SORSDAY. MAY 19, 10s. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC 5 BAD BLOOD. R Phone 316 IS THE CAUSE OF GODKINS LIVERY °° Tie caus News From District Places Cedar Fence Posts PEE EE TIE | STREET LIGHTING A MILITARY FUNERAL FOR KEITH WALKER We are selling 8' Posts at a price as and build up the system and put the low as 20c. each. Quantity limited. BY ROBERT QUILLEN Dr. Waugh |"5. 5 pore | SYSTEM FOR STELLA DENTIST to equal ( Is Being Installed--Amherst y A Solemn Occasion In Yarker 106 Wellington 8¢. Phone 256. BURDOCK 3 9 Island Telephone Line May nH --A Boy Who Fell Ill and BLOOD BITTERS | ge Linked With Maintand. ja 1 Never Recovered. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Mr. L. A. Detbert, Allan, Sask. > ok : Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins A ce 3 ' Stella, May 18.--The Amherst Is- 7 y Yarker, May 18.--Omne of the larg- . : For Sale Writes: --"For several years I was Tand. Women's. Instituto sro hovins X \g est funerals ever seen in Yarker was BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO ; sabled with bolls and pimples, 1|10d Wome Stells -a new gasoline that of Keith Walker, an enlisted : Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571 ed many treatments, but could Bet | treet lighting system, which the vil- / en soldier in the late war, who died in I then took Burdock lage people feel will be a great boon : oo Kingston. Keith first enlisted in the Double Frame, Chatham Street, Bear Princess. Full information fon | Blood Bitters and became tree of 5 | on dark nights. Great credit is due rd 37th Battalion but was withdrawn office only. Good opportunity for trouble. It is the only medicine I the Willing Workers of the Institute, ' because of his age being too young. quick buyer. ever took that did me any good." who have financed the system. F Being tall and well built for his age GENERAL INSURANCE B.B.B. has been on the market for| Fred Perry, Napanee, was on the he was not to be turned down but GUARANTEE BONDS the past 46 years; put up only by|island last week looking over the + Little Willie received a baa|¥eBt to Belleville and enlisted there The T. Milburn C .» Limi line of the Amherst Island Telephone and went overseas but did not see R. H. WwW. 1 dell Go 0., Limited, Toronto, scratch yesterday when he fell from service in France owing to illness systém with the object of entering | tree. He expressed the hope that into negotiations for its purchase. a scar would Prose oe sie him | that prevented him from entering 86 BROCK STREET 3 Mr. Perry owns miles of lines on the the war. He never recovered from Telephones 826 and Sve. D W. A. JONES main land and would like to link up {look desperate. this illness and was sent back to. Announces that he has moved his Amherst Island with his system. Kingston and for three years he has FREIGHT, PUBRNIT ORS. sargs, | office to 150 WELLINGTON STRERT| The bacheiors of Stella held a FISHERMEN COMING been in the hospital in Kingston. and will limit his practice to X-Ray in Victoria i PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF and Physio-Th ¥ (use of oo very successful dance Keith was born ia Yarker but EVERY DESCRIPTION al H ¢ hall, on Friday evening. It was well spent most of his days with his uncle oh al ey $4 ) patronized. Quite a number attend- T0 THE RIDEAU LAKES and aunt in Colebrook. - His request e-- Kingston Transfer Co. nu 30 Som But} und ober polaix. Nov. vont oat he be buried beside his ll Sound values are invited to inspect our Jats mile's orchestra, Napanee, supp PHOMx 377, aunt in Yarker cemetery. This re- 163 WELLINGTOL SrANGS 2231. th le. We are sorry to learn [They Are After Pike and Ned WIth and b . ics and mod : OTON STREET DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN that Lyman McCallum, Kingston,| Salmo iin given a military tonne vas lf est showing of all wool fabrics els, | DR. J C W BROOM o boo Ye pout -- Ye How this Jn cided Success. bind & oc x 5 tt Bi ya} made-to-measure or ready for service, 1 Newboro, May 18.--Surveyors of P & * o v w ago to " mer. Having left a few days yg e. | the milit ice, Ottawa, in band from Belleville composed the see his parents in Turkey. military force. { T APPOINTMENT town surveying, in char of Mr. . S Ul S friends in » ¢ ge . Dental Surgeon Callin has may i country, | Phuniondo. Two fishermen, Oswe.| The remains arrived from King- e age and surrounding " ston, in Reid's ambulance, and were 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Mrs. J. 8. Neilson and L. R. Neil- | 80, N.Y., are the guests of J. H. taken to the Methodist church where Se] Evenings by appointment. son attended the funeral of late Mrs. a ing. of Re Rideau Ho- short service was held thence to . 3 George Wright at Conway, on Thurs- | tel. ey are fishing for pike and the cemetery, headed by the band y 9 9 9 9 y ¥ lmon. Mr. Scott expects a party O TUNING day. The ice cream booth on the (52 and soldiers, the coffin being carried PIAN Tr ona bot || tair grounds has received a fresh [Of thirty-five fishermen from Wi on the shoulders of 'six stalwart 264. 234- of Stationary and Marine t. The Royal bank build- | llamsport, Pa. Pr, uy Efficient Service, oa ua oily Mrs. Rev.| A. Kelsey spent the week-end in 4 po ha Ju Oxy-Acetylene Welding. F. O. Ware 1s visiting friends in | Elgin, the guest of James Powell. by the grave and fired as the band Belleville and vicinity. C. W. Ran. | Howard Elliott, Lindsay, has son ey aves 3 dall, manager of the Napanee Driv-|t0 Carleton Place, there to pursue pase wl aE voronts two . 1 : the island on Tues- | his business in the interests of his : > Dr. Vincent A Martin id Ros big hoy butcher, King- | firm after having spent three or four Dare of Tae deceased and Boule, ston, was over the island last week. [Weeks in this vicinity, 3 sister, Oshawa, Were presen DENTIST E. J. Corkill, LP.S., was visiting the es = Houghton bi in Brock-| . Mississippl Notes. 7 appointment. schools of the island last week. tL Malus, TROL... icrn NAD] 18.--Mrs. Wil Evenings dance held in the Masonic Hall on Princess $ m treet. Phone 3045w. Friday evening last, was a decided liam Hanna afd two children are a -- -------- AT WESTPORT. . Pp. visiting with the former's father, MARRIED success. P. Cavanagh, carpenter, is Thomas Miers, Oso. Mrs. H. Wal. J -------- -- pursuing his trade in Chaffey"s Dr. R. B. Bishop) A New Jersey Man Weds Miss M. | 1,00, 7 roth, Sharbot Lake, and Mrs. C. Ken- Odessa, May 18.--Mr. and Mrs. McLean. Miss' Marjory Dier, Wes fedy, Snow Road, visited with Mrs. | 3 "Smith and Mra. George Watts DENT IST Westport, May 18.--The marriage the guest i ee and No AR Hh B. Fournier on Thursday of last spent Sunday, guests of Mrs. Shorey, at the Corner of Princess of Miss M. McLean and Bernard ham. B. Landon has nearly com- Week. Messrs. Stanley Geddes and Newburgh. Bruce 'afrns has been Batra Wellh Tung WY Montondo, Fort Lee, New Jersey, [piloted hie, hotel. George Tracy hag] HATY Bagg also Miss K. Macgillly- chosen as pitcher for the league "Phone 2977. was solemnized Tuesday morning at |peen appointed past master here, / | FY and Miss M. Mouire, Montreal, team of Kingston. B. J. Hamm and Neen / | 01ght o'clock With nuptial mass at ------------ Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. son have improved their general A cr: St. Edward's church, Rev. Father Parham Ladies' Aid Supper. A. Geddes last week. Mrs. William store by building a new verandah O'Rourke officiating. After the mar-| py pom May 18.--The Ladies' | Riddell, Cavan, spent Sunday at his across the fromt. . Dental-Dr. Alex. Mn (Clark riage the bridal party returned to | A¢q of this place held a supper at hthe Beta, i and Mrs. J. H. Fair] "ure "George Watts has returned Dn 15. Rist the prectios] | tB® home of the bride where dinner pg poe Mra Ar C, Werte: or |and Miss = Tayior Sharia: Loiee: | to her home, on Centre street, after of Dr. H. A. Stewart. was served. The table was prettily Wednesday evening. Quite a large | Pet Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, spending the past winter with her OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET decorated with pink sweet peas and number ware present. The pro. | B0Yd Fournler. R. Gibson and gang daughter, Mrs. H. J. Smith. The L. Gvealngs by appointment. maiden hair fern. The bride 100ked | ceeds amounted to $11.70. of men, Ashdad, spent Sunday at A. 8 met at the home of Mrs. Her- charming in an ensemble suit of Mr. and Mis. W, D. Black motor Sholt homes here. Mr. and Mrs. R. man Bowman last Wednesday after cocoa color and her bouquet was a ed to Ottawa, or Friday and" spent fod es and two children, Dalhousie noon. About thirty ladies were pres- corsage of roses and lilies of the val- the week-end. = Mrs. Della Goodfel- ®, spent Sunday with Mr. sad ent. The Salvation Army Band gave ley. Miss Mary Mulville, the maid | 10 spent Friday in Kingston. Mrs. W. A. Geddes. a concert in the Army Barracks, of hofict, wore an ensemble suit of | * ay ung Ney A. Wagar motor- -- last Monday night. The many blue broadcloth, her bouquet was a oq to Harrowsmith on Sunday to at-| gir Francis Bell announces that| beautiful selections were enjoyed by corsage of roses and baby breath.|ienq 0dq Fellows Anniversary ser- | his premiership in New Zealand wil | the large audience. \ or John L. Kane assisted the groom. vice. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith | be only temporary. Harold Cairns of the Eaton staff, or 63 cents per tou The happy couple left for a motor | nq Mrs. Susie Smith spent Sunday ' A warm meal Sometimes develops | Toronto, is spending a week with his This is an actual test for our trip to Atlantic City, after which | tmpudence in the tram parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert WELSH COBBLES-- they will make their home in Fort 3 Pe Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. James Ayels- oe or clinkers" "** Bl Leo, New Jersey. The out of town worth, Madoc, called recently at B, Sold only by guests included Mrs. Momtonds, she G. Hamm's. Miss Zita Kenyon, mother of the groom, Mr. an TS. week. p J. Vi. Noonan, Ottawa, ud Miss Enasioy: Sen the -end at B Edith McCann, Saginaw, Mich. { 4 3 p D. T. McCann, Port' Arthur, is ERY he » pp aad ---------- -- oy Mrs, Jana visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 7 a ot Freeman, Sydenham, spent Tuesday, J, B. McCann. H. W. Lockwood was 4 s - 4 guests of Mrs. Lewis Snider. Nr. in Toronto for a few days last week £5 $7, SEK J Rt SF and Mrs. George Stagg, and daugh- visiting his som, Dr. A. L. Lock- ters, Helen and Jean, Kingston, wood. THE spent the week-end, guests of Mrs. Dr. W. G. Hamilton was in Brock-| . Foricolor, both delicate go vellas = The climbing masturtium is more | Stags's father, Sidney Silver, fi Tio on Monday attending the fun-\rich and velvety, coupled with a truthfully speaking a rambler. It --ee ees . We have in stock the proper [| eral of the late Dr. C. M. B. Soran Spicy fragrance all its own, there is | makes 8 growth as long as a vine but TICHBORNE TIDINGS. food required by Baby Chicks fil Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Byrnes spent the | no annual to compare with the nas-| has no means of climbing, es it can- u---- week-end at Bedford Mills, the turtium, For poor soil it is an ideal not twine and has mo tendrils or Farmers Completing guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Foley. | anny), producing flowers continu- | suckers such as other vines. It will cert in the Union Church. My. and Mrs. A. McNally svent the | ally until cut down by fro and Tichborne, May 18.--The farmers week-end with friends in Kingston. | furnishing daily bouquets in many hea; are about through seeding. Wager- lly shades. ville talent put on a concert in the Engagement Announced. This is one of the most easily Union church, Tichborne, on Sun- The engagement is announced of very | day night. John Kennedy, who has Loule, dsughter of the late Beverley readily, but it will have to be guided | been seriously fil, is somewhat bet- Smith and Mrs. Hume Brough, To- and fastened into place. ter.' A number from here attended ronto, to Dr. John Harold Her- It is an excellent plant to be al- the funeral of Mrs. James Hickey, lowed to Bob's Lake, on Wednesday last. shey, Consecon, son of the late Dr. well where other annuals will lan- and Mrs. Hershey of Owen. Sound. guish. It likes heat and rich soil a nt The m: is to take place at the as mariage 8 iah on June 6th. | *e0ds it all to leaves. Armed thugs stole $20,000 from paymaster at Lever Brothers' Soap factory, Cambridge, Mass. South i gor Progebitis Subdued, cc. Strengthened | varioeates Method Works Wonders Sumer, Method Works Wona