THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ~ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1985, SPORTING SE ------------------------------ TIMELY 4 ST. LAWRENCE LEAGUE HAS BEEN ORGANIZED "Jimmy" Kane Was Elected President at a Most Suc- cessful Meeting. A very successful organization «meeting of the St. Lawrence Baseball League: was held in the council chamber, Tuesday night. There were four representatives Trom Brockville and Gananoque and one from Kingston present, besides a large number of citizens interested in the league. The league was very "fortunate in having Mr. Wylie, prest- dent of the eastern O.B.A.A., present and Dr. Ryan was also an interested Spectator. Mayor Angrove opened up the meeting with some remarks stating that he thought the new league was A splendid idea and that it should be given hearty co-operation. The mayor welcomed the representatives BASEBAL SCORES L FROM THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN National League. Philadelphia .. .. Giants .. .. .. Pittsburg .. . St. Louis .. Chicago .... Cincinnati .... . Washington .. .. .. Boston .... 4s +4 eo Cleveland ., +0 o0 ove Chicago .. +44 40 0 oan St. Louis ., Detroit .... «vs os 've. -- International League. "0 so ee could put it over them in baseball. been had gt those games. seems to be doing a lot of worrying. event will be held on, May 24th. It is thought that maybe the ball league. The Belleville Kiwanians showed their superiority over the local club, in bowling at the College Inn Monday night. However, we think the locals It would be a good thing if the Rotary and Kiwanis hitched up in base- ball again this summer. The game used to provide some good exercise for the members and good amusement for the spectators. Many a laugh has The Belleville Ontario devotes nearly a column to Kingston's protest on Jack Oulette. It claims that Oulette is eligible to play and that Kingst: It look as if Kingston is not the onl one that is doing some worrying. The Ontario also throws hints that Cur- ran is not eligible to play for Kingston. Tell us another one. The courts for the Kingston Tennis Club are being rounded into shape and it is thought that they will open Saturday or Monday. A big social printers will enter a team in the soft Come you printers, show them up! You Buy Sy a gh C3 than Appea WHEN you buy Dominion Royal Cord Balloon Tires you buy an exclusive process that substantially increases held together in a perfectly flat web of pure rubber. - Each cord is individually saturated in nat- ural liquid rubber (latex). The your mileage without extra cost. The latex treated web cord process eliminates internal heat cords take strains evenly. Fric- tion and heat are eliminated entirely. The Lindsay Daily Post has the following: "Question: Will Jack Oulette be allowed to play with Belleville this year? From past experience with the C.0.B.L. almost anything can happen. Undoubtedly Mr. Oulette from Brockville and Gananoque and '4 was sorry he could not stay for the . 1 meeting as he had one elsewhere. f "Jimmy" Kane took the chair and CONTROL MENTAL, Rochester ., .. +00. .. § H 9 Jersey City 0 v0 oo ou .. 12 | carried on with the meeting. The | . election of officers took place on the | j Suggestion of Mr. J. Laing, Brock- | ¥ ville, who nominated Mr. Kane for president. "Jimmy" stated that he * did not want to hold any office but the representatives from the differ- ent teams would not take "No" for an answer and "Jimmy" accepted the position. Dr. Ryan moved that Mr. Laing be elected 1st vice-president, seconded by Mr. Derry. Dr. Ryan «moved that Mayor Wilson, of Gan- Lanoque, be elected 2nd vice-presi- ¢ dent and it was seconded by Mr. J. LM. Dohhie. PF. Beaudry was nomi- {nated by J. Derry for secretary and Lit was seconded by Mr. Steacy, BR: § Brockville. Mr. McKenzie nominated Mr. Parrish as treasurer and it was 'seconded by Mr. Derry. Dr. Ryan was called upon for a Speech and he responding stated how he liked baseball and how he was f Interested in the St. Lawrence Lea- gue, Different representatives were 'called upon to express their opinion of the new league and all were very enthusiastic over it and expressed . thelr hope that the new league would be a complete success. A letter was read from Wolfe Island stating that they could not enter as they thought the expenses would be too high. It f'was moved by Mr. M. J, Dohhie and 'seconded by Mr. McKenzie that the new St. Lawrence League be formed and that the entries of Kingston, Gananoque and--Brockville would be | mccepted. It was suggested that "Napanee and Prescott might be brought into the league and it was 'DOC' ROBINSON TELLS THE BOYS CROSS SECTION OF THE BRAIN OF A LEFT -MANDED PITCHER. ACCORDING TO DR. WILBERT ROBINSON, PITCHING SPECIALIST By AL DEMARERE Pitcher, N. Y. Giants) (Former Wilbert Robinson, Brooklyn man- ager, talks like a psychologist when it comes to explaining the uncertain of the "Control 'em Lindsay. "Red" boro is all will be found in the Belleville uniform if Belleville wants him." You tell -- Legon was out with Peterboro for the first practice and Peter- excited over the fact that he is back with them. They have a right to be, for "Red" is a very valuable man to have "out in the dew." INSIDE GOLF By Chester Horton Maker of 61 Golf Champions. "Golf's most successful teacher," says "Chick" Evans. The clubhead having started a re- turn to the ball, from the top of the back swing, through the reverse ac- tion of shoulders and body, it is necessary to perceive that the hands and wrists do not attempt to "work" the club at this point. About half way down the body weight will have shifted to the left leg, and this leg nny entry forms for the Ten Mile On- tario Championship Road Race be- ing staged under the auspices of The Oshawa Telegram, on May 25th. The race is being run on the King- ston road, starting from in front of The Oshawa Telegram office, two and a half miles toward Whitby back to a point two and a half miles towards Bowmanville and returning to the starting point. The course has been registered and the race is being run with the sanction of the AAU. of C., Ontario Branch. Entry forms are being forwarded upon request to the Sporting Editor of The Oshawa Telegram. A three-mile race is also being staged, open to boys under 16 in Durham and Ontario counties. ------------------ First "Hole in One." Sherbrooke Que., April 29.--Al- fred Lawrence, green-keeper at the St. Francis Golf Club's course, be- came eligible as a member of the "hole in one" society. Playing with J. C. Stewart, Gordon Miller and Charles White, Jr, in a foursome, Lawrence negotiated the fifth hole, which is being played at present from the short tee, a distance of about 150 yards, in a single shot. This is probably the first "hole in by doing away with destructive cross threads. The weft, or cross threads, cause unevenness which of course means friction. In this process the cords are This process is patented in Canada and used only in Dom- inion Royal Cord Tires. It means far greater tire value without increase in price. 1258 are GOOD Tires o © Royal Cord Balloons DOMINION TIRE DEALERS Preakness at Pimlico on May 8th. decided to introduce the scheme to them and bring it up at the next meeting. Mr. Derry suggested that In the event of 'Napanee and Press cott not entering the league, that Cirele-Six be allowed to play exhibi- tion games, which, with the permis- 'sion of the O.B.A.A. would allow them to play in the junior finals. It 'Was then suggested that a junior lea- 'Bue be formed and the Gananoque and Brockville representatives prom- ised to find out the conditions for a Junior team in thelr towns. The questions of entree fees, um- Pires, etc., were brought up and it 'Was decided that the entree fee ~ Would be $5 with a bond $20 to be forfeited if a team defaults a game hout sufficient notice, to be paid ore the first game is played. A committee of three, consisting of one Topresentative from each team was . to appoint the umpires. _ President Kane closed the meeting, king Mr. Wylie for being pre- t and Mr. Murray for acting as gdcretary for the evening. It was that the next meeting would in Gananoque in two weeks then begins to stiffen to absorb th® weight. At that moment, the club- head having gained in speed mostly of its own accord, you catch it up with the hands and begin to throw This throwing is commonly call- art of pitching. ball," he says, "is purely a mental pgondition. "If a pitcher believes he can throw a ball over the plate, he'll do it. The mind guides his arm, and the ball it. must go where he wills. , {ed wrist action. It is more properly "A pitcher only loses control and hand action. During this "throw- becomes wild when he doubts his | ing" you are in behind the club. The own ability to throw the ball where throw takes place wholly in the bot- he wants it to go." tom arc of the down swing, at which There's a lot to what Robinson | time the club attains its maximum says. While with the Giants as a acceleration. This action is not at- coach, he instilled the belief into | tained by any specific rule. You Ferdinand Schupp, and, made him a learn to "feel" your way through it. great pitcher. "Probably a lot of the | It is an instinctive action. The only wonderful success of Dazzy Vance thing you have to do is give the club and Burleigh Grimes these last two time to turn at the top and start years has been 'due to Uncle Robbie's | down with you--then throw fit. efforts to make them believe in ------------ themselves. Oshawa Road Race. Rr Oshawa, April 29. Although the Cleo Carlyle. closing date for entries is not until Cleo Carlyle, young and speedy May 20th, there already has been outfielder, secured from, the Detroit | requests from athletes in Torshto, Tigers, has a batting average of .384 Hamilton, Brantford, Woodstock, for the fourteen games the Leafs |yondon, Chatham and Windsor for played on their first trip around the |. OUT OUR WAY Fisher is also angling for him to ride the bay son of Fair Play in the Ken- tucky Derby, May 16th. one" reported in Canada this year. ------ Sande to Ride Swope. New York, April 29.--It was ang nounced that Jockey Earl Sande will ride Bud Fisher's Swope in the The royal yacht Alexandra will be put up for sale in England. All Badminton Rackets reduced to $5 CICARS CONGRESS SIZE Eastern wheel of the International League. Carlyle, who has hit safely in the last nine games in which he has participated, made" 11 singles, five doubles and one home run. He played in twelve of the fourteen games and in only one did he fail to get at least one hit. The youngster, who Is a very colorful player, gives promise of having a wonderful sea- ; Son with the Leafs antl he is sure to be very popular with the fans. Car- Iyle will be watched very closely in the opening game of the local season at the Island té-morrow. Claude Manion, another player sent by Ty Cobb to his old friend Dan Howley, stands second in the Toronto averages with .370, the { catcher, who has worked in every ; kame to date, having fade 17 hits, { the same as Carlyle, but he was at bat 46 times to Carlyle"s 44. Man- fon has also crashed out five double and with Carlyle leads in extra base hits. Joe Kelly, the Leaf's home run hitter of last season, who only hit -250 on the trip, has four two-base clouts to his held April 29. -- Frank p™*) Leadley, who played an im- t part in winning three Do- inion football championships for n's University, started work is morning for the Toronto, Ham- and Buffalo Railway Company. Bg to reports, "Pep" plans play football for just one more and he will be found with Now is the time to have your Bicycle | cleaned and overhauled as they need oye a year, Py We also carry a full line of new and second-hand Bicycles. We are exclusive agents for the Massey is Bicycles. Have you got your Bicycle in good ning order? If not, we can put it in good for you. Get the habit--for Records try Tread- gold's first. sith