Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1925, p. 5

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FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1923. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Phone 316 | GODKIN'S LIVERY For Bug and Taxi, Buggies and Saddle Horses. Bus for Cataraqu! Cemetery Sundays at 3 pm. Also Truck for moving. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. "For Sale Double Frame, Chatham Street, Phone 256. Heart Trouble Shortness of Breath | Mrs. Geo. E. Bowman, Morrisburg, | Ont., writes:--*"I am writing you a few lines to let you know of my ex- | perience with Milburn"s Heart and | ! Nerve Pills. Two years ago I became | { very poorly with my heart and nerves and whenever I took the least little bit of exercise my heart would start to jump and flutter. I could.not walk up-stairs without having to sit down | and reset before I was half-way up, on account of my breath becoming so short. I commenced taking MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills | News From District Places A FAREWELL SUPPER 10 PICTON MINISTER Rev. A. L. Cowan Leaves for Hamilton to Begin Duties at 8t. Andrew's. Picton, May 8.--The people of St. Andrew's church gave a farewell supper to their pastor, Rev. A. L. Cowan and Mrs. Cowan lasfsnight. Rev. Mr. Cowan will { This evening |an | near Princess. Full information at| 20d In no time I felt a great improve- | be inducted in his new charge at | office only. Good opportunity for | quick buyer. GENERAL INSURANCE GUARANTEE BONDS R. H. Waddell 86 BROCK STREET Telephones 826 and SVE. For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. PHONE 3877, EVENINGS 2231. 158 WELLINGTON STREET DR. J. CW. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing ard Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 134. BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL In Public Service Since 1784, M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR KINGSTON Slate Won't Burn That's why it is Economy for you to buy GOOD COAL-----the kind we sell. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards WATTS, Florist 182 Wellington Street When you want the best in Cut Flowers, Plants or design work call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1187 residence. Sole member of Florist Tele. Delivery for Kingston Your out-of-town orders so. licited. We Sell New & Used Lumber Iron Sheeting "At Lowest Prices Cohen & Co. IL 267.2756 ONTARIO STREKT "PHONES 886 and 887. WR McRae & Ca. Golden Lion Block Special attention given your family to or returning from a ment, and can now heartily recom- | mend them to all those who are | troubled with any affection of the | heart." H. & N. Pills are for sale at all drug and general stores; put up only by The T. Milburn GCo., Limited, Toronto, Ont. AA You need some fire--why not buy a load of good Hard Maple WOOD to warm you whem you want I of in a hurry. Hardwood Slabs ..$3.75 per load Hard Maple Wood $4.00 per load W. A. Mitchell & Co. Telephone 67. DR. RUP:RT P. MILLAN DENTIST Princess Street. 'Phone 1850 Gag for Painless Ext OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT eo. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS Phone 1264. 334-236 Ontario St. All kinds of Stationary and Marine Gas Engines repaired. Prompt and Efficient Service. Oxy-Aecetylene Welding. Dental-Dr. Alex. M. Clark will continue to conduct the practice of Dr. H. A. Stewart. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by appointment. { Phone 2002 bow Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. -- ~---- Dr. W. O. Vrvooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Stree te. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. HONE ~404J. Evenings by appointment, Dr. R.B. Bishop) DENTIST Offices at the Corner of Princess Baby Chick Food We have in stock the proper food required by Baby Chicks for the different periods of de- velopment, from the shell to the full grown birds. Come in and see the goods and get our prices. W. F. McBroom 25 Brock St. "Phone 1686 FOR SALE $2850--35 rooms, 2 bedrooms, toilet and basin, fireplace, gas, semi-de- tached. $3,700--7 room brick and stone dwelling, 4 bedrooms, 3 p. B., hardwood floors, electric and gas; open fireplace, henhouse and gar- den. Extra garden. $5,500---7 room brick, 4 bedrooms, 8 p- B., hot water heating, electricity and gas; garden and barn. South. $7. 7 room brick, stone wall, furnace (mew), 3 p. B, (new), hardwood floors, 2 stairs, beautiful dining room; extra lot. South and central. $35.00--~Rents a new and modern semi-bungalow; all floors. South and central. Appetizing, pure and whole- some, Cones, bulk and in bricks. We know how to keep it hard. ] Buy your Ice Cream from: M . R. McColl UNIVERSITY DRUG STORE Phone 264 P.8.--Prompt, courteous ser- vice to all our customers. Hamilton when he will become the pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church in that city. On Sunday next Rev. R. J. Craig, interim modera- tor, will declare the Picton' pulpit vacant. Mrs. A. M. Terrill came from Cal- gary to attend the funeral of her uncle, the late D. L. Bongard. Mr. and Mrs. BE. Lalanne of Montreal were also in attendance at the fun- eral. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Blakely, Mrs. W. R. Browne and Mrs. Kelly motor- ed to Belleville last week. The 'Grand Trunks of Belleville are coming over to-day, when the first game of the season will be play- ed on the ball grounds at the fair grounds. Mr. and Mrs. George Chadd of Comber motored to Picton early in the week. Mr. Chadd has returned home but Mrs. Chadd will remain for some time with her mother, Mrs. Reuben Henderson, who is ill. Mrs. Alex. Kemp of Norwood, another daughter, is also with her mother. John Bell, Ferguson street, is re- ceiving congratulations from his friends on having successfully com- pleted a six years' course in civil engineer at Queen's University, Kingston, taking the electrical ex- amination last year and the mech- anical this year. He has accepted a position with the General Electric Company of Schenectady, N.Y., and | will. leave soon to enter on his new duties. A wedding of much interest to Pictonians was celebrated on Satur- day last when Rev. J. J. Mellor unit- ed in marriage Mr. A. T. Lazier and Miss Vina Conger of this town. Best wishes for future happiness are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Lazier. Ensign Howe of the Salvation Army will preach in the Baptist Church on Sunday evening in the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. K. Holland. Miss Nellle Martin is spending this week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. T. E. Owens and her sister, Mrs. Graham, have returned home after 'spending a month at Atlantic | City. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rankin and little daughter have returned from a visit with friends in Toronto. Misses Helen and Kathleen Gilles- ple have returned from a three | months trip to the West. While away | they visited in California, Vancouver, Calgary and Chicago. Mrs. Leo Thayer, who has been with her parents, Crown Attorney Allison and Mrs. Allison, Grove Place, for several weeks has return- ed to her home at Niagara Falls. Mrs. J. M. Platt has been visiting friends in Toronto. Tuesday, May 12th will be Nation- al Hospital Day at Prince Edward county hospital when everybody in- terested is most cordially invited to come and look over the Institution. The I.O.D.E. and the Hospital Aux- ilfary will assist Miss Gadon and the staff is receiving the visitors and serving of refreshments. Mrs. Ballance and Miss Vera Bal- "Mamma was sick with her sto- mich today and she let me eat the peanuts I got her for a present." lance have returned to this home at Selby after visiting Mayor and Mrs. Brown. HER NINETIETH BIRTHDAY. W x awed Katharine Williams, Poole's Resort, Is Remembered. Poole's Resort, May 5.--Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pennock have gone to Little Grenadier Island for the sum- mer. Miss Augusta Purcell, Lake Eloida, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Salter. B. L. Dic- key and family motored from Brockville on Sunday to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dickey. J. T. Weeks has purchased a se- dan. Mrs. Clark Vanstone is very ill; Dr. E. S. Bissell, Mallorytown, fs in attendance. On Wednesday last, April 29th, relatives gathered at the home of W. E. Williams to celebrate the ninetieth birthday of Mrs. Katharine Williams. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. William Buell, Grenadier Island; Mrs. 8. A. Guild, Mallorytown, Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Seaman, Mrs. John Collins and son, Paul, Rockport; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, Mrs. Cherry Buell and Mrs. Frederick Buell of this place. Some nice gifts to Mrs. Willlams testified to the love and respect of those nearest and dearest to her. S. D. Wilcox milking machine. has 'purchased a Football Team Practising. Outlet, May 7.--Although one week of May has passed the weather continues very cold, ice being seen this morning in the furrows. The football team is beginning to prac- tise for this season. The grounds have undergone much improvement in the way of levelling. Fifteen boys from England arriv- ed in Lansdowne on Tuesday; four of them having been placed in homes in this section. Mark Fodey and Patrick Lappan spent Sunday in Sheatown. T. Deir and family, Gan- anoque, spent Sunday at W. A. Deir's. Harold Fodey purchased a car re- 'ently. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCready and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slack, Lynd- hurst, visited on Sunday at John Slack's. Mrs. J. Slack has been on the sick list for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Horton and -fam- ily, Lansdowne, were Sunday visi- tors at W. G. Vanderburg's. Mr. and Mrs. L. O'Grady and children spent a day recently at T. Dono- van's, Escott. George A. Wright, Belleville, has been made a justice of the peace in and for the united counties of Leeds and Grenville. is increased by movement. There may be sometimes redness of Your experience will tell gi" 1 si i i sak; Neuralgia--Sc iatica--Rheumatism EURITIS is inflammation burning and tearing, not Selling arg sensitiveness to touch, and you that neuritis, like neuralgia you when your nervous system The nerves must be bg Himets, health nou to and vi use of such restorative treatment as Dr. Chase's Sours of a nerve. The pain is as in neuralgia, and Mrs. Wm. Forest, Ont, writser Mount Lave is Wilson. Matawatchan, May 4.--Wide- spread sympathy is extended to J. D. Flake and his four little daugh- ters in their recent sorrow, Mrs. Flake having succumbed to blood- poisoning on April 26th. The for- mer is well known throughout this community, being the owner of the telephone line which passes through here to Dacre. Angus Troke, Alf Andrews and Miss Dorothy Love, Renfrew, spent last week-end with the latter's par- ents and other relatives here. Miss Pearl Love has taken charge of Lhe Miller school at Wilson, recently vacated by Robert W. Shultz. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson visited Sunday at the home of the latter's brother, Hugh Kelly. George Hass, chief fire ranger, visited this dis- trict last week. Joseph McLaren has charge of the tower again this year. Robert Johnston and Percy Wilson have also been called upon to act as fire rangers this season. Billy Smith, who acts in the capa- city of cook on the Barmet-Pottin- ger drive, on the Madawaska river, spent over Sunday at his home here, being camped at Camel Chute, for At Work at the week-end, an exact month ear-. lier than last year. MAKE CARE OF BABIES EASIER Stomach disturbances and consti- pation are responsible for much of the peevishness of babies and young children. When the baby is cross or irritable the mother should not resort to so-called soothing mixtures to cor- rect the trouble, for in the majority of cases these mixtures simply drug the child into an unnatural sleep. What is needed is a gentle laxative that will sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels. Such a remedy is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They are easy to take and are guaranteed to be entirely free from opiates and narcotics. Concerning them, Mrs. Jos. Tousaignant, Ste. Sophie, Que., writes: --*I would like all mothers to know that I feel there is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. I always keep a box in the house and their prompt use never fails to restore my little ones to, health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. THE STORK LEAVES BABIES In Two Homes at Inverary--To Open Blacksmith Shop. Inverary, May 7.--Miss Sadie Hun- ter, Kingston, is spending a couple of weeks at the home of her par- ents. The stork flew over our vil- lage and on the evening of May 4th, and left a baby boy at the home of Archie Kish; the next morning it left a baby girl at Thomas Mec- Knight's. At 2 o'clock on May 28th, Miss Powell, of Whitby, will deliver an address in the Agricultural Hall in the interest of the Women's Insti- tute. The annual business meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of the president, Mrs. M. W. Lake. The same officers were re- elected. Rev. Mr. Arksey received the sad news of the death of his mother in New York state. He, Mrs. Arksey and Herman left at once to be present at the funeral. Mrs. Swerbrick has left to join her husband in Rochester, N.Y. Miss Ila Storms, K.C.I.,, spent the week- end here. At the W.I. meeting on Tuesday evening, Mrs. England will deliver an address on 'Mother's Place in the Home." Rev. and Mrs. L. M. England at- tended Convocation when their daughter, Miss Mildred England, re- ceived her B.A. degree. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb have taken up resi- dence in Sunbury. Mr. Bushell will open up Ira Darling's blacksmith shop. He with his family will oc- cupy Roy Darling's house, Mr. Dar- ling's family will join him in Glen- burnie where a new house for them is in course of comstruction. A VETERAN LADY DIES. Mrs. J. Ferguson, Perth Road, Was 80. Aged Perth Hoad, May 7.--A large number, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. Ferguson on Wednesday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Adam Ritchie. The deceased was over eighty years of age and was highly respected by "all who knew her, being of a deep Christian character and devout nature. Rev. H. W. Bromwich officiated at the fun- eral service, after which the remains were taken to the family plot at Sand Hill for interment. Deepest sym- pathy is extended to the sorrowing relatives. Arthur Morley, taken to the Ho- Dieu, last week, is on the road to . The Helping Hand met on Thursday at Mrs. 8. Slack's. Miss \ Did you ever stop to think how a New Verandah or Sleeping Porch would add to the comfort and enjoyment of your home ? Let us have your ideas and we will get You up a sketch.. You will be pleased with the prospect. . S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED RAT AD We er coo as, ARID. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, Ne. 1571/ IT'S A FACT You can purchase at the prea ent time, the famous Westing- house or C.G.E. Radiola IIIA complete, ready to .install for This price Includes one r ones, 4 WD-11 Tat rob bes; all aerial and rou f3uipment and necessary ttars feos. ud Speaker extra. So confident are we that youll Wke this set, that we'll give you one week's free trial. No money to pay until you're satisfied. 'Phone 1207 and we'll deliver, Canada Radio Stores 269% Princess St. 'Phone 1307 The Radio Headquarters of Eastern Ontario, TWEDDELL'S CLOTHES Men who appreciate good clothes and sound values are invited to inspect our lat- est showing of all wool fabrics and models, made-to-measure or ready for service. SUITS $18,§22,$25,528, $32, $35 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess Street House Wiring and Repairing All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" : CO. "Phone 94. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Corner King and Princess Streets. -

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