A "THE DAILY BRITI SH WHIG LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE 'Woman Page Bditor, Phone 2018. * & » . With the dauntless spirit which always characterized the loyal of 8i. George's Cathedral in work: which .they choose te un- yesterday proved no excep- to their past efforts to make a s of their annual garden party, 'spite of adverse weather ' condi: pns which .have been suf- iflecorated and presented 'appearance, had as convener Mrs. W. H. Hughes, who was assisted by Mrs. W. D. Graham, Mrs. James Miller, Mrs. W. Harty, Mrs. Mrs. H. Richardson, Mrs. W. John- ston, Gladys Lemmon. The Ladies' «Ald branch was responsible for this table. The girls branch of the W. A. look- ed after the candy table, assisted by ed a pretty F. W. Jones, Mrs. E. Scrutton, and Miss t to discourage the bravest of| Mrs. W. E. Kidd, Mrs. G. Bawden, orkers. However, the party "car- fed on" in the Sunday school hall, d here crowds gathered all after- where willing workers dispens- delicious refreshments' and ties of all sorts to tempt the The hall was beautifully d with summer flowers and inted a very bright appearance the visitors. Miss Isobel Hughes J. which would tempt aven 'the casual observer, was in charge of the A Y.P.A. and had as convenor Miss E. Lyons, assisted by 'Mrs. Thompson, Miss Elizabeth Clarke. cream booth; attractively decorated, was in charge of Miss Edith Ritchie, and Mrs. C. 8S. were assisted by members of Junior W. A, Edith Ward, Donohue and Anna Hallam. iyed and sang delightfully during aftefnoon. Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, esident of the Ladies' Aid, and R. J. Gardiner, president of Women's Auxiliary, received the ts. "we ie w . The tea table, which was centred . & silver basket of peonies, was over by Mrs: E. A. Rees, Sawyer, Mrs. J. Sutherland, H, J. Wilkinson, and they were by Miss Edith Rees, Miss ne Harty, Misses Sybil and Viv. White, Miss Margaret Callaghan, Miss Elisabeth Lyster. The hani- ihlef table, which was daintily and Miss Freda Burns, Martin, Miss Elliott, Rogers (convener), Miss Elsie Rob- inson and Miss Kathleen 'Daly. The work and apron table, sponsored by the Ladies' Aid, had Mrs. G. A. Rob- inson as convener, Mrs. R. E. Burns, Mrs. T. G. Bishop, Mrs. W. White, Mrs. G. McGowan, and Mrs. Miss = Ruth Miss Eileen J. B. Elliott. table, most The homemade Bert Webster, The {ce Mrs. Gordon who the Kirkpatrick, Misses Gladys and Hasel It was a delightful event and everyone is to be congratulated on the success of the afternoon. The WEDDING We us when you- require 'Phones 4352--1218-J. , BOUQUETS, ' FUNERAL DESIGNS ave obtAinéd the leading designer from one of the oldest and exclusive Florists of Toronto. We guarantee satisfaction. ; rkpatrick's Art S tOre (Established 1874) Items of Interest for Saturday Shoppers "Summer Frocks of Gingham, Voile and Broadcloth at $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 each. . New Krinkle Bed Spreads with colored stripes: Special at $6.75 and $3.95 each. Women's Silk and Lisle Bloomers, in Peach, Pink and White. sizesfor............ oe en | + LOWERS Vests and All 50c. a garment. "Women's Silk Stockings, Luxite make, the best $1.00 stocking, in all new colors severe eons 31.000 pair W. N. Linton & Co. 'Phone 191. *_ The Waldron Store THE NAME OF A "GOOD PIANO Instinctively the name of Lind- 8 to one's mind Jessie and| Rev. W. E. Kidd welcomed the visi- tors, and the Rev. R. H. Coleman, who is a visitor in the city, had =a opportunityy.of renéwing acquaint- ances, who enjoyed meeting him Master Arthur Sutherland was responsible for selling a large num- ber of 'tea tickets, and so adding considerably to the financial success of the afternoon. » Ld . Mrs. Roy Watts, Albert street, was hostess at a delightful birthday party on Wednesday in honor of the fouFth birthday of her wee daugh- ter, Doris. Twenty-five tots came | with best wishes for the small guest of honor, and merrymaking went on for the afternoon in games and music. The long -table set for the occasion was centred with a huge birthday cake, on which rested four tiny candles. The guests departed at seven o'clock all wishing Doris many more such happy birthdays. * . . Mrs. G. W. Mylks, Kensington avenue, entertained Thursday after- noon at a charmingly arranged bridge. The tea table lovely with summer flowers was presided over by the hostess. Little Miss Helen Mylks opened the door for her mo- ther's guests, and assisted generally towards the success of the delightful party. ' . . * Mrs. A. W, Baxter, Brockville, has returned to her home after spending the winter in Kingston. She was ac- companied by her daughter, Mrs. Frank Stayner, who 'will remain there for a week or more. Mrs. F. 8. Young, Seeley's Bay, is holidaying in New York and Al- Tl bany, and visiting her brother, Dr. | Gallagher, Utica, N.Y. Capt. and Mrs. W. 8. MacDonald, i Buffalo, N.Y., motored to Kingston li| and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Caughey, Albert street. They are returning to Buffalo early in the week, accompanied by Mrs. William MacDonald, of Stella, and Miss Anna MacDonald, of Kingston. Mr. C. Wood and son, Ian, Peter- boro, are the guests for a day or so of Mr. and Mrs. A. VanLuven, Brock street. * eo * Mrs. Ian Howden, Folkestone, England, who has been the guest of her sister, Lady Macdonell, and Major-General Sir Archibald Mac: donell, wiil leave for Ottawa mext week, where she will be the guest of Miss Creighton, t Mrs. J. C. Ponsford is a much-fet- ed visitor in St. Thomas. She is ex- pected to return home early next week, The many friends of Mrs, William Laird, Alfred street, will be pleased ,| to hear that she is recovering from her recent long illness in the Gen- eral 'Hospital. She is expected to leave the hospital early next week, Col. and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Toronto, will leave for their summer home next week at Merton Lodge, Front Road, and Miss Mary Ogilvie will leave on Saturday for the Girl Guides' Camp near there. Mr, and Mrs. C. S, Weagant, Pem- broke street, have returned from a thoroughly enjoyable motor trip in '| the United States. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Asselstine, Al- fréd street, returned today from a motor trip to Toronto and Hamilton. While in Hamilton Mrs. Asselstine attended the executive meeting of the Provincial Chapter of the Daugh- ters of the Empire. : Mr. Robert Dinahan and daughter, Miss Moria, Victoria, B.C., are the {| guests of Mrs. Meagher, Lower Al. bert street. Miss Etta Smith, William streer, who has been visiting in Montreal, is expected home on Sunday, and will bring her niece, Mrs, Stewart Burns, with her for a visit. -. - * - Miss Eleanor Driscoll has returm- ad to ber home in Howe Island after completing her year's course at the | Notre Dame convent. Mrs. J. Kent is expected in toWn from Rochester, N.Y., today, and will be the guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary O'Brien, Johnson street. His Grace the Archbishop of Algo- ma paid an official visit to the parish of Bath Friday morning and left this afternoqn for Toronto. While here Archbishop Thormloe was tho EVERY NEW FASHION AND EVERY SUMMER OCCASION 18 CONSIDERED IN OUR JUNE DISPLAY OF + Summer's Smartést Footwear PATENT DRESS PUMPS--Spanish Heels-- NEW PATENT, 1 STRAP, Cutout effect, 3 Spane ish, wood or leather heel $5.00 LIGHT TAN SPORT or GOLF SHOE--Crepe $6.00 SMART, T . $4.45 $2.75, $8.00 and up Lockett's "SHOES FOR THE FAMILY" cided to make it bigger and better than before. The brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem, after which the hostess served refreshments. The July meeting 18 to be held at the home of Mis. L. B. Cronk with Mrs. G. R. Howes, Mrs. James York and Mrs. L. B. Cronk in charge. Each member is to come provided to- answer the roll call with some || suggestion of sports for fair day. wn WEDDINGS. HUTCHIN GS--DALY A werp pretty wedding was solem- | |i nized in St. Mary's cathedral Tues- [|i Fathor || James || Hutchings and Katherine Daly. The |} bride looked charming in a white |} Gay fhorning when Rev. Lacey unitéd in marriage canton crepe dress with white satin hat and shoes and match. She carried a bouquét of sweetheart roses and sweet peas. Miss Kathleen Murphy was the brid. esmald and "Alfred Hutchings was best man. After the ceremony the |} wedding breakfast was served in the Belmont dining room to about twen- ty-five guests. The groom's gift to the bride was of pearls; to the bridesmaid pin and cuff links to fii} thyst 'bést man. noon g train for Oshawa, To- : g esfi Hin E i meeting was | stockings to || The happy couple left || 'SILK FROCKS § - ON SALE SATURDAY TWO STRIKING VALUES IN WOMEN'S AND MISSES' 'SUMMER DRESSES 5.95 °8. lly smart collection of fashionable Summer Frocks exclusive, individual styles and priced specially for Saturday's selling. THOSE AT THOSE AT $5.95 | $8.95 Summery Stripe and Novelty French Broad- styles a surprising mer wardrobe, at a minimum éx- pense. Misses' sizes 18 to 20, Women's sizes 88 to 42. SMART, STRIPED Fuji Silk Frocks Women's sizes 88 to 42. pe >" '