N, La THE DAILY Forsyth Tobralco Shirts In plain Grey and Blue with collar to match--price ....... ...7....$2.95 Forsyth Forplay The new Shirt for Golfing, Tennis, Bowling Price $3.50 George VanHorne 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w, WA The Work | of the Eyes | The human eye is a miracle of efficiency if normal. But it is the cause of numberless un- desirable conditions if abnor- mal. And the sad truth is that most eyes are abnormal to some extent. Abnormal eyes mean strained eyes,' and strained eyes headaches and a dozen or troubles. Nothing but Glasses can make abnormal eyés function normally. Give Our eyes proper attention by ving them looked after here. Peter Pan Motor Boat. and very durable, lish make. $25.00 Drop in and try it ! Evenings by appointment. W. D. Graham, R.. Registered Optometrist 140 WELLINGTON ST. Telephone 699. THOMAS COPLEY Oarpenter :: 'Phone 987 See us for all kinds of Carpentry | werk. Estimates given on mew floors Gramophones Just the thing for | your Camp, Canoe, The tone, equal to any machine, being Eng- Kinnear & d'Esterre 168 PRINCESS ST, Auiuivuiukbbdh dd dd a R 4 + THE FUN SHOP eee sen NEWSPAPER FUN By Maxson Foxhall Judell t | | | { | | whether it's true, But we know there's a shortage in figures of speech To fitly describe those we see on the beach! Not At Flood Stage. Bert: "What is a sinking fund?" Tom: "My bank account." Poor Crop. Lucas: "Was your flower garden a success?" Young: "Hardly. You see, I fed the flower seed to the canary by mis- take and planted the bird seed." ~--Victor Jephson, Meows From The-- My sister was entertaining "beau" the other night in "mush" room. My little sister wanted to take pPeek--and mother remonstrated. Just then the family cat walked into the parlor, looked at the loving pair, and came out again. "See," said mother by way of ex- ample. '"'See--the cat knows when it's not wanted." "Yes," said sister, look anyway." : her the a "but it got a --H. Dixon. HINTS FOR THE JUNE BRIDE. 4 How To Cook a Wonderful Dinner. The Soup: Take a spacious alum- inum pot. Pour four cups of water into it, and light the gas under it. Take three soft tomatoes and, as the water bells, gently squeeze Juice into the pot. Empty one bot- tle of thick cream into the water, stirring slowly all the time, Then go to the grocer, buy one can of to- mato soup, open the ean and serve for two. The Roast: Take some beef from the joint. Any joint will do, pro- vided it sells meats. Light the oven- gas. Sprinkle one can of salt spar- ingly an the beef. Follow with two cans of paprika. Place in the oven and allow it to bake for one hour. JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY Brick, Stone, Plastering and Tile Setting Douglas & Mcllquham CONTRACTORS 'Phones 2267F--928W 400 Albert Street Sowards Keeps Coal and Coal Keeps Sowards FRESH MINED COAL ARRIVING DAILY. WOOD OF ALL KINDS ALWAYS ON HAND. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE FURS HUDSON SEAL -- used alone or smartly combined with other Furs -- plays a prominent part in the new mode. Our styles and rea- sonable prices will please you. W. F. GOURDIER 78 BROCK STREET a > Business and pleasure trips of all kinds are beisg planned ==boats, trains and highways are crowded. Our mew Travelling Goods Department is well stocked io meet your requirements. Attractive and durable luggage of the > Suit Cases Picnic Bags Trunks, etc. eS Sn ---- | The card deck's happy with its joker. Meanwhile, go to the delicatessen, buy four slices of roast beef and some potato salad, and serve for two. The Dessert: Most men like stew- ed fruits; especially stewed peaches at night. Take one dozen peaches. Pare the skin and the superfluous flesh to within one-half inch of the center. Then take a pot and into it pour one quart of your husband's best Three Star, together with one pint of his Black and White. In this solution place the peaches; in such mixed drink, they should be stewed in 15 minutes. Meanwhile you should go to the grocer, buy a can of peaches, open fhe can and serve for two. \. --George Macy. Not In The Air. [---- You Tell "Em! i When we read of a shortage in gas or in glue, { We're still in the dark as to their | REJECTED | i i | | Because her sweetheart, George {Henry Clay, was serving with the | United States avy in Chinese wa- (ters, Miss Jackie Van Diver, twenty- {two, of Davsville, Ky., went to Cin- {cinnati clad In men's clpthes and fried tq enlist as a sailor. When her sex was discovered recruiting officers took up a collection to send her back home. ------ STAFF OF TEACHERS Opens on Wednesday. English-- Professors J. F. | donald and H. Alexander. | French--Professors P. a. | Campbell and W. M. Conacher. Latin--Principal B. O. Sliter, M. A., and J. D. Ralph, B.A. Greek-- Principal E. O. Sliter, M. T. and J. A. Ralph, B.A. History--Professors D. A. McAr- thur and R. G. Trotter. Economics--Professor W. A. Mac- kintosh, A. H. Carr. Philosophy--Professor R. B. Lid- dy, M.A., Ph.D, Mathematics--Professors Norman Miller and K. P. Johnston. Physics--Professors J. K. Robert- son, W. V. Ball and Flammer. Geology and Miperalogy --F. L. Sine, M.A., B.Sc. Biology--Professors W. T. Mac- Clement and R. O. Earl. Physical culturé-- Lieut. J. G. Bews, Sgt.-Major Gilbert, Miss Edna Chown. Chemistry-- Profs. McRae Dorrance. SHORT SKIRT IN FAVOR Mac- C. and Pullman Foreman: "Mose, in the march of progress we have come to the time where we will be needing porters for the Flying Express. Can I put your name down for one of the new jobs?" Porter: "No, sah, Boss. Ah don't mind runnin' over de railroad at 60 miles an hour but in .de air!' No sah, Boss. Jus' 'magine 5,000 feet in de air an' wrecked, with every- body on board calling for de po'ter to get their parachute." ~--J. 8. Hetrick. THE JINGLE-JANGLE COUNTER. That figures never lie, professors teach; But I've seen figures lie upon the beach. Tr All sorts of stone the builder picks; The ice cream dealer favors bricks. ~--Vincent Shreiter. Subjetts to their monarchs cling; Nine pins stand behind their king. --Willlam Lingman. The clown is quite a mirth provoker; --A. G. Esterline. oe Pranks are played by merry men; Doctors cut up now and then. --Leroy C. Hoenig. \ . great favor among society matrons Mrs. Sylvanus Stokes, at Newport, proves that the short skirt is in as It is easy to sow wild oats with corn. (Copyright, 1925. Reproduction Forbidden.) as among the flappers. BRITISH WHIG | For Queen's Summer School which /M. W. Harlow; camp cook, George YMCA BOYS CAMP NAMED KOOCHPURWAN f Opened Monday on Eagle Lake --Boys Are Divided Into Indian Tribes. At the meeting of 'Camp Kooch- | purwani leaders held at the Y.M.C.A. { last week the finishing touches were given to the arrangements for the camp which commences on Eagle Lake to-day. An advance party left Saturday for the camp site which will get up tents and make other ar- rangements for the campers before they arrive. Supplies are being ship- ped in advance and it takes a goodly quantity to feed a lot of hungry boys. The boys will be divided into In- dian "Tribes" each with its own In- dian chief and totem pole /in fromt of tent. An '"honor system" will be in vogue and points will be awarded boys' daily for participation in the camp programme. Tribes will compete against each other for the "honor token," a large leather ban- ner. Each of the leaders will have Indian names and an Indian name will be conferred on any boy who distinguishes himself during the camp. A camp pow-wow will be held nightly around the camp fire and the council ring will meet every morning for conference. At last night's meeting the follow- ing appointments were made: Camp "chief," M. W. Harlow, general sec- retary Y.M.C.A.; department of moral and religious instruction, Rev. J. K. Curtis, pastor Princess street church; department of health and in- struction, C. O. Chamberlain, physi- cal director Y.M.C.A.; commissariat and entertainment departments, Mr. Muller. Instruction in woodcéraft, scouting and Tuxis work will be given in the mornings while the afternoons will be largely occupied with competitive games, swimming, boating, ete. Three boats have been purchased and shipped to the camp and will be available when the boys arrive. The evening programme will be held around the camp-fire with plenty of singing as well as stories and stunts. A camp fleld day and an aquatic day are two events which are attracting a lot of attention. The fleld day will probably be held on Saturday, July 11th, which {is visitors' day when parents and friends of the boys will be welcomed. a -- I NEW | ARRIVALS § Tennis Shoes : vas Gore Pumps-- $4.00 and $5.00 -- very pretty patterns. Running Shoes Bathing Shoes Barefoot Sandals Suit Cases Hat Cases Trunks Travelling Bags Sport Shoes Ladies' Black Satin Instep Strap. Spanish Heels--$5.00. i Ladies' Patent 2 Strap Slipper -- very dressy--$5.00, - The Abernethy Shoe Store Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers -- 4 Ee The camp is open to any boy in the city over ten years of age. Ap- plication should be mate at once to the Y.M.C.A. office. Parents are in- vited to phone or call at the Y.M.C. A. for any information regarding the camp. The boys will gather at the Y.M.C.A. building on Monday morn- ing at 11 o'clock and leave. on the noon train for Parham. A special return fare will be given those leav- ing on Monday, . -- | hurled herself under express train Family Is Re-Uniting. Elginburg, July 2.--Rev. J. Put- tenham and family left here Thurs- day for their mew home in Perth Road. Rev. W. Mackenzie is moving from Wilton and will soon bring his family here, where.they will gil re- unite for the first time in two years owing to illness in the family. Miss Katie Barett, Ottawa, is visiting Mrs. Walter McFadden. Miss Inda Topliff visited her sis- ter, Mrs. E. Tolls, last week. Mrs. P.Potter, Kingston, visited Mrs. Puttenham last Sunday. Miss Phyl- lis Darling, Latimer, is at her aunt's, Mrs. W. Clogg's. Miss Carmel! Mur- phy, Kingston, is visiting her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. King. The players of the ball team here were busy yesterday improving their field. Miss Pear! Stover is visiting at E, H. Stover's. \ i The most.economical and attractive RATTAN ; Furniture made--strong, dependable and attrags tively styled in fancy tints to blend with any sur- roundings, with Desks, Paper Baskets and Square or Oblong Tables to match--Upholstered Cushion and Backs. Made with a view to comfort. WORM POWDERS Sr American Indian chief has been arrested in Switzerland for jumping his board bill. Woman rushed through crowd and in New York city. dearie," sald Nan, ne'er won fair lady'." "but the fact is that the only beautiful and young Louise old but wealthy Biggers was she was so very much interested his faint heart." Heartsease! "You know the old expression, " 'faint heart "That may be true," said Melford,