Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1925, p. 16

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FATHER SWEARS IN |THE KIRK IN CONCLAVE i Founded 1847. HIS SON AS JUDGE (Continued from Page 1.) Multiply these cases by hundreds and you have some trace of the fuel { | : . lf ip Ary Mog ET Dainty Undies For L tor. sand faces. x and Adding One could not but wish that all A unique event took place in Na-| WhO contend that the Presbyterian : panee on Tuesday afternoon, when Church in Canada goes out of being f{ e ol Mr. J. Ernest Madden, who was re-| 07 3s Lienaing with another soul) | § Y cently appointed a judge of the coun- eS po by fits alleged . : ty court, and local judge of the su- A ast night. . preme court of Lennox and Adding- this 1s death, it is beautiful--| Therg is no valley here," murmured ton, was sworn in by his father, D. L. Moody with his latest breath. Judge J. H. Madden, who is retiring So was it in College 5 eo, 1 mermce 5 Dorsche cio SID. Tho obsuies will be pai " of the court, read the commission of fully leferred. And, again, if this nitte oomnmers fice, while Mr. U. M. Wilson, coun- is a "merger," then merging must office, 8 Aly, Me HM. son, be a triumphant business and mer- ty crown attorney, read the oaths ; . . . aR which are taken by a member of the gerists' must have a lot of fun. In fine quality Mercerized Cotton with fancy Silk bar when being elevated to the Fetiring MoBerstor. Stripes; in shades of White, Pink and Peach, with elastic On W ith the New-- bench. : It seems like a gracious provision Mr. U. M. Wilson, on behalf of the| "= Great Shepherd of the. sheep waist and knee. Off With the Old-- gembery of the Do for He Satiod that the retiring moderator was Rev. Souny es, extended congratulations). = ciarence MacKinnon. (Surely . : to the new judge. there is a remote flavor of Scotch C an C palr J Judge Ernest Madden, who com-| ; ¢ (nat monumental name). . menced his new duties on Wednes-| oy a5 moderator, he was surely : day morning when he presided at the | .;...1or ag retirer what delicacy of : sitting of the. division court in Na- |}, on¢ 'ana grace of expression and panee, has been a practising lawyer| ,..m of manner, and purity of pur- The Hat you want--in the right Block [there {or Mieen years. Hie 3DOInL| pose, and felicity of allusion, and I qe » and Band--it's here--awaiting your selec~ called upon to fill a position to on elon. ha sraicpaten: adies Vests 35 # . which his father long did honor. i 9 tion All rices founder depth of Christianity lay in oy . p his words like water in a well. How i AN AUTO OVERTURNED splendidly he Interpreted what we In opera top style, in medium and O.S. sizes, of all felt, the pain of parting from the . . A Tal Tae Jala Dar rom Tua fine quality, White, softly woven Cotton. An ex- U N D ERW E A R THROUGH COLLISION $3 fhe sow, 153s 1 would uel do. cellent garment. Priced at only . ....35¢c. Each. S------------ demands sacrifice as the source of J. Marshall, Earl Street, and|!life and life more abundant, through = WHAT COMFORT Three Lady Oco pants whose }stern and gracious applica- y u tion the church will prove anew that ala Reeve nlurion. | eh i Ladies' Summer Vests in de. oy Dtkse For. A motor accident, that might have| The sermon was generally pro- a ue a oa resulted in 19 og some per-| nounced as the finest, in point of . Ww. h , , , - sons, occurred at the corner of|fittingness and sympathy and power, € ar i : La ies' gan. Brock and Albert streets about 12.15 | that has been heard at an opening S V. now s owing a complete range of dies RTCA BEEN Wednesday afternoon. A car. own- assembly for long years past. ummer Vests in sleeveless, short sleeves or opera top ed an riven by Mr. J. Marshall, It inning, wistful, 1 1 1 NCERWEAR rr by Mr homiall| It was a winning, wistful. won. styles, including the famous Harvey line, of extra fine : up Albert street, when another car|love and welcome for Dr. Pidgeon quality light weight Cotton, for Summer wear; in all sizes ; driven by Stanley Kerrison | such as, so the moderator told us, up to 44. Prices from ) : . . came around the corner and struck | the assembly scarcé ever saw before. ' . HATCHWAY becomes a life long habit ft, throwing It against the curb and | The artistic thing about the whole . a é overturning it twice. There were | great occasion was the tender back- i Slip into your first Suit of Hatchway and three ladies in Mr. Marshall's car, | ward glance that alternated with the 25¢ to l 00 each » . and they were badly shaken up and |stern and eager forward look. The . . you will understand the reason why. received minor injuries. Mr. Mar-| modernism and the fundamentalism shall was badly bruised and cut.|of the great convocation, and of the Mr. Kerrison was not injured. hearts and heads that formed it 9 Mr. Marshall's car 1s a total| were in lovely play and interplay, i peek, Mr. Cg ng Fo eo calling to each other as deep calleth S . . , versation w. ° € ursday | unto deep. Reverence for the old, : morning stated that he thought it| mingled with "the onward surge," uminm C b t 75-79 BROCK STREET was very lucky that none of the oc-| to quote one of the many fine phras-| | § €r om 1na 1011S cupants of his car were killed as they | ez of our mystic moderator. All " "5 . "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" were thrown out on the ground,| «In the Cross of Christ I Glory" sizes of Ladies fine, light weight Summer Combi- : : with very heavy force. All are re-| rolled out like the Confession of nations of nicely woven Cotton. i . » ported to be doing well. Faith set to music. And not a few opera t tyl y 1 i oy mn Jegulation strap and halted, eyes suddenly bedimmed, as op 8 €8, no sieeve, 11 tor 1 they essayed----was it not just a little ? i" 8 ace ee. Priced from | OBITUARY [| iit $1.00 to $1.50 each paraphrase so dear to the northern » Me a Pratiey Mare Ne ord heart and so warm from the lips of B d hole Martin, wile o arles | our noble fathers, "To Him that 3 \ Martin, died in Toronto on June 1st, | 1.oved the Souls of Men and Washed etter grades priced up to ..... sleieie le swe vieie n $1.75 each after a lengthy illness. The remains| yg In His Blood." arrived here on the fast train from I could not but turn and look into Toronto on Thursday at noon and| tne strong and earnest faces, Some were Svavores WB Cutaragu; sews were quivering. They were as pil- ° ° . tery for interment. Rev. G. A.|grims faring forth who cannot but Brown of Chalmers church conduct-| jook back and catch once more the ove y 1 1mgerie ed the funeral service. glory of the evening sun upon the \ Lats Homey Hudson lights of home. I : : The funeral of the late Henry Macdonald School Club. t 1s very elastic. It ab- Haden wi Wises hg x a4sea1y The monthly meeting of the Home sorbs and evaporates per- & oon from his late residence, 41anq School Club was held in the as- irati : Clergy street west to Bath cemetery |gombly hall on June 2nd. The elec- spiration, keeping the in charge of 8. 8. Corbett, under-|¢jon of officers resulted: Honorary skin cool, dry and com- taker. The pall-bearers were John |pregident, Mr. G. Scott; president, fortable. It1 d Aner. a Juan. BIeoks. Begkye Mrs. Florence Lowin; first vice- fect] . 1h aunc ic, per- en an chai aynter. ev. 3 president, Mrs. A. F. Laird; record- ectly, retain its sha Canon FitsGerald conducted the|ing gecretary, Mrs. Ethel Wood; cor- d Ys 1 ng iF funeral service... responding secretary, Mr. Osborn; = de or a Lr repeat treasurer, Mrs. Georgina Gibbs. Mrs. aun erings Late Josephine Abrams. Margaret Hepburn was chosen as . aure and gosyiine Sra Slot in he central committee representative. ask for it when buying ouss © ence on June 1st, inp Lawler was elected convenor : : aged sixty-five years. The remains|s,. gocial arrangements. Before the your summer lingerie at were sent to Belleville for inter-|gcnool closes, several ladies wers this store. Below are a os ment by the firm of James Reld. | hogen to make arrangements for a few s esti : A a field day. Reports of the year's ugg ons: Kippered Snacks 'Canned Salmon, Herrald brand, 1 1b, tin ...............10¢. = | work ; | PURE JAMS AND ORANGE MARMALADE The Ain John Lemmon, Lem: Hh a the ucosts was VESTS--In the famous Morcury and earvey makes; in Whi e, , Yellow, an A Sa Ta oF. Jar. mon took place on Tuesday after- Seation, rm Jaremts wets Orange - 6 OB JAF persian srasereees Be Boon Bom Wa late --lagnce, 2 proval of books and flowers and Peach. Opera top style. Priced from $1.00 Shelled Walnuts, Ib. ..... ........55¢. where {aterment was made. The fun-| Other remembratices seat during to $1.50. eral service was conducted by Rev. : STEP-INS--In shades of Orchid and Flesh. These J. dePencler Wright, of St. Luke's 'the Islands. te lath ib iain walk ania as ener e 3 for 280. ure, : Soames Dove ns wake are lovel i o y garments and are priced at $2.75 BLACK TEA--inbulk. A good tea-- Hudson, the "Human Fly," Did ers Saturday and Sunday Surin, the 7 pound. iii cular, Be ~ "Sumis" on Oity Bulldings 4% "Duva he Canadian hassel | BLOOMERS... What is Bicer than a paiv of these SED BISCUITS. ....... oo soo... gion doe WH Hodion, the "Humsn Fv." at- » Thaumnd 3 : ovely Silk Knit Bloomers ? In shades of epee poem usar Pirin si Svs iy JT aint ME rom, To 30 | cos: printf seg a "Flesh, Light Blue, Orchid, White, Grey, Sand, " PHCKISS--D0 088. BOE +» sce rarnr ones s pry and_stopping one hour Peach, with elastic waist and knee. Priced Srsennan . SCRUB BRUSHES NS totes ans : . ty : from $2.25 to $3.25 pair. Hornes Rapid Puddings . .3 for 25c¢. COFFEE--American style--rich, 3 amber brew, pound a lainiec wn'sies » G00 Once Tried _ ary dl ER -------- WORKS «+2 wrens awe BBC, Steaks sesene ssrmerns «DC srsvesc. S80! Bofling cuts .......... $e innan Haddie, Ib. . .. 18c. finns. Descing was noia"on Sousa. (| To ZT ow ota, lb. uo. one... 200, JHE Be glint 170 Price Sy i a ---- ------------

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