_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A BETROTHED COUPLE. PROBS: --Saturday, south winds, mostly fair and ! showers by night. phos Flakes and { Well PG SERENE REAR EE NAAR ENENEERNENSRREENNEREENNEE " » . 1D. { | : ¢ ; i ' | } \ ; re TheGreatest Spring Event | MOTH BAGS Tree 31.00 Platter HAT ENAMEL | | . 25c. i in heavy Silver Plate J 84, -- Brick, semi hed, 8 |+ Thursday night has been consid- GARDEN AND FLOWER makes a most attractive ' SEEDS and useful gift. 3 rooms, 8 p. bath, electric light ard REI 4 i : ne gas, T DELIVERY ---- | ered an opportune time for speeding 3éep 10%; and farage. FREIGH o SPECIALTY {One Found to Be Going at Rate by Kingstonians who are going to [ll $5,000--Brick, 6 rooms, 8 p. bath, of Over Sixty Miles an Gananoque to attend the dances [ll electric light and furnace, garage. Local and lung distance. H which are held each week. On Thurs- | [li All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. our. day night the trafic officer got the m K $7,800--Brick, all modern, central. NT | da) 2 H. L. BRYA | name and number of an auto whieh a 384 Division Street. Phone 1738, Motorists who have been in the was travelling at forty miles an ] un nN MOTH DESTROYERS EXTRA HEAVY OVERSIZE FOR SALE Bateman's "cal Estate BRICK BUNGALOW--7 rooms, 8 pc. , bath, electric light, double lot and choice location. $2,000--Frame, 4 rooms, B. and T., * electric light. $8,000--Frame, 7 rooms, 8 p. bath, electric light and furnace. Miss Gratia Buell Houghton, niece of A. B. Houghton, U.S. . ALLIES TAXI 8ERVICE |[|ambassador to London. has just announced her engagement | Phone 240 to Gillespie Rinehart, son of Dr. Stanley Rinehart and Mary = To all parts of the city || Roberts Rinehart, the famous author. This first photo of them --] 25 Outer Station included. {| together was taken in Washington, D.C. ' * By the hour $2.00. po: ALL LARGE CARS | noque before he located the guilty MOTORISTS SUMMONED FOR RASH DRIVING "er" > We have a range of these L. T. Best MONEY TO LOAN. [ habit of "stepping on the gas' have | hour | in differenc sizes, at $10.00 to $25.00 Druggist CUSTOMS BROKER mr | . ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. 2 For ne yocond time ee found out that it does not pay. as| Already this spring about twenty- ays a New York brewery was raided |p, 'speed cops" have been constant-| five motorists who have 111% BROCK ST., KINGSfON and seventeen men arrested. exceeded ly on the job. the speed limit have been caught and n On Saturday evening last, the| fined. = < highway traffic officer, while on duty | on the Kingston-Gananoque highway '"Erasmic Soaps." Gibson's. stopped a car which was travelling Chatham Board of Trade will ' at a very high rate of speed. He| petition the Government to amend w gave chase and before he was able! the regulations requiring manufac- re to get in reach of the speeder it was| turers of poultry feed to display the BM necessary for him to drive his motor-| formula on the package. An English ' cycle at the rate of sixty-five miles| manufacturer is anxious to estab- | per hour. The driver, who is charg-| lish a plant in Chatham, but will not nu ed with driving at the rate of sixty| submit to the regulations. mn miles per hour, will appear befor "Willowdale Bricks." Gibson's. ro] County Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw | Most rigid prohibition law in the 2 "Huylers sweets." Gibson's. | 0 I | on Monday morningé The traffic of-| U.S. has gone into effect in Indiana. . Hints pan" 8 STARTS SATURDAY i | wm . --OFF-- MOTTA AS or | 125 MEN"S ODD SUITS SEE WINDOWS! 0 p il y A ALBERT L.CLOUGH. Locating Rattles It Is Frequently Harder To Find Them Than To Stop Them SUCH NOISES ARB oftentimes difficult to place exactly and it is particularly hard for the operator himself to locate them. The best procedure, when hunting for them, is to pump up the tires very hard and to drive over a road that is full of small irregularities, such as a roughly block paved street. This will accentuate every rattle and bring out some which have not yet become noticeable in ordinary driving, but which will soon become annoying. It is well to raise a part of the floor beards. AND CONTINUES THROUGHOUT NEXT WEEK WHAT WE DO! We meet or beat all Mail Order catalogue prices! We refund fares to all out-of-town customers--in cash ~~from all points, according to our regular Fare Refund schedule that has been ysed for three years. We prepay all purchases over $5.00. We guarantee absolute satisfaction o n every pur- chase. Listening To The Moving Car running board in front and at the rear and In the rear compartmert and listens from every position attainable. Sometimes by leaning from the car and holding onto a part or pressing on a part with a stick, informa- tion can be obtained as to whether it is shaking noisily, when free. If considerable time is intelligently expended in this way, a pretty good Idea can be obtained as to what is doing the rattling. Examining Car While At Rest Taking the car back to the garage, with the noises located in a gen- eral way, the next thing is to ascertain the detail of each noise and to A deposit will hold any Suit. Sale ends Saturday Night. SEE FULL PAGE AD. ONEY'S PRINCESS STREET ow Is The Time to uy Lawn Mowers 12" 3 Blade for $ 9.75 each 14" 4 Blade for $11.75 each 14" 4 Blade Ball Bearing $14.50 each SCREEN DOORS All sizes. Complete with Hinges and Pull .... ...$2.50 and $3.50 each : WINDOW SCREENS 14 and 18 inches high--all widths, from ..... decide how it can be stopped. Going over all sheet inetal parts, striking them at numerous points with the clenched fist will bring out many rattles and enable them to be exactly located. By taking hold of the various steering members, pulling them back and forth and up and down will cause looseness to become manifest and jacking up the front wheels will show whether lost motion exists at the knuckles. Gradual jacking up of the car frame until spring bolts are relieved of load enables their . PLUG ERE 1S WATER AROUND THAT SARK. PLIC AG ba) Va ¥ F. H. L. writes: Around the sec- oend-cylinder spark-plug of my engine, I have lately no- ticed a quarter inch or so of water mixed with oil. Tightening the head-bolts does not prevent this. Have 1 a cracked water-jacket, cylinder or what? Answer: The spark-plugs of this engine are inserted vertically through the cylinder head, there being no water-jacketing immedi- ately around them, although the water extends to the bosses into which the plugs are screwed. We suppose that you find the water ' standing in the little cup-shaped depression in the head, directly surrounding the plug. Unless this 'water leaks In through the hood, it probably 'comes through a crack In the plug-boss, which also involves the external wall of the jacket. If such a crack exists. examination should reveal it and it should be repairable by welding. The ofl probably comes from the outside surface of the head. However. if you find water in the crank-case oil or gas bubbles form around the plug in question, when the engine is running. the crack has probably the cylinder wall 'proper, which is a more serious wl Wi nu 5 B w a i a ] wa mm » Let someone drive the car, while an observer rides, in turn, on each ES pL] : a £ . matter. Are you sure that this water does not come from leakage from the water outflow manifold or from elsewhere In the cooling sys- tem? . ws mien AIDS TO STARTING F. W. 8. asks: Would it help me to start my engine, If | were to in- stall an there be a small tank installed to hold high-test gasoline to start on, this being shut off and regular gas- oline switched on, when the engine was running? I find that in start- ing my engine with the choker, there is a tendency to flood the car- buretor. Answer: You would find one of these primers very helpful in start- ing, assuming that there is nothing wrung with your ignition system and that good sparks are pro- duced, even while the starter-motor Is drawing current. Your auxiliary tank scheme would work all right if. a few minutes before stopping your engine, you switched on to bigh test gasoline, so that the float chamber would be left filled with it. ready to be used the next time a cold start was attempted. Un- less this were done, your carburetor wouid be left filled with low test gasoline and you could obtain mo good from your high-test supply until the liquid in the carburelor had changed. Using the choker excessively is likely to flood the §3iinders. but it should not fivod he carburetor. Questions 01 general wmterest fo the motorist will de answered dy Mr. Clough in this column. space . Man desired, enclose sei addressed, stomped ensciope" TOC SIE ia ' primer. Also, could . ON PAGE NINE OF THIS EDITION AND STORE WINDOWS FOR DETAILS. An irresistible array of bargains await you! * A REAL LIVE CITY OR A DEAD TOWN--WHICH? If you wish to prosper and make this city a better place to live in, then spend your money in Kingston and build up the community that in turn gives you, your means of livelihood. Send Your Money out of town and you are helping to build up another city--you are sending the money that YOU EARN IN KINGSTON away. If say 50% of the population bought out-of-town, how many retail merchants would be left AND would YOUR family wage earn- er still hold the position he occupies to-day ? Think it over-- BE A COMMUNITY BUILDER--BUY AT HOME! STEACY'S- Kingaton's Shopping Centre" ¥-