MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1028. Yl colors. 213 Princess Street, Arras BE. PREPARED TO PLAY GOLF Now is the time to get ready to play Golf. Let us help you. We have choice stock of the best Wool GOLF HOSE. in all the new GOLF SWEATERS in a nice range of colors. See our window display. George VanHorne | ta Phone 362w. "t, Light Hurts Some Eyes 'Some eyes are extremely sen- sitive to light. For such patients we supply special lenses that prevent the harmful rays of light from entering the eyes. If the movies, bright lights, travelling on the water or by auto bothers your eyes, let me | fit you out with a pair of these lenses, W.D. Graham, R.0. Successor to J. J. Stewart ometrist Registered Opt | 140 Wellington St Opp. Post Officef| Evenings by appointment. fo For Cleaning | Gorham's. Silver Cream, Powder, Soap, Polishing Cloth. It t The finest prepara- | tion made. 35c¢. each rm---- Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST, J. M Abd dh JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY Brick, Stone, Plastering and Tile Setting Douglas & Mcllquham OONTRAOTORS Phones 2267F--928W 400 Albert Street [=] EASTER NECKPIECES IN FOX White, Platinum, Silver, Cross, Brown, CHOKERS in all Furs, Black, Cinnamon, Taupe, Red, Kit. GOURDIER'S BROCK STREET Why go around with poor man's wife, 4 Gold, Silverware § | I'm so glad i's a little girl and not an uncle." R. Dream of a three-headed, six-foot Don't tell the world; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Fan Maxsow » J "ZB long-drawn face At home and every other place? You do not have to look at it, So have a heart and smile a bit. Four Miriam: "I wouldn't refuse George, if I were you, just because he builds castles in the air." Carloine: "But, my dear, his are hot-air castles." - --Walter Cool. Musical Exercises. "I see in the papers," sald the "that rich men ke their exercise to music." "Poor men take their exercises to musie, too," replied Bill the toiler, o the chin music of the cussing reman." . £5 Saved! The thrilling news had just been received that '""Big Sister' was the proud mother girl. of a darling little "Oh," said 'Little Sister' June, little boy." "Why?" asked her father curi- ously. "Because, Daddy," said June with happy sigh, "I never wanted to be --Clara Alpers. Dream Book. L C. Itt. The Fun Shop Interpreted By * * R.G.H.: you dream of a sweet girl kissing you, "p That means wifie will soon be miss- ing you. G. M.: Dream that the back of your neck needs a shave You'll meet a Flapper who will not behave. . G. R.: Dream that you bought a new ear that won't go, You will be stuck for two seats to a show. e oo E. L.: hen it will show where you've been. Improving Him. Brother: "Your flance is a good egg, Bis; he is white all through." Sister: *'He'll be better with a atrimonial yoke." --L. Jones. -- 'Wonders of Radio. Blaker: "I see that they have re- ceived a message from Mars." Meeker: "What was it?" Blaker: "They wanted to know if there was anyone living on earth by the name of John Smith." --Pauline Lipper, Just because you have a flower- girl at your wedding isn't a. sign that married life will be a bed of roses. What Price Glory! Barton: "I suppose that you will not want to go to the theatre with your old hat." Mrs. Barton: "Of course not!" Barton: "That's what I thought. So I only bought one ticket." --N. Chaponet. (Copyright, 1925. Reproduction Forbidden). Just Received a Car of Select Coke we offer at $18.00 per ton delivered. Pea makes ideal burning combination for furnaces and Quebec srresietsim sesctiacieis..§ 9.00 per ton, delivered delivered saves EGG, STOVE AND NUT ... "esses esr sesnans +++++++..816.00 per ton delivered :eoe0. $11.00 per ton This Coke, mixed with according should be ad New rs a" requested to an: 8 umor: 3 grams or humorous mottoes), To eS, aneo- burlesques, satires, paid for at 10.00 per contribution; from 2§c. to $1.00 line for poe to the characte, of the contribution, as determined 5 the Editor of "The Fun Shop." 1 manuscripts must be written on one side of the per on name of this newspaper, and to Fun Sh Head uations, 3 Neat on screed or y. Unaccep contri- butions cannot be returned. +++ .812.50 per ton -00 and $8.50 per load delivered EIGHT THOUSAND PULIPS In CPR. Statiosi Bed Will Soon To Bloom. | has succeeded in developing seven shiddes of lavender. | He has one pot which is quite | tropical in its products for it con- | tains, lemon, orange, grapefruit and | date trees. Mr. Stockbridge forces | the sprouting of the seed by plac- ing the pot underneath,a 250 can- dlepower light which, he says, fools them through in half the time. _-- A Scenic Treasure House. New scenic thrills await the tou- rist taking the trip up the Pacific Coast to Alaska. The ever-chang- | | cler scenery is primitive, rugged ana unspoiled in its natural beauty. Mountains, towering higher than the Alps, hold the onlooker spell- bound. Glaciers, compared with which those of Switzerland are in- significant, creep slowly down the mountainside, lacing the brown tone of the rock with their incomparable blue-green beauty. The Malaspino Glacier is fifteen hundred square miles in area--an irresistible force slowly grinding its way to the sea. Rivers of every size and temper are to be seen from the tiny musi- cal rill gurgling its way to join some larger, more torrential river, to the placid swift-flowing Yukon with its course within a few miles of the sea, but wandering twenty- three hundred miles to reach it. From June until September each mountain base is smothered in a tangle of wildflowers. Blue lupines, wild | pink peas, huge bluebells, rosy-hued fireweed, areas of gold and white daisies and larkspur, blend in- to a riot of color. The Northern Lights--misty fans of light, or a colossal arc spanning the earth like a huge rainbow from horizon to horizon, cast a mystic glow through the night. In primitive Indian villages, gro- tesque Totem Poles biograph the superstitious beliefs of the natives. Cities steeped in romance en- Hance the spell Alaska weaves for all who visit this lovely land. Ju- neau and Skagway--founded by the Russians, were used as supply bases by the 'early gold-seekers and still hold much of interest for the visi- tor. Visit Alaska this summer--travel by Canadian National Railways to Vancouver and there board a pala- tial Canadian National Steamer for the five-day voyage through shelter- ed Scenic Seas, rugged magnificence marks every mile of the journey -- luxurious comfort aboard ship com- pletes the enjoyment of this most wonderful of boat trips. Any Canadian National Agent will supply illustrated literature and full information. -------- Took Thumb Off. While operating a sawing machine on the farm of John Bissonette, near Lombardy, Ernest Bissonette, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bissonette, suf- fered a badly mutilated thumb when his left hand was drawn under the circular saw and the thumb was cut to the bone. The wound was s0 Sér- fous that it was necessary to operate and the thumb was amputated. On April 18th, at Toronto, Rich- ard Ferguson Green, eldest son of Mrs. S. B. Gearing, Picton, and Ethel Maud Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dale, were married. Because of ill-health, Miss Edna Farley, tax collector, Belleville, has resigned. ing panorama of mountain and gla-: GANANOQUE April 27.--The Oddfellows had a splendid turnout yesterday to at- tend divine service in Grace Metho- dist church. The Citizens Band ac- companied them to and from church. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hubbard, Kingston, spent the week-end here with friends. On Saturday evening a little after ten, a motor car bumper went through ome of the large Wright dry goods windows. Luckily those in the path of the car were able to get out of the way in time, but the plate glass was ballly wrecked. Mrs. Charles Nuttall and baby, Montreal, are visiting friends in town. Miss Annie Shiels who has been spending the past few months with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Abbott, Hart- ford, Conn., returned home on Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams and Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh, Kingston, motored down yesterday and spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker. Mrs. James Mullin, Brinston, is the guest of her aunt Miss Annie Shiels for a couple of weeks. Miss Mary Dempster, R.N., super- visor of the Jewish hospital, New York, was winner of the first prize in a recent beauty contest conducted at the above hospital. . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Palmer and Mrs. Beerman, Brockville, were the guests of Mrs. Thomas Baker yes+ terday. There is to be a meeting in the Lyceum this evening of those inter- ested in tennis. Work is to be started at once on St. John's Court on Pine street. Tennis is becoming extreme- ly popular in Gananoque now, and some of the boys and girls who ar- rived at the high school links a few minutes after seven Saturday morn- Ing f6un® ney were too .late. There has been some talk of a court at the town park; also a bowling green there, both of which would likely prove very popular with a large number of our citizens. Mr. and Mrs. James Kane ana children, Kingston, motored down yesterday and spent the day wie® friends. Owing to the beauty of the dap there was considerable motoring on land and water yerterday. Arrangements are being made to accommodate the large crowd which promises to greet the Kmmgston Choral Society at the Lyceum on 'ednesday evening. ---------------- Honors Tor A Member. Members of Franck Lodge, No. 127, A.F. & A.M,, Belleville, motor- ed to Bro. John W. Preston's home in Murray, and gave a surprise in presenting him with his life mem- bership certificate and also a com- fortable chair. Bro. Preston has been a member of Franck Ledge for forty-one years. Bellevil®e counclt will be asked to grant $600 to the Agriculture fair and levy half a mill for park com- mission purposes. The lowest speed at which an alr- plane can fly is about 31 miles an hour. Miss Sarah Kilpatrick, aged sixty-five years, Thursday. Foxboro, died on . Young Ladies' Patent Gore Pump with a pretty Buckle--medium height of heel -- flexible sole--very comfortable fitting and very dressy, and only ..... ...... $5.00 We also received a Young Lady's Sport Oxford of Tan Calf, Crepe Rubber Sole--a dandy Sportline ........ .... .. .$5.00 £ The Abernethy Shoe Store N " SN BO Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers S-- TRADE MARK REGISTERED ' | CANADA... SIMMONS' MATTRESSES For the Relaxation and Sleep You Need We feature Simmons' Mattresses because they conform exactly to our ideals of purity, sanitation, comfort and satisfaction. They are \ made of ' clean, new cotton only. Old renovated materials are never tolerated --t they are pure, sweet and sanitary through and through--just such Mate tresses as you want to sleep upon----yet their cost is no greater than youl would be obliged to pay for inferior grades that nobody can conscientiouse ly vouch for. Delivered to you in sealed carton. SEE OUR DEMONSTRATION ALL THIS WEEK ! JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. . Phone 147 for service. A favorite food in Tibet 1s dried An agency in Paris supplies yak meat, sometimes 100 years old. bridesmaids for wedding parties. ~~ Road building programmes must be plan. ned to lessen the taxpayer's burden rather than increase it. Permanence; freedom from costly maintenance; easy and econo- mical traction are needed. Concrete pro- vides them. their ability the roving their ability to carry growing Po of motor traffic without the need of costly upkeep. They last -- and all the while provide a safe driving surface that saves gasoline, tires and repair bills. We need more concrete roads. They save money for the tax- They are every day . SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PRONE #11. + payer and aid prosperity gen- " erally by reducing . haulage cos Begin Mr. George Stockbridge, C.P.R. gardener, to whose constant effort the local station owes its striking summer appearance, is very busy : { these days and his thousands * B LE ETT § f : 8 E £ i = A Square Montreal Sales Offices ats Toronte Winnipeg Calgnry