THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1925 NOW IS A GOOD TIME to do that shingling job. We can sup- ply all kinds of Cedar Shingles. Also Asphalt Slate-Surfaced Shingles and Rolls, LAN LUMBER CO. ictoria Street. Telephone 1042. / eV LAV RII TR GT 1 20 E I Ne Al RT ) DIFFERENT GRADES Jhe better Roofings that cost no 1mor THE RUBEROID CQ uiven ae | TORONTO Stocks at Larger 'Nl res MONTREAL! BRICK HOUSE-- on stone foundation, six rooms, 3 bedrooms, bath, gas, lights, furnace, good cellar with cement floor. Garage for 3 cars, 66 ft. lot; on good, paved street. Sacrifice price .. $8,800.00 . M. B. TRUMPOUR 'Phone 704 or 2072w. - - - 270 PRINCESS ST. pays fouse t MARTIN -SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT & VARNISHES Write to Head Office. Montreal for Free Booklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY SIMMONS BROS. Kingston FOR SALE Fire, Life. (Canada Life), Accident and Sickness, Automobile & Plate Glass Insurance LOTS---Best location in Kingston. NEW HOUSES--Worth investigating. STORES AND WAREHOUSES--Inspection invited. SUMMER HOTEL~--North Frontenac. 130 ACRE FARM---Water front, well equipped. from city limits). FOR RENT--Furnished houses and unfurnished flats. BONDS of any kind bought and sold. MONEY---To loan on mortgage. KINGSTON AGENCEES, Li. 67 CLARENCE ST. TEL, 708. J. 0. HUTTON, ~------ (1 mile Chesterfield Suites - Specially Priced for This Week 3 piece Mohair Chesterfield--Arm and Wing Chair--combination covers--webbed bottoms and backs--well made -- regular price«$225.00, for ...... ......$175.00 3 piece Tapestry -- good quality of cover Chesterfield, and 2 large Arm Chairs . --worth $200.00, for Valais veg ae -$150.00 3 pe. Mahogany Set--cane backs, velvet covers, Marshall Cushions--5 extra Cush- ions for set--worth $200.00, for . -$150.00 dey Ha THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CROSS-WORD PUZZLE To Tz Is 7 |e -12 0 " ' 1 ay 4 his Io 2 £Y 4 £3 2 22 [23 24 ' hs ]) . 2 5 El 2 tr 3 4 Pe had - TZ 5 5 i 2 * 43 3 : 147 50 it 3 «© ) we 70 7 2 7 [75 | - 5-214 Stonecutters, attention! Here's v. Pronoun. your meat. A word that will stick| 7. To nap. most puzzle fans, is every-day knowl-| 8. Bone. 9. A fence. 11. To scatter, Horizontal. 13. To bore. 1. Couple. 15. Net Weight of container. 4. Spirited. 7. Upright flight. 10. A written promise to pay. 12. Lubricates. 14. Neuter pronoun. 16. Noxious plant. 18. Positive. 19. Third musical note. 20. Married. 22. Fit. 24. Hammer for roughly shaping stone. ¥| 26. Fish pole. 27. Metal. 29. Perfect score. 30. Beverage. 31, Written order from higher ) branch creating a lodge. 33. String tennis fence. 36. 'To challenge. 7. Naked. 39. Negative. 40. Story teller. 41. Hideous. 42. 3.1416. 43. Crystal gazer. 45. To abound. 47. Meadow. 49. Cherubs, 52. Aurora. 54. - Energy. = £6. Ladies. 57. Preserve. 58. To retransmit. 60. To place. 61. Measuring stick. 63. Upon. €4. - Deep long cut. 66. Orb. 68. Point of compass. 69. Unit of duration as a basis for meter. 71. Particle. 73. Narrative poetry. 74, H20. 75. To shower. Vertical, « 1. Neat. - 2. Within. 3. Paddled. 4. Lawyers charge. 65. One half an em. 1 Granted facts. Write ws to-day for fhe twin shingle saves Se and Money| T 11 HE Twin shape of Bird's Asphalt Shingles has made them known as the one man, one hand shingle. Each Twin Shingle though covering double the areca may be laid as easily as an or- dinary shihgle, 'avithout extra motion and in the same time, and requiring but two thirds the quantity of nails. Ye 18. "Let it stand." attractive booklet *'A " Animal similar to a frog. of', WAY Our it Aroud tis ird's phalt t i gies 23. Oficious. , are fire-safe and weather-proof, yet cost no more 3. ing facts for the home t p . : . 25. Weathercock. vers than ordinary shingles. Their permanent rfon- : k Clipe, : fading colors, Red, Green or Blue-Black, will lend 30. Pertaining to sound. charm to any building. ' ) 31. Weeps. The Twi " : 2» win shape 'two shingles in one,' is 3s Las an an exclusive Bird feature--not made by 36 Bann any other manufacturer. / 38. Recolor. Bird Son Limited Hamilton Ont. 43. To begin a water voyage. & ' 44. Play. and Pont Rouge, Que. 46. Dinner. 48. To level. Vv 50. Headstrong. ' / 51. Fondles. ] 53. Foretoken. S 55. Enchantment. 57. A member of a jury. \ 58. A set scheme of learning. 59. Vegetables used instead of po- tato in West India. FOR SALE BY 61. Rodent. 00. Port of Hatuchn. A. CHOWN & CO, - KINGSTON 65. To hem. OTHER NEARBY DEALKRS: £2. Sailor, eal Bas} Comat Fuetion Oo, . eo. Athos W.S. Bilton. - - « « « - Newbpro - Seventh musical note. - M. Bweet n - * eo. ta . W. Hartley & So! « « Seeley's 70. Preposition of place. Tallman & Robb - - - - Lyndhurst e H. Ma -- - " - . 0. Sracanam 72. Mother. E. E. Johnston « - . . Lansdowne . y Williams Bros, « « - - . Newboro M. J. White « - - - . - Westport Answer to Wednesday's Crossword Puzzle: - ------ i" ; ah God a8 expressed in it, to say by it, : . Tove It, make it one's own, defend | De Je D. K LO G G Ss it to the death,--that is the com- mon goal of religion and of ali true sclence.-- Bissell. -------------- The Charge. The attorney was setting 'up il- STHMA D literacy as a defence for his client, accused of forgery. "Why, your | honor," he argued, "this man could not have been guilty of this crime: SIASISITIMAR] he cannot write "" his own name. R SPIEEDROMETIEIR] "Your argument is worthless," | Pe 8-20 sald the judge,' "The prisoner is not' charged with 'writing his own name, but that of someone else." . ASTERS When a plant becomes highly de- veloped and attains unusual beauty and excellénce, there seems to be a penalty of plagues and pests to fol- low rapidly.Such has been the fate of the aster, which has been brought to & point where it rivals the chrysan- themums in size, with a wider range of colors not found in the latter. Some gardeners have given up in disgust and left asters off the, gar- den list, which is a pity, for there is no finer fall annual and none more easily raised--until some of the pests hit it. "Yellows" is a new complaint that has caused a great deal of trouble and bacteriologists and seed ists are working to find out cause and a check. The main recommendation to avoid this plague is to plant the asters in new sols, Hime the soil thoroughly and give £004 cultivation from the start. The 'symptom of this disease is that the bud remains greenish yéllow and 'does not unfold and develop its 1t 18 no sin to be tempted, but to PA Ny i wo Sih ,Home Garden | AND THEIR TROUBLES. r | ces st tenets Batter Up! Walter: "What's the idea of dust- | ing that plate off! We have dish-| washers here, I'd have you under- stand." Dine#: "Beg pardon, force of habit merely--I'm an umpire." What 1s Home Stem rot and root aphis are other pests. Lime or wood ashés applied to the soil at planting time avoid thdse trowbles and copious doses of tobacco tea or nicotine solution poured about the roots of the plants will destroy the aphis. Insect pests, which work above ground, are moré easily cemtrolled. The aster bettle comes in August. Plant later types and this pest is eluded. Black or Brown aphis, which often infest the asters may be dislodged with tobacco tea, dust, or nicotife solutions sprayed on the ri \ PY tor Halt a Century 378 Standard, NITIR Treatment | 1 seful How About Screens? Stevenson & Hunter TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS. 85-87 PRINCESS STREET. Black Wire N\ a plants. They are easy to control. D | § HASE A Lime the 80il two weeks before setting out the plants, enough hy- drated lime or pulverized limestoné to give it a light coating like a light snow, rake it in lightly, and then givé bone meal when the asters are sét out and success is likely. The pests need not deter anyone from LLY LLY "PHONE 32 | ii i wow DIAMOND TAXIE hr Anywhere fn city ........ rr WALL PAPER | All experience goés to show No mud can soil but the mud we New Spring stock of Wall Paper just arrived. throw. : of w fi a patterns , us for estimates on decos 'rating your home. - W. G. VEALE rk | Tove of dur ikon MODLER & CO. Kingston Mode! Store We are now showing the newest styles in STRAW HATS at reasor.- able prices. : MEN'S \AND YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES SPECIALIST DON'T MISS SEEING OUR SPRING SUITS The Strand, $29.50 Last year's may do for a while, be but they won't last long. Bete ter get new ones NOW. We have full line of all sizes. Doors, Windows, Galvanized and