boul pB Beit THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG GAN SI; 1847 Dress Welland Succeed 1925 Ci A) | OBITUARY ||[® Shabby Appearance Has Held Many a Norine Buell Foll Off Verandah a sy Yaruhy Young Fellow Bask --Brought to the Hotel ("S00 "our aden of Sed Ahhh Dieu. drew McMahon, 35 Aberdeen street. --- Deceased had mot been in good ---- Norine Buell, a young girl whose | health for some time past but yes- home is in Gananoque, is in the Ho- | terday took suddenly ill and passed tel Dieu hospital suffering from a|away. The late Mrs. McMahon was severe fracture of the skull as a re-|a Presbyterian in religion and a ' ' sult of an accident which she suffer- | member of St. Andrew's Presbyter- ed on Thursday. The little girl was | ian church. playing on the verandah and fell a ---- distance of eighteen feet, landing on Late Joseph Cassibo. her head. She was picked up and| Joseph Cassibo, aged 53 years, a rushed to the Hotel Dieu by Dr. Bird | farmer of Sulphide, Ont., died, at of Gananoque, and her case was ta-| the Hotel Dieu on Thursday night. ken over by Dr. J. F. Sparks of | The remains were sent to Sulphide Kingston. The little girl was still | to-day for interment by M. P. Keyes, . unconscious Friday afternoon, and | undertaker. was in a still serious condition, but -- it was stated that hopes were enter- Late Mrs. John Bearance. tained for her recovery. The funeral of t'ie late Mrs. John : OINes Uns . ---------------- Bearance, of Blginburg, which was SENTENCED TO JAIL. held on Monday morning at tem o'- Z : clock from the residence of her son- The man of fashion discernment and value For Stealing Iron Off The C. 8. L.| in-law, Mr. Bd. Jenkins. 62 York - judgment, finds his choosing of apparel Vessels. street, to Cataraqul cemetery, was ON SALE 9.30 . . In police court Friday morning. | attended by many relatives and ere greatly simplified by the fact that only Magistrate Farrell sentenced Wiltrid | friends from the city and district. 1 : Phillips, who pleaded guilty to steal-| The service was conducted by Rev. goods acceptable to his standard are dis- ing iron off vessels owned by the |Mr. Puttenham, of Elginburg, and played--in eve detail mn this store this 18 Canada Steamships Lines, to not less | the funeral was in charge of the than one month, and not more than | James Reid firm. » true--it will strike you most forcibly in our a i a Th: Ian J Bearauts was born two feature value groups of Suits at Albert Newell was found '"not|in Sunbury and spent all her life in 2 guflty" of the theft of iron off the | this vicinity, for the last thirty-five $25 and $30 en op Regular Priced $1.25 and $1.35 yard Considerable evidence was taken |is survived by her husband and a : . in the case of an autoist who was | large family of eleven children, Wil- 36 inch F. ancy French Homespuns in a maze of charged with reckless driving, as the | son, of Saskatchewan; Alex and Rus- patterns of Stripes, Checks, Overchecks and Plaids result of an accident at the corner of { sell, of Cleveland; Stanley, of De- . . Brock and Albert streets, on the | troit; Henry, Calvin and Elwood, of of all colors and combination shades that make koliday, but after all the evidence | Kingston; Mrs. W. Henderson, of 3 had been taken the case was dismiss- | Rochester; Mrs, Wm. Moore, Mrs. stunning Summer Dresses. ' Si, 23 Jenim sad im Skis, 8 is SATURDAY MORNING, 9.30 city. Her six sons acted as pall- : nual proceedings of the Queen's En-| Henry, of Watertown, are the threes ~--New in shapes. gineering Society, published for the | surviving brothers. N : : nineteenth time by the society, and The many~ beautiful floral offer- =--INEW In prices, again edited by J. 8. McDonell, B.A, | ings bespoke the esteem in which i . are now being distributed from the |the late Mrs. Besrance was held. . _ --Areready for you. college. The book contains many|They included: Wreaths, W. G. i ® 9 . Flannel Outing Trousers, Grey, White and ftems of interest to alumn! and|Cralg and Co. employees, Minden £5 : Queen's Engineering Society. bearers. Mr, T. K. Nicholson, of ~--New in weaves. , Eleven hundred copies of the an-| Kingston; Charles, of Sunbury; and : 63 Cc yard friends of the university. Opening | Lodge, A.F. & A.M., Ancient Fronte- Biscuit. with an In Memoriam to Prof. W.|nac and Cataraqui Chapter; anchor, G. Miller, written by Prof. M. B.|Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Nicholson; horse- H A T C H Ww A Y Baker, there are illustrated accounts | shoe, Kingston Gentlemen's Driving of the new arena qand a technical | Club; pillow, family; sprays, Mr. and A NO BUTTON UNDERWEAR article on its refrigerating plant, | Mrs. Danby, Ottawa; Dr. and Mrs. y : : an article on_ athletics by Mr. |Smith, Utica, Mr. Jarrett, Mr. and way with button warnes. All weights. Hughes, picturés of the athletic| Mrs. H. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. S. All sizes. teams, including girls' hockey and |Bearance, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jenkins, basketball, financial statements, etc., | Mr. and Mrs. T. Sackell, J. McWa- : W with a revised list of all the Science | ters, Mr. and Mrs. Twiss, Mr. and 5 graduates of Queen's with their ad-| Mrs. R. Davy, the Misses Moore : \dresses aud occupations., , _, (Rochester), the Misses Henderson i 75 79 BR K S T ------ {ROHN Edith Aad Wm. Bear- $ - - OC TREE : See Tweddell's $15.50 suits. Sm Eh Temp, { ; "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" July wheat jumped five cents to| 40g Mrs, F. Aylesworth, Cataraqui a 5 $1.78 on Thursday on the Winnipeg | 1 oqge, AF. & A.M. Mr. and Mrs. market. . i... P| "Don't forget 5.4. Tag Day. es and Mon Be Parhep Fear: Formerly priced up to $18.00 RIE » : To | Mildred Howes, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wil- . sa . -------------------- son (Toronto). An exceptional offering of one ANDER O 9 Enjoy A Trip On the Water. group of Ladies' Scotch Donegal S N on, Vincent, N.Y., on Saterday sad Sun: Tweed Coats in the smartest of : ; day on steamer Waubic leaving tailored models, with half belt MARKETS : Kingston 7 su. and 1.15 pm, an) cy ets: some with FRESH CREAMERY standard time. Passengers taking fan pock 3 m MAIN STORE-~Cor. Princess and .m. d ret - . Division Sts. Bu 7 a.m. boat and returning on: even new Velv et Collar in bla ck. DAIRY . PHONES: Retail Order Dept. aes amess. D000 tt ing boat will hgve an opportunity it Tr General Office ......cco00eeenen.. er to spend three hours in Watertown. : 3 e 's Office The Sunday 1.15 p.m. boat makes Choice of single or double breast- PRINTS and ROLLS 7c a trip through the Islands and to ed models, in the Prince of Wales x Cape Vincent. Fare round trip to 1 R al Cape Vincent returning same day, |- sty. e. egular value up to $18. And ' ity STEER TE ON SALE SATURDAY, I erson's Quali BEEF Po a Rs AT ROASTS, S SS AND ILING CUTS Foy members o the county nigh- . : PORTERHO ways committee for Frontenac gath- y g uss PRIME RIB SHOULDER OVEN ered at the court house on Thursday Roast Beef to proceed to Ottawa where on Fri- day they were to confer with repre- sentatives of the Ontario Govern- ment regarding the revision and sug- gested cutting down of the road mileage in Frontenac county. The invitation came from the minister of highways, the Hon. G. 8. Henry, and the members of the highways advisory committee appointed by the legislature. 200 The Seration Army will lomarrow ' Oh } Y hold its tag day which postpon- £0 SMOKED ed owing to the very stormy weather | COTTAGE sgl Freshness and originality HAMS To. ! i 3 the keynote of all the 'Weights 4 to 6 Ibs. ewe] Weichas 34 to. oa Tub Frocks now on dis- ana Rib Sor. 00 28... ease. In Io. ¥ fr¥ 1] sees ann nnn Pickled tia atte en DO ¥ ibs. 4 ¥ 5 ~ a - i ic us. Smar t frocks Shouide Pork, Ib. ....... 200, Cabbage, with orders, Ib. .......... 3 i in soft Fuji Silk or the ATERMELONS, whole or Balt ih. ...........r... 13%pe to i State Layee l ton 1, and the SES, pat Tov 8 fur 2s, Special . | : y Il > : $ : els are so easily laun- i Messrs svrnn a ES TE x ir dered. Moderately pric- a TH id ey S---- Ee ------ AF