shonin UMBER [= : 9 WELL BOUGHT MEANS . Well manufactured and properly graded-- the kind that brings repeat orders. A trial order and you will be convinced. ALLAN LUMBER CO. | Victoria Street. ; Telephone 1042. : ane rc rwhore A Tolling About the Values at od Jackson-Metivier's. Remarkable Values Tomorrow in Sport Clothes for Women JUST UNPACKED BRAND NEW DRESSES Hundreds to select from--new models for Women and Misses at very $4.75 1 $6.95 GROUP 1. GROUP 2. STRIPED ENGLISH . Figured Voiles, Silk Broadcloth Dresses Ratine, Li This is a tremendous dress event -- A diversity of pretty Summer styles | cool Dresses to wear now EXTRA SPECIALS In Our Men's Furnishing Department , charming in highly Mercerized Silk-finished materials--wide and narrow stripes. Shades: Sand, Henna, Blue, Tan, Mauve and Rose. Sizes 16 to 44. that all women want and adore ---- fabrics that are new. We have broken all records for value-giving in this offering. Men's Shirts at $1.49 Arrow brand, neat stripe de- signs. Formerly priced at $2.25 and $2.50. Sizes 14 to 1634. Men's Pure Silk Hose At 45¢ Monarch brand, in Brown, Sand, Grey, Navy and White. Sizes 10, 10}§ and 11. Men's Khaki Pants, $1.75 Made from strong Duck with Five pockets, belt loops and tunnels. IP Vv BUY YOUR NEW SUIT HERE And Save From $5.00 to $10.00 on Your Purchase. Louis Abramson "Phone 1098. 336 Princess Street HANLEY'S (Established 1871) teamshi ~ Men's Straw Hats : Just 95¢. Such a low price, and almost beginning of the season Horizontal. . Charge established by law for the con- veyance of letters. . Entering. . Total. . Spring holiday. . To regret. . Geniuses or gifts. . Eggs of fishes. .- Cow-headed dess. . Mysteries. . Accomplished. «+ Adverbial nega- tive, . Opening in a fence. . To be sick. ."To administer. . Child. . Devoured. . Point of compass. . To cut wood. . To declare solemn- 1y. . Gossip receiver. . An allowance. . Basket twiggs. . Carmine. . Purifier. . To knock. . Force producing hypnotism. . Friend. . To place. god- i 53. Behold. 54. bs. 59. 61. 65. 188, 64. 89. 71. 73. 74. Nothing. Geographical draw- ing. Period. Gaiter. Meditates. Mixture used making beer. To make lace. Staked a bet. Honey insect. Obliterates. Titled people. Mollifies. Avenues. in ----ty Vertical. . Portion of time. . Burden. . Mug. . Seventh 5. 8 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . Plece note in scale. Skill. of mechan- ism. Fishing bags. Combustible fluid. Bone. Silver nitrate. An inert gaseous element. . Less mature. 19. To tug. 20.»Cluster of knots in wool fibre. 35. 37. 39. 40. 41. 46. 48. 52. 56. 60. 61. 62. 64. 686. 87. 70. 72. 15. visited at S. Ferguson's. 23. Drunkard. 5. Forge . Dressed. . Rowed. . Bpecial kind of fish- . Almost 50. 54. 58. 58. 7-3. pattern block. . Pertaining to mat- | ters of current in- terest. ing. a donkey (pl). Pertaining to the nose. Mass. Unit. Age. To sin. Degraded. Female versifler. Cavity. Male cat. Native. Earthen cup. By. Piece of furniture. To peel. Part of a ship. Delivered. List. Small tumor. Drone bee. Point of compass. To exist. Renter. drinking Mrs. L WHITE SILK SPORT DRESSES PRINCESS - SLIPS Every Dress in this group is a delightfully fresh and dainty Summer model--in heavy quality Fugi Silk with V neck collars, 2 pockets and all round belt. Sizes 16 to 42. Other Shades: Mauve, Blue, Tan, $7.95 # $1.19 z . Remarkable value -- heavy- _ weight Satinette Princess Slip. Shades: White, Sand, Brown, Orchid and Black. , Sizes 36 to 44. JACKSON-METTVIER LIMITED I14 PRINCESS 5 STREET. "THE OAPTAINS AND THE KING 8 DEPART.' Keill returned from Kingston. Miss Taylor has returned to Middleville. Mr. and Nrs. Allen have: returned for the summer. C. Huffman and family, Perth, visited at W. Kimber- ley's, Sunday. Miss Bessie Erwin has er, booked to all parts of the world. Pass- ports T10/T MOLE INIMAIRIC] ClOMNI TINIE lie [Io IOR] Re ; WANT] LE RERAIGOM pugh tickets issued over all ida, West Indies, Mediterran- the World Steamship arranged for it i desire to bring relatives or s from abroad. full particulars apply to ot J. P. Hanley, CP. & T.A., ON. Office, Canadian National . corper Johnson and tario streets, Kingston, Ont. Open and night. "Phones 99 or 2837. to. WeSell New & Used Lumber Iron Sheeting At Lowest Prices L Cohen & Co. 182 Wellington Street When you want the best in Cut Flowers, Plants or design work call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1187 residence. Sole member of Florist Tele. Delivery for Kingston Your out-of-town orders so 1! held on Friday last in the Methodist ALBERTA COAL quantity for sale, de- livered in June at $13.75 per ton. Order now to be sure of getting it. Also SCRANTON COAL and VIRGINIA COAlL-~-all sizes at Summer prices. 'Phone U. R. Knight 1700w. Aylsworth Bros. (VIAINSRTIL / iSliIGINJAIL BRONNAIL BUMS WCE RIE ISP! [TIE JIRIAD AN] (SITHEN APT G Answer To Thursday's Crossword ' Puzzle. SHARBOT LAKE PARAGRAPHS A Great Many People at this Splen- did Resort. - Sharbot Lake, June 30---Rev. T. Austin Smith, Cataraqui, took charge of the Anglican service Sunday last. The Sunday school convention was church with a fairly good attend. ance. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weir, Oshawa, visited at W. Kimberley's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Har- rison, Toronto, visited at P. Harri. son's. Mrs. J. Hughes, Ivanhoe, at Mrs. J, Lyles. Mrs. Blake Buell and daughter visited last week at North Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. N. Donnelly, Kingston, S. Harper has returned to Hamilton. returned home for the summer, Dr. and Mrs. Suddaby visited friends in Kingston on Monday. Miss Miss H. Ferguson, Lavant, spent a few hours with Mrs. J. Bourk last week. Master Kenneth Culbert of the Soo at M. Avery's. Mrs. H. Smith visited friends at Sydenham recent- Iy. Miss Baker, Napanee, at M. R. Reid's; Miss Mona Drew spent the, weak end at Long Lake: Mrs. M, Buchanan is visiting M. Waroth's at Norwood. \ Given Appointments. Cadets in the Salvation Army have been sent to these points: Bessie Armstrong, Tweed; May Jones, Pres- cott; Melvena O. Piche, Picton; Eva Pilfrey, Perth; Verna Robinson, Ren- frew; Ivy Spicer, Napanee; Lillian Spicer, Arnprior; Lillian N. Walker, Gananoque; Mary Walton, Carlelon Place. Lloyds has insured the nose of an American lady perfume tester for $50,000 during her trip to Europe. SATURDAY, JULY 4th. | KDKA, Pittsburg, Pa. (309). 8.45 p.m.--Concert. WEAF, New York, N.Y. (401) 4 p.m.--Gene Ingraham's Great Notch Inn orchestra. 8 p.m.--Dinner music, 'Waldor{- Astoria. 7 pm~--Joint recital, Mabelanna Corby, pianist; Janet Bush-Hecht, contralto; Dr. Howard Applegate, baritone. 7.20 p.m.--Effin Rosanoff, cellist. 7.30 p.m.--Vera Webster, pianist. 7.30 p.m.--BEffin Rosanoff. '8 p.m--Babelanna Corby and group of artists. ! aad 8.15 pm. Huyler's Foremost Four. : ' 8.45 p.m.--Waestell Gordon, tenor. 9 p.m. -- Harry Denny's Notre Collegians. 10 p.m.--Special Defence Day 4 p.m.--Basebill scores. ,8 p.m.--'Our Declaration of Inde- pendence," C. Lee Cook. . 10.30 p.m.--Joseph Knecht's Wal- dorf-Astoria roof orchestra. g---- WGN, Chicago, Ill. (870). 6. 30 p.m.--Drake concert ensem- ble, Buckstone quintet. 8.30 p.m. --8t program. 10.30 p.m.--Drake hotel Terrace A squad of notables arrayed in their brightest panoply leaves Buckingham Palace to take part in the ceremonial '"trooping of the colors" in honor of the king's birthday. Left to right, the Duke of Connaught, King George, the Duke of York, Marshal Foch, Viscount Lascelles. mn ot pin, THAT YEAR OF FREEDOM "BY MILDRED BARBOUR THE DANGER SIGN. Nan began her sittings for the por- trait Danforth was determined to paint of her, the following week. He wanted to do her in a black satin evening gown, decollette and sleeve- less, against a warm golden back- ground, shot with rose. "With your dusky hair, you will look like Cynthia, the Goddess of Night, rising against the sunset," he told her, as he drew forward the chair on the model stand and gave a last touch to the brocade background he had ar- ranged in deft folds. She thought humorously to herself that with his squat, square body, horn rimmed glasses, and big, pudgy hands, he looked far more like a conscientious window dresser than a successful ar- tist. Louis Brandon came in the first af- ternoon to see what was being dofie. He was a striking contrast to Dan- froth. Immaculate in white flannel trousers and sport shoes, with his silk shirt open over his handsome, bronzed throat, a Tong, amber cigarette holder between his carefully manicured fing- ers, and smoke curling upward to his lazy eyes, he leaned gracefully against the wall behind the painter and survey- ed Nan appreciatively. "That's a peach of a gown, Miss Far raday. It makes you look stately and ~----er----unapproachable. I'm wondering where my little music student's gone." She smiled constrainedly after the manner of a model in her first pose. "I'm afraid I'm going to get awfully tired sitting still so long. Will you ask Mr. Danfroth-to have pity on me." The artist set down his palette and his perspiring forehead with the back of a paint smeared hand. "Take a rest," he ordered, "and next time, tell me when the pose is tiring you. I get so enthusiastic about what I'm painting that I generally forget a model's human." : "Is Miss Farraday Human, Danny?" hi AE Brandon 1 haven't found her so." Danfroth cast him a baleful glance. "1 wish you'd get out. I want to ing the in. before nda mm 1] familiar." "I loathe being touched," she "said crisply. "Really? What an unusual girl." His eyebrows went up humorously above his dazzling eyes. "Louis, for the love of Pete, get out and let me go on with my work," begged Danfroth peevishly. "H do you expect me to paint a portrait ih you draped in front of the modal. You're no transparent sylph, you know." - Brandon laughed good naturedly, made them both his graceful, ironical bow. "It only requires two urgent invita- tions to depart for me to discover that I am apparently de trop. Ah, well, I g0, but let me warn you, Miss Farra. bday, that Danfroth's sending me away because he is jealous. He feels that he has so little chance with you whea I'm around---you give all your attention to me." He made a humorous, little grimace | and closed the door behind him only to reopen it the next moment to say: "If you need me, Miss Farraday,! you have only to call and I will hear you in my studio. I understand that any girl is quite safe with our estim- able T anny, but you never caa tell-- especially about anyone as ravising as you." ; When the door had closed again be. hind him, Nan burst out laughing. "Mr. Brandon seems in a rare good humor today." i Danfroth giunted. { "He's always happy when he's mak- ing fun of somebody. Impudent young puppy!" : Nan was silent. i Had Brandon been deliberately mak-! ing fun of her by his pretended ad. miration? The fullsomeness of his compliments would seem so, and bis humor was certainly pointed with ma. lice, or satire. She wondered if he was piqued bes cause she had refused his only invita- tion the week before. Her thoughts, revolving solely a« round Louis Brandon, engrossed her to such an extent that she did fot hear Danfroth, even when, he announced that the light was rotten and the si .