Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1925, p. 2

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% Fur Storage DRY, COLD AIR Absolute Security Telephone 603. Our Fur Van Will Call. - Save worry. Do it to-day! JOHN McKAY LIMITED The Fur Store, 149-157 Brock Street 'McLagan Phonograph, mahogany case, $100. 3 $x TERMS: $10.00 cash, $5.00 a month. THE MELODY SHOPPE OPPOSITE GRAND OPERA HOUSE - - PHONE 158. BUY ADVERTISED GOODS Advertising Lowers The Prices MATTRESSES When housecleaning have your Mattresses cleaned and re- modelled. Go to Hughes' when you want a new one at low price. W. H. HUGHES, - "ros see es BISHOP OF QUEBEC | AT ST. GEORGE'S [Kingston Cathedral Founded | | in 1471 and That at Que- | bec in 1793. A freshening of the bonds of | friendship between two of the old-| est parishes in Canada was an inter- esting part of the morning service in St. George's cathedral on Whitsun- day. The special speaker was the Right Rev. Lennox Williams, D.D., Bishop of Quebec, who stopped off in Kingston on the way to Toroato, where this week he is to be the preacher at the Synod of Toronto. In introducing the preacher, Dean Starr referred to the bond of union between St. George's and Quebéc in that at Kingston and Quebec were the two garrison churches appointed by the Crown. The original St. George's was founded in 1791, the original Quebec cathedral in 1793. Though restored somewhat, the ori- ginal building at Quebec was still in use. The dean called to mind how Dr. John Stuart and Rev. John Langmore, rector of the church at Bath which was recently destroyed by fire, had travelled all the way to the St. Lawrence gity, by canoe and on foot, to atterd the consecration service of Bishop Mountain, the first bishop to be so honored in Canada. Bishop Williams, then Dean of Que- bec, he further pointed out, had been elected Bishop of Ontario (before the tima of Bishop Mills) but had de- clined. In replying to Dean Starr's re- marks, Bishop Willjams brought greetings from his diocese and spoke of the peculiar pleasure given him in being able to attend St. George's. His sermon was an inspiring dis- course on the meaning of the Day of Pentecost. He showed how great- ly the apostles had been moved by the coming of the Holy Ghost, and how much this enthusiasm had meant to the world down to the pre- sent day, through the impetus given HAS READ THE WHIG SEVENTY-TWO YEARS Barnabus Wood of Odessa Aged 89--Edwin Redearn Also an Old Reader. Mr. Barnabus Wood, of Odessa, who on August 11th next, will be eighty-nine years of age, is perhaps the oldest readet of the Whig. Mr. Wood, who lives alone, informs the Whig that he has been reading the paper since he was seventeen years old. He well remembers sitting on horseback in the village of Syden- ham on the occasion of an Orange celebration when a Whig circulation representative asked him to sub- scribe for the paper. The paper still continues to come to the home, and Mr. Wood reads it all. Mr. Wood is one of the oldest Orangemen in the Dominion, hav- ing been a member of the Order since he was eighteen years of age. Up until two years ago he had the record of not missing one Orange parade during those seventy years of membership. He would still like to take .patt in the parade but his health prevents him from doing so. The Whig joins in hoping that Mr. Wood will be spared a number more of years. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG y en JUNE 1, 1088 $7.95 complete SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY 2 TIRES AND TUBES TO ONE CUSTOMER MOORE'S Edwin Redfearn, aged eighty-four years, and who resides a short dis-/ tance from Mr. Wood, is another life- long reader of the paper. "Recently when speaking to a Whig represen- tative, he stated that he could re- member when the late Dr. Barker published the Whig. He was also a personal friend of the late E. J. B. Pense, having attended school at Barriefleld with him. Mr. Redfearn has been engaged in different kinds of work, including being engaged as a watchman on some of the steamers sailing out of Kingston harbor. : LITTLE PIG ESCAPED; POLICE WERE NOTIFIED Pleasing Draperies for the New Home \ Lpamman Linen for the Bride) > Beautiful Linens for The June Bride Table Cloths and Napkins Gold Medal, Silver Bleach and Ri. chardsoun's Model Village Pure Irish Linen Table Cloths with Napkins to match; beautiful designs, including Rose, Tulip, Carnation, Lilac, Rose. Festoon, Sheraton, Anemone and + others, in all sizes, and quality come sidered you will find the prices sure prisingly low. Pure Linen Cloths-- $3.95 each and up Pure Linen Napkins-- $3.95 dozen and up .=--1000- 30 x 3% --1000-- CORD TIRES and TUBES PURE LINEN TOWELS A splendid range of pure Linen Huckaback Towels the Christian faith. The Holy Spirit was still working in men's hearts, PURE LINEN CASES Pure Irish Linen Pillow Cases, good And Had Missing "Porker" and the Owner. in Very ® MILLERS ¢o I Bt ARCO -- PLEASANT AS SUGAR FOR SALE 'BRICK HOUSE-- on stone foundation, six rooms, 3 bedrooms, bath, gas, lights, furnace, . good cellar with cement floor. Garage for 3 . cars, 66 ft. lot; on good, paved street. Sacrifice price .. $3,800.00 M. B. TRUMPOUR 270 PRINCESS ST. | Black Tea, Ih62¢ Fresh Broken Walnuts, 1b. 48c. Tigar Catsup (large) Pure Cream Tartar, 1b. ...80c. Shredded Wheat . .2 pkgs. 25c. | P. & G. Soap_Chips 2 Ibs. 28¢. Kippered Snacks ...4 for 28c. Baking Powder (large) tin 28c. te a Kodak With You| take an extra roll of "the de. || Film that cofiies in the box"~Kodak Film. We have | [I size. ahood Drug Co, Ltd. o Infants' Delight Soap 4 for 25¢. Palmolive Soap .... 8 for 24¢c. Save the Difference Cullen's Excellent ll] the Whitsunday and the world needed nothing more than men and women who would let the Spirit direct their thoughts and lives. The Dean of Ontario, the speaker in the evening, read the article pub- lished in the Whig on Saturday re- garding the Anglican controversy in England. He spoke with confidence and assurance that because of the sure foundation on which the Chrls- tian church was built there was lit- tle cause for fear regarding the out- come. History had proven that the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against it. Bishop Williams expressed delight at the music given at the morning service under Mr. R. R. F. Harvey's direction. The choral communion i| service included an anthem by Gou- nod, "Unfold Ye Portals Everlast- ing." - The solo in the evening an- them was taken by Master Robért Newell. It was his first effort and he did very well. St. Mark's, Barriefield. Rév. J. C. Dixon was the special preacher at both services, on Whit. sunday at St. Mark's church, Barrie- fleld, his subject being '"The Spiri- tual Life," basing his addresses on ~ | the gospel fof the day, St. John XIV, 15-31, and Acts I-4. The church was beautifully deco- rated with spring flowers, and the special music, given by the choir, was well rendered, particularly the |! anthem which was sulif with great expression. St. James, Pittsburg. Rev. J. O. Crisp, rural dean, took services in St. James church, Pittsburg and St. ll} John's church, Storrington, on Sun- day. Large congregations were present at both services, the music was bright and the congregational singing hearty. IN MARINE CIRCLES . The carferry No. 2 arrived from Cobourg Sunday and entered the Collingwood dry dock to undergo some repairs. The sjeamer Pat Doris arrived from Oswego with coal Sunday. The steamer McKinstry cleared east Saturday. The steamer Maplehill arrived from Montreal Saturday and cleared for Toronto. The steamer Mapleboro arrived from Toronto Supday and cleared Short Time. The police receive all kinds of complaints. Saturday forenoon the authorities at the Hotel Dieu stated that a little pig had found its way into the garden at the hospital. "What will we do with the pig?" was the question put to the police. "Just hold him there for a little while," replied the sergeant who an- swered the called. Just as the sergeant put up the receiver an excited man ran into the police station and stated that he had bought a pig on the market and that it had made its escape. "Go to the Hotel Dieu and get your pig," said the sergeant to the mah and awhy, he went after his "porker." wi SUCCESSFUL AGAIN. Limestone Lily Carried Off Prizes at Montreal Dog Show. Mr. J. E. Brunett, well-known dog fancier of this city, who is proprie- tor of the famous Limestone Ken- nels, has returned from Montreal, where his dog, Limestone Lily, was the winner of three firsts, winner of the prize for the best bitch and win- ner of four special prizes. Lime- stone Lily is a bull terrier and was bréd here by Mr. Brunett. She has won three times in Montreal and twice in Toronto. In the last show at Montreal, Limestone Lily won over an entry of eighteen bull ter- riers. . Moonlight Excursion. Take the 88. Waubi¢ Wednesday, June 3rd, moonlight excursion to Clayton, N.Y. One hours at Clayten. Orchestra on board for dancing. Leave Kingston 7.30 p.m. éity time. Tickets 50¢. for sale at office, foot of all sizes. with plain hems--hemstitched and damask borders, | Priced 35c. each up quality and full sise. Hemstitched, $1.50 Each FANCY LINENS A very attractive showing of fancy Linens, including Doylies, Trays, Luncheon Cloths and Sets, Scarfs, Runners, etc. cially marked for the June Bride. All spe- SUMMERTIME HATS At Moderate Prices Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET Brock street. Phone 2195. "THE HAT on To Give a Farewell. A congregational tea and fare- well to Rev. Dr. R. H. Bell and fam- ily has been fixed for June 8th by the Sydenham street Methodist church, and every one attending the church is expected to be present. The Women's Association will have charge of the refreshments. e---------- Excursion to Clayton. Although it was somewhat cool, a large crowd took the steamer Waubic Saturday night to Clayton for the first moonlight excursion of the season. The boat remained one hour in Clayton. STORE" . Two Important Items for This Week New Straw and Hats The Kiwanis Karnival Good Crowds Are Needed For Both MADE QUICK TURN 10 AVOID COLLISION Thought That Oars Did Not Collide at Cataraqul Hill --Iinjured Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brant, De- seronto, who were injured at Cata- raqui on Saturday when their car turned turtle, were reported by Dr. Austin on Monday as making a satis- factory recovery. Miss Powys, who was also in the car, but was not in- jured much, has returned home. A Cataraqui resident, who was speaking to the Whig on Saturday, did not think there was a collision. The two cars were approaching the city, the Deseronto car on the York road, the other car gn the Sydenham road. He thinks that they came very near colliding and that the Deser- onto car, a Ford touring, turned quickly to avoid contact and over- turned. It was badly damaged. The other car kept on going, but it is sald that its number wis taken. It carried an American license and was a two-seated runabout. Walter Axford, a Cataraqui gar- ageman, brought the injured people to the General Hospital. A Quick Work Done. On Saturday last, Lilburn Cow- ling's bicycle was stolen from in front of his father's store in Napa- nee. Chief Barrett was notified ané by some shrewd work recovered the Oilcloths, Linoleums, Rugs, Window Blinds. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Real Estate TWO GOOD BUYS New Solid Brick Bungalow «7 ~ rooms, hot water furnace, E. light, 8 piece bath, fireplace, oak floors, garage and deep lot, with separate driveway. Price $4,800. E. light; 8 piece bath; fire- place; h.w. floors, garage, deep lot--§5,500, See me for bargains, Houses for Rent. Principal Sliter Commends Miss Irené F. Gordon. Principal Sliter, Kingston Colle- wheel on Monday. The thief had | giate Inktitute, in sponsoring the en- already taken the wheel to pleces|try of I Frances Gordon, 104. and repainted the frame. At the| Frontenac street, for the Toromto same time the police found a quan-| Star's "attainment" contest. to tity of other stolen goods. the boy and the girl best i for Toronto. The steamer Kingston arrived from Toronto Sunday morning and cleared fOr Prescott. The steamer City of Ottawa ar- rived from Toronto Sunday and cleared for Montréa.. The steamer Kamloops arrived from Montreal Sunddy and cléared % Buy Your New Straw Hat Here -- HOLIDAY HATS You'll be needing a sew Hat to celebrate the King's Birthday, a holiday in King. ston, We are by far Kingston's largest Hat dealers and sell Hats for Men, Lads jes and Children, Suffered a Stroke. 'Word has béen received in King- ston of the serious illness of Mrs. Joseph Franklin at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter McCallum, Los Angeles. She suffered a stroke while preparing to leave for Mont- real to visit her son and daughter. Mrs. Franklin lived for many years in this city on Sydenham street. Cheese Board Sales. Perth, 841 at 17%e. Belleville, 1,382 at 17 15-6e¢. Vankleek Hill, 818 at 17 11-16¢. Cornwall 1,041 at 17 13-16c. Napanee, 1,374 at 18e. London, 772 at 17%ec: St. Hyscinthe, Que., 265 at 17%ec. AHERN A TIS Fighting In Morocco continues without cessation. Abd-el-Krim fill- ing up his broken ranks with tribes- men. Southern Albania is once more in Dalll inst the Gove: WE'RE READY WITH THE NEW You are sure of a fit here. Hundreds to choose from and values that are not ed in Canada. See our wonderful showing at $1.40, $1.75, $1.98 and extra fine ones up to $3.50. Select now! | CAMPBELL BROS. ||

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