ET HEAVEN'S UNSEEN MESSEN Te SERVICE ! The International Sunday School Lesson for June 21 is "Peter Delivered From Prison."--Aots 121-24. By WILLIAM T. ELLIS In addition to the familiar "red aps," or porters, New York rafiway stations new have a green cap més- . semger service, to fulfil any sort of #6fvice that may be needed by a passenger, Heaven has its. messen- gobs <-which is the English word for the Greek "angels"--to run umex- pected errénds; and this Lesson re- lates how one such was sent to Pe- ter in prikon to set him free. Right at the outset we need to £8t Bold of this old, old teaching of the Christian religion, that Gou does cate for His own individually, snd that specidl providences are an integral .paft of the Divine law. There 18 comfort beyond all telling in {he sssurdnce,' 'He shall give His angels charge concerfiing thee." What the Lord did for Peter, he' still does for his friends. In these reitiess, troubled times, mem and womer need to piliow thelr souls up- on the promises of a covenant-keép- ing God, who, as Jesus assured His friends, knows and cares for our least need. * Only so is faith kept vital, Every generation, every individual life. its own fresh experience of . If it requires trouble to afford experience, trouble is "cheap at the price. Newspapers and magazines are voéiferous nowadays conderning the doétrinal matters which various kinds of Christians do or do not be. Heve; and there is much talk of "heresy"' Sénsible folk----and Chris- tions who work at their religion are usyally men and womén of uncom- monly sound judgnient--will not 'be misled by all this noisy discussion. The greatest heresy of all is sim- ple latk of faith in God's everyday ' love snd care. Underlying all other beligf is the confidence that "He Keepeth the feet of His saints"; and must stick to two or three essential points, that have light for the life of our own everydayness. And the first of these is our attitude toward trouble. For trouble is inevitable in everyone's experience. Some of us bave great troubles. Others magnify sll our trifling inconveniences until they séem to be gréat troubles. Many sct as if the fact of trouble gave them a grievance against God. 1 heard a foolish old woman in Washington street car the other day, relating to a companion, so that her voice filled the car, how sick her son had been and how bitter she was at God for having dealt so unfairly with her. Better was the attitude of & young newspaper man whose room in the Y.M.C.A. had been entered and all his possessions stolen: "Oh, it's just one of the bumps of life, and a fel- low must get used to them." That young man declined his father's of- fer to replenish his wardrobe; and he even refused to become bitter at the failure of the Y.M.C.A. officials to make compensation for their own failure safeguard what had been committ to them. That young man was of the Pater spirit, which kept a sweet sense of proportion. When the angel visited Peter in prison he found him sound asleep! Unjustly a prisoner, chainsd to two soldiers, with only the stone floor of a cell for 'a couch, Peter slept more sweetly than crafty and vain Herod Agtippa in his palace. That is what faith in God does for a disciple. A fisherman's fortitude, which could take life's "bumps" slong with its boons. Peter shared with the great host of working peo- ple in all lands and times; only in his case it was made sereme by a clear consciousness that his Heavefi- ly Father was looking out for him. that the Lord who sent His Angel to |. deliver Peter from prison still has other messengers to run His er- rénds in this month of June, 1925. Peter's God has not gone ofit of bus. iness. How Do You Meet Trouble ? Adtionful and dramatic as a good motion ploture, this incidesdt in the él of the early Church Sgens up a dosea inviting avenues of cofisidera- tion I want to write about Agrippa 1, and the long line of Herods; and the ruins of their proud palace that oie MAY visit todhy. Roman 'criminal procedure, and those "fodr fours" of Roman sold. {ers who guarded Peter, take us into . entertaining by-paths; with today's question of prison methods, and of political prisoners in particular, cal. ling for discussion. Little more than a year ago I had the privilege, when in the Holy Land, of 'securing the re- lease from an islapd dyngeon of se vén Syrian patriot leaders. So I am particularly Interested in that plank of the platform of Jésus wherein He red, in the Nazareth synagogue, "He hath sent me to proclaim re- ledse to the captives." : Instead of following out the al- hiting byways of the Lesson; we Nove in Milbutns a and a at w e- store thé equilibrium of these de. centres and brine hos the s LE - fect condition. yu ' Mrs. 'W. W.-Aulthouse, Woodrous, Ont., 'writes: --"After having § ssvers of bronchitis I wag Iaft In a very- tufi-down dondition; my ferves were All broken up: could not Seep At night. and would have t out bed and walk the floor tor _ "Altér ustag a box of MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS 1 bi to teal Much bettar, and after ony ne tow mare boxes 1 Sould - rest as as I aver did. Always recommend them to all ny For sale at all a and deal- ers; put y 3 Con: Limited, Tromso, Ooi. Hiitgtn ¥ When the Angls Come Scholars who dig into the signifi cance of Scriptire's language-- all honor to theses miners of spiritual gold and precious stones!--tell us that the Greek verb used in our Lesson to deseribe the appearance of thé angel to Peter is the same as that which is used of the angel's visit to the shapherds at Bethle- hem. Not always may God's angels be #0 carefully citalogued. Seldom do they appear as' celedtial figures, robed in shining glory. Usually they are untrécognised providences. But a watchful, interested and personal. ly operative God who shows His greatness in no ohter way more than 'By His care for the small concerns of His children, is ever garding by His messengers the welfare df His beloved. : Something like a general law of providence is made plain by the an- Rel's conduct with Peter. He unloos- ed the chains that Peter could not break;but Peter had to dress himself It was the angel who led him, as 11 |- a dream, past the guards, throm the thultiplied gates of the prison: but as soon as Peter was placed on one of thé familiar highways of ths old city of Jerusalem, the angel dis- appeared. "God helps those who ean- not help themselves." No angel ever does for mortal what mortal é¢an do for: himself. Dependence upon Div- ine Providence is an incentive to personal initiative and effort, her than 'substitute therefor. It was not until the angel had left him that Péter really came to himself and un- derstood - what had taken place, God's ways with men are never seen clearly from the far sidé of the ex- perience. ems oe One Woman's Way As he stood on the dark street] corner, holding a praise and pray. er servios all by himself practical Peter woke up to the realisation that he was no longer being person- ally conducted to safety. The angel had left him upén his own resoue-|' ces to keep out of the clutches of Agrippa's now wrathtul and outrag- ed minions, ang to establish con tact with his friends. : Where should he go? What should he do? Of course, there was only one answer. Whose house, in all Jerusalem, was the likeliest Pendes- vous of the brotherhood? Péter knew instantly, even as Jesus had known before him; for the home to which Peter repaired was probably that which contilned the sacred Upper Room of the Farewell Supper ? iim ic - o ee ------ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG That the Canadian Mother May Have Quick and Ready Information On Feeding Her Child | BORDEN'S EAGLE BRAND MILK In the following charts and data we provide the Canadian mother with the necessary information she may require for the use f Borden's Eagle Brand Milk lor her child. You will note that the directions provide fo Shrouth antil tho child 1s 24 months oid. 8 *8.child from three days of age 35 to the directions for feeding Borden's Brand Milk, the mother should read carefully the suggestions which should be adopted in connection Brand Milk. The Borden Company Limited rE eer in the raiong of many, many Canadian infants into sturdy boys and Ei ol i i we Com Limited--Montreal, who are a credit to their country. For further information, do not hesitate to write direct to The Borden pany i TABLE OF DILUTION STRENGTH AND TIMES OF FEEDING "EAGLE BRAND" CONDENSED MILK Hours Feedings Quantity Quantity During the Night | At each Feeding | Fed in 24 Hours 2 , I to 13 ozs. Teaspoonfuls of "EAGLE BRAND" to ounces of boiled water in 24 Hours 4 teaspoonful "EAGLE BRAND" ° 10 to 1} ounces water Between Feedings 10 to 15 ozs. 1 teaspoonful "EAGLE BRAND" - to 2 ounces water i 2} teaspoonfuls "EAGLE BRAND" to 4 ounces water 3 teaspoonfuls "EAGLE BRAND" to 4 water 4 teaspoonfuls "EAGLE BRAND" to 5 ounces water §. teaspoonfuls. "BAGLE BRAND" to 6 ounces water 6 teaspoonfuls "EAGLE BRAND» to 7 ounces water 3 1% to § ozs. 15 to 30 ozs. 1 23 to 3% ozs. 22 to 32 ozs. 8 to 43 oz. 24 to 36 ozs. 63 ozs. 28 to 88 ozs. 5 to 7 ozs. 30 to 42 ozs. 35 to 46 ozs. 7 to 9 ozs. IMPORTANT --In pr i feeding mixtures itis imperative that all utensils, bottles nipples, te. should bo sterlizedin boiling water before using. Use a spoon in remove ing contents from t! , and ing be careful to pour from can to mn, ing the milk in the itself, ing ni from Be cal, and To rearing bn url Jong in yn tie milk in th Spoon Ya level taf, Repeat this procedure with every spoonful DIET FOR CHILD DURING THE SECOND YEAR Usually after the twelfth month, she mother should select a diet schedule. Every new article of food should be carefull , and | $ meals are 0 be given regularly, with nothing between meals. ~ With many children this expansion of the-diet 15h is tian whim eid (ven, ot drt J very mal quantities, ALL with. milk, ad refuse df gther Jom of nourishment, Jo such eases, withho Id he ilk until he more salid alticled of ford have been eaten. If both are given at the same the will prefer the milk and when he ini rinking it he wi use the solid owing schedule wi it, the to | Tis never advisable to mason chang in diet uring very t weather. ; Ny permit the mother to select a suitable meal from the foods listed. | NOTE: One teaspoonful of EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK added to one ounce of boiled water results in a mi iti ever the word milk appears in the following diet, EAGLE BRAND should be diluted accordingly. n a mixture equivalent in nutritive valus to whole milk. When- - 12th TO 15th MONTH---FIVE MEALS BAILY 15th TO 16th MONTH--FOUR MEALS DAILY. 18th TO 24th MONTH--FOUR MEALS DAILY 7 AM.--Oatmeal, barley, or wheat jelly, one to two 7 AM.--Oatmeal, hominy, _ each b . ; tablespoonfuls in 6 or 8 ounces of milk. Stale bread and three hours the day before they are used. . When the sooke the above Sohal Hye meal hominy (prepared as fn butter, or rusk and butter. ing 2} Sompleted 3 Sureul he be of the consistence salt. A soft-boiled or { i : a np hy 1s it ae der, which - ink oft or three days. 9 A.M.--The juice of ofie orange, updn & will form a mass of Seough, consistenge. Of cuit poy 2 oat or stale bread fad butter. 11 A.M.--Scraped rare beef, one to.three tablespoon- ve two or three tablespoonfuls, served with milk, 9 AM.--The juice of one orange. fuls, mixed with equal quantity of bread and moistened A oast. IAM beef minced s with beef-juice. Or a soft-bolled egg mixed with stale ' a, orange. I tle Rare ee os or Scrped; the heart of & bread-crumbs; a piece of rusk and 6 or 8 gunces of milk. : LAMood soli-boiled oi Di Eth, vials brett. squash, shai cut. Chicken. 8 P.M.-- Beef, chicken, or mutton broth, with rice or stale bread-crumbs and moistened with beef-juice, A caulifiower.: Baked apple er applesauce. 8 stale bread broken into the ounces of milk, drink of milk. Rusk or bran bisouit, or stdle bread nad and batter ve the teu ty-fitst month, baked potatoes Tyee War Rr Bp lll hadi god buses Du b M.-Muttor, chicken, or beef --Chi any chi afghe above age wil ® an app! .M.--Mutton, chicken, or broth, with rice oe 3 PM. icken, beef or mutton broth, i should d, With staio bread broken into the broth. aaa vies te i stewed sauce and prune pulp; when these are given, milk Junket or with stale bread broken in the broth. -Custard, be omit lain rice ing, junket, stewed 'prunés, starch, or plain rice et, 6 P:M.--Two tablespoonfuls of cetéal jelly in 8 otinoes 8p ple uce. Bran biscuit and butter or stale bread of milk; a piece of rusk. Stale bread and butter, _ a hy a 10 P.M.--A tablespoonful of cereal jelly in 8 ounces of y The following suggestions have proved to be helpful when properly used with feedi may in conjunction with Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. pobery wi bottle Sedings, and they be used Alws from the can into the i ; 2 that by dippi WT a A let en het nr. Yo cdl deed a dpi ep hh yu 8 __When you have added the milk to the water stir thoroughly. This i important, : : ie "y "After opening, it is safe to leave the milk in the original can, We récommend that you cover the can tightly with an inverted cup, and keep it in s cool, clean place. ORANGE JUICE CONSTIPATION BARLEY WATER When béby is four months old, give ene teaspoonful of Oatmeal water Obai * strained orange juice, diluted with equal quantity of boiled Take oatmeal Whiten oat em Boil for water, once daily before feeding time. Gradually increasty, Tes! 10 006 pint of wa utes, strain; then add enough w the amount until you are giving the strained juice of a half of thick gruel RICE WATER - of an orange undiluted, once daily before feeding time. Af Orange juice may be continued until child is old enough to eat other fruits as well as oranges, OATMEAL JELLY. Add one ul three | ne Sabjeapoouful will have one pint of ri hours: amount until you are ddding three tablespoonfuls of oat- meal jelly to each feeding. To make oatmeal jelly add four ounces of oatmeal to one pint of witer; boil for three hours in a double boiler, and add enough water so when cooking is completed a thin paste will be formed. i while hotisforced through remove doarser parti- COLIC OR VOMITING . cles. When cold a semi-mass will be formed. Oatmeal "Thess conditions bards tower ion jelly may be continued until child is old enough to est Gon. Rad ana Hay ig vis RIAL. ot ccnatipe- well cooked whole cereals. of mula, oF ae va AY 50 Hood stud use cond Send for our **Baby mien, GARTLANDS ART STORE choice selection to pick from. ® do finé Picture Promisg, :