SATURDAY, APRIL 25 1925. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG HINTS FOR 'THE ALBERT L. CLOUGH Testing An Engine Under Load w REO 20th ANNIVERSARY SEDAN 2445 PLUS FREIGHT All Taxes Included Without Question---the World's Greatest Dollar-for-Dollar : Motor Car Value ~The first full size, --Standard Reo Chas four-door aR sis, 120-inch wheel. open car price. base. A Reo entirety. ~Graceful lines, low- ~ --Steel paneled body, hung body, fine Jenvine full size linder engine, _ --6- Wile Sooes, large doub frame cra. dling dimensioned seats, Fe looking and lasting uphol- stery, ) Boyd's Garage Ltd, 129 Brock St, 1 3 of vial uae " safety con poaeelin I s Bi WATCH IDLING MIXTURE. If your carburetor is equipped with two adjustments, one speed and the other for idling, it is important to remember that too rich LE Se a a-- € NOTICE T0 REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, Windsor, Ont. = meme idling mixture will be more waste- ful than too rich normal speed mix- ture. If the normal speed mixture is rich the chances are the car will attain its normal running speed at a . | slightly narrower throttle opening. In other words, while there may be a sacrifice in economy there may not be as much waste as might be sup- posed. If the idling mixture is too rich, however, the engine is always wasting gas whenever the driver coasts or stops in traffic. for formal CAR OWNERS Have your car in- James Walker, Shamokin, Pa. was released on $1,000 bail for driv- Making The Engine Pull With The Car At Rest CERTAIN ENGINE DEFECT S manifest themselves during idle operation and it usually is not difficult to locate them exactly by tests conducted on the engine, commonly, however, knocks and A car is In road service are ofte motion of the car, tnability to use § tion of the would-be observer. and running unloaded, with the car at rest More other objectionable sounds, missed to locate such defects when ntimes frustrated by the noise and struments and the precarious situa. it becomes necessary for him to find a means for loading the engine with the car at rest. Applying A 8 Motor car testi tationary Load Brakes To Absorb Power To accomplish this, the rear wheels are Jacked clear of the floor and the front wheels securely blocked. The engine is then started, high gear engaged and the clutch 1 et In. In order to load the engine a Son uses the sonoscope, shorts Apark-plugs and performs such other tests as may seem advisable. Limitations Of The Method Obviously, the brakes will become too hot, if applied too Powertully for too long continuous periods and but the load can be applied long observations to be made both on parts, if the tester is In readiness the best possible use A WEAK CLUTCH D. J. H. writes: When I am starting my car from rest, and when shifting from second to high, the engine runs faster than it should, considering the speed of the car. Why is this and how can it be prevented? Answer: Evidently your clutch slips under these circumstances This clutch ts of the multiple. meta! disc type and should run in a halr and half mixture of engine oll and kerosene. If there is too high a proportton of engine ofl in the mix- ture in the clutch housing, slipping will occur. If, on the other hand. there is no lubricant in the clutch case, the cork inserts in the discs may become swollen and interfere with full engagement. It is very Important that the pedal position should always be such that there is 3/8 inch clearance between it and the toe board or the pedal will strike the board before the clutch Is engaged sufficiently to give it full holding power. Pedal adjustment this danger must be guarded against, enough to enable useful tests and the engine and upon transmission when the load is put on and makes of the load period. Is effected by a stop and a set-screw located on the clutch shaft, ------ RELUBRICATING AN AXLE J. A. M. asks: How should I proce2d to re-grease the rear-axle aud transmission of My pe car? Answet: Judging from the word. ing of your question, you have been using grease in these housings and, If this 1s the case, it should be re- moved as the lubricant advised by the manufacturer is 600W steam cylinder oil and not grease for both transmission an axle. You can probably thin down the grease in the former until it can be drained out by adling kerosene and run- ning the car in neutral for a time. By removing the axle-housing in- spection plate, you can remove some of the grease by hand and wash out the remainder with kero. sene as In the case of the trans. mission, running the car in high with rear wheels jacked up. When all old grease has been cleaned out, fill both housings up to their test plug holes with steam cylinder ofl. The Advantage Of Specialized Service Make Use Of The Authorized Service Station all New Overland Door Sedan! Abundant Door Sedan has ew: smoothness of Springs . . th land's big en ance of rugg balance and unequ so much for so little money. surpasses of au Stand e ERE is a closed car that far t standards value -- the _Two- ger comfort five-passenger + . extra wide doors . . easy exit and entrance .. an undivided front seat . . a car as attractive as it is comfortable. One piece wind-shield and double beading at the waistline are typical of its advanced body-design heretofore unknown in a car at such a price. The new Overland Standard Two- quality that makes motoring a pleasure . . the axles , , the ease of driving with a modern disc clutch . . light weight, ke ed economy, See the new Overland Two-Door Sedan and you will admit that nowhere on earth can uality and satisfaction ou buy $70 lower than its nearest competitor. * Overland also offers you the spected and gone world's lowest priced Touring ing a truck loaded with beer. Next -- gy over before the spring rush. day he was arrested on a similar charge. We #bsn] uray Suatarites all wor one, EDWARDS AUTO SERVICE 35 MONTREAL STREBRT ' "PHONE 2544w, HHI A Batteries Called For and Delivered We give special attention to Dry and Wet Storage. Specializing In Auto and Ra- dio Batteries at reasonable rates. Just 'phone 275. We call and deliver. G. McDougall Ba Service * 110 CLERGY STREET (Near Princess) RUBBER CASE STORAGE BATTERIES, Universal Tire and Battery Service, 884 Ontario Street (Corner Queen Strect) SPRING IS. Order NOW and help to EMPLOYED. Sold by all dealers. Do not invite trouble by fixing an old Battery. * Avoid it by purchasing a new - MONARCH for your Aato or.Motor Boat. Guaranteed by the makers, | Monarch Battery ' KINGSTON fem Phone 981. COMING!! keep KINGSTON MEN Co. Limited TOP> ZO2 WHILE THEY LAST A Tire? em mall miles more _-- Soha the gua Kuarant re order houses when you can ~ (9,000 miles) ot rata rims. and a full line of BALLOON rE ¥ ¥ Wea NOW THAT PRACTICALLY al large manufacturers of edrs and accessories maintain their own service stations in most important cities and towns, fuli use should be made of such facilities, by all motorists. It should be obvious that, as a general proposition, a shop specially devoted to the repair and maintenance of cars of a certain make, can do better and quicker work on these cars. at a lower price, than can a shop devoted to general repair work. The specialized shop has work- men trained to care for the one make of cars, special tools and repair parts. as well as well worked out rates of charge for all repair jobs upon cars of its particular make. Nevertheless, very many motorists habitu- ally take their cars to general shops or service stations of other makes. Service On New Models In the case of models which have been on the market practically unchanged for years, the general repair shop may give very good service, but the service rendered by them en cars of brand new model embody- ing radical changes is, for a time at least, likely to be much inferior to that offered by the service stations controlled by their own manufac. turers, Accessory Service Stations Every car includes units not produced by its manufacturers but by various accessory makets, among these component parts being carbure- tors, batteries, horns, speedometers, magnetos, shock-absorbers, ignition Systems, starting systems, vacuum tanks and other devices. Nearly évery important manufacturer of any of these component parts maintains a service station in nearly every sizable community and it is a fact that any but the most ordinary repairs and adjustments of these devices can be handled more satisfactorily at the specialized service stations than at a general repair shop or even at the station of the make of car upon which they are installed. Auto Mechanics Not Omniscient It is very poor judgment to expect an ordinary auto mechanic to diagnose and deal with an obscure electrical or carburation trouble when right areund the corner so to speak can be found men whose only business is to handle these particular problems. and who have every- thing in the way of tools and apparatus to facilitate their special line of work. With the multiplication of motor car repair shops a very wide choice is afforded the car aser in regard to where he shall have any particular job performed and it is the sign of the shrewd motorist if one is able to make a decision that wil} result in the highest efficiency. AN ODORIFEROUS TRUCK [sence of leaks In the exhaust sys- i tem, put a little kerosene in each cylinder, stop up the muffler tail- pipe lightly, race the engine and see If white smoke, escaping some- where. does not indicate leakage. Also note how the end of the tail pipe points, as changing this may improve matters. Run the engine with kerosened cylinders and the hood off and see Jf smoke escapes through the breather or elsewhere, Also note whether the vacuum-tank or carburetor flood under certain conditions, for these defects might Ssegunt for raw gasoline fumes. e less H. Co. writes: We find to impossible to use our ck on account of gas hich almost stifle and blind the o tor. especially when the accelerator is let up suddenly. There are no leaks around muffler both ends where the last head bolt st pipe, the engine runs hat can you sug-| enters, the breaks extending inte gest. ? {the eylinder, through the outside Answer: Your use of the term | wall and water jacket. Can this be "gas fumes" leaves us a little in| repaired by welding or is the block Soubt as to whether you a total loss? vapor of unburned gasoline or to ; Answer: Only an expert welder, txhaust gases, but your reference to| whe can examine the breaks. can the . makes us| answer this question intelligently, : and you better call ons of these k specialists in and get his opinion. Shautions af Sensrak it. to the motorist will de answered dy in this column, space permitting: It an immediate answer is stamped envelope, leaner the fuel mixture, the objectionable are the exhaust fumes. Ho em WELDING A BROKEN BLOCK A.C. Vans. writes: The cylinder block of my engine is broken at fumes, Fe Se evens eh 1 gs 5 i is Car; Coupe; and A mA, ORDERLY DRIVING TO Fallure to Obey Rules Blamed for 47 Per. Cent. of Trouble Calls. Somebody's failure to obey the traffic rules was responsible for 47 per cent. of all trouble calls receiv- ed by the emergency road service department of the Cleveland Auto- mobile Club during a four-hour test period, according to J. Harry Kil- lus, manager of the department. During the four hours, ths club received 60 calls for first aid for causes ranging from tire and igni- tion troubles to collisions. Of the 60, 28 calls were in the collision class, and these were due to five specific causes, Killlus said: (1) Hogging the middle of the road and refusing to get over upon the signal of a driver wishing to pass from the rear. (2) Cutting in ahead too close after passing another car from the rear. (3) Parking on the travelled por- tion of a narrow, heavily travelled highway. (4) Congestion due to a few driv- ers hogging the road by driving at a snall's pace. - 2 (5) Failure of drivers to give adequate warning signals before changing their course or stopping, and failure of drivers to recognize and obey such signals. "One of the most frequent causes noted," Killius said, "was the prac- tice of a few drivers of weaving in and out from ome lane of traffic to another. This was particularly true in accidents in city traffic. "Ducking in and out at most can gain fewer than five mifjutes in an hour of crowded city ti c, yet, PREVENT ACCIDENTS || -Door Sedan with sliding gear transmission. ARTHUR CAI.LAGHAN 210-214 Wellington Street, Kingston. ) " AUTOMOBILE Cylinder Blocks honed separately if required. Exide Battery Service Station ELLIOTT & 210 DIVISION WILLIAMSON PHONE 1039. doubt as to which side is right. The largest single cause of accident fa- talities in New York, according to the report of the Bureau of Public Safety, is crossing the street at places other than those provided for the purpose. Of last year's accident deaths, 341, or about one-third, were due to jay-walking. * Crossing the streets at crosswalks are re- sponsible for the next largest num- ber of fatalities, 191.. The other causes as given in the report follow: Collision of vehicles cesee.B82 Runing off sidewalk . 77 Playing games In the roadway..74 Crossing streets diagonally Bicycle riding in the roadway..28 Falling from vehicles © cles . vo amarsinny 3B Autos hitting poles, wall ete. ....22 Roller skating in the roadway..21 Autos jumping curb Walking in the roadway .......12 Autos overturning ...... Autos falling over embankments Working in the roadway ...... Other causes ..... .... . -------------- BUENOS AIRES PASSENGER BUSES TRAVEL ROUGH ROADS Motorbus accidents are increas- ing at such an alarming rate in Bue- nos Aires that the municipal authori | ties have been obliged to take hasty measures to assure the safety of the passengers using the buses, which were practically unknown in the city a year ago. Several hundred are now in operation and collisions and upsets are of almost dally occur« rence. The accidents are attributed to the light construction of many of the cars, overloading, rivalry between motorbus and taxi drivers and inade- quate municipal regulations control. ling their routes and speed, especial- ly in narrow streets. The motorbus drivers say that many accidents are caused by the Jealousy of taxi drivers whe make feints to run into them when they can safely do so, that even motormen of street cars 'take opportunities to bump them, while the motarbus pas- sengers themselves strongly object when the police try to make them re- duce speed. KNOWING STRANGE NOISES. One of the most puzzling noises you will ever hear under the hood is a sort of snapping sound, It will be alarming, not because 'it sounds serious, blit because you have never heard it before. Also the 'engine will not run as well when you hear it, but your attention may be tbo absorbed with the noise to note the drop in engine performande. The noise is due to a loose Ignition wire or to one that's shorted. .