Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1925, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ° NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS HAR i pininy Pes TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1025. EE ------ LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Woman Page Bditor, Phose 8618. ing of the W.M.S. of Kingston Pres- | byterial. , Private, Phone S67TW. . . * The Liberal Women's Association | Miss Mamie Nicholson, Kingston, of Kingston are making preparations | is a guest at the home of her bro- | ther. W. Nicholson, Spencerville. | for their meeting on Thursday in the 5 Frontenac hotel. The conference will begin at 11 a.m. and luncheon will | Mrs. G. H. Kirkpatrick. Garrett be served at ome o'clock when the | street, left for Toronto today. speakers will be Hon. James Mur- | Ot- | dock, Ottawa, Miss Edwards, tawa, chairman of the Dominion exe- ecutive, and Mrs. John McLaren, Brockville. No special invitation to the luncheon will be given and all] Liberal women and men of the city and district will be welcome. - . - Miss Helen Hale, Ottawa, whose marriage takes place on Wednesday fs being much entertained by Ottawa society. Her aunts, the Misses Mon- tisambert, gave a tea for her on Monday afternoon and Miss Freda | Fripp was-the hostess of a luncheon | on the same day. - The Nurses' Alumnae of the K.G. H. are giving a dinner this evening in the Grand Cafe to the graduat- ing class of the Kingston General Hospital. Mrs. G. H. Leggatt, the president, will preside. Béveral members of the 1.0.D.E. will go to Ottawa early in June for the annual meeting of the National + Chapter at which Mrs. Doolittle, To- ronto, national president, will pre- side. . * . Mrs. Billy Holzman, Ottawa, en- tertained at a barn dance Saturday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Bva Abramson, Kingston, and Miss Rose Daniels, Montreal. . . . A delegation of Kingston women of the Presbyterian W.M.8. will go to Belleville next week for the meet- | Miss Elizabeth Smellie, superinten- dent of the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada, will sail next month for Europe. While away she will attend the International Con- gress of Nurses at Heisingfors, Fin- land. Miss Smellie is a sister of Mrs. Phillips Macdonnell, University | avenue. . . . Mrs. 8. J. Kelly, Ottawa, is spend- ing a few months with her mother, Mrs. John Irwin, Sydenham street. Mr. Stewart Toland, who has spent the winter with Dr. and Mrs. Van- Luven, Hamilton, was in town for a few days on his way to Montreal. Mrs. H. S. Elliott has returned to Toronto after spending a month with Mr. and' Mrs: Fred Martin. Mr. William Perry and his daugh- ter, Miss Anne, Union street, left to- day for New York. ) . . * Miss Ethel Sloan, who spent the week-end at her home in Peterboro, returned to town today for the din- ner being given by the Nurses Alum- nae of Kingston General Hospital for the graduating class. Miss Abbie Judson, R.N., Napanee, who is in town for the nurses' din- ner, is with her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Nash, Albert street. Miss Helen Doherty, organizing secretary of the Woman's Liberal Association, arrived in town this af- ternoon. j Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Lake, Alfred street, have returned from a motor trip to Ottawa. The visiting Royal Military. Col- Cheese' Replaces Meat-- Easily Made Kraft Cheese Roast is easy to make--some Kraft Cheese, kidney beans, bread crumbs, an onion, a spoonful of butter Nourishing, too, a better body builder than meat. For this KRAPT-NaclARBN CHEESE CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL Wednesday, May 13th We will present our advance showing of models in Dress and Sport wear for Summer ADVT. RATES, WOMAN'S PAGE: Coming events, not intended to raise momey. 2¢. a word, minimum §0c. If held to raise money, dc. a word; minimum $1. Receptions, engagements, mar- riage announcements, personal! no- tices, 25 words or less, $1.00 per ingertson. Entertainments. concerts, meet. Ings, ete, 1Bc. per Mne for readers; 10¢. per Hne for display advts. Mini- mum charge $1.00. Fo on lege cadets, who will be in Toronto for the assault-at-arms on May 22nd, and 23rd, will be entertained at a dance in the Transportation Auild- ing, Exhibition Grounds, on May 22nd. Sir Robert Borden and Hon. Wal- | lace Nesbitt have left Ottawa on a fishing trip to Echo Beach. 1 he Editor heors { That with' the touch of the sun during the last few days the country is awakening into life. The flelds are taking on a fresher green and the little streams have a merrier sound as they fall over the stones on their way to Lake Ontario. Near although it will be many a day be- fore their purple or white blossoms scent the alr. The peonies are show- ing deep red stalks and folded leaves just turning to green and in the gar- dens of people who have been wise enough to plant tulip bulbs, a glory of red and gold calls forth exclama- tion of admiration from the passing motorist and is a constant source of pleasure to the members of the fam- ily. That Mrs. Nicholas Longworth probably was the only woman com- moner who did not curtsy when pre- sented to King Edward. This was under the misapprehension that those of royal rank did not curtsy. and as daughter of the president of the U.S.A., she considered herself the equal of royalty. That the A.Y.P.A. of St. George's cathedral hope to subscribe several hundreds of dollars towards paying off the debt of $35,000 on the church building. The Mothers' Club has already a subscription in hand and will pay it over to the finance com- mittee as soon as the canvass begins. During the canvass, which starts on May 18th, the results will be an- nounced every evening in St. George's hall. Keen interest is be- ing taken by all the members of the parish in the effort to wipe out the remainder of the debt contracted by the rebuilding of the present edifice after the disastrous fire on New Year's morning 1899. That the Cataraqui Golf and Coun- try Club is. an attractive spot on these sunny spring days and the golfers are already hard at work. HINTS ON HOME DECORATION. Freshening Up Your Home for Spring--Solving Floor Covering. With the coming of spring, wo- men everywhere are "cleaning house!" And many are finding that it is not enough to chase dirt out of corners, to beat, sweep and launder. For a really fresh appearance, they need to invest in a whole new set of accessories, new curtains, new pil- low covers, new hangings--and new rugs. All these new furnishings need not necessarily be expensive, however, for tasteful effects can oftefi be ob- tained with a small expenditure. Curtains of crisply checked réd and white or blue and white toweling, for example, are extremely smart. They give the touch of color at your windows, appropriaté to the season which brings the violets and daffo- dils. Yet they cost very little. For all sorts of drapery uses, un- bleached muslin is popular. Sten- clled, embroidered in wools or coarse silks, it meets the demand for cheer- ful brightness but is well within the means of the slimmest purse. Many women are finding that Con- goleum Gold-S8eal Rugs solve the problem of the fresh floor-covering. These rugs come in varied charming patterns suited to any room in the house. Vivid floral designs are par- ticularly good in bedrooms and sun- rooms. Then there are elaborate Chinese and Oriental motifs better adapted to Nving-rooms or dining rooms, and a neat tile that lends freshness to kitchens, pantries and bathrooms. . Once women experience the re- homes, they will forget the trouble- some part of house-cleaning, will look on the furnishing up for spring as a positive pleasure. AUNT HET the farmhouses the lilacs are in bud, 2 treshing and stimulating effect of af generous infusion of color into their LIST OF DELEGATES 'To Montreal Methodist Con-| ference Woman's Auxiliary to Be Held in Kingston. | -- | The following are 123 of the dele-| | gates to the branch meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the Montreal Methodist conference, which will be held in Sydenham street church on May 19th to 21: Mrs. E. O. Howe, Addison. Mrs. George F. Gainford, Athens. Mrs. Frank Markell, Aultsville. Migs. D. Anderson, Beachburg. Mrs. (Rev.) T. P. Shaver, Brin- ston. Mrs. F. R. Pratt, Brockville. Miss Mildred Mausell, Brockville. Miss - Ruth Ellis and Miss Dora Cross, Brinston. Mrs. E. M. Wilson, Bury, Que. Mrs. W. BE. Wright, Cardinal. Mrs. E. A. Irwin, Cardinal. Mrs. (Dr.) Brown and Mrs. Colquhoun, Chesterville. R. Quaker Corn Flakes Crisp, fresh and delicious Never has such quality and subtle flavour been put into a corn flake. Wax-wrapped, of course--the ap- Mrs. Robert Little, Cobden. Mrs. L. M. McRae, Cookshire. Mrs. W. E. Littleton, Cornwall. Mrs. C. F. Smith, Elgin. Mrs. Long, Elma. Mrs. Archie Longtin, Que. . | Mrs. L. Hutt and Mrs. J. O. Baron, | Finch. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Farnham, | Robert Barclay, Gananoque. D. S. Hamilton, Hanesville. E. Leonard, Harrowsmith. | Charles Patton, Heckston. Mrs. Herbert McCuaig, Hulburt. Mrs. E. C. McCoy and Miss Edna Hughes, Huntingdon, Que. Mrs. H. D. Knox, Iroquois. Mrs. Jas. Nash, Johnstown. Mrs. 8S. H. Guest, Kemptville. Mrs. W. G. Orser, Kepler. Miss Marian Anglin and Master Stuart Shurtleff, Sydenham street church, Kingston. : Miss Ellen Wood, Knowlton, Que. Mrs. R. Malkin, Lachine, Que. Mrs. (Rev.) Matthews, Lachute, Que. Mrs. (Rev.) F. R. Matthews, Len- noxville, Que. Mrs. Lewis Trickey, Mallorytown. Mrs. M. E. Pearson and Mrs. Stuart Brown, Merrickville. Mrs. Russell Blair, Metcalfe. Mrs. R. Tarlton, Fairmount, Mon- treal. Mrs. George Montreal. Mrs. 8S. F. Date, Trinity church, Montreal. Mrs. Annie B. Dutton, Westmount, Montreal. Mrs. G. Falkner, Morewood. Mrs. F. D. Stata, Miss Gladys Van Allen, Morrisburg. Miss Winnie Van Allen and Miss Luella Brian, Mountain Station. Mrs. R. A. Craig, Jr. and Mrs. McConnell. Mrs. (Rev.) Que. Miss E. Cox, Bell street, Ottawa. Mrs. W. H. Connor, Dominion church, Ottawa. : Mrs. G. Law, Eastern church, Ot- tawa. Mrs. I. W. street, Ottawa. Mrs. (Rev.) 8. Shibley and Miss Mildred Maxwell, South church, Ot- tawa. Mrs. G. H. Burland, Miss Lilian Graham, Miss Clara Mills and Miss Jean 'McCordick, St. Paul's church, Ottawa. Mrs. C. F. Towsley Grace Tabor, Western church, tawa. Mrs. W. I. Scott, Pakenham. Mrs. (Rev.) J. D. Ellis, Mrs. F. R. Stone and Miss Hazel Graham. Pembroke. LY Mrs. Thomas Irwin, Perth. Mrs. F. J. Black, Wesley church. N.D.G. Montreal. Mrs. H. Earl, Phillipsville Mrs. H. Henderson and Miss Gertrude Bannon, Portland. Mrs. J. T. Fitzsimmons, Rockport. Mrs. street, F. Williams, Mountain (Rev.) Carden, Wilson, Ormstown, Raynor, McLeod and Miss Ot- POW LS NS NO AR GALLAGHER' TAXI 960 | Service DAY AND NIGHT SPECIAL FOR MAY ! Epsom Salts ....4 Ibs. for 25c. Sulphur Condition Powders, excellent formula 25c. Formaldehyde, Saltpetre, Bluestone Dairy Thermometers, Milk Tubes, Butter Color. PRINCESS PHARMACY "Princess at Division" 1b. Mrs. Harry Miller, Spencerville. Mrs. M. A. Faller, Sherbrooke, Que. Mrs. Falls. Mrs. A. 8. C. Lilah Henderson, Mrs. W. Ni. Cunningham, Anne De Bellevue, Que. Mrs. H. 8. Weldon, St. Lambert, Que. Mrs. Camp. Mrs. (Rev.) E. D. Mitchell, Vank- leek Hill X Mrs. (Rev.) E. R. Kelley and Mrs. Cherry, Westboro. Mrs. W. E. Hills, Waterloo, Que. Mrs. R. H. Graham, Westmeath. Mrs. R. M. Dukelow, Mrs. O. Wal- lace and Miss Minnie Earl, Win- chester. Miss Edith Webb, Springs. Miss Cora Honeywell, Heights. Miss Asenath Grieves, Ottawa. Miss A. D. Thurston, Montreal P. R. Tryhorne, Smith's Burry and Miss South Mountain. Ste. (Rev.) Charles Brown, Vace Winchester Britannia petizing taste and crispness of Quaker Corn Flakes are protected from dust, moisture and all taints. Coupons in the cartons are ex- changeable for useful articles--illus- trated catalogue mailed on request. PETERBOROUGH SASKATOON A Sale of Fancy Bath Towels AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES 600 high class Bath Towels from one of the best American manufacturers--white with colored borders, in pretty designs. Some are slightly soiled but nothing that will detract from the wear or appearance-- all guaranteed fast colors at two special prices. 330 Towels at . . . .....89c., or $1.75 pair 270 Towels at . . . .. . $1.19 or $2.25 a pair These are much less than regular prices. Get a supply while the assortment is at its best. W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. The Waldron Store West, Que. Mrs. W. U. Collins, Manotick Sta | tion. Mrs. James Gullan, Kimburn. Mrs. A. L. Young, Trinity Church, Montreal. Miss Margaret Thompson, frew. - Mrs. H. H. Collins, Granby, Que. Mrs. (Rev.) D. A. Lough, La- porte avenue, Montreal. Mrs. J. 8. Bass, Prescott. Mrs. G. F. McKimm, Falls. 3 Mrs. B. Eastman, Cornwall. Miss Ella Graham, Carp. (Miss Sarah O'Dell, Lacolle, Que. Mrs. C. R. Robinsen, St. James church, Montreal. Miss Beha McFarland, mount church, Montreal. Mrs. Crockett, McLeod street, Ot- tawa. Mrs. G. F. Gainford, Athens Mrs. William Turner, Almonte. _ Miss Alice Caldwell, Sherbrooke street church, Montreal. Miss Mary Tennan, Dominion church, Ottawa. Mrs. Noakes, Montreal. Ren- Smith's Fair- Centenary church, refinement ? STYLE "O" UPRIGHT PIANO HEINTZMAN & C0. to you that of all the things you piace within reach of your children, a Piano will provide the means of joy and PRICE $590 Easy terms Miss Marjorie McLaughlin Miss Evelyn Cotnam, Pembroke. and Miss R. BE. Murray, R. R. 2 Pres- {is approximately The fire loss in the United States $500,000,000 ' kiln dries lim- 4| ber and at the same time recovers . Gedyes Millinery the turpentine from it. : The British Royal Air Force has adopted the type of parachute used by U.S. aviators. - cott f - year. Mrs. C. P. Bass, Newboro. Last year 454 persofis were res- Miss M. Redford, Athens. cued from shipwrecks around the Miss Lilian Garland, Richmond. British coast.

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