Fur Storage Abseste dority . Tel 603. Our Fur Van Will Call. Save worry. Do it to-day! JOHN McKAY LIMITED The Fur Store, 149-157 Brock ' FULL COURSE DINNER Pius copnen pean," "== for 65c. COURSE DINNER 11.80 AM. TO 2 PM.--<5.80 TO 8.00 P.M. Come and enjoy an excellent Dinner in an_up-to<iate Ne t. THE GRAND CAFE _ Opposite Capitol Theatre - - PETER LEE, Prop, SALE NOW ON . FREE PANTS with every Suit Made-to- Measure at $28.50. The CLUB 3 Doors Below Opera House MATTRESSES When housecleaning have your Mattresses cleaned and re- modelled. Go to Hughes' when you want a new one at low price. 3 Ww. H. HUGHES, - 40% PRINCESS eTRERT "Phone 2180.7, SUMMER MUSIC CLASSES H. 8, Packer, A.T.O.M. VIOLIN AND MANDOLIN ............ 0... Mignon Télgmann VOICE SIGHT SINGING ! 258 KING STREET ISPECIAL! mr Soar 3 Big Cakes for 25¢. F Simplified | CAMERA 'we're proud to feature you'll be proud to own, L & simple lever mechanism, the f i WAS GIVEN DAMAGES FOR FALSE ARREST [Joseph Bolio ns Awarded $350 I In'Action Against R. W. Mungul In County Court. { At the sitting of the county court, | which opened before Judge H. A. | Lavell, at the court house, on Tues- day afternoon, a jury awarded dam- ages amounting to $350, to Joseph Bollons, in his action against R. W. Mungul, contractor, in his claim for $500 damages for false afrest and imprisonment. The jury, ,which consisted of the following, were only out about half an hour, when they came in with their verdict in favor of the plain- tiff: Frank Salsbury, Charles Can- ning, W. H. Connell, Arthur Cowdy, George Fraser, Samuel Ferguson, G. O. Cranston, James Henderson, ¥. K. Morton, David Mahoney, Frank McDonald and R. J. Watkins. Jo- seph Bollons, who is a carpenter and bufider, stated that he was brought here from Toronto by the defendant, for the purpose of build- ing some houses on Stuart street, which were finished last September. Bollons was to receive pay at the rate of §1.10 per hour, The plaintiff stated that one day during the month: of October, the defendant called him on the tele- phone and accused 'him of stealing a board, valued at about 75 cents. Wit: sald that he told the de- fondant that he had asked him for the use of the board, and he had used it for the purpose of making a table. Witness said that Mungul had given him fifteen minutes to return the board, so he went to Al- len's lumber yard, purchaded a board and gave it to the defendant. Mr. Bollons said that the defendant went down street and had a war rant sworn out for his arrest, and he was placed In the cells at the police station, where he remained for about five or sfx hours. A few days later, he appeared before Io- lice Magistrate Farrell, when the case was dismissed, and he was al- lowed his freedom. Witness said that the defendant still owed | him money for work which he had done. He stated that he had only been paid $1 per hour instead of $1.10, according to his agreement which also called for a bonus. Detective Thomas Mullinges told of the defendant calling at the po- lice station and reporting the theft of the board, and asking that an in- formation be laid against Bollons. The request of the plainti? was complied with, and the accused was locked up. W. 8. Herrington, X.C., who act- ed 'for the defendant, contended that no case had been made, ps there was no evidence to ehow that Mr. Mungul had asked that Bellons be arrested and lodked up. 'Mr. Her- rington contended that Mungul had told his casé to the police and that if] they caused the search warrant to fi be issued. Mr. Mungul claimed that he had ll placed a pile of lumber at the rear li] of one of his houses and that boards || were disappearing from the pile, so il} he decided that he would try and ii| find whete they were going. He satdl |] that he left a fourteen-foot boar: on the veranda of one of the hou and it had disappesred. When he noticed that it was gone, he spoke lil to the carpenter who was on the '1 Cake Free ee Somes job, and found that Bollons had ta- ken it to his home. He claimed that Bolions had never asked for the board; and that he had never given to thke it. Wit. Bollons had dented t snaps into picture position --- ll ¥ for business when the camera Ili ned. A turn of the léns mount the focus. Equipped with Kodak 2 mat Lens and the new Dioma- Shutter. Price $36.90. * Come in and see it. vod Drug Co, Lid | [2% a . *The Hats With Style Are the Hats Woeth While" that he had taken .the board, al- ii though he had bought ome at the lusiber mill and given it to him. Mungul sald that he had gone to the polite station and complained, but he had given no! instructions as to how the papers should be drawn up. He sald that hes thought that only one paper was drawn up. Wit- {| nesses stated that he did not ask for his arrest. The defendant, In answer to Mr. Day, stated that he had 'signed his fame to the search warrant, which $ave Detective Mullifiger permission to search the premises of Bollons without réading whit De was sign- Ing. Witness sald that he did not \ | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ~ owe meee PUPIL EXAMINATION INTERESTS KINGSTON |The Local Board of Education "@eoures Information From London. -- The London Free Press has the following: "The Board of Bducation received {a letter om' Saturday containing a | clipping from The Free Press of re- | cent date in which the new plan of warring on tuberculosis and goitre | by having every new child entering | se¢hool undergo a medical exami- | nation, was outlined. The letter was | trom W. J. C. Allen. secretary of the Kingston Board of Education, and he asked on behalf of his board, for further detalls of the local plan, "Sécretary Tanner forwarded full details and énclosed a medical record card such as it is 'proposed to use locally and also explained that the various doctors of the city have con- seated to do the examining at a cost of $1 per child. The board under- takes to pay for the examination, al- though it is done by the family phy- siclan in every case. \ "Mr. Tanner further explained that London had five dentists on its regular stall and he enclosed a den- tal examination record card and also outlined the plan by which the tive # Ee -------------- N------ ~ --1000- 30 x 3% ~1000~ CORD TIRES and TUBES $7.95 mnie. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY ; 2 TIRES AND TUBES TO ONE CUSTOMER MOORE'S Se The Home. of Beautiful Summer Wash Fabrics Dip In The Deep nurses examine children periodically tor throat or mouth trouble." PASSED AWAY AT OGDENSBURG. Mrs. Peter Farmer Was Formerly of Kingston, » Mrs. Farmer, aged seventy. four, a well known resident of Clay- ton, N.Y., for the past sévefal years, died Friday at thé Sisters' Home in Ogdensburg, N.Y., where she had made her home for the past few weeks. Her death followed a stroke of paralysis which she suffered re- cently, ° Mrs. Farmer was born in Canada in 1851. She was married early in life to Peter Farmer, being his sec; ond wife. They operated the Ameri- can Hotel, on Brock street, Kingston, for a brief period, after which, in 1883, they went to the United States. They resided in Watertown for some time and operated the old City Hotel. They also owned and operated the Brick Hotel in Evans Mills. Her hus- hand died in 1009. Since his death she made her home with relatives, spending her summers with her son, Joseph, at Clayton, and her winters in Rochester, For the past two years she had been in {ll health and five weeks ago was taken to theySis- ters' Home in Ogdensburg. Nothing is more refreshing than a dip in the lake. With one of our nice, All-wool Bathing Suits this will be a real pleasure. They come in a wide variety of colors in the one piece style, and some have' belts or belt effects. Sizes 36to44. Priced ......$3.95 to $6.50 Suit Sl-- BOYS' JERSEYS Boys' fine Cotton Mercerized Jerseys in Navy, Navy with 'Red, Browh with Orange and "White, . Sizes 22 to 32. Fahy erin i i BOR. SHORT SOX FOR THE | KIDDIES sy: off | All the wanted colors, in plairt and with fancy tops, All sizes from 4 to 94." ¢ Priced vieiwiaieietieie SOC lrg LU ACHE SUMMER UNDERWEAR - A big range in all the best makes for all the family at special low prices. A nice, new Linoleum Covering on the kitchen floor will save hours of hard work. ' See our newdesigns and get our prices! Mrs. Farmer was a woman of rei markable personality and made many friends. She is survived by one som, Joseph Farmer, Clayton: two stép-soms, John Farmer, Mill Street, Watertown, and James, Brownville. One son, Thomas, died about a year ago. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. M Smith, Dan- burg, Ia., and By stapdatgbon:. Mrs. Michael Doran, Brownville. ARRIVE AT PENITENTIARY. Four Simcoe Islanders Now Incar-/ cerated in Portsmouth. The four Simcoe Island residents, who were sentenced at Picton to a term of three years in the Ports- mouth peniténtiary on the charge of theft, arrived at the prison on Tues- day aftesnobn. su The police magistrate at Picton when senteneing the men informed them that he had received a num- ber of complaints from résidents of Prince Bdward county about nets be- ing stolen and he was about to issue 8 search warrant to have certain Places on Simcoe Island searched. The magistrate also complimented Provincial Police Officer Maclach- lan, Kingston, for his prompt action in locating the stolen netg and also on the arrest of the four men who later pleaded guilty to the charge of theft. ---------------- Mayor Thomas Angrove went to Ottawa on Wednesday morning, on the fair excursion to the Experimen- Jévening. His message was not so Linoleums--Ojilcloths--Rugs--Window Blinds, | Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE aic the Bible, when in tad tn the light of the various dispensations to ' which its messages apply, proves it- self a supérnatural revelation, Dr, Morgan showed the confusion ec- casioned through applying to the church messages from God intend- ed for Israel or for a future age when His kingdom shall come and His will done on earth as in heaven. Preliminary to the study of Paul's Epistle to the Romans Dr. Morgan furnished interesting {internal - evi- dence of the claims of Paul's epistles to be from God and not the outflow of a cultured mind. He also pointed out the, nature and mission of the Church which is not merely an organization but a living organism of twice born men without reference to sect, class, or nationality. Its nifs- sion isnot to millennialise this age by means of social reform but to eal} out of it through evangelization a holy people separated to God, not to conform the world to the church but that the church should mot be SUMMERTIME HATS At Moderate Prices Parisian Shop DR. MORGAN'S MISSION. An Analysis of. the Redemptive Theme of the Bible. Dr.; Patrick Morgan of Providence, R.L, again spoke in Gospel hall last much microscopic as telescopic in its nature, sweeping the whole course tf dispensational truth. It was a syfi- thetic analysis from Genesis to Re- velation of the redemptive theme of the Book which is steadily verifying the prediction of three millenniums ago---""The word of the Lord shall stand for ever." Unlike the literary productions of mén which are in a few short months Bor tal Farm. Sn "THE RAT Your New Straw! Authentic Styles, Bi Hundreds of Spick and Are Here iy 0, consigned to the scrap head as arch- conformed to the world. x va AUNT HET r, Better Values -- n New Straw Hats " . ah $1 3D y = At a meeting of the Y.M.C.A. camp i