FRIDAY, APRIL 17, .10285. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ne MESH SPRING TONICS B AGS at 20% Discount For a short time we are offering our stock of SOLID SILVER, SILVER PLATED, and GOLD PLATED MESH BAGS at this attractive reduce Bateman's Real Estate LONG LINE-UP WAITED {WIDOW TELLS OF DEAL PE | T0 SEE NIX PICTURE [vo petraud fier in Purchase of cloudy and rather cool. Showers. Stock In Defunct Cream {Popular Screen Star In "The Separator Company. RErssREEE Saturday at Steacy's | pacity Audience at Oapitol. ston, Toronto, is facing trial be- | fore County Judge G. E. Deroche on Local movie fans have had many fraud charges preferred by a Deser- | a treat in the line of Tom Mix pic- onto mother and her daughter and a | tures but if they miss the one at the Tyendinaga township widow. John- | Capitol Theatre for the balance of ston is alleged to have sold them | the week they will have passed over| . .. . "ho ;ow defunct C. M. Pet- {the best of them all. The screen ". . .. Separator Company of | star and his wonder horse, Tony, Deseronto. | have greater opportunity in "They. "yr iret A. Wilson told of Deadwood Coach" to display thelr| "5000 in cash, $4,500 in abilities that have astounded 'the|y, . .. Binds and a mortgage of followers of the cinema, than they | es 300 11 1he company on Jan. 9th have ever had before and without | as stock sales lady. She was to get going into exaggeration there is a | $25 -per week and expenses, but thrill a- minute in this production. {pgs q- president of the company, That Tom Mix is still the popular and accused persuaded her to work idol of the screen that he has been on a percentage basis, they agree- since he struck into the spotlight, |, . , pay her expenses. was evidenced on Thursday night in| * Witness stated that Johnston in- A day of extra value-giving in all departments. Herein are mentioned a few of the many special values on sale. the hour for the Capitol emtertain-|y.. +0 start work at Deseronto ment to start, there was a lineup | yperg ghe remained ome week, later from the ticket box up past the Fron« going to Napanee, having been taken tenac Bowling Academy and the|ihere by Johnston. Then they went length of the line remained the same | 4, Newburgh. At the Paisley hotel, for a considerable time. Every seat| Napanee, witness asked Johnston for in the house was taken for the big her mortgage and he said they did Mix picture and those who stood in| no¢ have it. Miss Edna Snider, a line were not sorry that they had Toronto girl, then with the com- done it for the picture was well pany, assisted in the transaction, $8,000--Frame, 4 rooms, B. " ectric HEhC. © B. and T+ | [TALLIES TAXI SERVICE #8,500--Brick, 5 rooms, B. and T., Phone 240 electric light, h.w. ficors. To all parts of the city || Just why remains to he seen by those Mrs. Wilson, $1,000 from Mrs. 2 Qe Sumion included. §| who attend the Capitol to see the Emily Bayette, widow, and $500 7 rooms, 8 p. bath, hour $2.00. electric light and furnace. ALL LARGE CARS worth it, witness averred. Mix appears in the role of "The Johnston is charged with procur- Orphan" in "The Deadwood Coach.') ing by false pretenses $9,800 from picture. A stage-coach picture 1s at|from Mrs. Anne Laura MacDonald, anytime exciting and thrilling but| her married daughter, sales were this one beats anything by a long | made between Nov. 28th, 1924, and + $4,000 -- Brick, semi-detached, 8 way that has been attempted before | Jan. 9th, 1925, in the Wilson case. rooms, 8 p. bath, electric light ard 080s Ge) 0% Sand: pro. FREIGHT DELIVERY 785,000--Brick, 6 rooms, 8 p. bath, ' A SPECIALTY and no doubt will create the same | told Mr. Agar that Johnston had "ne + Burage, Local and long distance. $7,000---Brick, ® rooms, all modern, All Motor Trucks with Air Tires. by the picture producers. It is as | He pleaded not guilty. real as one could demand it to be In cross examination, witness lively enthusiasm in the audiences | told her that he had $10,000 in the for the balance of the week as that | company and Petrie had $40,000 in = = (a £ 2 ® = £ " = Bo uncertain manner. Long Dbefors| g,.eq4 her to make investments. She : : x : = - = = which saw it Thursday night and |it. It was her first deal in a stock H. 1 $7,800=-Brick, all modern, central. 384 Division Street. 'Phome 1783. | wore thrilled. company, and she had passed her In addition to the Tox Mix fea-| entrance before leaving school. She MONEY TO LOAN. ture, the Capitol management offers | said that Johnston had also told her Narrow stand-up collars of white CUSTOMS BROKER crepe or oa a charming | ® comedy that is a scream. 'The | that the company would pay the ALL RINDS ON RAN finish for a dark, garconne type of | Sleep Walker' caused even the | money back with bonuses of $15 per 114% BROCK ST., i. ! most reserved of the audience to| $100 share. Petrie had told her frock. See Twaddell's $22.00 suits. Lo ---------------------------- Men's Balbriggan Underwear-- All sizes, Shirts and Drawers . ....69¢c. Boys' Summer Combinations-- No buttons, sleeveless, knee length, 75¢. Boys' Cottori Jerseys-- All sizes, new open front . .......50c. .Men's Caps, all the newest fabrics . . $1.75 Men's Combination Overalls-- Heavy Blueor Khaki ....... ..$3.25 Kiddies' Play Suits-- Combination Overall style, 2 to 7 VEBIS iiuivrviniois. iestvvivie; o.0i0.00ie « 31.25 Boys' Knitted Ties-- Worth 50¢c. Your choice .. ... ....29. ~ RONEY'S : PRINCESS STREET join in the general mirth. It is one | that he had received a $40,000 | of the funniest comedies that has | block of the stock of the company [ll been shown in the Capitol in many | for his transfer to the company of a day. Other splendid features be-|an option on the patent on the sides this add greatly to the enter-| Canadian company of the Separator tainment and enjoyment of the per- | company. Johnston was simply a formance. salesman selling the stock. There The Capitol orchestra adds great-| Was quite a lot of machinery in the | ly to the interest in the feature pic- | factory. Johnston told her it would ture, carrying the audience into the | be & great money making company real spirit of the story that is being | & Statement on which witness relied told. Music and pictures can be plac- | in making her investments. . ed well together and the Capitol or-| Johnston was found guilty and chestra fits into this story admir-| sentenced to three months in jail, ably. Those who can, should make sure to attend and see "one of the Mission Circle Meeting. best yet." The Libby Allen Mission Circle of ou wm uN mm yo} py = om Se ------------------ Queen Street Methodist church held ww Low-Cost Trip to Pacific Coast, |® business meeting on Thursday A captivating four-week tour of | evening, in the Fadies' parlor. Miss Western Canada and the Pacific|T.- Healey, retiring president, occu- Coast, with a trip through the Unit-| Pied the chair. Reports were heard " ed States on the return journey, is|from the following retiring officers: Ww being planned for Canadian teachers | Miss Ethel Pringle, treasurer; Miss ow and their friends this summer. Jean Healey, recording secretary; || Those who take advantage of this |Miss Ruth Shaver, corresponding trip will see the greatest scenery | secretary, and Mrs. Jack MacCallum. : on the continent--the Buffalo herd |Dainty refreshments were served at w at Wainwright; - Jasper National | the close of the evening. Park; with its unsurpassed moun- --ney tain scenery; Mount Robson, the Gabardine coats, $15 up. Twed- highest peak in the Canadian | dell's. Rockies; the totem poles of Kit-| Sign in Trenton store--" Women's wanga and the mystic beauty of the | skirts, half off, and Men's shirts with Skoena River. seventeen necks." wm » - - hl seaso shapes and colorings, wh At Prince Rupert the party trans- "Willowdale Bricks." Gibson's. 100 of the n's smartest an colon : ich fers from train to boat for the glor-| Linen in woven stripes and checks Il flo AM Ri A OR Bo bb Bp include the Gloria Swanson, Turban, Cloche and Sailors. The the Sheltered Scenic Seas of the | Eponsared for sport dresses. : : 3 * North Pacific Coast to Vancouver, "Huyler's Week-End." Gibson's. materials are Milan, Tagel, Mohair and Timbo Straw. In a Victoria and Seattle. Re A On the return trip five wonderful full range of fashionable colors. days will be spent touring Yellow- i e saa) Jur hy Tater, With LUCKIN' 5 ; The prices range from $4.50 to $7.50 each, to clear at this Bn Coy Lowy icy remarkable reduction. Our reason for this clearance at the oan Sa he it 0 . site Capitol ; height of the season will be announced next week and should i. + Your Jenvis Torus, July oth. . prove a great news item for all within a radius of fifty miles, Full information, fares, etc., can be secured with inustrated booxiet|f CNOICE Oven from A. E. Bryson, 44 Silverthorn avenue, Toronto, Martin Kerr, 4 Roasts -- - 15 at "3.95 ea. HOT WATER At this time of year many let out their furnace or kitchen range, which is connected to the range boiler; as a result there is no hot water. An Ideal Gas Water Heater will give lots of hot water when required. Price oe - weiniaine el sss sees $16.00 The Slack Gas Water Heater $18.00 McClary's Electric Water i Heater RAE ie Sieieleisie . $13.00 : Have one of them installed to-day. Ul d-------- RA & | New Suits 'New Coats The Elden Lonivarary othe : $25.00 ea. | [$12.75 to $35 Fudaing a Mr. and Mrs. William rks, Brockville, fittingly cel y brated by a tamily dinner and recep. Smartly tailored in Navyand| | A large shipment of new tion on Wednesday, when they were - . . 3: : called tpon by friends and in addi- Black Tricotine and Poiret | | styles is to arrive Saturday tion received many handsome gifts morning, In all the latest en ie a aAratulations : Twill. Sizes 16 to 44. modes, at popular prices! New House Furnishings and one daughter, Harold Birks, If you want dependable furnishings to brighten up the home at popular prices, it will pay you to compare our values with all others before coming to a decision. "Better values for less" is the reason for our ever increasing business in Home FR