a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SPORT WITH THE BOWLERS. and J. G. Brandsteétter defeated Mr. and Mrs. Worden, 6-4, 6-3. {| WILLS STOPPED " WEINERT SOON Slattery Forced to Quit In Third--Greb Ia Still Champion. New York, N.Y, July $3 ----Tha| world's middle-weight ring sows | was still snugly fitted to the head of | Won. Lost: Harry Greb today after 15 rounds of | fierce fighting Thursday night with Mickey Walker, welter-weight king. This was the final bout of four thril- ling struggles for Charley Lavnight in the ring of the Polo Grounds. Harry Wills, veteran negro heavy- weight challenger, took only two rounds to dispose of Charley Wein- AmUSEMENTs ||HEARD ON THE STREET Agents A What. hs Pru os || Local Briefs Gathered by Re- Coming Attractions porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. FREE OIL SATURDAY GALA OPENING DAY OF THE COLLEGIAN SERVICE STATION Princess, Street, Near Bath Road 1 Quart of Oil Free With Every Five ons of Gas OILS . SHELL. ( POLARINE. CROWN. PREMIER. SHELL SPECIAL. If your Crank Case is full, get a Coupon good for 1 quart of Oil at any time. : GOOD EATING CHOCOLATES' Assorted Hard and Soft Centre Chocolates | "SEVEN CHANCES" IS v KEATON'S BEST | Buster Keaton has done it again' | The frozen-faced comedian has hjt | | the mark square in the bull's eye with his latest comedy, "Seven Chan- | ayer | ces," which opens at the Capitol | Mr Swaine plane tuner. Orders | Theatre today. If this Is not the fun-| "100 Clergy street west, niest comedy of the year, then this| { The Standing of the Queen's Club Kingston is enjoying rare fine | Teams for June. i The northerly breeze is re-| The standing of the teams at the | Queen's bowling green for June was: "Lemon Cream." Gibson's. Series 1. Skip. . 'phone 564w. { > | reviewer's funny bone is mot work} At the present time there are|d- M. Elliott & the | I+ Sleeth | ing. ! ¢ | "Seven Chances," which is a film [ove ies and' two females {A. Turcott | version of the Belasco stage success | "Sunburn Creams." Gibson's. C. G. Hodgins { of several years ago, tells the story; J. M. Campbell has returned from J. A. McFarlane of a young man about Wall Street |, "0 "where 'he attended the ola | H. W. Newman whose code In Ho 1s of such a gen- Yoys' reunion. 1: Pay i erous nature that he gives away the |W. Campbe di funds of his partner and Bimuelt |, TTT Assostor Edwin Nocera | Angrove ert, who. was 'no match for Wills | for the sake of sweet charity, and | ond of the city in the course of | G. VanHorne Wills weighed 213 pounds and Wein. | everything seems pout to Eras. ! three weeks. ' ter 185 Just then his uncle leaves him a " + » son's. - . : % | legacy of $7,000,000 with the 'only | 1 on pest will leave Mondey mor. SKIp. Won. Lost. | Jimmy Slattery, sensational us | proviso that he be married by seven ning. fc | Dr. Bparks | 220 In CX ora § at, A hitpee $d g for Ottawa, to. attend the an-| : | ed victim to a furious attack from | o'clock that same evening. He rush-|...) convention of the: Ontario Re-|R. S. Graham | Golden Gate centered in the fast fiy- | 8 to the home of his best girl and! Druggists' Association. W. McCartney | ing tist of Dave Shade. Floored tre ~t | asks her to marry him so that he |" nojrorg resident was fined $20 | Pr. Cartwright times in the third round, Slattery [can get the fortune. She refuses |) "n..iirate Bradshaw for: beng |J- Leckie . was saved from the un ; an him on such ground, so he is left to | gun) ot Tichborne on Thursday, |J- Newell his seconds tossed in the - vel » find someone who will marry Bim. | wroonshine" is blamed. "|B. Walsh For thirteen rounds £ br ising {i Then the fun begins in earnest. | ".i.o cream Bricks." Gibson's. J. Munsie mill with Walker Bl fon as Buster tries one after another of| p.. Gladstone S. Wood, a Queen's | G- Lawes close quarters Then he oe the beautiful girls he meets, but 10 | graduate, has resigned his charge at M Coming out ot his corner. 3 vi Bo avail--and let us state Tight here, | gars presbyterian church. He is | fourteenth with a terrific vient that they-are quite a collection. going with the United church. spun the.challenger around with a o Nhe vid stegmer ot. Li renst yi { yg to the jaw. Another right found | remove om C 8 - the same mark as Walker went to day evening to below the causeway the ropes and for the first time since by the Pyke Salvage and Wrecking he became champion of one hundred Company. 'A Com . 2nd forty-seven pounders, the Bliza- shes o oses son's. beth, N.J., bo was s Arnold Bauder, R.R. 1, Kingston, groggy. y So ad a young county lad who suffered a Greb went vigorously after a fractured arm when 'he was run over br 8 knoca-out in the fifteenth but -in- by a Jay wages 9 Thuraday, or 1D. Bibs stead of a wilting foe, he found la rou to the Genera ospital for | * ¥ v S rey Dr. Keyes ee pis | 4. M. El ott les hob. 55: timed Walon os any Skip ...,..14 pe 3 SF into the > ittsburgh man's stomach until "Ice Cream Bricks." Gibson's. "7 Greb, recovering, went back at his As the outcome of a G.W.V.A. ex-|9- Litton ) w. Gil cpponent. A crowd of 65,000 witnes- ecutive meeting Thursday night a|H- F. Price J. Chatterton sed the fight. mass meeting of all the war veter-| J- Asselstine C. Crozier ans In the city is being called for | J: Newell J. C. K. Munsie next Tuesday night. This is to pre-| SKIP pare for a bigger meeting, which! may be held ia Memorial Hall, to|T- Lambert greet Gen. Turner on his expected | A: Meiklejohn visit to the city. C Smart M. Manahan GASOLINES--- WN NNN NINN DODD Assorted Nut with Milk Chocolate coating ......... 40¢c.a Ib. box New York Fruit Store 814 PRINCESS STREET 'PHONE 1405w. AUCTION Stock and fixtureg of Estate W. H Hall wil] be sold at store, corner of Princess and Clergy streets, on MON. ! DAY, JULY 6th, at 1 p.m, { Stock $374.27 will be offered en bloc, but if highest bid not satisfactory it will be auctioneed off in small lots. Fixtures comprise Meat Slicer, Toledo Scale, Sefe, Oil Tank. Stock list og be seen at office of Geo. Rabertson Son, Limited, : OF on oe OOF GO BO RO ee Thursday's Games. Regular rink games Thursday night resulted as follows: H. Mitchell P. Schetagne J Singleton R. Sloan LW. Linton J. Angrove G. VanHorne A. Turcott AUNT HET SAT, JULY 4th, 6.15 pm. Kingston Intermediates vs. Circle Six . CHECKER Taxicabs Phone SOO D. J. Funnell J. Boyd G. Lemmon L. Sleeth Skip A. McMahon Sn m-- || News In Condensed Form Off the Wires R. Stevenson J. Baker "Pa complained o' backache yes- Dr Cartwright Any place in city DAY OR NIGHT The cab that forced the prices All mew § and 7 passenger Sedans se. T AX BLACK | WHITE Phone 400 - 2 Any Place in the City ~~ nm - 49. BL SURPRISE STORE We sell for ca®h or weekly payments A -------------------------------------------- Hear the. Hits from the Dumbells "Oh Yes." For Sheet Music and Apex Records try {Warmington's Music Store CLOTHES THAT FIT TRY!! Williamson & Wellwood THE TAILORS Your Own Material Made A 30 Montreal Street "Phone 21087. caps sg MR. BOOKKEEPER! 'Why not plan for authority to write a Canadian Accountancy De- gree afteryour name? Oursplendid courses in Higher Accounting will qualify you for any kgowa C.A, C.P.A., C.G.A, or othek. Account- ancy Examinations. Our records prove our work. Write us for them. Shaw's Accountancy School, - Dept. K-1, 46 Bloor Street West, Toronto. a a nd tt iy D. terday, but he's so thin it might o' been appendicitis." Bawled, But Apologized. Stealing a watch brought another young lad to Picton court. He had picked up a watch in the house where he had gone to dinner. Mag- istrate Williams sent him to the com- plainant to restore the property and make an apology. He didn't want to apologize and bawled when the mag- istrate ordered him to do it or else go to jail. Finally consenting he wanted to go right away instead of going to his examinations. The mag- {strate repeated his threat and he went on to school, vowing that he would never steal again. ; Caught Ringing False Alarm. Two little boys, aged five years and seven years, were caught this afternoon shortly after two o'clock when they had sent in a false alarm from the corner of Mack and Albert streets, and had brought the firemen out. Trouble on the fire alarm tele- graph wires took remen out to box 21 at the corner of Princess and Sydenham streets on Thursday even- | ing. » Mowat Patients Given Drive. Fifty patients of the Mowat sana- torium were the guests Thursday { night, of a party of the Rotarians {who took them for a ninety-minute { drive into the country. There were | twelve cars in the procession. Treats of cigarettes were. also pro- vided. The patients appreciated very much this thoughtful act on the art of the club's members. Only One Hulk Remains. The third hulk to be removed from below the causeway was taken out Friday morning by the Donnelly Wrecking Company. The name of it was MeVittie.' There is only one more boat to be taken out by the company. Kingston Presbytery. The regular July meeting of the Kingston Presbytery is set down for Tuesday afterrioon next in Cooke's church. In view of the changes brought about by union the pro- gramme is in doubt. ep sstmtm-- 'We Have Hundreds of Baskets Red, white and black cherries, sweets and sburs. Cut prices Satur day with a deeper cut every hour after six o'clock at Carnovsky's. Gifts Retiring Teachers. With the closing of the school year at the Cornwall high school, four members of the staff resigned--Ly- man Smith, who has retired after many years in the profession; H. A. Craig going to Regina to accept a position in the high school; Mr. Steinburg has accepted the position of principal of the Chesterville high school and Miss Helmkay. As a mark of the regard in which these teach- ers were held, the. staff and pupils gathered in the school gymnasium where presentations were made to them. Miss Helmkay being the re- cipient of a handsome silver dish; Mr. Orafg! of 'a pair of military brushes, and Mr. Smith and Mr. Stelnburg, of fountain pen and pen- cil in set. Ex-Premier Papanastasian is among those who have been called to a conference by the new revolution- ary government in Greece. Postponed games have from Dr. Cartwright, 16-12; L. Sleeth from C C. Hodgins; J. Newell from Dr, Sparks, 23-9; L. Sleeth from H. Angrove, 14-6. Mercantile Meeting. A meeting of the Mercantile Base- ball League, which controls the jun- fon league, has been called for Fri- day evening for the purpose of draw- ing up the second half of the junior edule. first half without a loss. It is under- stood that another team will enter the league at the meeting this even- ing and this may add even more in- terest to the league, but it appears to most fans, who have talked the mat- ter over, that the 'best should be taken from the new entry and put in with Victorias to make the fight for the Circle-8ix even harder. Just what the officials of the league will do- in this matter, however, remains to be decided at the meeting this evening. Kingston at Peterboro. Kingston and Peterboro were not originally scheduled te play on Sat- urday, but a game slated for them on the 10th of August was changed to July 4th and the locals will meet "Shiner" Johnson & Co. at River- side Park, while Oshawa will be en- tertaining Belleville in the Motor City. EXHIBITION GAME - SATURDAY EVENING Circle=8ix and Intermediates to Clash--New Left Th Kingston intermediates and Circle Six will hook up in an exhi- bition game at the Cricket Field on Saturday evening and if all accounts are true, the fans are in for some real nice baseball. Everybody knows what the Circle Six can do with the regulars in place and on Saturda evening Manager Derry will have his first string staff on the job with Morris Lovett working at short and Hewitt Smith doing the twirling. 'The Kingston intermediates will vaunt a new pitcher in front of tho been | claimed as follows: R.. 8S. Graham | The. Circle-Six won the | New York had the coolest July 1st this yeer since 1885. Philip Gerdel, fifteen years old, of | Windsor, was drowned in the Detroit | river, | There is a reported discovery of a feldspar mine in the township of Pembroke. | . Lord Cave defeated the Ear! of | Oxford for the chancellorship of Ox- | ford University. Zz Canadian National radial between | Toronto and Guelph swamped with | summer traffic, | Mrs. George Minal, Windsor, at- tempted to end her life by drowning, but was rescued. _. Paris newspapers protest use of Fontainebleau Palace as a dormitory for American music students. Sir Henry Thornton denies that the C.N.R. is preparing to sell cer- tain branches to American interests. July 11th has been fixed for the { holding of a convention by Kent county Liberals, when a candidate will be nominated. Settlers' effects from the United States show an' increase, while there is a decline in settlers' effects from Canada to the United States. Of nearly 1,000 aliens who hoped to get into the United States at the {| Windsor border, only 200 were ad- | mitted. Many have waited months in 'hope of getting their"visas. For the first time, official dele- The Arctic, which goes to the Polar regions Jor tests and relief work. Lower photos show Capt. Bernier, left, the radio apparatus and radio operator Robert M. Foster, with the ship's mascot. Alfred I. Bird, Belleville, died on Tuesday. He was secretary treas- urer for the late Senator Corby for thirty-eight years, and was also sec- gates from the Canadian Medi As- | socidfion will attend the Bri Me- dical Association meeting in land this month. While unloading coal on Monday, James Hicks, an employee .of the Campbeliford Cloth Company, had | misfortdne to break his right arm, when a heavy iron door suddenly gave way, pinning him to the ground. An Almost Fatal Accident. Harold Cooper, five year old son of Mr .and Mrs. John Cooper, North ly shot through the { head by his brother, Cecil, aged {eleven years. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper | were absent at the time attending a mission service leaving their three children at home. Cecil secured a 22 caliber rifle and was shooting at a mark. Not knowing the other two were in close proximity to he continued shooting until retary-treasurer for The Springer Lock Company for several years. The judgment by Magistrate O'- Rourke, Trenton, when he ordered the Shfiscation of a train car load of ir which had been seized at Trenton railway yards has been ap- pealed and the appeal is to be heard July 17th. A pretty wedding took place at Stoco on June 29th, when Miss La- vinia, youngest daughter of the I Andrew and Mrs. Keilty, Stoce, came the bride of Harry O'Neill, | ago Thurlow. On June 30th, Rev. T. Smith's Falls, united in marriage Miss Edythe Montgomery, daughter 'of Mr. aud Mrs. R. J. Montgomery, Frankville, to C. A. Pryce, Jasper, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pryce, Yule. At Prescott, this week, Marg Esther, daughter of Mr. and . James Kerr, Prescott, and D Mercier Ross, Brockville, son of Mr, and Mrs. D. Ross, North Augusta, were married. . Mrs. Catherine Orr, wife of liam Orr, Belleville, passed away Wednesday after an illness of duration. She was born in the to ship of 'Tiendinaga sixty-three sl Poe "Cold Creams." Gibson's. Torvfear the B08 Baas | STUCHEN Bios. | Announcement large stock we mow have on hand we are ' Suis