THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : ' MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1925. ---- "w m--t By Williame |p : TN | DO YOU REALIZE THAT THE IM VERY SICK ? 1SAT GOOD, OLD SORRY NgAkr 0? GOL ATS | music | sent ee | (Ee) Bl WHITE PINE TUESDAY, APRIL 218T. °° 6.30 p.m.--State and Federal ag- bw Cant AWFUL SORRY. EE-HEE : ) ricultural reports. VE YOU Your 1 HOPE SHE DONT QOOR | IS GETTING SCARCER EVERY DAY KDKA (8090.1) Pittsburgh, Pa. 7 p.m.--Harland Randall, bari-| LESSON | 9.45 p.m.--"Stockman" reports of | tone. N TODA, LAST-1-1 MEAN IT ERNE. : Yet we are still able to supply that same quality which has SHES QUITE HOPE tT DONT LAST made a reputation for itself. the Pittsburgh livestock markets; 7.15 p.m.--Hotel Vandervile Or- §itera) marker review asd AgHSul-( shestry, ILL. LONG. 'ATS TOUGH Anal Let us have your order now. tural itms. 8.25 p.m.--New York Band In- i 12 m.--""Stockman" reports of the | strument Company. LUCK. Pittsburgh livestock and general " mares cori WoO (484) Davenport, Ia. ALLAN LUMBER CO. 12.15 p.m.--Luncheon concert by 2 p.m.--Closing quotations on ) Poy : 3 | . . : Scalzo's orchestra, from Kaufmann's| grain, livestock and dairy products. 1 g Victoria Street, Phcne 1042. dining room, Pittsburgh. 5.45-6 p.m.--Chimes concert. 6.15 p.m.--Concert by the Pitts-| 6.30-6.50 p.m.--Sandman's visit. burgh Athletic Association orches- 7.30-9 p.m.--Musical programme. 7 p.m.-- Baseball scores. WBZ (883.1) Springfield, Mass. | : 7.16 p.m.--""Stockman" reports of|° ¢ p.m.--S8pecial children's pro- ! I F the primary livestock and wholesale | gramme. - . | : produce markets. 7 p.m.--Market report. . ] i Brick house, on stone foundation, 6 rooms, $.30 p.m.--Hawaiian players. 7.06 p.m.--Bedtime story. ! 3 wie] 245 vb Beattime : TnL ll 3 bedrooms, lights, gas, bathroom, furnace, il good cellar with cement floor, deep lot, right of 11 p.m.--Concert. 8 p.m.--Tech Show 1925, "The .30 p.m.--C rt. HM . . 11.30 p.m.--Conce Duchess of Broadway way, on a paved street. Possession any time. --_ 8.55 p.m.--Brunswick Hour of \ we lf f : WJZ (455) New York City. Musle. Yoel hi | Price . eva ve» 33,900,00 4 p.m.--Lloyd W. Johnston, bari- - i 0 al M. B. TRUMPOUR | tone. WQJ (448) Chicago, I. y I 4.15 p.m.--Rose Milansee, so- 7-8 p.m.--Dinner concert. , \ i ns | Phone 708 or 20 R n oD Ne ar eet ily { mE raw. PRINCESS ST. - @ prano. ) 4.30 p.m.--Hollander's Hotel Complete radio programmes sold | , | wil : aA / Commodore tea music. at Canada Radio Stores. | -~ : \jlf) . ) SN b \ - phi r------------------------ A IJ ---- FORMER KINGSTONIAN ston, who had expected to see him ' So i PASSES AT LINDSAY BE 5 Matte NY NY You Want Security 2 Why Not Assure It? C~/f We owner of a large book and station- A Most Prominent Ourler--| ery store at Lindsay. _. 5 NY oN 7 ei a Wi Dams Was Coming Here for ' : 1 Od Bo Week || prrvermmny was. ia Sy 5, Shr, he piehase of , Munici- Lindsay, April 20.--George A. Lit-| Interesting Meetings Held--Mrs. pal and Corporation Bonds. These bonds $ ; : provide good interest, are readily mar- tle, for years a prominent merchant Robert Ranous is Recovering. Pittsterry, April 17.--Some of the Tardier. ketable, and whether a short or long of Lindsay, and one of the foremost » ' 30. , lovers of clean athletics in this part | farmers have started spring work 32. Noise. term investment is desired, your individ- of the country, died suddenly Friday | and report the ground in good condi- -W RD PUZZLE 34 To finish. } ual requirements ca be mes evening as he stepped from his car, | tion. 135. Stngragiical drawing. . ; o high blood pressure being the cause.| Beryice in St. Lawrence church on : "| i ue grass. The services and expédrience of our The late George Little was known | Easter Sunday morning was well at- - Pr 5 TET [41 To vow. } ou organization are gladly placed at your sll over Canada as a peer amongst | tended. The service, which was 43. Playing card, one of 78. disposal in selecting the bonds best ecurlevs. Many years ago he visited | taken charge of by the W.M.8., was - x $5 Bone. suited. the big curling bonspiel at Winnipeg | very interesting. Mrs. W. S. Gordon, 3 Wooer. i i in company with the veteran J. D.| Kingston, gave an interestiix talk 48. Behold. Write for copy of our current list. Flavelle. He was in his 65th year |and then introduced Miss Gibson, . 50. Strong tasting food. and came to Lindsay when a young | Kingston, a delegate to the World's 51. Pioparalica oF Sour and water man, being brought here from King- | Missionary convention, held at . 36 King Street West, } ston to play baseball. Washington. Miss Gibson gave an 52. Person to whom money has Toroy N Wood, Gundy & Co. 'He was the first pitcher to intro- | eloquent address on this work, which been paid. Telephone: Elgin 4321 duce the curve ball in this section | was fully enjoyed by all present. 34, Extreme. and for years was a star on the dia- Floyd Mosier, Wolfe Island, spent 56. Meadow. mond. He was a lover of whole-|the Easter holidays with his grand- 57. Provident inseet. some sports and an adept at what- | mother, Mrs. Eliza Orr. Miss Gladys 5 Membranous bag. ever sport he participated in. He | Harpell and brother, Thomas, King- 0. To drink slowly. .was equally expert on the cricket |gton, spent the holiday with thelr py To help. crease, as on the golf course, played | aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph : 62. Snake-like fish. tennis and was for many years an | Edgar. Mrs. Robert Ranous is im- p Answer to Saturday's Crossword officer and player in the eurling club. | proving nicely from her recent fll- Puzile: - i Th : | e Brantford Corda He was also fond of fishing and |pess, her mother-in-law, Mrs. G. motoring. He was a Presbyterian | Ranous, Wolfe Island, is visiting Limited «and was also a charter member of | with her now. d A Company, . the Kiwanis Club in Lindsay. Miss Lottie Orr returned home on (Thelargest manufacturer of Binder Twine in the British Empire) In the early part of the evening he gaturday after spending the holidays had given a friend a short outing in| with her sisters at Wolfe Island. Ray : First Preferred Sinking Fund Cumulative his car and at the time of his death | Caird was called to the bedside of | Prontred Stars was calling on his nephew, Dr. Leon- | his grandmother . and. grandfather, TO YIELD 8% ard Shier. Mrs. Little, who survives, { Mr. and Mrs. C. Caird, Seeley's Bay, 5 was present at the time. who are seriously ill, but has return- Much _the largest portion of these shares having already been ----- ed to his work again. . | sold, the balance is offered for immediate subscription, The W.M.8. held its annual meet- | T with the right reserved io allot all, none, or a A féw days ago the Whig received ad portion only of the amount applied for. a letter from Mr. Little in which he | 128 at the home of Mrs. E. Orr on 4-20 | stated that he would make every| cdnesday afternoon. Twelve mem-| _ The total net agile assets of the Company, as effort to be here for the Old Boys' | Pe'® Were present. The officers were; Here's a puzzle that will start the 51. Young seal. certified, amount to $2,517,832, and the net earnings after allo 2 0 bg ere 3 Ro a uy lected for another year. Miss| week with a bang. It ought to make} 53. Fresh-water fish of salmon { depreciation and Federal taxes for the past five years havo ee : ne 8 ing 0! BE Ioemard Miss Alma Williams and brother, | a good eye-opener after a Sunday of family. i averaged $269 349, which is at the rate of 13.4% on the 8gerly to being here during Percy)\motored to: Sunbury on Sun-| rest. . Water nymph, also mussel. : first preferred stock. celebration in August. The news of . day an nt the fay with friends. . ~Prevaricators. oe. his death was received with deep re- . Inflammation on eyelid. gret by his many friends in King- Horizontal. . Condition. GIVES UP RIGHTS 1. Line of cars. a Balance of Shares 7 6. Black viscous liquid obtained . Inhabitants 'under the same { om peat. meridian but opposite paral : | : from ral- There are no bonds outstanding. 8. Rotating wheel in a steam tur- lels of latitude. ! s 5 ng a Preferred D 8 H A M | | [I] 0) bine. . Anger. i - i A 12. External. . A caper. ! THE PRICE IS $25 (PAR) AND ACCRUED JT | IN 13 TY Siivegenise. . Before. t DIVIDEND PER SHARE. ARTERLY . ubber tree. 3 ' : 15. . Foe. . Lever worked by the foot. H T0 PER 11. that resembles ostrich. 18." Furnished with folios. Vertical. i 20. Drug used as cathartic. . Digit of the foot. Dividends accrue from April 15th. Pertaining to Norsemen. ! w Yor . Dined. ! e recommend these shares investment. Alloy of copper and zinc. . No. i Lows as a cow. . Ponderous volumes. : Orders Fall bol jdapraphed or i eg our expense. Sum of money lent at interest. . Word or syllable with no ac- ! ja pron -» Paid publicity. cent. OND TAXI] wie wt | Corded doth. | A. E. AMES & CO. 3 Bee Loe ? Jumbled type. . To pull with great effort. PHONE 32 : . Point. .* Common olive trees. . Inborn. . Scarlet. , Sun, . Medieval estate. Within. . Tapestry. To throw off, especially natural . Depot. covering, as hair. . Subsist, A nuisance. 23. Perceived by sense of feeling. Morindin dye. « To set bones. . Is indebted. § . Variation of "a." Patent rights to millions of dol-| 47. Genuine. 27. Stewpan. A pocket canister or respirator to engine crews while passing through signed by the federal bureau lars were signed away to American . Pried . Black haws. > relieve breathing condition for smoked-filled tunnels has been de- |mines. » radio interests 'by Prof. Marius C. 8 OF HISTOR No. 73.--Baronial Bandits. TIS LE . FoR TWE LAST MONTH A any _kind of a receiving or transmit- {ting set would infringe upon one or more of them. -------------------- To Train for Nurses. Tweed, - April 17.--Miss Dicla Bruce and Miss Helen W \) i \ ni (\ Wit