Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jun 1925, p. 5

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HF In WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1925, "LA bs y ¥ TISH WHIG . ---- Mclintosh| Bros. Basement - Sale Saturday Here is an opportun- ity of securing CHINAWARE, GLASSWARE, ALUMINUM- WARE, SOAPS, : 'TOILET PREPARATIONS, Ete., Etc., At SENSATIONAL REDUCTIONS Mclntosh Bros. 101 Princess Street Dr. Waugh va Phone 256. / a GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liabil- ec. ||DR.W. A. JONES ity, Auto, Burglary Baggag UARANTEE BONDS Agent Great West Life Assurance Compauy. ' R. H. Waddell nm PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Dental Surgeon Evenings by appointment. PIANO TUNING Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butchér, 27 Pine Street. Emm SSS " . , | NewsF rom District Places Is The Cause of CONSTIPATION When your liver gets sluggish and Inactive your whole health suffers. Your bowels become constipated; you have sick and bilious headaches; your tongue coated and furry; your breath bad: specks float before your eyes, and often you feel as if you were going to faint, especially if in a crowded place where there is little or no ventilation. When in this condition there is only one thing to do, and that is to take . MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS They will stimulate the sluggish liver so that it will regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels, and thus clear away all the poisonous matter that is responsible for all your liver troubles. For sale at all druggists and deal- ers; put only by The T, Milburn Co., \imited, Toronto, Ont. Announces that he has moved his office to 159 WELLINGTON STREET and will limit his practice to X-Ray. and Physio-Therapy (use of elpctric and physical appliances in treatment) TELEPHONE 2714. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST Le "Phone 1850 traction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Geo. MACHINE WORKS Phone 1284. 234-236 Ontario St. Gas Engines repaired. Prompt and Efficient Service, Princess Street. Gas for Painless Kx t A. Wright & Son All kinds of Stationary and Marine Oxy-Acetylene Welding. ---------- wt ee ------ COAL Reduce your coal bill by using Genuine Welsh Anthracite Big vein The best quality of Domestic Fuel on the market. Place your order now, Telephone 67. * 15 Ontario St. 182 Wellington Street When you want the best in Cut Plants or design work call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1137 residence. Sole member of Florist Tele- Delivery for Kingston ¢ Your out-of-town orders soe licited. THE DAILY BRI ADDISON MINISTER FOR OXFORD MILLS Rev. D. D. Elliott To Be Trans~ ferred--W.M.8. To Hold An Open Meeting. ~ Addison, June 9.--Rev. D. D. Elliott, Mrs. Elliott and Evelyn Bowes returned home from Montreal last Wednesday after attending the Methodist Conference. Mr. Elliott having completed his four year term here has been transferred to Oxford Mills. : Mrs. Millar, Donald and Doris Mil lar, Homer Scoble and sister, Mrs. Nixon, Kars, were recent visitors of friends here. Mrs. Williams, who spent the past five years with Mrs. Almeron Blanch- ard has gone to reside with her niece, Miss Stephens in Ottawa. Miss Clara Hall spent a pleasant visit in Brockville. : Dr. Romsome, Cobden, is a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W| H. Romsome. Rev. H. B. Warren and Mrs. War- ren, Athens, were guests at the .par- sonage on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. King and family and Miss Evelyn Bowes spent Sun- day with friedds near Bishop's Mills. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Lovern and cent visitors with friends at Mayn- ard. Miss G. Kineh is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Verner Moulton. Mrs. E. O. Howe was a recent visi- tor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howe, Athens. Mr. Thompson, Perth, made a business trip through Addison and vicinity. Miss Edna Guthridge, Forfar, is a guest at the home of Miss Opal Mec- Veigh. Mrs. Clough was a guest at the home of Mrs. J. Best on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Verner Moulton have moved into the double house occu- pled by Joseph "Moulton. Congratulations are due to Miss Jessie Hutchins, who has completed her four months probation in a hos- pital in Buffalo, N.Y., and has been accepted and will continue her train- ing for a nurse. The W.M.S. will hold an open meeting in the Methodist church, Greenbush, on Sunday evening. A good programme is being prepared and the report from the recent branch meeting which was held in Kingston will be given. The Mission Circle will meet in the church hall on 'Saturday afternoon. The Women's Institute will hold a meeting in the church hall Thurs- day ev 8. 3 CHURCH CO-OPERATION Stella Presbyterians and Methodists Comes To End. Stella, June 9.--The co-operation In Public Service Since 1784 M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR arral t existing between St. Paul's Presbyterian church and the Methodist church members came to an end Sunday, June 7th, when the present: minister, Rev. R. G. Fry, preached Ris final sermon. in St. 'Paul's chprch. The speaker made a few remarks appreciating the faet that the congregation had kept to- gether, and satisfactorily discharged their duties to the church and to each other up to the date of the con- summation of Union. Also he re- of Methodists and Presbyterians which had been co-operating for up- wards of six years were not going wholly into the United Church. The services at St. Paul's church next Sunday will be conducted by Mr. Spence, a "student at Queen's Un under the auspices of the Pres an Association. Rev. R. G. Fry will continue his work with the United Church, using the Methodist church building in Stella. In fairness, to the Methodist mem- bers of this co-operating congrega- tion, it should be stated that only the question of Church Union; therefore, the Methodist members have had no part or Influence on the ---- EERE division caused by the vote. 8 'McDermott. Mrs. (Rev.) D. D. Elliott were re-|" gretted the fact that a congregation | the Presbyterian members voted on |' stg "The reason I am setting on one side is because I had a fish hook in ~{&-pocket on the other side and set on it.' . ---- --iea Charles V. McDermott died in Watertown, N.Y,, on Friday. De- ceased was born in Odessa, Can., in May, 1899, a son of the late John His mother, now Mrs. Helen Roberts, resides in Water- town, N.Y. ST Duofold Jr. Duetre, $8.50; Pen, $5: Peacil, $5.50 Gift Bax Included in Sis A sure 'wayto Make Someone Happy Is to Give this New Dugfold Duette Dicfoid Besand Lacguersed Satin-lined Gift Case De Luxe Included MEN have long wondered why wri made their full grip in°a Pencil too. And Parker responded with the Over-size Duofold Pencil --the team-mate of Duofold Pen. Hr | F ,| James Henderson and Mrs. M. Wag- MR. AND MRS. HINCE WERE GIVEN GIFTS By The Good Folks of Camden East--Live In Kingston Now. Camden 'East, June 9--The heavy electric storm on Monday damaged a number of electic lights. Mrs. ar of Switzerville at Mrs. BE. Me- im"s recently. The A.Y.P.A. present- ed Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hinch, for merly lifelong residents of hers, but 'now living in Kingston, with a beau- tifil easy chair on May 28th in the Parish Hall, z Mrs. Joyner moved her household effects last week:<to Mrs. Caigh's house which she has rented. R. Glo- ver painted. M. Hinch's house last, week. J. Yeomans has also been im- proving his residence by painting. R. W. Saul has secured work in Tor- onto. : Charles Wright has had a new gasoline tank installed. This makes three in our village, so there will be no scarcity. K. Amey has returned from tho hospital having undergone a minor operation. : Field Day at Newburgh on June 3rd was well attended. Mrs. J. W. Stewart received word on Monday, last week, that her sfSter, Mrs. Mc- Creary, Winnipeg, was seriously ill. Mrs. Stewart left on Tuesday to be with her. : : Mrs, Joseph Longmore is visiting friends at Kingston. The' Mission Circle social _evening at 8. Wil- liams' on June 5th, was well at- tended and a very enjoyable time was spent by all. A number attend- ed camp meeting at Yarker on Sun- day. Rev. A. H. Hoare took charge of service in the Methodist church on Sunday in the absence of Rev. Mr. Nickle, who is at conference. Mr. and' Mrs. "W. A. McWilliams at James Skinner's on Sunday. The June meeting of the Mission ed quality, on tour or in your own home.. set to your liking. 269% PRINCESS STREET. Circle was held on Monday evening at the home of John Fairburn, Bic- knell's Corners, Mrs. J. W. Perry spent the week- end with friends in Napanee and Fredericksburg Station. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wales, Switzerville, at G. Riley's on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McKim attended the funeral of Mrs. = Shier, Tamworth, on Monday afternoon, EE ------------------ 'GORDON-SERGEANT NUPTIALS. Sharbot Lake, June 9.--The unique and handsome community hall in the villagé of Sharbot Lake, was the scene of a reception by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sergeant, giver in Bomor of the marriage of their daughter, Ly- man M., to Herbert Gordon, son of John and Ruth Gordon of Elphin. The bride ap in a travelling costume of striped sand silk, hat and shoes to match, carrying a bouquet of carnations. The presesits, a fine cheque from the parents and the many gifts from friends and rela- tives, showed much thought in selec- tion on the part of the givers, Mrs. Sergeant in a gracious manner at- tended to the refreshments assisted by Mrs. Robert Hawley, Mrs. Harry Gordon, Mrs. W. Dodds, Mrs. Albert Buell. The Perth. Orchestra, of six pieces, supplied a splendid programme of up-to-date music for dancing. Among friends and 'relatives present were Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon, Blphin; Mr. and Mrs. George and daughter, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Buck, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sergeant, Lanark; Mr. Harry : Mr. T, L. Tay- lor, Toronto; Mr. snd Mrs. Lynch, Carleton Place; Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Colman, Sharbot Lake, and many others. Mr. Harry Lee and William Tom- linson, on behalf of the committee the community Hall completed af- rangements for the assembly which was enjoyed by all present. After vis- iting amoung friends Mr. and Mrs. " Mountain Grove,. June 9.--The members of the Woman's Institute motored to the home of W. = Birch, Maple and Oak of unsurpass- We stand behind the goods. -. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Wi ocodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO i Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571 ATWATER -KENT 6 TUBE OPEN MODEL RADIO ! Buy your Radio nqw--in time for the big Summer pro- Srammes--Iots of fun, musie and sports--at your camp, while 'Phone 1207 and have Radio Headquarters demonstrate a We install sets anywhere--country. or city, . CANADA RADIO STORES TELEPHONE 1207. THE RADIO HEADQUARTERS OF EASTERN ONTARIO TWEDDELL'S CLOTHES Men who appreciate good clothes and sound values are invited to inspect our lat- est showing of all wool fabrics and models, made-to-measure or ready for service, 'SUITS §18,$22,25,28, $32,435 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess Street PRODUCE MARKETS LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, June 9.--Export steers, choice, $7.25 to $8; do, heifers, $6.- 50 to $7.25; do. bulls, $4.50 to $5; store, $7 to $7.25; choice store, de- horned, $7.50 to $7.76; butchers, choice, $7.26; do. medium, $6.75 to $7.26; do. common, $6 to $6.50; baby beeves, $8.50 to $9.60; cows, fat, choice, $5.26 to $6.25; bulls, butcher, good, $4.26 to $5; do. me- dium, $2.50 to $3; feeding steers, good, $6.50 to $7; feeders, fair, §6 to $6.25; stockers, good, $4.50 to '$5.50; calves, choice, $8 to $10; do. medium, $4.50 to $6.50; do. grass- ers, $3.50 to $4; springers, choice, $80 to $90; milkers, choice, $70 to $80; spring lambs, per cwt, $17 to $18; do. yearlings, wool, $14 to §15; do. yearlings, 'clipped, $10 to $11; buck lambs, $10 to $12; sheep, choice, wood, $6 to $6.59; do. hea vy, $4 to $5; hogs, f.0.h; bid, $11.50 to $11.75; do. fed and watered, $12.- 10 to $12.35; do. off' cars, bid, $12.- 50 to $12.76; select bacon, off cars, $2.37 to $2.42 premium per head. A ---- Mow ~-Cattle--But- treal, June 9. attle--Bu! a reel. good, $7.25 to $7.50: medium, $6.50 to $7; common, $6 to $6.25; butcher heifers, good, $6.- 50; medtam, $5 to $6; common, §¢ to $5; butcher cows, good, $56.75 to $6.55; medium, $4 to $5.50; can- ners, $2.25 to $2.50; cutters, $2.75 to $2.95. Good $8.50 to $8.- §0;. medium, $8 to $6.25; common, $4.50 to $5.25; grass, $4. Eweb, $5 to $6; lambs, good, $15 to $18. | Hogs, irregular, with sales from §12 to $12.90, with one or two lots at a 'Bulk, $12.25 to $12.75. Sel -- Were om $9 to $9.50. Buffalo, N.Y., June 9.--Cattle -- steers, $8.50 to' $11; but- Shipping chers, $8 to $9; yearlings, $9.26 to $11.75; heifers, $5.50 to §9; fair to choice cows, $3.25 to $6.76; can- | top heavy steers, 11.50; 1,463 pounds; several loads $11.25 to $11.40; some 1,631 averages, $11; extreme top lings, $12, average weight of 1,1 pounds. Sheep, bulk better g native lambs, $15.26 to $15. sorting light; culls largely, $1 to $11; good California lambs, $1. 75; medium Arizonas, $13.75 §14. Best yearlings,. $13.50; desirable fat ewes, $6 to $6.50; vies downward to $4 and below. GENERAL TRADE, Montreal. Montreal, June 9. -- Butter Creamery, solids, 34c per I; abe per Ib; cooking, 20c to 27¢ Lard--20cId pail, 19 1-2¢; prints, 21ec. cl Eggs--Specials, 37¢; extras, 30¢; firsts, 83c; seconds, 30c. 2 Dressed 'poultry--Milkted chick ens, 35c to 38c per I, broilers, to 43¢c;: selected co ens, 28¢ 82¢; turkeys, 38¢c to 40c} ducks, 2 to 36c; green ducks, 25¢ to $Be green ducks, 30c to 38¢ per geese, 21¢ to 25c. Dressed 'hogs--Fresh killed toir stock, 20c per mb. Maple syrup--New, dark, $2 gallon, small tin, $1.75; choice gar, new, 20c to 22c per Ib, Flour--First patents, $10.40 bbl; per 90-1 bag, $5.20; patents, $9.90; strong bakers, . 70. Militeed----Bran in box car $28.30; shorts, $30.25; $36.25. ; Rolled oats --- Standard Jats to $3.55 pet 90-1 jitte cutters, $3 to $3.25; bulls,| 4 v

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