-- THE » DAILY BRITISH WHIG * emi "THE HOSPITAL AND st COMMUNITY SERVICE" mr. Armstrong Advances Sug- : gestions for Solution of Toe Kingston Problems. FURRIERS a ohn M Limited 8 McKay Established 1859 The man of moderate means gets the least service from thie hospital. The rich and the poor are well look- éd after, but the man in between is too proud to accept charity and does not feel he can afford the expense of hospital treatment. How to enable him to get due service of this kind was largely the theme of Kiwanian Fraser Armstrong, superintendent of the Kingston General Hospital, when he addressed the XKiwaniy Cub at their weekly luncheon in the Fron- tenac Hotel on Monday. His subject was "The Hospital and Community Service," and besides supplyiog in- teresting%hospital facts his interest- Hing remarks showed the trend of pol- fey of modern hospital administra- tion, alongwith suggestions regard- ing the solution of problems affect- ing the local institution. The hospital played a big part in the community, said Mr. Armstrong. Oné of every ten persons used it, and undoubtedly more should avail them- selves of its services. It should be able to serve.all parties. There were three classes In the community--the poor and charity, the man of moder- ate means and the well-to-do. Thanks to the assistance of the state, the > | poor were well looked after, and the rich could afford to pay, but the man of moderate means, who was really the backbone of the country, was obliged by his circumstances to fore- £9 hospital advantages. How to en- able the latter to get his share was one of the biggest problems in hos- pital administration to-day, said the speaker. The problem was becoming more EE rr NN Any Have Your Meals with Us on the Holiday! THE GRAND CAFE KINGSTON'S HIGH CLASS RESTAURANT Full course dinner 65¢. and up. A La Carte Service. Li When housecleaning "have your Mattiésses cleaned and re- H modelled. Go to Hughes' when you want a new one at low price. . : Ww. 4038 PRINCESS STRERT / - rv . H. HUGHES, : Phone 3180-J, difficult. Mr. Armstrong | quoted J fromi government reports to show . - - = - mien -= | that the expenses of operating a hos- : corm =| | pital had doubled in the past few i] years. In 1905 the average cost per i] patient per day at the K.G.H. was 79 ji cents, In 1923 It was $2.51. Botter Servicé Demanded. A BUNGALOW---4 rooms and shed, oak floors, good cellar, Reagons were numerous. fn asd . of living had advanced. The public fine lot with extra' driveway. Albert Street, il] was demauding better service nowa- Bear Princess. Price $2,000. Terms. days The hospital needed mote il| nurses accordingly, and the new M. B. TRUMPOUR ll! clinic building will increase such ad- ministration expense. But the great 704 or J072w. . .: » if | reason was the advance in medical gi] | science, requiring more elaborate =. | and -costly equipment. The use of the X-ray had grown and in a short time the local board would face the Question of purchasing a deep ther- apy set for the treatment of cancer, ete. The introduction of insulin alone had increased the expense of dieting and foods. Out-patient work 1]! had developed and nearly the whole J}; floor of the new clinic building wogld be given over to such. The hospital board may attempt co-operation with the local dentists to have a regular dentist available there. There seemed little chance of re- ducing the daily fost. The average for Ontario was $3.19 and that for the K.G.H. was not much under $3. Seeing that the local' hospital re- celves about ninety cents for its poor patients, it was easy to understand a deficit of $80,000. If these cases could be lessened in number, there would be some relief. There were supposed charity cases which were not so, but the hospital had not the machinery to find out. Perhaps an arrangement would be made with the city in this matter. The problem of collections was a serious one. To- ronto hospitals demanded weekly payments in advance, but the method Bere was not so drastic. Still a real basis of reasonably prompt payment should be worked out. By cutting down on the lost in- curred through its poor and non-pay- ing patients, the hospital could ren- der better service to the man of mod- erate means. , A. Meiklejohn, who ably presided {in the absence of President Billy Moore, expressed the club's apprecia- tion of Kiwanian Armstrong's excel- lent address. 1.28 to $2.50 MODLER'Sfor your NECKWEAR---Newest dak 88c. to $8. 'Men and Young Men Now is your opportunity to purchase your Club Business. 7 The booster was Jack McGall, Ki- wanians Lockett and Dr, Broom sang some bad things about his chalk on the walk. r -4 cakes for 25¢, Comfort, Surprise, P. & G., Gold Soap... .9 bare for 50c. Old Boys' Reunion were dis- Handy Ammonis, 2 pkgs. 17¢. 4. Butherland took up the 2 in 1 Shoe Polish . 2 for 25c. fll Large Toilet Paper . .6 tor 25. Str. Settlements ll Panto! or Palmolive 8 for 4c. : 2 | Washing Soda... 2 pigs. 176 . The cost |" visitors inelndéd W. E. Ray- | OBITUARY | Late Mrs. Bella McFarlane. There passed away Sunday morn- ing, June 28th, after an illness of several months, one of Kingston's most lovieg personalities, in the per- son of Miss Bella McFarlane, of 269 Frontenac street. Miss McFarlane was a'daughter of the late Robert McFarlane, and had lived In King- ston most of her life. She was well and favorably known to the patrons of Kirkpatrick's Art Store where her kindly courtesy and her artistic taste were 80 much appreciated. She was very highly esteemed by all those who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. For many years she was a successful and a much loved Cooke's chureh. Bhe is survived by two sisters, Mrs. James Wilson, of Lower Alfred street and Miss Jessie, with whom she made her home. Miss Bessie Wilson, school nurse, Is a niece. The funeral took place on Tues- day morning to Cataraqul cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev. J. W. Stephen of St. Andrew's church. The pall bearers were Messrs. BE. Anderson, J. McCulla, R. J. Diack, C. C. Simmons, W. Gardi- ner and A. C. Hay. REV. DR. W. T. G.. BROWN Who has begun his third pastorate of Sydenham Street church. x Gifts to a Pastor. Last week at Moosefaw, a number of the official boafd and members of the congregation of Wesley ¢hureh met at the parsonage to say farewell to Rev. A. B. Johnstone and family on the eve of their departure for Brownlee, Sask. The members of the congregation spoke of the great value their 'pastor's 'work had been and as a tangible reminder of their appreciation they presented Rev. Mr. Johnstone ard Mrs. Johnstone with two arm chairs. Rev. Mr. Armstrong made a suitable reply to the congre- gation for their kindness and thought. Rev. Mr. Johnstone is well known in this part of the country. About thirty years ago he was stationed at Cataraqui, DNDiginburgh and Pitts. burgh. o Dominion Day, Wed., July 1st. Take the 8.8. Wauble and enjoy a sail to Cape Vincent, N.Y., leaving Kingston 7.00 am. and 1.15 p.m. standard time. Passengers taking 7.00 am. boat and returning on evening boat will have an opportun- ity to spend three hours in Water- town. Fare round trip to Cape Vin- cent returning same day, 75¢. Phone 2195. A chance -for everyone. All small Quoits and a 15 yard pitch at the tournament at the Oddfellows' pic- ale, Refuse from bobbing hair in bar- ber shops is being used in the mak: ing of rugs: at Denver, Col. , Sunday school teacher on the staff of, EVERY GLOVE IN OUR STORE To se cLearep out at 20% REDUCTION A good assortment and lots of them. / A nice gift for the Boys who passed their examination. ALL" THAT'S. NEW THAT'S ALL Fabrics Of The Moment CANTON CREPES CREPES 36 inch, in plain or brocaded. | N8W. 40 inch Check Crepes: All shades . ......$1.90 yard Special .... oo ove 791,00 yd. SILK: AND COTTON CREPES In all shades; 36 inches wide. i... :$1.25 and $1.50 yd. TRICOPLAID eb) 36 inch, All Silk Tricoplaid for Sport Suits or Skirts. Col ors Green and White, Sand and Blue, Blue and Fawn, Red and White. Spegial ..... iii hii era. $2.50 yard {CREPE DE CHENE CREAM FLANNELS | n new designs for Dresses. 54 inch .......vie $2.00 yd. up Priced . . $2.50 and $3.00 yard CREAM SERGE CREAM HOMESPUN 54inch .....c. vie $1.75 yd. S54inch .......... $2.50 yd. FLANDELAINE Ee Just received 32 inch, plain Flandelaine, all pure wool for: Shout Goats, in Paddy Green, Scarlet, Tan, Powder Blue, Yel- low,#lmond Green, Sand and Rose. Priced ........... 88¢. yard PICTORIAL PATTERNS please particular people. PICTORIAL MAGAZINE for July ........cmice 15¢, copy Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY. STORE of ' - . F LUCKIN'S "Phone 694. Steak 10c. Ib. Fol Spe The schooner Hattie Hut cleared for Fairhaven this morning. The steamer Mapleton cleared last evening. "ou The steamer Toronto arrived from Toronto this morning and cleared for Prescott. It will return this after- noon snd clear for Charlotte and Toronto. BRISKET BEEF " 10c. Ib. PORK SAUSAGE, 20c. Ib. WE SELL THE GENUINE THE GOOD KIND - esniod "PHONE 694. Quite An Experience. The story is being told of a thrill- ing experience of .a well-known Kingston man, his wife and =o friend. They were returning from Brophy's Point Sunday night in a motor boat. he wind was high when they started and when they got as far as Barriefleld it blew so hard that they deéided to land. They managed to get the boat to a whart and the friend jumped off to get the rope but the boat drifted out again OFFENDER CAUGHT { IN KINGSTON Likely t2 Go To Cimpheliiond Lats ¢ For ; Melvin J. Bertrand, a young farm and the thers could not land. They |, 4 cpl og' ty ACA Lowi Parc township, went to Campbeliford on a bicycle one night recently. Sebastapol £a ge HH i 29