THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND V him again, and he is busy renewing LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE 'Woman Page Bdttor, Phone 2618 x * . * . . The L.U.B.S. Club, in which Miss "Ldla Spooner held the office of secre- tary, entertained last evening in her or when the members of the club at her home and the club presi- Mrs. A W, Brundage, present- her with a beautiful pierced silver ort a8 a token of their esteem, | expressed sincere regret at Miss per's departure from Kingston. over, still another surprise was store for the guest of honor, when Buge basket was brought in beau- lilly decorated and a 'kitchen : er" was the order of the hour. A delicious buffet supper was served ihe guests by Mrs. Spooner, and ler Miss Spooner's impromptu ad- of gratitude to her friends, was received with much ap- , the evening was brought to a 8 with the singing of "For She's | Jolly Good Fellow." Miss Spooner's e to Mr. "Tot" Young takes on Monday next. * . 'A most enjoyable event took place last evening when the choir of St. ' church held a very successful E at Lake Ontario Park, After delicious supper songs were sung a really delightful hour was en- id. A pleasing feature of the Was a presentation of a titul string of pearls given to H. Horton, who is leaving in future with Mr. Horton for puver. The presentat was by Mr. Sidney S 0 ex- fd the appreciation of the choir the faithful services given by M: Horton The party closed with @ singing of the national anthem, turning to the city about ten OCK. . . * iss Allison Macdonell, Kingston, She guest of her cousin, Mrs, Stan- Mathewson, Montreal, and will ir until the'first of the week. rs. H. R. Chown and Miss Bifz- Chown, Albert street, are sail- from Montreal for the Old Coun- They plan to spend the sum- touring Great Britain, France, , Switzerland, and other coun- in Europe, and expect to re- to Canada about the first of mber. * . * Tuesday evening a delightful ll party was given Miss Ila Stuart street. Miss Quynn is g the city to accept a position Parliament Buildings, To- £ - "0 . Nathan, Belleville, announe- ummer $8.95 es the engagement of his sister, Miss | Helen Nathan to Frederick M. Hel- fernan, second son of Captain and early In marriage will take place July. -. * . Mrs. R. Brook was hostess at a in play. The dainty prizes were woa by Mrs. Arthur Macnee and Mrs. Bruce Hopkins. Tea was served -on the verandah. a . * . The ladies of the Kingston Tennis Club are holding another "Tennis Tea" tomorrow afternoon. These teas are becoming very popular with the club members and their guests. . . - There will be a dance at Collin's Bay tonight when it is expected that several Kingston people will motor out for the occasion. . » v v Mrs. F. Seaton, Arch streef, has gone to Watertown, N.Y., where she will be the guest of Mrs, E. Barry. . » - Prof. and Mrs. M. B. Baker, Wil- liam street, entertained' informally at mah jongg on Thursday evening. . * . Miss Alice Macnee is entertaining at luncheon at the Cataraqui Goli Club today. . . . Miss Isobel Atkins, R.N., Detroit, Mich., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Atkins, Portsmouth. Miss Edith Ashcroft will accom- pany her father to Toronto on Sat urday to attend the convention of the Osteopathic Association, July 5th to 11th, at the King Edward hotel. Miss Alice Carleton, University avenue, has returned home after spending the week-end with her mother and sister, in Montreal. Kiss Bessie Stewart, Alfred street, returned to her home on Monday af- ter spefiaihg the past two weeks in Detroit, Mich., and Hamilton with relatives. . . . Mrs. Bruce Hopkins and little daughter, Helen, are leaving to-day for Lake Orford, Que., to spend a few weeks with Mrs. Maitland Han- natord. $ Dr. and Mrs. C. Coulter and their children, Malone, N.Y., are visiting Dr. and Mrs. C.' C. Nash, Albert street, for a few days. Ohio, is spending a the guest of his mother, Mrs. J. Daly, 64 Rideau street. Dr. Daly's many friends are delighted to see Mrs. Michael Heffernan, Picton. The | charmingly arranged mah jongg par ty at the Cataraqui Golf Club yester: | | Park. day afternoon when four tables were | for her home in Boston, Mass., after Dr. Frank J. Daly of Cleveland short vaostion | Frocks acquaintances in his former home city. Mrs. McMahon and her children are expected in town this week to spend some time the guests of Mrs. McMahon's mother, Mrs. T. Ritchie, { "ElmBurst, " eo oo Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Bell and daugh- i ter, Caroline, of Hammond, Indiana, |and Mrs. C. Martin, Toronto, motor- ed down yesterday and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Copley at their simmer home at Bast View Mrs. H. C. Purdy left on Friday spending the past five weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenshaw, Division street. Mr W. Kenshaw and Mr. Wilbur Hawkins arrived in town yesterday from Boston, Mass., and are spend- ing a few days in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenshaw, Divi- sion street, before motoring through to Niagara. LJ * » Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston, Montreal, visitng Mr. and Mrs. Wil- -{ lam Bailie, Barrie street, left today for Peterboro to. visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Baiden, the Brock apartments, are motoring to Brockville today. They will return early in the week. Mrs. A. L. MacDougall and her four sons, who have been the guests of Mrs. MacDougall's pister, Miss Wartelle, R.M.C., have"left to join Mr. MacDougall at Larder Lake, Nast Ontario. M. Mills' many friends will be x to learn that she is now settled at her new home at "Bdgehill," Mrs. Mills having recent- ly sold her residence on University avenue. . * . Mr. Stanley Mills, Ottawa, spent the week-end in Kingston the guest of his mother, Mrs. M. Mills, "Edge- hin." Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Capell, Univer- sity apartments, left today for three weeks' motor trip through the eas- tern provinces and the United Btates. Mr. and Mrs. G. 8S. Thompson, of Sherbrooke, Que., are the guests of Mrs. Trompson's mother, Mrs. J. Daly; Rideau street, for a few weeks. Capt. Eric Kirkpatrick of Toronto is spending a few days in town and is at the Belvidere. Later he will go to Quebec to visit his aunt, Mrs Beckett. A pretty wedding was solemnized Tuesday morning in Pembroke when Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gorman, became the bride of Daniel Kilby, Pembroke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kilby, Bgan- ville. "Films Developed." Gbson's. Flower-like in Color and Charming in Style $ 10.95 | *12.95 Colorful as a posy bed is this array of smart, new frocks, so varied in materials and styles that nearly every Summertime occasion is provided for. Many have touches of handwork, lacy frills, de- lightful bits of interesting color for trimmings, and in a range of all the new Summer materials and colors. Misses' Sizes 161020 . Women's Sizes ~~ 36to44 adeloth Frocks * a '| John O. Bongard, || soms. || sweet peas and pe JE ) (F EWS FOR WOMEN READERS ma ve in EE ---------- SATURDAY Special Day for Children's Shoes Girls' and Boys' Smoked Elk Saridals, 2 rows stitching, leath- ~ er Insoles, Rubber Heels. Size tq) coviiiviivimninninn ss 81.95 Size8twal0).............. nr eens Size Lito 2 iii, . v. vi oiiiianirie 5 S208 Girls' and Boys' Brown'Black Patent Oxfords, 2 rows stitch soles. Rubber heels. Splendid quality Leather Soles. SiZe07) . teva ii ie 8198 SizeBto 10]... ... covinod vuirninnvns 3348 SEH I. | rai arin. 35.08 Girls' and Boys' Brown Canvas Oxfords, Elk Leather Soles, Leather Facing and Toe Caps SIZeS107d civiiiiiiiniin wns nivinen $138 Size8to 10)... iia inv nines $1.68 SIZ 11102 cvsvv iii sistimenivic tue» 31.98 LOCKETT'S SHOES FOR THE FAMILY Latimer-Bongard. A pretty June wedding as solem- nized in St. James on Tuesday even- ing, June 80th, of Hazel Amelia, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kingston, and Franéls Arnold Latimer, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Latimer, Gan- anoque. The Rev. T, W. Savary conducted the ceremony. The bride entered the chapel on the arm of her father to the strains of Lohen- grin's wedding march played by Miss Agnes Smith, Conway. She was daintily attired in a wedding gown of white canton crepe wich sil- ver lace and bridal veil tastefully arranged with a band of orange blos- She carried a shower bou- quet of sweetheart roses and lilies- il! ot-the-valley. Little Miss Thelma Davy, ¢ousin of the bride, acted as flower girl; she looked very sweet ifn white and carried a basket of lilies-of the-valley. Miss Rose Bongard, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, her gown be- ing peach crepe and she carried an old fashioned bouquet of carnations, sweetpeas and lilies-of-the-valley. William Grifin, Gananoque, was best After thé ceremony, a dainly lun- c¢heon'was served to a large number of guests at the bride's home, Cherry street. The house was prettily deco- rated with ferns and flowers. The groom's gift to the brides maid was a silver mesh bag, to the best man a pearl tie pin, and to the little flower girl a gold bracelet. The bride and groom were the reei- pients of many beautiful gifts, which showed the high esteem in which they are held. They left on the midnight tréin for Toronto and other western points amid showers of confetti and good wishes. The bride travelled in a navy ensemble suit with picture hat. On thelr return, Mr. and Mrs. Latimer will reside in Gananoque, and the best wishes of many King- $ton friends are extended to them. bridesmaid and wore a frock of mauve crepe romaine with a large mauve maline hat of'the same color, and carried sweet peas. Mr. Earl Murphy was best man and Mr. M. P. Conney and Mr. Jack McFetrick were ushers. Mrs: Keenan, the bride's. mother, wore a gown of black canton crepe with a black and white hat and a corsage of roses, Mrs. Murphy, mo- ther of the groom, wore black chif- fon over black satin with a large black maline hat. Her corsage was of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Muzfhy left direct- ly after the ceremony by boat for Detroit, where they will reside, the bride travelling in a grey roshanara coat with feather trimming. THE GIRL QUIDES - AT OAMP OCONTO On-Wednesday there was an enrol- ment of recruits when the follow- ing became Guides: Vera Lowing, in the 8th Company; Leslie Brook, Charity and Peggy Primrose (New York), and I 1 Halliday, in the 7th Company. : - Swimming tests were taken, dis tance 50 yards, by Miss Payne, swim- ming instructress, and Lieut. Kath leen Healey gave physical culture. The nature study lecture was on "The Loon," whose maniacal Screams and lonely haunting cry is heard the whole night long. The arrival of a pair of white bunnies caused much Joy. The visitors included Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mahood, the Misses Esther and Hel- én Mahood. Miss Thelma Bogart, Miss Bessie Wilson, Miss Anna Ma- hood and Miss Gertrude Mahood are spending several days at the camp. Mrs. R. Brook returried home after a pleasant visit here. Owing to the rain the camp-fire was held ih "The Lodge." Recita- tions Were given by Peggy Miller. A very charming play, "Red Riding Hood," was put on by the Robins patrol, of the 8th Company. The "Log" by the Eagles Patrol caused much amusement. Camp songs fol- lowed and the first toasted marsh. mallows of the season were much énjoyed by all. 'The of he day was Lieut. FOR SATURDAY New Bathing Suits for Women -- all pure wool, in pretty color combina- tions; all sizes for .......$3.75 suit. Pretty Gingham, Voile and Broad- cloth Dresses, all this season's newest styles. Special at $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 each. Silk Lisle Vests and Bloomers if Peach, White and Flesh. All sizes, for 50c¢. a garment. Children's Sox in § and 3 lengths-- a great variety at 25c¢., 35¢., 40c., 50c. a pair. : W. N. Linton & Co. 'Phone 191. The Waldron Store MARCONIPHONE RADIO SET " A CANADIAN MADE RECEIVER WITH A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. You will never know the value of & Radio Set to your Bote. until you. hava lat us. demonstrate ig Wondertul to Sains