp we came to New York and went to Greenwich and got married all over again," she explained. French communists will nominate woman candidets in the coming city elections. " Served Meals To 1,961,008. Toronto, April: 16.--Last year dining cars alone the C.N.R. " meals to 1,361,968 persons. i of Canada's National System' sented to the public school of the O.E.A. yesterday by Mr, C.. Gadsby, general agent of the senger department, rather } the teachers. In the dining alone 3,300 people were 3 meals every day. Reduction In Sugar Winnipeg, April 16.--A duction of 10 cents per 100 por of sugar was announced by wholesale trade here to-day. | new low level for the year decline Drought prices dows 9. - at' t 5 Y and delicious * Never has such quality and subtle flavour been put into a corn flake. Wax-wrapped, of course--the ap i Com. etizing taste and crispness of Quaker esd 4 im