THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 19am. iS cnn ants eter ee. ¥ 4 A ' Is Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For and taxi, buggies and saddle us uy a ui Cemetery horses. exeopt Saturday Monday sat a Also truck for moving. Dr. Waugh 108 a Phone 256. I GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liabil- ity, Auto, Burglary and Baggage. GUARANTEE BONDS Agent Great West Life Assurance Company. R. H. Waddell LY adorn fruer, . For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. PHONE EVENINGS 2331. 153 WELLINGTON STREET DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 184. | WeSell ' New & Used Lumber HAD BOILS ALL OVER HIM There is only one way to get rid of-boils and that is by going right the seat of the trouble--the blood-- as the bad blood must be made pure before the boils will disappear, B > | BLOOD BITTERS | cleanses the system and removes all the foul matter from the blood in a| Way that few medicines will do. ] Mrs. Chas. Rankin, Bulyea, Sask., writes:--"A few years ago my hus- band had a terrible time with boils. On one arm he had 16 between his elbow and wrist; five on the back of his neck, and several more on dif- ferent parts of his body. He tried everything he could think of, but got Do relief Until he took Burdock Blood Bitters, and to his surprise it "com- pletely relieved him, of his boils, in a very short time." B.B.B. has been on the market for the past 46 years; be sure you get it when you ask for it; put up only by He T, Milbera Co., Limited, Toronto, nt. ; Geo. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS 236 Ontario St. All kinds of Stationary and Marine Gian Engines repaired. Prompt and Efficient Service. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. I i I | | | i DR.W. A. JONES Announces that he has moved his office to 150 WELLINGTON STREET and will limit his practice to X-Ray and Physio-Therapy (use of electrical and physical appliances in treatment) TELEPHONE 2714. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. 'Phone 1880 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS of APPOINTMEN (Dr. R. B. Bishop) DENTIST Offices at the Corner of Princess and Wellington Streets Entrance: 102 Wellington Street on a Dr. Vincent A. Martin] DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. "Phone 105 er DR.R.E.SPARKS DENTIST to intimate that he may be ® ited at yelibraek Offices, 159 Vellington street, by any whe may require his servi cen. "PHONE 346. \ J DR. ERNEST B. SPARKS DENTIST : 1459 Wellington St, "Phone 346. ---- Baby Chick Food We have in stock the proper food required by Baby Chicks for the different periods of de- velopment, from the shell to the full grown birds. Come in and see the goods and get our prices, : YE, McBroom THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - 'News F rom District Places HYD LONG AUTO TRIP FROM LETHBRIDGE Visited His Old Home at -Ardoch--Damage By An Electric Storm. Ardoch, June 23.--Lerne McDon- ald received a delightful ' sautprise last week, when his cousin, Arnold Munro, who resides at Red Deer, Al- berta, arrived to renew childhood ac- quaintance. This is a short story of his trip eastward, which began by automobile. On May 10th, he and a friend, left Lethbridge, and crossed the American border south of Win- nipeg. While in Uncle Sam's domain they came in touch with several of the large cities, returning to Canada again at Windsor. They travelled to Kingston via Hamilton, Toronto, etc.,, and while fn Kingston, Mr. Munro was the guest of his uncle, J. D. Godkin. He also visited his aunt, Mrs. Morris in Delta, but could not resume his homeward journey without visiting his birth- place. He had many friends while here, both new and old, new friends, who admired his gratifying, congen- fal manner, and the old friends were those who rem@mbered Arnold when a pleasant three-year-old chap, who left twenty-four years age with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Munro, who were fortunate when they sought a new home in Western Canada. A baseball game was played here last week, Clarendon vs. Ardoch. The score was 18-1p in favor of Clarendon. A dance'in the hall fol- lowed which was. mech enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Watson and son, Oakley, afffved from Harrow- snifth, on Saturday last, and spent until this morning visiting friends and Mrs. Watson's former neighbors and school-mates. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin and son motored to Elphin, Sunday, and spent the day at D. Geddes'. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith, Barriefleld, were Sunday visitors at J. H. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Weber, daughter, Mrs. A. M. Myers and son, M. G., made an automobile trip to Perth, Saturday. They were guests at P. Hennriettas, and Sunday at P. Mur- phy's, Lanark. W. Kehoe and J. Kennelly, both of Northbrook, spent Sunday in this vicinity, and Wilfred Weber was in Cloyne, Sunday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmour and (Charles Smith visited friends in Harlowe over Sunday. Bert Scullion'returned from Wind- sor and is engaged at Loon ke, as also is M. J. Scullion," J. Schon- auer and N. Weber. Misses Gertrude and Pearl Schonauer, also'S. Hermer and L. Hartman visited \Miss Flor- ence Mills at Fernleigh Sunday. The electric storm Sunday did con- siderable damage to William Christ- fan's residence. MARRIAGE AT MATAWATCHAN. With Some 150 Enjoying the Happy Event. Matawatchan, June 22.--A new home was created as a result of the marriage of Duncan MacPherson, Wilson, to Miss Charlotte Adams, Grifiith, two popular and well known young people of this vicinity. In Denbigh Methodist parsonage, at 2 p-m., Wednesday, June 17tlf, the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. P. A. Scott, the bride appearing in a hand- some and becoming gown of sand satin with appropriate trimming and with hat, shoes, etc., to harmonize. She was assisted by Miss Milinda MacPherson, sister'of the groom, who was attired In sand crepe, while David Carswell ably fulfilled his duties as best man. After the im- pressive ceremony the bridal pair and attendants motored to the bride's home where an elaborate and bountiful repast was partaken of by about one hundred and fifty guests. The young folks remained for the reception following, their number ing proceeded, by well wishers from far and wide. Dawn appeared be- fore the blissful crowd dispensed, wishing Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson many happy years of blessed union. The unusuil supply of useful gifts were, in themselves, sufficient testi- mony of the popularity of this young couple, who will reside on a farm about two miles from Matawatchan, in F lb being rapidly increased as the even- | "That toe is tied up cause I for- Rot where I set the trap for a skunk." : BATH LADY OBSERVES 95TH ANNIVERSARY Relatives Gather to Celebrate the Birthday of Mrs. Harriet Tompkins. ---- On Saturday evening, June 20th, about seventy-one relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tompkins, Bath, to celebrate the ninety-fifth birthday anniversary of his mother, Mrs. Har: riett Tompkins. t It was the occasion of a family re- unfon, there being present, one bro- ther, George Pearson, Deseronto; also F. W. Tompkins, Newburgh; Charles Tompkins, Watertown, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Ruttan, Odessa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tompkins and three children, Strathcona; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ruttan and two chil- dren, Bath; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tompkins, Napanee; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tompkins and son, Collin's Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Toy Ruttan and two children, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Reed and two children, Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tomp- kins, Oswego, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tompkins, Bath: Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hines, Conway; Miss Lena Tompkins, Bath; Miss Bessie and Master Earl Tompkins, Newburgh; Miss Beatrice Ruttan, Odessa; Messrs. Harvey, Percy, Harry, Archie and Wilfred Tompkins, Bath; Mrs. Elida Farfis, Napanee; H. Druty, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wil- son, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs, George Pearson, Jr., and son, Edgar, Deser- onto; Mrs. Stockton and daughter, Mrs. Leggett, Watertown, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Drury, Watertown, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Wright and daughter, Jean, Yarker; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laidley, Kingston; Robert Jordan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, T. R. Lewis and son, Fred, Bath; Miss Thelma Shepherd and Miss Anna Me- Neil, Bath; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith, Odessa; Mrs. George Fing- land, Deseronto, and Sandy, Vaavol- kenbury, Deseronto. A bountiful supper wai served ai 7 p.m., after which, Mr. Smith, Odessa, gave a very interesting speech along with others in regards to Mrs. Tompkins. During her stay with Mr. Tomp- kins and family she pleced a quilt and set it together for Mrs. Tomp- kins. . : The remainder of the evening was spent in conversation, also music and singing, furnished by Mrs. T. R. Lewis, Mrs. Stockton and Mrs. Leg- gett. ™ Mrs. Tompkins received many beautiful and useful presents from her relatives and friends. Mrs. Harriett Tompkins expresses thanks for the mumerous presents received. About 11 pm. all departed for their respective homes, wishing for Mrs. Tompkins the return of many more birthday celebrations. Camp Meeting at Maberly. Fall River, June 23.--The weather has been a little cooler these last few days, with frequent showers of rain, which will be good for the crops. The farmers will soon be to cut their hay. Archie Gray, warden of the county of Fron- tenac, was in Kingston last week at- tending county council. The Free Methodists are holding their camp meetings in Maberly. Harold at W. Palmer's; Mr. and Mrs. mas Duffy at George McFarlane's; Miss Jessie McFarlane spent Sunday at T. W. Duffy's; Mr. : Mrs. Wilfred Wesley and family pt Sunday at A. Gray's. Visitors: | IDs) |THE NASONIC ORDER WILL ATTEND CHURCH, An Event In Lansdowne on Sunday Next--Promotions In School. Lansdowne, June 24.--The AF. _jand AM. of Lansdowne Lodge will attend divine service in St. John's church next Sunday afternoon, June 28th,'at 2.30 o'clock. Preacher Rev. Cecll Winter. The evening service will be withdrawn. v will preach his farewell sermon, on Sunday - next. Mr. Dustin's new charge will be at Aultsville. Decor- ation day at the Union cemetery was held on Tuesday and the service in the church was conducted by the Rev. Cecil Winter, assisted by the Rev. I. N. Beckstedt. fa : Jhe remains of tha late Miss Helen V. Cornett, Toronto, were brought here by C.N.R., on Tuesday evening, to the . residence of her brother, James Cornett and the fun- ergl was held on Wednesday after- noon at the house and was conduct- ed by the Rev. I. N. Beckstedt. J. P. Lappan purchased the Wallis property, which was sold by auction on Tuesday, June 23rd. Miss Elsie McNelll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McNeill, who has been at- tending Toronto University, returned home @n Saturday. J. H. Warren and family, Toronto, are spending a fortnight, at their cottage, at "Ivy Lea. On Monday Mr. Lynch and family moved into their new home on Railway avenue. Mr. James Mc- Donald went to Mr. Lynch's house and Mr. Sandford McDonald to James McDonald's home. Miss Liz- zle Warren, Rockfield, spent a few days recently with her sisters, Mrs. E. R. Bradley and Mrs. W. Warren. The regular service in Chalmers United church is to be held in the evening on Sunday next. Services at Fairfax and Sand Bay, morning and afternoon. The Union Sunday school will meet at Sand Bay on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Miss Grace Beckstedt returned from Ottawa, on Thursday, having com- pleted a course at Normal. Mrs. J. A. Webster, who has been visiting relatives, has returned to Lansdowne. Dr. James Bradley, Peoria, Ill, and Dr. Edward Brad- ley, Cantom, Ill, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Bradley. Arthur Latimer, C.N.R. agent, has returned from attending Grand Lodge of the LO.O.F. at Hamilton. Clare Nelson, New York, who has been here with relatives, convalescing from an oper- ation, has returned to the city. St. Rev. Mr, Dustin { quote you, will stay that way. We have some very interesting prices on Fir Stock Doors, and would be pleased to S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins y BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO ~ Telephone: Priyate Branch Exchange, No. 1571 "Where Good Clothes Cost Less" Style--Value--Quality AT TWEDDELL'S ~--Every garment in our stock, every gar- ment we sell, is an expression of our judg- ment of quality, value and style. A judg- ment based on our own experience, ----Your selection here is merely a matter of deciding upon pleasing pattern. You have the comfortable assur- ance that everything is exactly right--and le, fabric and Suits Range from $15.00 to $40.00 TWEDDELL'S "Good Clothes For Less" See Our Window Display John's Sunday school picnic will be held on Weston's Island on Friday, July 10th. Promotions in Victoria School. From Senior III. to Junior IV.-- Arthur Dixon (honors), Ivan Doak, Lettie Guilds, Freda Latimer, Alban McClary, Mildred McConnell (hon- ors), Helen McDonald, Phyllis War- ren (honors). From Junior III. to Senior IIL-- Beulah Cartright, Dora Fox, Nancy Funnell, Victoria Horton (honors), Margee McKay (honors), Phyllis Peck, Florence Smith (honors), Doris Warrens, Eula Warren. From Senior IL to Junior IIl.-- a THEY'RE GOING FAST YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY Until July 8+ all 10 inch (double-sided) 75¢ "His Master's , Victor R REDUCED TO All other records (excépting Red Seals) at a reduction of 20c a record. | Voice: ecords Francis Funnell, Alice Funnell, Doris McDonald, Jack Peck, Ronstd Ware. rén. From Junior II. to Senior IL-- Willie Barnes, Billy Burns, Vada Cross, Harris Latimer, Frank-Mcll- veen, Edgar McMunn, Billy Sheps pard. 3 From Senior I. to Junior IT.-- Richard Bonsteel, Marjorie Carte right, Fanny Horton, Cleora McCone nell, Bobbie Mcllveen, Mary Lors Mack, Bolton Slack, From Junior Primer to Senlop Primer--Bessie Johnston, Grace Latimer, Bill McConnell, Ford Peck, Max Sheppard, Jack Tedford, Vera Warren. Se