' 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Mcintosh 'Bros. Our New Ladies' Wear Dept. is well équipped with a full range of Ladies' and Misses' Fuji Silk, Voile, Beadora Voile, Crepe and Broad- cloth Dresses All of which are this season's newest crea- tions, at prices from $2.95 to $13.95 Ladies' and Misses' " Voile and Crepe DRESSES Special Lot $7.49 Nature's Rival CORSETTES "For comfort $2000 McIntosh Bros. 101 Princess Street Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY isis and saddle magic. 'Sufferers are relieved in a For bus pang (axle ha uggies Cemetery Single night. 3 Houday at To prove it and to introduce La- aes. iy except Saturday and 2 pom. Also t truck for | TINGED WITH YELLOW? | MUDDY COMPLEXION? | Your Liver ls out of order! Mrs. Wm. Bourque, Fox Creek, N. | B., writes: --"1 have been troubled with my liver for a long time, and | was so bad I could not do any who I had severe pains in my stom | that were so bad, at times, I bah | hardly stand them. My tongue be- | came coated; I had a bad taste in | my mouth, especially in the morn- ling; the whites of my eyes were ting- | | ed with yellow and I had a muddy {and yellow complexion. I had read a great deal about | MILBURN'S | Laxa-Liver Pills | so decided I would try a vial, and | after taking three of them I was greatly 'improved and felt more | like living, and I can now do my own | work withont any trouble." For sale at all druggists and deal- ers; pat up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Geo. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS Phone 1264. 234-236 Ontario St. All kinds of Stationary' and Gas Engines repaired. Prompt and Efficient Service. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. DR.W. A. JONES Announces that he has moved his office to 150 WELLINGTON STREET and will limit his practice to X-Ray and Physio-Therapy (use of electrical and physical appliances in treatment) TELEPHONE 2714. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 64 Princess Strset. 'Phone 1550 Gas for Ex om OPEN FEVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT End Catarrh Germs In Three Minutes Chronic catarrh, no matter how and eases of bronchial asthma now yield instantly to the amazing discovery of a rench scientist. is drugless method called vex eliminates the germs in three min- utes, yet is positively harmless to Your like e most delicate tissues. vex to ten thousand sufferers in one month, I' offer to send a treatment Dr. Waugh DENTIST "106 Wellington St. Phone 256. free and postpaid, to any one who will write for it. No obligation. No cost. t banishes your Catarrh you can repay the favor by telling your friends--if not, the loss {is mine. . No matter what you have tried, just send me your name and address for this generous free treat. and prove t you ca of catarrh. y 4 be 114 W. R, SMITH, 4261 Lavex Bldg. * Kansas Ci GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liabil- ity, Auto, Burglary and Baggage. GUARANTEE BONDS Agent. Qreat West Life Assurance Company. 'R.! H. W Waddell re BOR STREET. Fos Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITU PIANOS, CARTAGE and § EVERY DESCRIPTION ai SAFES, Kingston Transfer Co, JBvENaY 2381. ONE 377. » 158 WELLINGTON STREE DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Sur, we Wellington Street. Jvenings by prointment. RAGE OF 679. ty, Mo. COAL Reduce your coal bill by using Genuine Welsh Anthracite Big vein : The best quality of Domestic Fuel on the market. Place your order now. ALL PURE COAL W. A. Mitchell & Co. Telephone 67. 15 Ontario St. Don't Forget the Boy ! Cot. Blouses .. Khaki Blouses ,.. 90c, $1.00 Khaki Shirts ...... ....78¢c Blue Shirts case nniees TBO Khaki Wash Suits ......81.25 B0c, 75c, 90c. PIANO TUNING - | Pidg Tuning, Repairing aid 8g. Norman ni ba A iy 4 3 "PHONE 184. : Cot. Wash Suits .......$1.50 Khaki Knickers ....... 90c. Khaki Bloomers .......$1.00 Khaki Long Trousers ,. $1.25 Cotton Jerseys, Brown and NAYE +x nave ss cereen. dBc Prevost's BEst'd 1871. 85 Brock Street Dominion Meat Store Opp. Y.M.CA. Phone 1876 ET --, | _ WHITES OF EYES 44 _ Envy is one of the hat Jou gad 1 have ta Ea News From District. Plc NISSIONARY SOCIETY | GAVE FINE PRESENT To Mrs. D. D. . Elliott Who Was Leaving Addison--Other Gatherings. N Addison, June 16. -- The W.M.S. held the annual open meeting in the Greenbush church, on Sunday even- ing. A splendid congregation were present The meeting has been made an open one in order to give the congregations an opportunity to hear the report from the branch meet- ing. The meeting was presided over '| by the president, Mrs. D. D. Elliott. A good programme including music by the choir was given. Mrs. E. O. Howe, the delegate to the branch meeting gave a very excellant report, which was much appreciated. At the close the members of the W.M.S. presented the retiring president, Mrs. (Rev.) Elliott, with a beautiful silk parasol mounted in silver. Mrs. Emma Davis made the presentation while Mrs. Harold Percival read an address. Miss Cora Howe spent a week with friends at Toledo. Mr, and Mrs/C. Moulton and Mr. and Mrs. Freemont Blanchard motored to Kingston, on Thursday. Mr. Olds returned home with them. Mrs. Raiser, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. George Raisen, Harlem, spent Sunday at John Pattamore's. The Addison Women's Institute held 'a public meeting in the United church hall, on the evening of Thurs- day, June 11th, with a good attend- ance. Miss BE. McGee, Chesterville, was present and gave a very thought- ful "address on the subject "Woman, Her Place And Her Power," which contained many inspiring thodghts especially emphasizing the good re- sults obtained by united effort as is carried on in Women's Institutes. Readings, which were much enjoyed were given by Miss Geraldine Perci- val and Mrs. D. J. Forth; special singing was given by Mr. and Mrs. H. Campbell, Addison. As this was Rev. D. D. and Mrs. Elliott's last meeting with us before going to their new field of labor, Mr. Elliott made some encouraging remarks which were muchgappreciated by the mem- bers of the stitute. Mr. and Mrs. Percy BE. Fretmell and Mr. and Mrs. Glassford Fret- mell, Prescott, spent Sunday at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Loverin. The Ladies' Aid met in the church hall,. on Tuesday evening. A good attendance were present and plans were made for the annual strawberry social. Over one hundred of the young folks of our vicinity met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsey, on Wednesday evening to bid farewell to one who was a resident here all her life, Miss Myrtle Church, who is leaving for her new home in Brock- ville. During the evening they pre- sented her with a gold wrist watch to which Miss Church feelingly replied, expressing her heartfelt gratitude, and regretted leaving her old asso- clates. The Mission Cif¢le met at the home of Mrs. Harold Percival, on Saturday afternoon. A good pro- gramme was given. At the close the girls held a handkerchief shower for one of their members, Miss Evelyn Barnes, who is soon to leave for her new home at Oxford Mills. A de- lightful luncheon was served by Mrs. Percival and Mrs. Taplin. Mrs. Sarah Clow, Brockville, and Mrs. Belle Lathan were guests at the home of Mrs. Best on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. White and son and Mr. Burtch and Mr. Hutcheson, Cali- fornia, fOnt., were visitors at Mr. Best's last Thursday. A number from Addison attended the funeral of Mrs. Foxon, Athens. Mrs. 8. A. Snider, California, and Miss Glenna Kinch, Jasper, accom- panied Mrs. BE. Howe to Charleston and spent a couple of days at Rock- side cottage. The many friends of George Booth were glad to see him able to be out in his car again after his prolonged illness, but were sorry to learn he became ill again on Sun- day évening. Mrs. Emma Earl, Brockville, is visiting her many | friends here. Miss Mildred Howe, Kingston, is spending a week at her home here. : At Lavant Station. Lavant tion, June 16.--Mrs. J. E. Lee and family left last week for Merrickville to spend a short time with her sister, Mrs. J. Ramsbottom. Mr. and" Mrs. N. S. Lee and' son, Stewart, Almonte, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown- ing and family visited on Sunday with friends at Poland. company that doesn't amount to much, so I don't have to speak a piece for them." "I like MAKE CHEESE ON SUNDAY. The Factory at Bell Rock Is Going It Strong. « Bell Rock, Juné 15.--The cheese factory is turning out a lot of cheese, making on Sunday as well as every other day in the week. We were welcomed by a cool wave the last %f the week after the extreme heat. Mr. and Mrs. E. "M. Yorke, Kingston, are spending a few days at John Pomeroy's. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carr and Mr, and Mrs. Hiram Vaness have returned home from Wooler, where they attended the Friends' quarterly meeting. John Switzer and family, New- burgh, were recent visitors at Wil- liam Walker's. KE. Vanluven, Mos- cow, was in the village one day last week. Several from here attended the barn raising at 8. Storms', Ve- rona, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker and Mrs" J. Meeks spent Saturday at Napa- nee. Miss Murray, Toronto, 1s spending her holidays with Miss Lena Perrault. Mr. Mills, Verona, was a caller at William Moir's one evening last week. Maitland Meeks, who has been ill, is improving. Mrs. Earl Revell and Gladysy returned home from Gananoque last week. Mrs. Frank Clark spent a few days last week with her aunt, Miss Libbie Pomeroy. Mrs. W. Tugey, Kingston, and Mrs. R. J. Brooks, Moscow, called on friends in the village on Wed- nesday. Miss M. Gallivan, R.N,, Peterboro, was at Mrs. B. Sagriff's on Saturday. -Mrs. Frazer, Fulton, N.Y., is visiting her sister, Mts. Lewis Tuepah. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin, Kingston, were at J. Pome- roy"s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Amey, Selby, are at D. L. Amey's. Mrs, Zara Rey- nolds and Maydene spent Sunday with friends at Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. George Thurston, Lavant, and Mrs. H. Doan and daughter, Altimar, N.Y., motored to Edward James' on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Reynolds, Verona, at C. Gonu's. Mrs. B. Sagriff is very {ll ' AT MOUNTAIN GROVE. Farmers' Club Gives Social Evening Circus Drew Many to Kingston. Mountain Grove, June 16.--H. Drew, Long Lake, shipped a carload of calves on Wednesday. The Farm- ers' Club gave a social evening on Tuesday of last week. Three carloads of Institute mem- bers motored to Kingston on Thurs- day to attend the annual district meeting. Mrs. C. Barr and Miss Ethyl Sni- der, 'who have been having surgical treatment at Kingston General Hos- pital, are both improving. Some of their friends motored to Kingston on Sunday to visit them. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reesor accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. W. McNair, Stouftville, speny the week-end at J. D. Clark's, visiting Mjse K. Reesor, teacher of the Maple Leaf school. Quite a number from vicinity at- tended Sparks Circus in Kingston to-day. Fred Cole, Wilton, is in the community once more taking orders for nursery stocks. Mr, and Mrs. C. Cowdy and children spent Sunday at Long Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Loyst, Toronto, are at H. Loyst: 8. A Victim of Appendicitis. Chaffey's Locks, June 15. -- The bass fishing season opened today. There are about forty guests regis. tered af the Opinicon Hotel from Cleveland, Youngstown, New York, Rochester and Potsdam, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mahoney and som, Kingston, spent the week-end here. R. J. Fleming was removed to Kingston, 3 erated on for appendicitis at the Hotel Dieu Hospital. Dr. and Mrs.| Scott, Rochester, N.Y., are guests of 0OS0 STATION NEWS. : | The Dedication of 'Book Rest in Oso Church. rain last week 'was very much ap- preciated by all the people of this vicinity and every thing is growing good. Joseph Warren has installed the Delco light in his home and out- buildings. Miss Maggie Burke and O. Chambers called at Joseph War- ren's last Tuesday morning. Miss Vera Crawford and N. M. C. Bathron spent Sunday afternoon at John Crawford's. Rev. J. Cantrell assisted Rev. Mr. Coleman the services Sunday morning at chdrch, and dedi- cated a lovely book rest in memory of the late 8. C. Bourk. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir and family, Wolfe Island, called on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Henderson and fam- ily also Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Burke and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Burke's. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman and Wanda also Rev. and Mrs. J. Can- trell and Arthur spent Sunday with Joseph W. Bourk. Joseph Warren and James, also Miss Vera Crawford, spent Saturday evening at Sharbot Lake. Mr, and Mrs. C. Bell, Balderson, spent Sun- day evening with Mr. Joseph War- ren's and Monday at Mrs. Edward Warren's. Mrs. John F. Burke and Wilfred also Mr. and Mrs. John Con- boy and two boys, Zealand, called on Mrs. Joseph Warren, Sunday even- ing. Mrs. 8. C. Boyrk, Carleton Place, also Mrs. A. Mick, Renfrew, are visiting at Joseph W. Bourk's. David Crawford, Jr., has returned home after spending a few days at William McMunn's last week." Rev. Mr. Coleman called on Mrs. Joseph Warren, Saturday. Cecil Kimber- ly and his mother, also Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weir, Oshawa, called at Jos- eph Warren's, Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Summers and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warren. . The young people around here are taking advantage of the swimming places these nice days. Conboy and Russell called on Mrs, Joseph Warren, Sunday evening. James Warren spent Sunday after- noon with Wilfred Burke. Mrs: 8. C. Bourk and Mrs. A. Mick called on Mrs. Joseph Warren, Sunday. VISITORS FROM KINGSTON. and Mrs. W. Breault and Son Meet Friends. Croydon, 'June 16.--~A number from around here are suffering with grippe and under the doctor's care. Mrs. Wright and daughter, Miss Jean, spent the past week with Miss Mr. Margaret: Close. Miss M. Lewis spent the week-end with Miss Helen Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. William Breault and son, Francis, Kingston, called on several of their friends in and around Croydon on Saturday and spent over night at Patrick Dowling's. James Wright and sister-in-law, Mrs. JohngWright, and Billie, New Ontario, are spending a few weeks at A. Wright's on High street. Mr. and Mrs. Wood and daughter, Plevna, visited the week-end at John R. Kring's. Patsy Nolan, Rochester, N.Y., spent a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nolan, recently. Our teacher, Miss M. Lewis, is busy getting hef pupils ready for their different examinations. The many friends of H. McCracken are sorry to hear of his serious illness and all hope for a speedy recovery. Blake Barragar spent Saturday even- ing in Tamworth. Messrs. liam McKeown and Perry Armstrong spent Sunday-at Stewart Close's. A number from here attended the W.I. Convention at Tamworth. i All the handsome, popular young men don't develap into millionairs. Oso Station, June 15.--The heavy | Miss Luella SPECIAL SALE || SOFT SLABS One hundred cords, dry, cut in Stove J length. Price $2.50 Dump Cart load deliv- J§* ered. ao wood for summer use, S. ANGLIN CO.LMITD | Wektrorin Factory, Lumber Yards, Coa! Bins = BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571 Flashlights Batteries Bulbs Headquarters "mow CAITY & 3 famous Eveready Radio' complete stock of the Flashlights, Batteries and Bulbs standard prices. A fresh stock, combined with the us~ pal peppy C.K. C.R.S, Service makes us your logjcal Open.evenings and all day. Free catalogues. Write or. call. CANADA RADIO STORES . 269% PRINCESS STREET. TELEPHONE 1207, THE RADIO HEADQUARTERS OF EASTERN ONTARIO ---- a A A pt Po "Where Good Clothes Cost Less" Style--YValue--Quait | Every garfnent in our stock, every gar- ment we 'sell, is an expression of our judg- ment of quality, value and style. A judg- ment based on our own experience. Your selection here is merely asmatter of deciding upon pleasing style, fabric and i = pattern. You have the comfortable assur- ance that everything is exactly right--and will stay that way. Suits Range from $15.00 to $40.00 TWEDDELL'S "Good Clothes For Less" See Our Window Display To Close An Estate We offer the following properties for sale: WELLINGTON APARTMENTS with 8 beautiful flats, HOUSE on Montreal Street. R= 200 ACRE FARM---first class land, stone house, barns. 2 miles rom city on Provincial Highway. All 'will be sold. Worth the money. Apply: M. B. TRUMPOUR "Phone 704 or 2072w. - 270 PRINCESS BT. ern y - are an pe THoMAS' EC raleved a ang, LY JAS Te neAtEn serbie 18, A TES TIM NT TEsTiuontaL T PR The natural bossy. man usually in- You can make your criticism vites trouble the moment he is plac- | as effective by mixing a good bit ed in authority. courtesy with it. a wv a Se oo og bbb bo 2 bp p NR YY YY day WR ME Sd ho a 2 0 Read A TT TY TY TTT TTY YY YY YY YY Eo NewspaperFuneach in the Whig.