THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a i y < a ® 2 Absolute Security RT." ; ALEPHONE 608. OUR FUR VAN WILL CALL. SAVE WORRY! DO IT TO-DAY! JOHN McKAY, Limited THE FUR HOUSE, 149-157 BROCK STREET TIRES, TIRES AND MORE TIRES!! WHILE THEY LAST Why purchase Tires from mail order houses when you can 80 one better. We will give you 1,000 miles more guarantse and will personally stand behind the guarantee. SPECIAL 30 x 34 Dunlop Samson Cords . . . ..$6.95 30 x 34 Dunlop Traction Cords $8.95 30 x 34 Dunlop Oversize Cords . . . . $10.95 (9,000 miles) k Larger sizes at reduced prices and a full line of BALLOON TIRES to fit your present rims, Attwood & Dine TELEPHONE 902-m, BAGOT STREET OPENSTOCK DINNERWARE Je received some articles such as Cups and Saucers, Fruit Saucers, Plates, etc., from Johnson Bros., in the Milton Pattern, Celia Patfern, Bradford White and Gold. This is the last we will have. Robertson's Ltd. 65 BROCK STREET ANNOUNCEMENT J. E. MULLEN wishes to announce that he will oren a new Monument Works at the corner of Princess and Alfred Streets-- ABOUT APRIL 15th where he will carry a full stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN GRANITE and MARBLE MONUMENTS. : LETTERING IN CEMETERIES A SPECIALTY. J. E. MULLEN Tdephone 1417 Week-end Bargains! | Friday and Saturday | Butter, Island Rolls, Ib. . . 32¢. [| Belleville Creamery, Ib, ..87¢c. Pure Lard, Ib. ......... 20c, Finest quality Rice 3 Ibs. 20c. Choice, 1 Prunes 8 lbs. 20c. Mexican Oranges, dos. ...20¢c. |i Macaroni or Spagetti, 2 for 25c. | | Laundry Soap .... © bars 50c. | il 2 Sardines, 2 Ksnacks ...28¢c. | P. & G. Soap Chips -2 Ibs| 28¢. Excellent Black Tea, 1b. . .68¢c. it SATURDAY Magic Baking Powder on _sale-- wrsenees Sle THINKS IT UNFAIR {Head of Local Chinese Com-=- munity Gives His Opinion Regarding Laundry By-law "What do the Chinese thing of the laundry by-law?" a Whig represen- tative inquired of Mr. Peter Lee, proprietor of the Grand Cafe and head of the local Chinese. Mr. Lee's reply was at first some- what non-committal until he had felt out the interviewer and found that he was not hostile to the Chin- ese point of view. Then he began to talk clearly and to good purpose. When foreigners come out to China, he pointed out, they are given entirely a free hand and many of them grow very rich out of the "Chinese people and go home to lve comfortably the rest of thelr livos. Why is it, then, that other people And it necessary to restrict and con- fine the Chinese in so many ways? A great many people in Canada seem to think that China is made up en- tirely of restaurants and laundries. It would surprise such people to visit the country and see the great corporations and stores which are entirely Chinese. But when Chinese come here there are only a few trades open to them; and at the laundry business only the hardest work day and night for six and seven days a week can make it pay. The laundrymen have no comforts or pleasures. They are not allowed to bring their wives here. All they can do is work and hoard until they gather enough to go back to China. If Kingston doesn't want any more Chinese to come, all right. There are plenty of other cities in which the newcomers can settle. But to take their business away from men who have been working here for years would not be fair. They work hard for a living and why should here." If somebody starts a story about a laundry, everybody around will sign the petition to have it go. This is not right. Laundries are necessary. They do not bother peo- ple. If Kingston doesn't want more Chinese it is easy to keep them out, but td throw Chinese out of busi- nesses which they have built up, especially to do so on the basis of a petition, is not fair. FINE WINDOW DISPLAYS FOR SALE OF RAZORS Whirlwind Campaign Is At- tracting a Great Deal of At- tention in Kingston. The big sale of the Valet Auto Strop razors, which commenced in Kingston on Thursday, is attracting a great deal-of-attention. A special feature of the sale is the very attractive window displays in the local stores handling the razors. A list of these stores appeared in the Whig on Thursday. Fach store has put forth an extra effort to place the goods in a prominent place, and many complimentary remarks have been heard regarding the various displays. Attention is again drawn to the fact that these razors are selling at forty-fiine cents to the people in the city, and fifty-nine cents to people living outside the city, the extra ten cents being charged to cover the cost of mailing. Coupons appear in the advertisement in the Whig, and If | |these are filled out and forwarded to the Whig office, the razors will be forwarded to any address. WILL SEND HIS WIFE IF UNABLE TO COME {Old Boys of New York And Lindsay Will Try Hard to be Here for Celebration. Mr. George A. Little, who is locat- ed in Lindsay, and who is among the "old boys" of Kingston, has written the Whig stating that he is looking forward to visiting Kingston during the Old Boys' Week and hopes to have a real good time while he is here. Mr. Little left Kingston in 1884 and is now owner of a large book and stationery in Lindsay where he is doing very well. A letter has been received from Rev. T. D. Allén, of New York City, in which he states that he may not be able to attend the Old Boys' cele- bration here in August but he states that his wife will be here at any rate. Rev. Mr. Allen and Mrs. Allen have received much of the news of the details of the celebration they are very enthusiastic about its success and ex the wish that it will be su 1 in every way. i filsde i 10° FORCE THEM OUT people around them say "Get out of, WOULD ENCOURAGE ships--Advice of Prof. John Macgillivray. In his address before the Onta- | rio Educational Association at To- ronto on Thursday, Prof. John Maec- gillivray of Queen's, commenting on the excessive teaching of French in the schools, said it might be better for women's organizations to en- courage the study of English and English grammar by scholarships. "We get students at Queen's after matriculation from the schools who cannot spell and who wrile and speak such sentences as 'I have wrote," and have not any knowledge of grammatical terminology The government, I believe, offers a travelling - bursary to teachers of modern languages which is, of course, an excellent thing, provided it is not limited to Franc: alone. Holders of it should divide ™their time between France and Germany. Dr. Macgillivray even foresaw the possibility of France's being our enemy in the near future as "often in the past." French special alli- ances, unpaid debts, the huge French army, sea and air fleets and the fav- erish efforts of the British to bring their air fleet up to the French stan- dard, may be all meant to uphold liberty 'and justice, but if the study of foreign languages is to depend on foreign relations, those facts and possibilities. might cool our ardor for )the exce§sive study of French and give us pause. "A foreign language as a high school or college study is not for bilingual, but primarily for edunca- tive and cultural purposes, then to some extent for practical uses. These purposes are attained first through the study of the language and then of the. literature by means of the language." As possessing such val- ues, the high German language is unexcelled among modern cultural languages. "The lagguage of a foreign or riv- al people should not on that account be ignored, rather should it be stud- fed all the more. Nor should the language of an allied people be New Spring Hats Greatest Values in Canada For Men For Ladies For Children It's no trouble to select a suitable Spring Hat from the enormous stock we carry in our three Hat Departments. We buy and sell in large quanti- ties and "we save you some thing on every Hat you buy." Gloria Swanson styles, and also Hats at $3.95. At both prices there will be many Hats seen STUDY OF GRAMMAR! {In High Schools by Scholar= "BUY BETTER AT HOME" Saturday ...... 89¢. EACH Plain White or Green Oil Blinds with good, strong rollers. eo ce a .. 89¢. Good Values For Saturday Shoppers 'WINDOW BLINDS SPECIALLY PRICED $1.19 EACH : Duplex Green and White Oil Window Blinds, standard size. Saturday ......... $1.19 each' ~ HOSE, 25c. Women's Triplex, heavy, Cotton Hose, fast black. All sizes. up to 2} yards. Special at NEW DESIGNS IN PRINTED AND INLAID LINOLEUMS, 36 inch Double Border SCRIM--extra value . . . .... ... 12%c. yard STOCKINGS, 25c. Children's fine ribbed, strong, Black Cotton Stockings. All - SIZES .. eu vuruinin... 20C. pair FLOOR OILCLOTH, 55¢. SQ. YD. 30 patterns to choose from. New Carpet signs, in best, heavy quality, Ne , Block and Tiling de- Dominion Floor Oilcloth, in all widths - 56c¢. sq .yard White. All sizes. in Peach, CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS SILK HOSE, 50c. Queen quality, Fibre Silk Hose in Flesh, Sand, Grey, Black and BLOOMERS, 50c¢. : Women's Mercerized Bloomers Mauve, White and Pink. Splendid quality. AR See Our Hats $4.98 Parisian Shop studied out of proportion to its real value. The German people are in- dustrious, methodical, inventive and imaginative. They have produced some of the greatest of world liter- ature, many or most of the greatest inventions. After six years of peace Germany is recovering much of its former pre-eminence. German, he said, is at present anything but a popular study in the secondary schools, and the reasons are not far back to seek. | LETTERS To The Editor Our Unjust Taxation. Toronto, April, 14.--(To the Edi- tor): You are quite right in accus- ing the present government of being reckless in its increase of taxation. But the most serious consideration is not the amount of the taxation but the inequitable imposition of the taxes. The burden of a weight depends not merely on the number of pounds, but also on its location. Place a load of tem or twenty pounds on the top of my shoulders, and I may carry t all day, without noticing it; but if you' compel me to carry that same 10ad at the end of my outstretched arm, you will break me down in a few minutes. It is just the same in taxation. The value of the land in this city, Toronto, is placed by our assessor at about $350,000,000; but as the as- sessment {8 only about sixty per cent. of the market value, we may esti- mate the true value at nearly $600,- 000,000, on which the rents} at five per cent. will amount to nearly $30,- 000,000 yearly, and the estimates of the expenses of the city amount to about the same sum. The figures given by the government by no means represents the true burden on the real tax payers. If I owned the best acre in the centre of this city, I could collect a rental of possibly a quarter of a mil- lion dollars yearly, for which I need not lift a finger. I would get pro- duct without producing, benefit with- out burden. I would be one of the everiasting exempts. The support of Saturday .......... 50 Odd lines in WOMEN'S CORSETS--to clear ......... $1.00 pair Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE 2 pair For every man who se- lects here there's a "personal" block -- a becoming shape--in a color to please, Investigate our won. derful values from: and not till then, may we look for he answer to our prayers: "Thy Kingdom Come." --W. A. DOUGLAS. 220 Wellesley street. VERY POOR YIELD From the Sugar Bushes in Addison Nei A Addison, 1 14.--The recent snow and rain has made the roads very muddy again. holidays at her home here. sugar making is over and the mak- ers réport a poor year. Mrs. Alma Watts, Athens, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. weeks' visit at Harlem. local fishermen have been at C! leston and Westport but no big ches as yet. Some think the wea: ther is too cold. Mr. and Mrs. i Mott spent Easter at Herbert Watts'. Empress of France, from Kobe, 'arrived Yokohama, April 13th. Montroyal, from Liverpool, Bel- fast and Greenock, due St. John, April 18th. ~ Montclare, hs 5. John, Male, Garreton, is spending her || i frp i ark »